BIGGEST Monster Truck Obstacle Course COMPILATION

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[Applause] Caleb what are you doing why for our video what are we gonna do wait we are going dark challenges it's gonna hit army stuff there is a dam breach where we're gonna pour water oh no a dirty wash you mean a car wash no no it's a dirty wash y stuffing stuff with dirty instead of clean oh my goodness [Music] goes to the gates it hits this and the ball will go here and go to the big Magnum Tower oh my goodness this is crazy you guys ready I've never done anything like this where we used the whole backyard to make 10 challenges yeah yeah so this is the first challenge cool okay that seems simple enough you just pull the lever down and it smashes through the barrels the second one jelly beans in here we're gonna put jelly beans in here delicious yes I Fear One Thing by doing this after you knock all these Down You're Gonna stuff your mouth full of jelly beans and we have to wait for you to eat the jelly beans before we continue as you're doing right now all right jelly beans if something smells up here do you smell that oh go ahead smell that [Music] what does what does that smell like it smells like elephant elephant poop and giraffe poop so these are all set up and ready to go what's next the army men is it hey it's upside down no I need to stand on the top you're gonna do the monster trucks too yep okay you have to get through us if you want to move on how is that like poison ivy it's like Vines because it's like Army so it's really old wow this is gonna be so hard to get past it's almost like bowling this monster truck is going to come flying down like a bowling ball and just go crashing through this Army what are you doing [Laughter] it's great fire the lizard it's a laser cannon and when it does it it bounces this up so then I'll go boom and it'll go up some more and I'll just shoot people it's just staying in the air man this is so huge this setup is so awesome ready to go to the next challenge ready to be cool if like some sort of thing just peed itself up and then it just stayed in the air and never came down like a jet pack I know except like it let's say you shoot fire from your hands onto the ground it will push you up so then that like um thing would push itself up by shooting stuff so and it would just stand here forever maybe you should invent that toy it's just going to be you trying to shoot a hoop in the trampoline yep I do have an idea of how to make this more difficult wow me jumping on it while you try no absolutely trampoline what's this station we this is the Freestyle station [Music] freestyle Stadium and then you'll set these up so he smashes it okay sweet there this is like the longest crunch cart ever done it's like a piano [Music] Stadium what's next get the water so you have to like launch this thing into his mouth and then wait why does he want to go in the water isn't that bad to go in the water not if you're dirty because we're gonna do that and then we're gonna do this oh so they're gonna get dirty in this and then get cleaning this okay fill up the aquarium sweet nice and high ball wet okay nice and slippery thank you Caleb it feels delicious it feels so wonderful so refreshing also makes it more like that okay that's true [Music] so right here is we're just gonna this ball is gonna fall here I'm just gonna go down and hit them okay that's cool so like this shovel will be like that you know laying on the shovel and knock this down okay so the next thing we should do is uh get the pancake mix and do the dirty wash this time this might take a while because I'm gonna put some other dry stuff just not just the pancake mix ew I'm not gonna put water on the pan Ama what do you have dummies [Music] today at school we're having a book fair really fun do you know what books you want to get yes for books tell the kids a Minecraft book and a Pokemon book okay let's go this thing you think okay is it gooey enough just wait just wait you can get gooey enough I think you need to add more okay dump all of it in jump over them oh dude try that no gooey foreign okay what happened to all my pancake mix that's gonna be Mommy all right now we're gonna dump the dummies in I have an idea we have some leftover eggs here from breakfast oh yeah yes put that in there Cheetos yeah of course and you can't have pancake without syrup she does of course [Laughter] you wanna put more stuff in this we should ask the kids what should we put in it kids here's our pantry kicks maybe all right kicks and how about some walnuts okay why do we have a big bag of walnuts big squirrels we like to feed the squirrels we have an idea what we're gonna include some squirrels in a video yep we're gonna make it we're gonna don't tell the kids it's a secret but we want squirrels to participate in our video hmm that's good and just in case you know you're hungry for breakfast you can have that yeah this is such goodness [Applause] [Laughter] perfect okay let's bring it outside and dump it in the what should we call the car wash car dirty dirty wash food wash food wash there's our friends I told you we are friends you see this girls one of them is named Benji and he is really fat like really fat here's some walnuts for our squirrel friends Benji and Friends let's see if they come and get it the greatest girl's name is Bruce and then the original squirrel who looks like a squirrel's name is Benji [Laughter] spells try it you want to eat it that is so crazy what planet are you from that is so gross Caleb putting even to get up the slide he has to get dirty oh good I just saw the uh gummies like slide in but this is all set and ready to go [Music] you want to mix it up some more in here just okay we're gonna put some outside stuff um okay so like when he's all