Biggest Megaprojects Under Construction in 2023

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From the tallest skyscrapers to some of the  biggest real estate projects in history and   from intra continental rail networks  to a game changing nuclear megaproject,   here are the 23 biggest megaprojects  under construction in 2023.   Starting with the Maya Tren: In North America a passenger and freight railway   network will make its way through more than 1500  kilometers of Mexico's Yucatán peninsula.   President Andres Lopez Obrador is determined to  link thousands of pre-Hispanic archaeological   sites in the Country's southeast to the famous  Mexican beach resorts in a megaproject worth   10 billion dollars. For Obrador, the  Maya Tren was a necessary train that   will help pay off the “historical debt with  the south-east” of the country” by bringing   unprecedented economic growth to the region. Construction will now make its way through the   second-largest jungle in the Americas. The  rail tracks will run over archaeological   sites containing thousands of Mayan remains – a  fact that has met with resolute opposition from   indigenous communities, environmental  organizations and many more. However,   the government has brushed aside the  criticism by labeling the megaproject   a matter of national security. President Lopez  Obrador prefers the benefits of development over   preserving heritage and hopes to run the first  trains on the Maya Tren by December 2023.   Number 22: Yinjianbuhan Tunnel On the other end of the globe,   China is working on a water diversion project  aimed at a fairer distribution of water resources   between the country's south and North. A key element in the project is the   record-breaking 195-kilometer-long Yinjianbuhan  water tunnel that will drain water from the   Three Gorges Dam to the Han River from  where it will be diverted to Beijing.   The tunnel that is almost a kilometer deep  in some areas will take 10 years to build   at a cost of around 9 billion dollars. For  comparison the longest water tunnel to date,   Päijänne in Finland, is 120 kilometers  long and goes up to 130 meters deep.   Completing the tunnel will take  another 10 years, but once completed,   it will help boost food production and improve  arable land for 150 million people.   Number 21: The Line Saudi Arabia's ambitious   push to shift its economy to tourism has given  way to many ambitious megaprojects. The most   astonishing of these planned developments is  the 500 Billion dollars mega city NEOM.   Last year, Neom made global headlines  after unveiling images of The Line – an   unprecedented skyscraper with  two 500-meter-tall mirrored walls   running 170 kilometers across the  desert. Following its announcement,   most commentators were unconvinced that  the project would ever be realized.   However, Saudi Arabia shocked the world  with drone footage suggesting that   excavation is now underway at the site. When completed, The Line is supposed to house   9 million residents and the first people  could move in only 7 years, so by 2030.   Number 20: Wasl Tower Just across the Saudi Arabian border, Dubai is   making another addition to its iconic skyline with  the 302-meter-tall Wasl Tower. The skyscraper will   be unique for its twisted, asymmetrical design  and for supporting the region’s tallest ceramic   facade. Once completed, the building's design  will present an illusion of dynamic motion.   Engineers will use different shading and  cooling techniques to assimilate the Wasl   Tower with Dubai's hot summers. Construction  work on the tower has moved past 56 of the   planned 64 floors and the planners  are targeting completion by 2024.   Number 19: Eko Atlantic City We now move to Africa, where the   world's fastest-growing megacity, Lagos, is  set to have a new 6 billion dollar financial   hub at the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.  The privately funded city is being built   on reclaimed land in the Atlantic and  will have everything from skyscrapers   to luxury residences and shopping malls. While many of the planned buildings have yet   to be built, the city already has an extensive  road network and has contracts in place to   bring some of the world's biggest financial  institutions to Lagos. The most significant   development at the Eko Atlantic came in  March 2022 when the United States approved   the construction of a new consulate in the city  that will cost over half a billion dollars.   Number 18: Nusantara Back in Asia, Indonesia is on   its way to getting a new Capital on a more  central island almost 2000 kilometers away   from Jakarta. Nusantara is the brainchild of  the outgoing President Joko Widodo who wants   the first phase of the project to be completed  before Indonesian independence day in 2024.   The idea of shifting the country's capital is  rooted in the problems faced by Jakarta, which is   now overcrowded, overpolluted, and sinking rapidly  due to excessive groundwater extraction.   There are also other geographical factors at play  as Jakarta is located on the Island of Java, which   despite being the smallest of Indonesia's islands  accounts for more than half of the country's GDP.   By moving to East Kalimantan, Indonesia also  hopes to rebalance the country's economy.   