big wardrobe

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hi everybody I'm Joey I know it's been a little while since I uh put a video out you know life has got in the way crazy busy um I've actually got a few videos lined up but man trying to get them finished is tricky anyway have a look at this I'm making a giant wardrobe um hopefully you enjoy [Music] so the casses of uh the Wardrobe is all made of MDF so I I can just get on with breaking down all the full sheets [Music] then before I assemble any of the boxes I just sand the good Edge and um just round over the corners with this cool little plane from Rockler which works really well on the MDF and then I can just um hold the pieces in place with the pins and then screw it together one [Music] now I can get on with making the end panels and and that'll just be out of 40 m [Music] Pine and then I could just clean up the edges you know I could do this with on the jointer but it's just a lot more fun with the hand [Music] plane you can cut all the rails to length for the be panels and then add a Groove to take the six mil ply that I'll [Music] use and this is is mixed hardwood ply it's really cheap and um you know it's just it's just going to be there to take some paint so don't need don't need anything fancy for and now I can cut the moldings to go around the panels and um I set up a stop and cut all the moldings that are the same length first um in this case the ones going across and then um just cut the longer ones to fit that seems to make the process go a bit quicker for it was right about here where I realized I made a mistake and I hadn't allowed enough room for all the drawers to fit in the carcass so uh it all had to come apart I ended up having to lift the divider about 150 mil something like that to allow for gaps between the drawers and to allow for a space for the hinge for the doors um so yeah was a bit of a buger so anyway while I was able to paint that and get that area drying I could get on to making the skirting that goes along the bottom of the unit and these little Clips attach onto the plastic legs that hold the base up and I can start uh thinking about attaching the scoer on the [Applause] top [Applause] so I'm fixing the scoa to a strip of MDF which is screwed to the top of the units that way once it's all together I can then take it all apart again to um actually get it to the client's house and because I can't glue this joint I've come up with this little system of adding a steel bracket on the back side of the joint at the top and it just holds it right exactly where you want it and um then I can unscrew it and take it apart later also added these little glue blocks just supporting the scoer out on an angle also that way when I take it all apart um the Scotia will stay where it should and after all that I can get back to where I was earlier in the day and um put the draw runners in this is a very quick kind of overview of how easy the the Blum drawers are to put together um these drawers because they're behind the set of doors don't have a regular front on it they have a couple of aluminium extrusions which you'll see in a second for [Music] for [Applause] now I can get on to cutting all the pieces for the [Applause] [Applause] doors e and this is one of the smaller top doors um it's just easier to film film than the larger door but after it's glued up I just clean it up with the plane before I route out for the panel [Music] e I'm just using A Story Rod to Mark the hinge positions um that way all the hinges just click into place first pop and it's uh much easier for now that everything is fitting well and it's all painted I can take it apart and so this is the units just unloaded and in the room and about to start putting it together and it was a bit tricky to film this um the whole process but I got some of it for you so the floor slopes Away by more than 20 M over the length of the unit so uh that was more than I could scribe out in this in the skirting and also the wall at the sides 20 M out so the next day I went back with this um small piece of molding and just added it around the floor and also up the sides against the wall and I just finished it off nicely thanks for sticking around and watching guys um really appreciate it now I talked about uh my house build my new house build and that was meant to be well underway by now but our local uh city council has decided that we have to provide a whole different type of consent forms have Engineers do what Engineers do um so that's going to take probably not till mid-march they think till we actually get the second um building consent what what is called a resource consent here um so we have our building consent but we can't start building until we get this other piece of paper which you know these things just you just got to fight through the red tape anyway so that is coming but um that's why there's been a bit of a lag um in some of my content um but there are things coming anyway uh we'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: Joey Chalk
Views: 1,297,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wardobe, how to make, large wardrobe build, large cabinetry, furniture makeing, furniture, how to
Id: 3CSJHTt5bUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2017
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