like sticky and gooey then he goes in here and then it like gets on him like feathers yes you want to use dry leaves that's a good idea [Music] put it like that that way when he's all gooey and then he'll like land in this and it'll be like a coat what'd you put in there a flower a dandelion bon appetit okay it looks good dirty wash set last thing we have to make oh no we have to do this we have to put the fireworks on his teeth or the smoke bombs yeah yeah I was thinking of putting it like right here and then putting like another one up here and we can like tape it so then it like shoots out fire whoa two big bees oh no the bees are hoop closed no no we don't actually gross yeah if the bees go in that soup they will for sure get stuck in there this is on his head yeah okay let's tape it why do you want to put on his head that'll be like [Music] be like you're on fire and he can shoot stuff out of this thing spikes okay hey guys I'm gonna go to sleep oh and then we'll have you put them out first with water put out the dragon's breath the last this is a dam break where we're gonna pour water here in the Megalodon wants to eat everyone so when the water comes over it's gonna get everyone's toilet paper houses and melt them and then they're all gonna die so we're gonna have a toilet paper houses yep toilet paper City exactly so what it'll disintegrate when we put them when the water hits it yeah the street that they live on cold superhero build come on oh no oh it's crashing already without even water that is good sign them show the kids what we made the Spiderman's on the toilet um spider website toilet web and then this these are some houses this guy's just chilling up there man these two are about to have a fight these guys are going to see their marriage and also these guys and then this girl's trying to bust the wall and then he's trying to bust the wall and he's just sleeping so he's wait I'm just gonna dig because like you never know what's gonna happen I'm just gonna bury myself in here bye everyone I'm not gonna die I'm just like I just want to sleep in here and I don't like the songs so here's our village this is Super Ville and then we'll when we get to the last one we'll pour water in here and then we'll let Megalodon come and destroy superville which is five monster trucks we'll get to choose two of us see ice activator that's gonna be one of them ice octonated um a Spiderman oh Miles Morales this one Megalodon training truck move Fire and Ice Grave Digger so you need one more truck you said yep check this Dash I have to choose very carefully your last truck [Music] we got something snake bite all right that's it let's do this you want to do this yeah we set up all this stuff [Music] okay so this one's gonna do both those two things upstairs and then who's gonna come down the slide um this guy and all right that's good let's do it okay are you ready I am okay foreign [Music] now you have to use him to knock the jelly beans down you want that one ready [Music] Make It Rain jelly beans he's eating jelly beans kids whoa nice I didn't think this was gonna be the hard one yes um what are you gonna do give them to Benji you're gonna put shove them all in your mouth in one big bite what are you doing with the jelly beans you put some here in the water and you're gonna put ew that is so gross ready mix it up you know we should do with this mix when we're done we should pour it in a pan and make a pancake with it okay ready to knock down this Army you'll never destroy us that's a nice heavy one too ready to not send them down [Music] try it again see you can break more I did not think it would break that much do it oh no ah come on we need a bigger one sorry [Music] all right let's hit it one more time goodness thank you got it oh no Godzilla he refuses to die let's do the basketball challenge [Music] it's staying you have to use this thing to get it in hard you can do it you can do it ah using all my life right trampoline too bouncy that's the challenge [Music] watch your fingers oh I don't think it's gonna work it's the trampoline that's making it's too hard too hard why'd you hold it up I can try [Music] even do that yeah now you are going to be gone now you're gonna switch Yeah let's see here the one who's gonna get dirty is do you wanna do that this guy's gonna do the dirty challenge okay I know you've been waiting for that one oh this looks like I did it I won oh this feels so nice [Music] well thank you please stop it stop it [Music] I wonder what he looks like oh I still need you to get more dirty more dirty oh my goodness I hope this washes off good don't you think coming up boy he has to go in here and turn the crank [Music] we decorate him first terrible Foods okay you're putting you're getting your hands this is not like Caleb that all he never likes to get his hands dirty for the cause for the video oh no oh no Jelly Bean okay let's see if we can still make a queen you want to eat that he wants to eat the Jelly Bean he really has no desire about making it clean he just cares about one thing let's send him through oh no but it's gonna get him all his things off some of them and his stuff survive ew This is a Cheeto which way is he gonna go let me guess the dirty leaves or just leave and be nice and clean the dirty League oh no gross these camouflage no anything but more stuff to drain on his head [Music] he's ready to be washed now he's ready to do the Megalodon challenge ready yeah I'll rejected I do too I'll try that's amazing foreign six challenges down four to go yep yep what do you want to do now [Music] okay and what should happen is that it should hit that shovel and knock the ball down you wanna try it yep yep you don't think it's gonna work nope you gotta do some moving around maybe [Music] you gotta get it inside that mouth