More than 200,000 workers are currently taking  part in the construction of Nusantara which will   require 34 billion dollars to build. Most of  the financing will come from private entities   and the city is supposed to house 3 million  residents when it is completed in 2045.   Number 17: Chūō Shinkansen Japan has one of the most advanced rail systems   in the world. And in 2014 plans were put in motion  to take the world's fastest trains a step further.   The Maglev high-speed rail is planned to be twice  as fast as current bullet trains by incorporating   the concept of Magnetic Levitation. As we enter 2023 construction is going at   a faster pace than expected. And this despite the  fact that the majority of the route runs through   mountains and thus 90% of the route consists of  tunnels. At the current rate, the first passengers   can be aboard the Maglev Train by 2027. The whole project will cost around 55 billion   dollars and it will run for 285 kilometers  between Tokyo and Nagoya. The journey will   be completed in just 40 minutes with high  speeds of over 500 kilometers per hour.   Number 16: Merdeka Tower Moving to Southeast Asia,   Malaysia will finally open the world's  second-tallest skyscraper- the Merdeka Tower   in the middle of 2023. According to one official,  the construction now stands at 92 percent which   means that the mid-2023 timeline is realistic. Merdeka Tower moved ahead of Shanghai Tower as the   second tallest building in the world last year  when it topped out at a height of 678 meters.   Kuala Lumpur is already home to famous supertall  skyscrapers like the Exchange 106 and the Petronas   Twin Towers. With the addition of the Merdeka  Tower, the largest city in Malaysia now boasts one   of the most recognizable skylines in the world. Number 15: Doha Metro   Qatar has recently finished hosting the Fifa  World Cup but that was not the country's only   project that made headlines. The Doha Metro  was one of the most prominent places during   the showpiece event as the 76-kilometer  rail network transported football fans   between football stadiums every 3 minutes. A total of 37 train stations linked 5 of the 8   world cup stadiums and 18 million passengers used  the network during the event. Without this train,   the event would probably not have  been possible in this form.   But the work is not done just yet. After starting  construction 10 years ago the metro will now turn   into the next phase where 60 more stations  will be added in the following year.   Number 14: Dasu Dam Elsewhere in Asia,   Pakistan will continue construction on the 4.3  billion Dollar Dasu Dam with the help of Chinese   expertise and funding from the World Bank. As one of the biggest hydropower projects in   the country, the Dasu Dam will  help facilitate the expansion of   the electricity supply in Pakistan. The dam was supposed to open in 2022 but   overall progress currently stands at just  12 percent. A major reason for delays is the   failure of land acquisition which was supposed to  be completed by 2019. Authorities are now hoping   to complete a diversion system by April 2023 and  will start producing electricity in two years.   Number 13: Western Sydney Airport In the land down under, an 11 billion   dollar Airport is taking shape in Western Sydney  in what is labeled as the biggest earthmoving   megaproject in Australia's history. Millions of tonnes of excavated rock has   already been poured into the Airport's foundations  and half the work is now complete on a terminal   that will host 10 million passengers. More than 4000 workers are taking part   in developing the airport site  which is three times the size   of Sydney's Central Business District. Despite the La Nina weather pattern bringing   record breaking torrential rains to Sydney in  2022, Construction of the airport remains on track   and is set for its first flight in 2026. Number 12: Incheon International Airport   As Australia makes progress, one of the  world’s busiest airports is ready to   take on a much bigger role in the coming  years with a 4 billion dollar makeover.   South Korea's Incheon International Airport is  in Phase 4 of a planned upgrade that will make   it one of the largest airports in the world. Major additions like the expansion of Terminal 2   will give the airport the capacity to serve  106 million passengers annually. The final   construction phase is going ahead at full  speed with an eye for completion in 2024.   Number 11: MSG Sphere   Las Vegas Nevada will become home to a novel  entertainment venue inside the world's biggest   Sphere in 2023. Construction on the MSG Sphere  had been ongoing since 2019 and the venue's   steel exosphere was completed back in June. When completed, the MSG Sphere will be over 100   meters tall and 157 meters wide making it the  largest spherical structure in the world. The   Sphere is supposed to be the reference point  for the Las Vegas entertainment scene and can   accommodate 20,000 spectators at a time. The  Sphere features interior and exterior displays   bigger than three football fields, which  will create a truly unique atmosphere.   