yeah uh you hit the gate but it didn't go through oh [Music] oh [Applause] okay next one stay um freestyle let's do it baby fell down ready oh [Music] that was good that's a good air [Music] [Applause] oh he flipped and landed it [Applause] oh oh you landed oh yeah that's an awesome flip ramp right there I'm gonna hit those tires yeah got it let's go you forgot something the ramp you can do it after later oh he's going for the big one that was sweet out of the ramp did he landed nope oh you gotta land it one more time on a sweet land sweet jungle [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] good job octinator to the water you go but he likes water he does like water Miles Morales is gonna lead this to home just all put them in the water okay last truck take us home so the last two is the dam breach and the dragon this should be fun the dragon tell me come on foreign [Laughter] [Music] let's do it knock the dragon down oh that was sweet ready smash that dragon's mouth [Music] I'll bring the safety home bring them to the safe safe city of toilet paper City where nothing ever dangerous happens here yeah yeah okay Mighty damn even though there's a Megalodon here in there it will never break and even though she's not even gonna break it like she's just like it's literally almost gonna go through so yeah yeah she can't break it yeah she's terrible what does she think she's an alien from outer space with superpowers we're safe on our moped I'm safe up here we're safe on our web I'm safe with my head in the web nothing can ever happen in Dam breach city yay we're completely safe this is gonna be done [Music] what's happening what it seems fine I don't know however is everything just here it's fine exactly I mean how can anything this is a very safe damn never oh oh no oh no help everyone's dying [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] oh no our toilet paper thing and this is why we always have a boat yeah no no last Avalanche Batman oh that man died [Music] oh what happened everyone what was that no what [Music] what everyone died but that's why you need a boat the video's over why are you here go away today we're gonna do the biggest [Music] the wildest the messiest obstacle course oh [Music] are you ready now let's set this thing up so the first challenge is that I have to break this open but we're gonna put Orbeez in it oh let's do it I'll hold this oh another bouncing everywhere these things are super slippery and super bouncy they don't behave bad bad Orbeez when these things fall these Orbeez are gonna bounce like everywhere I'm gonna try to stomp on it whoa ew ew let's fill this thing up more man okay I just want a ton of Orbeez to fall down and bounce around like crazy I think that's good a little bit three more one two three come home mama loves you push them to death what you're a bad father you Swiss your Orbee babies yeah I did all right I'm Gonna Knock this thing open we should have just hung this whole bucket so you smashed it all these Orbeez fell out this is the next challenge last time we did this obstacle course we couldn't knock them down because and they kept falling off over yeah so this will help it stay balanced yeah and it'll make it like [Music] yeah so we should definitely be able to hit these things down no army men now let's show the kids what we have yep I know what we have who is it There's a Zombie there yeah Hulk is kind of like a zombie in purple pants zombie and purple pants because he's green that's true we have also a Batman we have some Star Wars guys Spiderman Ninja Turtle can I get um go get my cooler Batman yeah you have a cool Batman yeah what where's he going oh you have a golden deck man yeah oh yeah we did make a video with Batman's box [Music] it has the golden stuff in here wow look at all this like really cool gold equipment No One's Gonna Be able to stop him sorry bowling ball you've met your match let's go outside now let me see him let's show the kids what you made no bowling ball it's going to stop me I'll blast it to pieces [Laughter] foreign let's set it up all right Thanos of course will be in the front ouch maybe we can do the splits ouch Batman you truly are super wait maybe you can just sit down okay okay and then we can put him out of a pig oh that's cute vodka Michelangelo Captain America has got a shield he's gonna be on Hulk's piggyback itself that's Ray Black Widow of course Spider-Man you can put him in that front these are like bowling pins ready to be knocked down no one can defeat the Army especially with the Batman ready did you get knocked next challenge okay okay let's do this challenge is we're going to put this here and we're gonna put a launcher here so we have seven launchers and we're gonna try to launch it into that cool so there's a launcher Stadium yep what should we fill this with Orbeez of course you lost your babies again kissed your Orbeez babies I didn't kiss them that pretended Orbeez babies say that ten times Orbeez babies Orbeez babies exactly [Music] come back your girl babies don't live with a lot of babies in here because he ran away you squeeze him to death I could see your eyes that's so funny oh you're upside down I know you're upside down too that's so cool here's our course right here looks great foreign [Music] and then it's supposed to hit that and since we did not have a magnet table tower last time they just hit one block this time we made it like less secure and so and also if the truck hit misses it'll go here and still hopefully hit the ball okay let's make sure this ball does not fall down because we spend all this time making this crazy Tower no kicking it this is not soccer the kids gotta check out our robot video the tickle the tickle robot that's the tickle robot's head he killed him after [Laughter] oh yeah look at this do you