Number 10: Hudson Yards Over in New York, 30 years   of planning has resulted in the creation  of the biggest New York development since   the Rockefeller Center in the 1930s. The Hudson Yards neighborhood is equivalent   to Four City Blocks and occupies a previously  undeveloped parcel in Manhattan close to the   Hudson River. The first phase of the project  opened in 2019 and has so far seen the rise   of four skyscrapers, residential buildings, and an  attractive art installation called The Vessel.   Hudson Yards is already home to some of  the biggest conglomerates including HBO,   CNN, BlackRock, Disney, and Meta. Work is now continuing on the second part of   the project which will include 3,000 residential  units, a public school, and hundreds of low-cost   rental units. The second phase is planned for  completion by 2024 taking the total cost of the   project to 25 billion dollars. Number 9: Frankfurt Four   Frankfurt has emerged in recent years as  the skyscraper capital of Europe with more   than 50 high rises currently in the  pipeline for the city. One of these   significant buildings is the Frankfurt 4 project -  a four-skyscraper complex completing in 2023.   Tower 1 will be the tallest of the four  skyscrapers reaching 233 meters in height,   while the other three will go beyond 100 meters  in height. The Frankfurt 4 has structurally topped   out and will be opened by the end of the year. However, this is only the beginning of Frankfurt's   skyscraper boom as the Frankfurt Four will soon  be followed by taller buildings, including the   288 meters tall Millennium Tower which is set  to break ground in the next two years.   Number 8: Iconic Tower 2023 is the year of completion   for yet another record-breaking skyscraper in the  shape of Iconic Tower Egypt. The tallest building   in Africa is also the continent's first Supertall  skyscraper with a height of 393 meters.   Construction of the Iconic Tower has been  incredibly swift with the massive structure   being completed in less than 5 years despite the  challenges of the pandemic. Tipped for completion   by the middle of this year, the Iconic Tower  will serve as the centerpiece of Egypt's New   Administrative Capital. Number 7: Rail Baltica   Entering the new year, Europe will be hoping to  step up construction on several key transport   megaprojects. One of these is Rail Baltica – the  biggest infrastructure project in East Europe.   Europe is already regarded as the  most integrated region in the world   and Rail Baltica is yet another step in that  direction as it aims to integrate 5 Baltic   States into the European rail network. Over a period of 10 years, the project will   put down 870 kilometers of rail line through  Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland.   Construction will include building seven passenger  and three freight stations with trains able to   operate at top speeds of 234 km per hour. Most of  the financing of the 6 billion dollar project will   be taken up by the European Union as it takes  great significance for the whole continent.   Number 6: Fehmarn Belt Tunnel European connectivity is planned to grow further   with the commissioning of an 18-kilometer-long  immersed tunnel in the Baltic Sea.   The Fehmarn Belt Tunnel is designed as an  alternative to the ferry service between the   German island of Fehmarn and the Danish island  of Lolland. Once the tunnel is commissioned   the 45-minute ferry ride will be cut to  less than 10 minutes by train or car.   The Tunnel will be put into place by immersing  pre-built tunnel sections 40 meters below   the sea bed.These sections will then be  moved into place by barges and cranes.   The construction budget for one of Europe's  largest infrastructure projects is over 7 billion   dollars and will be completed by 2029. Number 5: Brenner Base Tunnel   Next on the list is yet another European tunnel  project that is also one of the longest tunnels   in the world. The 64 kilometers long Brenner  Base Tunnel will run under the Alps and   connect Italy and Germany via Austria. The Brenner railway network has connected   Italy with northern Europe for more than  150 years. However, a 1370-meter elevation   and a 26% slope gradient mean that the journey  across the region is relatively slow with speeds   never exceeding 70 kilometers per hour. The Brenner base tunnel provides a solution   as it is built at an elevation of only 790 meters  with high travel speeds touching 200 kilometers   per hour. Going into the new year, the excavation  work on 2 third of the tunnel project is complete.   Most of the tunnel excavation is being carried  out using giant Tunnel Boring Machines, however,   the TBMs can get stuck in the fault zones so some  of the tunneling will be done through traditional   drilling and blasting. The estimated cost of the  project is over 10 billion dollars and after the   tunneling will be completed by 2025, the rail  network will take another 7 years to open.   Number 4: Flamanville 3 In addition to new skyscrapers   and massive transit megaprojects, Europe is also  accelerating work on Nuclear power megaprojects to   meet the rising energy needs of the population. France's state-owned energy company, the EDF,   is working on a more powerful and long-lasting  nuclear reactor to replace its aging fleet and   boost French nuclear exports. The Flamanville  3 EPR project, however, is more than a decade   behind its original schedule and significantly  over budget. Construction on the 3 billion   dollar project started in Normandy in 2007 and  was expected to start operations by 2013.   However, a series of costly delays have  taken the cost up to 14 billion dollars.   It was announced in early 2022 that the project  was now delayed till the back end of 2023 due   to faulty welds. However, the repair work  is now also running behind schedule.   In light of the latest developments, The  Flamanville plant won't start producing   electricity till the first half  of 2024. Despite the delays,   the project is seen as essential for  France's future as a fully operational   reactor will produce enough power to  light a city like Paris for a year.   Number 3: Hinkley Point C Delays are not only impacting France,   as a nuclear power plant in Britain has also been  hit by years of delays and cost overruns.   Hinkley Point C is seen as a critical  megaproject for Britain's future with   the country needing to stabilize its energy  production in the wake of the Ukraine war   and a retiring fleet of power plants. The HPC is expected to deliver 7% of the   U.K.’s clean energy needs for the next 6 decades.  It is projected to deliver enough energy to power   6 million homes. However, the new nuclear power  station will not start operating until 2027 and   the cost estimates have risen from 20 to 30  billion dollars over the last 7 years.   Number 2: ITER Nuclear reactors of today are   seen as essential sources of power but plans are  already in motion to radically alter the way we   generate Nuclear Power. Scientists from across  the world are working on creating a sustained   Fusion reaction that will generate more energy  than today's fission reactors without producing   any greenhouse effects and with a significantly  lower and above all shorter radioactivity.   To make this possible several different approaches  are being tested. And one of them is the   22-billion dollar International Thermonuclear  Experimental Reactor, or short: ITER.   The international megaproject is ongoing in  the south of France. The European Union is   paying for half of the construction while the  rest will be shared equally among China, India,   Japan, South Korea, Russia, and the USA. 2022 was a big year for ITER as scientists   in China, the EU, and the United States  achieved major breakthroughs in fusion.   Recently scientists in California  successfully carried out the first   ever nuclear fusion reaction resulting  in a net energy gain. Meanwhile,   the JET fusion energy project in the UK broke  a 24-year-old record for energy output achieved   by nuclear fusion. Chinese Scientists also  contributed in a major way by manufacturing   the core components of a full-size prototype  of the first enhanced-heat-flux wall panel.   The panel, which can withstand a surface plasma  ion temperature 10 times hotter than the real Sun,   is considered the most critical core  component of the reactor. Even though   ITER is only an experimental reactor, there  is still a lot to get excited about, because   once the concept can be proven, there could be  a completely new method of generating energy.   Number 1: New Silk Road China's colossal Belt Road initiative will   continue to achieve new milestones as it closes  in on the project's tenth anniversary in 2023.   The 62 billion Dollar China Pakistan Economic  Corridor is considered the flagship project   under BRI and this year will see the  completion of the Gwadar International   Airport in Pakistan. A 6 billion dollar upgrade  on a 1600 kilometer rail track between Karachi   and Peshawar is also in the works which  will allow trains to double their current   speeds up to 160 kilometers per hour. Pakistan isn’t the only one involved in China's   plans. With investments of over 150 billion  dollars, China has signed agreements with 149   countries and 32 international organizations  to be a part of the Belt Road initiative.   China's New Silk Road is seen in the west as not  just an economic endeavor but a strategic one. The   countries inviting investment opportunities from  China are constantly warned of a “Debt Trap” and   calls for transparency are getting louder and  louder. However, China is adding more entities   to its investment portfolio and is currently  the number 1 Global Investor by a margin.   2023 is poised to be an exciting year  for some massive megaprojects. Do you   know other projects on the way this  year? And which of these projects do   you find most important? Let us know in the  comments below. If you enjoyed this video,   make sure to leave a like and  subscribe to Top Luxury!
Channel: Top Luxury
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Keywords: top luxury, b1m, buildings, megaproject, construction, megaprojects, biggest megaprojects, engineering, mega project, massive builds, megaprojects in the world, building, mega projects under construction, Maya Tren, The Line, Neom, Wasl Tower, Nusantara, Merdeka Tower, MSG Sphere, Hudson Yards, New Silk Road, megaprojects under construction, megaproject 2023, largest construction projects, ITER, dam construction, skyscraper construction, mega projects 2023, under construction
Id: CakIrrhc8gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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