guys see the theme Here what's the theme Here why are we doing dinosaur monster trucks because of the new yeah so this challenge is like our other challenge that we did before we use like smoke bombs but we got some fireworks and instead of just using a water cannon what do we have a water balloon how are you gonna pop this water balloon she's gonna be like cool look at this stegosaurus that we made this is a real spiky dinosaur that we made the like we did last time but instead of using water we're using applesauce yeah yeah so you gotta open these up and throw some applesauce in here this actually I think might be the hardest challenge Caleb you know why because you're gonna have to launch it from this table into that mouth which is so hard [Music] miss the Megalodon that actually may happen let's open it okay squeeze it turn this thing oh you got it you got it you got it that's my fingers can I pour this in uh yeah let me get this stuff out [Music] girls it's raining it's raining taco sauce we have another one to fill it [Music] [Music] oh come on kids got it on my pants oh that's sweet that's actually really good [Music] two eyes this is like a nose his head kind of looks like a frog an equal frog eating the monster truck it does look like an evil frog let me show the kids all the ingredients that we have what are we gonna do here we are going to make a volcano volcano wash so here's our uh Mentos car that's a dinosaur but the Mentos dinosaur will come in here oh no it's kind of too big we might have to take the Mentos off the wheels and then um then he's gonna get whooshed around in Diet Coke so then that's gonna go and then he's gonna go in here and then we're gonna put walnuts is syrup why are we gonna put walnuts on the trucks that the sticky syrup puts walnuts on the truck stop oh these girls couldn't eat the monster trucks that'll be hilarious let's see if it let's see if the squirrels take our bait our monster truck bait this may not fit we might have to take this off and maybe put on we'll take one of these off yeah tires take one of the tires off can you get one oh gross Caleb does not like to get his fingers sticky dump all yeah uh gross what if we were doing this whole obstacle course and then like a squirrel came over here was like oh walnuts and then like jumped in this syrup back jumped in a syrup bath it's almost done [Music] you know what someone's got to clean this up you gonna clean this up no you are you are it was your idea you're the one who's gonna do it all right put some walnuts in there you could do them by hand there's some walnuts in there we need a walnuts to stick on the monster truck and it'll look hidden so like all the walnuts will be flying hidden you know oh my goodness I'm gonna put these back here so they can't find it okay and it'll look like all walnuts it is Walnut syrup bath I can't get all the walnuts in there kind of looks like a river sort of it does look like a river there's like a density to this like kind of gross the last challenge we are going to do a Jurassic world themed place so is that the squirrels the squirrels smell the walnuts there's an army of squirrels Jurassic world just like in the movie okay so in the movie there's sand right here on this side so we're gonna put all sand here they're gonna put leave the sand here and on this side there's trees on this side there's trees and then right here is gonna be the volcano and then in the movie there's like a big volcano that destroyed the island and we're gonna use Coke because Coke on sin also acts like a volcano oh my gosh I grabbed its leg is that a spider yeah I took off its leg no please let's set this uh let's set Isla nubla up oh my goodness I can't even carry this it is super heavy it's 50 pounds that's like how much you weigh you might weigh more than that Highway 55 pounds 0.6 there you go that's as much as you weigh right there yeah let's put the I'll put this in the pool I don't think I went that much I stepped on the Carnotaurus ah I frog is laying up ah here you carry on that side okay okay go we have to flatten this out okay okay make it it's gonna be the island should you make it so that there's like water around it because it's an island maybe and then build it up we have the blue stuff right here is water okay and then we have to put a volcano in the island like build a volcano up or we could just get another bag of sand and make it a volcano okay all right let's do that until we don't make all the stuff like just make the volcano yeah but like don't put it on all the sides so like this side could be the tree side and then we'll scoot the volcano over maybe more [Music] here's our volcano I'm making dinosaur s we are making dinosaur footprints [Music] it's just a peaceful day here yeah it's not like a volcano will explode it's not like a volcano's gonna explode on Volcano Island yeah it's like totally not gonna explode everything's fine weather looks good oh yes oh it looks good wow this is gonna be awesome okay we should put we should put some people here that get knocked over when the coke hits them I mean dinosaurs okay I'll put here that that's good um we have blue who's missing an arm maybe he can sit here on the top um there's nothing dangerous here guys this is this is the safest island in the world even though it's called Volcano Island even though it's called Volcano Island this looks great I can't wait to destroy this Dinosaur Island wait he's gonna have a tree in his hands it took like 45 million minutes but finally did it and now we are going to start we got the crane we got the bowling ball into superheroes we got the Jurassic world Island we got the Mentos coke car wash launcher stadium in the Orbeez we've got applesauce Megalodon knocking down the Tower with the fireworks are you ready I can't believe it let's do it baby let's do this wait we forgot one thing oh the monster truck just grab one who'd you pick Jurassic attack wheelie kids are you ready for this biggest yeah yeah wildest craziest obstacle course challenge yeah do it you have to sign up [Music] oh you did it it worked oh my goodness there's Orbeez everywhere [Music] you're stepping on them oh no oh gross the challenge two which is the bowling ball the bowling ball hitting the Marvel guys are you ready do it [Music] [Music] do it again get Hulk down send him down again I insulated him so of course you did insult him I win [Music] Kayla beat us we'll see the next challenge we'll save this one for last because that one's gonna be sweet yeah yeah what do you want to do next this one okay the Mentos challenge we gotta fill it up with Diet Coke The Diet Coke in [Music] all right let's see what happens oh my goodness ah there's still some coke in here okay let's put some Mentos in there ready none of them are going in here it comes [Music] nice that should happen too with the sand where is the dinosaur is he on the ground oh he's in here should we take those Mentos off him sure get dried off from all that Diet Coke oh gosh I'm sorry that our car wash service is so bad here just just come in here and get clean it's it'll be okay yeah it's so pleasureful oh come on you missed oh no oh my goodness this is so gross oh do it you get your fingers yucky we should get a plate and then we'll put them right on the front porch for this girls to eat here no no no no no no no don't you dare Bon Appetit squirrels let's put some more walnuts on them Bon Appetit squirrels so bad I could taste it it smells so bad you can taste it which one are you gonna do Megalodon this is gonna be so hard you have to launch a truck from here into that mouth I don't think this is gonna be easy which one do you want to use yeah the T-Rex ready go he has broken bones [Music] try again boy all right you can get it too hard too high you missed it I landed it oh you hit the Megalodon mouth no no I didn't I should not stand here oh Landed It him to go in like really close get really close to going in donut we cannot we can scoot this closer oh heavy almost oh get in there let's do one big one just you broke the launch you broke the launcher you broke the launcher gotta move on challenge we didn't this challenge got the best of us Megalodon wins oh girls all right next challenge let's do the other launcher this TV should be easier because there's a a big hole in there which monster truck do you want the new Triceratops yeah I don't know if the kids have seen this one it's pretty sweet are you ready yes it threw the hanger [Music] I'll believe it when I see it I just did on here so that I can see the tower break ready I'm ready no oh oh [Music] foreign [Music] that's for sure hit the slide came down hit the shovel ball came down and it worked it's smashed five next challenge is the launch Studio Orbee launcher Stadium ah all right let's do this baby oh almost this might be your best bet right here you almost got him in moving that tape over a little bit ah he's knocking Orbeez out all right too far too far oh yeah oh yeah oh my gosh no no [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh gosh you didn't even do the whole stadium oh you got do this one and then this one see if you can do it like these are just termites walking for Orbeez on the launcher see if you can uh do a backflip ready it's gonna be hard oh got it last one can you hit up here we can put some Orbeez up here I got the Orbeez set up right here in the pot I don't know don't drink that pop on your mark get set go back oh that's it oh we should try the Monster Jam truck because this is a Monster Jam toy so maybe it'll work better with the Monster Jam truck are you gonna take that what are we gonna say it we won this challenge yes let's go to the next one okay we have the water balloon challenge save Bluey we have to light some fireworks and we're gonna use this guy and we're gonna use spiky dinosaur so [Music] okay okay so we'll light these two first and then we'll light these and then you'll try and pop it while the smoke is going all right let's do it well hey it's not it's it's not it's not bad come back Dragon explosion Dragon explosion are you ready yes I love my water baby let's do it so do you need a launcher or are you just gonna poke it launcher okay you poke it on the side then at least you won't be facing the smoke let's do it [Laughter] ready you ready okay let's do it you gotta let those smoke bombs go though first there it is who comes to my blowing but hey look right here all right who's gonna steal my fluid all right foreign good drink of the spoils one more challenge one more challenge one more challenge it's just a normal day today um Volcano Island we're just eating the ground here eating the dirt yeah yeah you should stand up this is a monumentous day do you know what day today is it's the day of the Apocalypse the volcano will explode Caleb's got it [Music] ready [Music] Here Comes I'm okay oh damn Bridge volcano got it fellas [Music] foreign [Music] bye oh and everyone died [Music] this is the hardest monster truck obstacle course we've ever done [Laughter] are you ready we have cracking eggs this has survived kind of we have dominoes foreign we have right here mustard and ketchup yeah I'm a hot dog oh my you know you're gonna hit that thing right we have monster wash we have a fireman putting out a fire breathing dragon putting out a crystal fountain we have marbles knocking down magnet tile Tower and then last but not least we have Minecraft City Minecraft Snowy Mountain City defeat the Ender Dragon all the village ready [Music] so there's one question I've been having um why are there eggs like I don't know why there are eggs well there are eggs because chickens hatch them and that's why there are eggs it wait will this be cracked yes [Music] yes you need to balance it because this is so heavy okay I'm gonna put one over here then okay oh it rolled I need another one three eggs on my head you're gonna get four in there no way oh my no wait wait can you get it this one over and then see if that it will work but it's just gonna fall down try try that yeah yeah okay that's obstacle number one you're going to have to hit the monster truck and chair tonight everywhere yes obstacle number two RC wait what are we gonna do with the RC what we're gonna do with the RC is we're gonna have to drive it all the way down this slide okay and then it's gonna hit the ball the yoga ball and we're gonna have to set up some dominoes and squish Pikachu pick up pancake pan he looks so happy but he has no idea what's coming set these brick dominoes up we were doing this in the basement the other day I thought this was really fun yeah yeah fun idea the yoga ball should work it shouldn't make it this is like the hardest obstacle course you've ever done because I don't know if a lot of these things are going to even work I want that I'm I'm excited to see what have what will happen to the eggs you're still thinking about the eggs we've got some other really cool stuff in our obstacle course I'll show you when we get there sorry Pikachu you thought you were gonna Escape Pikachu pancake here we come one two three three Pikachu pancakes here we come that should work next obstacle would be this one right here well what do you usually eat ketchup and mustard with hot one here yeah yeah all right I'm gonna score this so we should put ketchup in here and water in here or nothing in here what do you think mustard in here you're gonna put ketchup and mustard yeah so he's No Escape yeah but then how do you win okay then water here and ketchup and mustard here okay doing yeah I think we might do like I don't know how we're gonna do it but this mustard looks so tasty it's super yellow all right that's good enough mustard yeah we got mustard on me oh well you're gonna get a lot more than a drop of mustard on your finger trust me oh ketchup yeah what if you just took the cap off okay yeah I'm gonna do that [Music] oh oh that was gross ew even that noise is gross sounds like someone's puking oh gross all the way to the top kids oh I can smell it smells disgusting yeah I think a lot of things today is going to smell disgusting yes oh yes I'll get a little bit more Jerry it's very artistic when you put yellow and red together it looks cool there delicious that is obstacle that's obstacle number three let's move on you can I do not like ketchup or mustard this is obstacle number four so we usually do some sort of DIY Stadium Arena on this table today we are doing flip challenge yeah but flips this you can get a flip out of these these are Big Air but you can get flips and even this little castle and key to flip so it's like it's like most flips yeah so we have to pick some trucks that we think would be the best for flips I was thinking like the flattest trucks don't hurt yourself [Music] okay so let's pick like the ones like I don't think this would do a good flip oh this one no way it's got spikes yes I think this is a good flip ramp this one maybe we'll just pull out our options correct Mohawk warrior bad this guy okay this guy Darth Vader and this guy oh Harley Quinn that is definitely yes Hulk okay yeah this is good enough well let's let's just pick from these so these are the ones you picked I'd like to pick one I pick Harley Quinn Okay so this guy so who do you pick you could pick three one two three okay all right these are our four can you help me please okay so these will be our flip trucks and look we created this look how we created this we taped it together so that we should I have no idea if this is gonna work but Harley Quinn Max D ooh or FAL and halt backwards honk forwards all right what's the next one [Music] obstacle five when you're like really tired you could get a drink this is our monster wash we usually put some really funky stuff in here okay so check this out yeah this is baking soda and this is called citric acid and when you put these two together and put water on it it should Bubble Up and Go Crazy so you have to mix these in here and then when he's done with the monster wash and then he goes in there so we need to pour this water well I think we need to pour the water in here first yeah we love them so the the truck's gonna get wet oh shoot it's okay Caleb said he wants to try it in this water just to see what it looks like so you mix it all together this stuff if you breathe is Breeze bed just leave that there you need to pour all of it in okay and now we gotta mix it mix it yeah you could do a little bit show the kids what should happen whoa is that cool that's cool what if we put down in there I mean I guess because like I I was just imagining a wet car would come through here and then go into this and then like bubble up but like maybe at the end we could just dump a whole thing of water in there and just see what happens okay all right is this station number six yeah we can make this station six so you're gonna be a fireman in this station fireman Caleb this is the one we usually use fireworks um so what I was thinking is like we'll light this and then he will um it'll burn and smoke and then you're gonna have to put them out Dad yeah so once this goes out then we'll just light this and it should go up and burn this and it'll fall back yeah what if it doesn't pop I don't know like I told you this is a hard one this is like the hardest one we've ever done I'm not sure if it's gonna work but it should work okay so we need to rescue the key to save the castle so we'll put it right here on top and then that's who we're trying to rescue and it should be that when this water puts that out that it also pushes yeah so it should be that when the water hits this the dragon dies this looks like a crystal and then it's gonna yeah it's called Crystal fountain Crystal fountain this one is gonna be hard again I just don't know if these are gonna work but we're gonna try our hardest obstacle seven we're gonna put this here got a little knife on there and then pop that this puppy's like poppy he's winking at us he needs to be popped it's like yeah like what so you gotta like launch this to that to hit the wood and then yeah then these marbles will set up just like that and then when the balloon pops the marbles will go down the slide and then knock down the building that's the idea yep yep see [Music] um what are you doing oh my you know you're gonna hit that thing right you know that's gonna splatter when you hit that thing right no you know that's gonna splatter when you hit it you're gonna be so awesome I hope you don't like that Minecraft shirt [Music] it's gonna get hot dogged all right so what is yeah so our left right here oh yeah all of them I open it yeah all of it we're gonna we have three and a half boxes of baking soda no not on the Dragon this is our Ender Dragon Minecraft so we're gonna dump all the uh baking soda in here for our last obstacle and then we're gonna pour vinegar on it yeah that's gonna go it's going to rain yeah it's gonna go insane I don't know if you guys ever did vinegar or baking soda but it like bubbles up and then when you put a lot of vinegar and a lot of baking soda it a lot bubbles up got it one two three oh yeah okay two boxes down breathe next box it kind of looks like snow yeah maybe we could pretend like it's winter it's like a winter yeah and then this is a snowy mountain is there a snowy mountain in Minecraft yeah there are times okay so this is Snowy Mountain Minecraft all right Avalanche no I got them Caleb got some of his mouth I paused it and then he went [Laughter] last this is cool we should do something with this let's make it like a I think we should make some hills or something so soft so it is soft I'm gonna make a mountain are you just making it like a snowy ground yeah are you just squeezing it okay let's set this up we put the these are Minecraft dungeons oh should I put them in there yeah this is their Village so is the nameless one oh you know what we should do then what we should put the um the Ender Dragon like this is his Mountain this this makes a lot of sense a frozen zombie oh oh this is gonna be so here's some kinetic sand and then you can make like a kinetic sand like wall we just want to make it so that no no vinegar gets over the wall right away there you go nice and high hurry up bro okay let's do this let's do this let's do this the hardest monster truck obstacle course [Music] you have mustard we have flips we have Car Wash we have a fire we have marbles magnet tile um dominoes eggs are gonna be crap wait we gotta put another one in remember or you wanna just do three just do three no okay let's put it one more one more in one more in I'll hold it come on Caleb looks good obstacle one it's open okay [Music] wait ready wait no no wait a minute this had survived what the heck that didn't work so obstacle course one Caleb and Dad zero this actually might work it's about to rain so hopefully the rain cleans this up obstacle number two wait all we want to do is one more time wait hold up it broke oh you want to try again round two oh my gosh we're making such a mess what's almost just do three okay and you're definitely too far away you gotta scoot that closer you gotta scoot this closer oh my goodness ready okay let's try again yeah I missed come on you can do it ow okay ready we're gonna launch it let's super hard [Music] oh we gotta go we gotta go Optical two oh you just heard it crack on the ground I'm school too yeah let's go too you gotta Zoom him out there's your remote I'll get down here let's go yeah let's go [Applause] oh You Gotta Straighten It Out straighten it out or send it backwards can you send it backwards ready yeah that was so cool obstacle uh number three over here I know it got so dark so fast let's do this one before yeah oh too hard too hard ugly very very ugly hot dog wiener dog ready for lunch yeah no I'm gonna fall in oh no you lost no it says that no he's got I can use this oh that's hard to get oh that is gross you can watch that Goodbye Minecraft shirt oh you got it let's go you got it here there's water over here yeah you can do the monster wash next yes please go thank you now the wind blew down our Tower the wind blew down our Tower go hurry everyone's getting worse but it's gonna come back it's gonna rain it's gonna rain we gotta do this another day it's gonna rain kids all this is gonna get ruined I gotta get this this is gonna get totally ruined if it rains all right I gotta pause it we'll see you tomorrow kids thank you on this video yesterday hailed here I don't know why but it did so we are on obstacle four still try this again wash them up and then send them inside he broke uh there we go we got it right there okay hold on we gotta wash him okay dry him off of course did it work working I can't see a little bit now you put them back in there oh hold up let's do this there we go oh my goodness under my feet it's leaking don't let it get on your okay let's try it again go back to his wash bye okay this time when he comes in yeah he's not gonna go [Music] next Megalodon looks good yeah I got it nice we're gonna cover him I can see a little bit of bubbliness now can you hear it yeah I can oh God okay you can hear it and now he's gonna go this way out of the car wash it's Curry stopped him what's it like to be clean Megalodon it feels so refreshing I won't be join you I will join you in your I can see you about dive in Miles Morales wash wash hey hey do it jump he's bubbling a little bit all right instead of putting it there no no no run Miles Morales ah [Music] obstacle complete yeah hey should we grab the next one yeah yeah what do you want to do fireworks oh you gotta get dressed for the part where's your hat and here is your water squirting machine yeah you gotta put your thumb there and now you have to put out this dragon so I'll put them out and then you're gonna shoot a basket and then we'll light that one next okay okay ready here we go watch out [Applause] [Music] uh uh put it out put it on fire red fireman put it up put it up got it now you guys make a basket [Music] wow that was a lot what you can do it it's gonna fall oh it's okay sure of course I can just throw it up in the air I thought it would have popped right there no way no way you gotta shoot a basket come on Bad Company ah he's not defeated yet and your hands are slippery yes and you're defeating him every time this is a heart this is so hard Dragon you shall die yeah should we light it now the key is safe [Music] do you think this is gonna work I don't know I don't even know if it's gonna reach this is gonna be awesome if it works though survived how that's usually how it's charcoaled that bottom is charcoal black you're gonna get the key on it I'm gonna bring it out now I know I know one thing we could do what I know one thing that it'll pop up I know that'll pop it kids I know that I'm melting this balloon it is melting it's dripping it's dripping I'm melting it put it out things literally made out of steel the water got on my thing and it broke it no way okay next thing to do is Big Daddy can you get this big look it's like how we need to get big Johnny John's out hold up how do I get this out just throw it [Laughter] I kind of bottom half this kind of stuff [Music] that was amazing I'm done being fireman though what are these balloons made out of we need to we need to take our house and like remove all the brick and just put this balloon stuff because then our house will like survive even a fire next one is going to be this challenge okay okay so you gotta hit you gotta hit that thing see if you can get it going wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I gotta be in the right position all right baby let's use the arm again should fall this way look at this thing this whole entire thing broke because of the aura the sun made me have too much power very good whoa very big try again [Applause] finally that was so cool that worked like the last marble just was like and then it's just like boom and fell down I was like oh we gotta get it down Nice Shot you like hit it smacked right on the wood that was perfect yeah okay two more obstacles to go so one two three four five six seven eight so you gotta get eight successful flips it doesn't matter which truck so like two each one it doesn't even matter yeah do that two for each one ready you wanna do Hulk first no we're doing a turtle first oh is that Raphael yeah ready Rafael go yeah couch baby one and it almost broke his tire he almost broke his tire s your foot was in the way okay I'm running away all right you're done here go here good job go in the garage ready two back flips from Max deep got a good one he's got a nice flat back so he should be able to do it oh garage is in the way take it take it yeah this is Harley Quinn Harley Quinn oh Harley Quinn yeah that was sweet ah you didn't think it was gonna go that far did you okay now it's all Hulk's turn has to do this one in that one okay Hulk let's see it cool and we got one more of these they gotta do this side oh this side let's go Hulk oh you almost made it nope nope take one for the table oh wait look this is his reward he gets to go in the garage ah this is a nice and sunny day no it leads to nothing Hulk don't do it no what how possible what last obstacle good job Hulk smash it is Snow Village I added some stuff from yesterday okay it's my it's a ski resort and this is by Enderman Michael yeah this is an Enderman I made a skier Dragon Slayer and um Alex with a turtle show so like this guy's snowboarding and then this is the wall and then this is what we're gonna fill up with vinegar and then when it overflows like the volcano is going to come down the mountain and then we're gonna try and fill it past this wall so that it gets the Ski Resort Village all right yay I paid good money to be at this ski resort yeah best Minecraft bio snow Dome ever look at even the Endermans here give you flowers look at this guy trained super well oh yeah nice thank you nice snowboarding everyone here has snowboards see they all have snowboards I have a question though I have a question do you think we should be worried that there is an Enderman dragon on top of a volcano no you think we should be worried I'm worried I just got a bad feeling about this oh no oh The Village the Minecraft village [Music] Oh I thought this was safe it's not safe here no no I'm safe on my hill guys ah no the snow village this is the most amount of vinegar and baking soda oh my gosh I've never done it looks so gross oh goodbye kids
Channel: Kids2Kids
Views: 3,367,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster Jam, Monster Trucks, Hot Wheels, Hot Wheels Monster Trucks, Father Son Playing, Grave Digger, Monster Truck Toys, monster truck, monster jam freestyle, monster truck wash, monster jam garage, monster jam dueling dragon, monster jam megalodon, monster jam arena, el toro loco, monster trucks hot wheels, kids toys, monster jam toys, monster jam 2022
Id: h2jZBDjGxl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 54sec (5994 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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