Ash Doors

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okay so started out with a big pile of ash I'll be making two front doors out of the stock one for my parents side of the new house and one for my side and like every job start out by dressing all the parts to size now I can make out the Tenon's on the rails so I actually got the top M bottom rail clamp together so I can run the marking gauge over both of them at the same time then I can define their shoulder of the tenon just using a square block went down onto the onto the rail right on my marking gauge line and then I'll just work back towards that eventually using the square block as a guide to create a nice square shoulder then I can mark out the mortises you can see on the tenon that the shape and pieces that I'm going to remove and then I gauge from a tenon mark out for my mortises and go from there using my small hollow chisel mortiser I'm starting on the outside mortises to the sides that you will see when the doors put together and then on the inside I can route a group that will essentially be the horn group and then I can carry on to cut the mortises right through and in that group [Music] you [Music] and then I just spent quite a bit of time cleaning out the mortises because my hollow chisel mortiser is not super accurate and it doesn't actually leave that clean and cut probably just because it's cheap vision so then I can clear out the Morrises on the outside of the styles and that will allow the wedges to go to go in once it's glued up and then refining the fits of the tenon still so whenever I can I like to cut the wedges for the for the door out of the tienen stock so that's what I'm doing here just marking them out and then I'll cut them out on the bandsaw when I'm cutting all the waste away [Music] and a little more refining to get the fit right and then a good dry fit of the door and to both doors came to the stage that the same way it's from here on it the two duel is start turning it into different things so I've glued up this panel it's going to be the main large flat panel in the store and so I'm just finishing that down ready to go into the frame so I'm not going to be too fussy about the joinery on the subframe so it's just going to be dominant together and really it's being held in place by the main door frame so I need to add a groove in the main door frames to exit that large panel that you saw just before [Music] [Music] and I could clean up the subframe while I can still get bonds up with a plane and route the rebate for the glass and then the sub frame can be dominoed to the main door frame [Applause] and I could clean up the wedges just the bands or Macs and just smooth off the phases so they'll slide into the mortise a bit nicer and then it was a glue up which went surprisingly smoothly so that was nice [Applause] and then it was just a matter of cleaning up door running over a couple of smoothing claims rounding up little corners here and there and then it was pretty much ready to start putting finish on you know ended up putting four coats of this outdoor polyurethane marine polyurethane just to set and finish and then I'd make a few glazing beads so this door then it was off to the glazes oh yeah debt had come in over the weekend then he put the lock in his door too right so now we're reversing back to the start of my Dwarfs I've done the frame the same as the other one and I'm making this kind of lettuce style door so the most difficult thing about about this door is all the essentially having joints that are going to have to make through the middle of the door and so that's what I'm just laying at now and then I can transfer from that single kind of cross Mellie and I suppose you would call it onto all of them just using a straightedge and a knife and that way hopefully all the carving joints will be in the same place and then using the dip stuff on my drop saw I can cut out most of the waste again it was pretty simple process this way actually so I needed to label all the pieces just to make sure that they would go back where they were and then I started marking out for Domino's yep nothing thank you yes I just wanted something pretty quick and Domino's work so I needed to add a groove down each style to take a glass because there's no rebate down there I wanted it to be a very clean look on that side of the door and so the glaze is just going to have to kind of slot the glass into that groove and clicking it in place now I needed to make a rebate on that two rails to take the glass because they couldn't fit the glass into the corners if I had a groove all the way around the door so I'm using epoxy to glue up these pieces just because of this relatively small surface area I suppose and because I already had it mixed up I ended up gluing the whole door up with the epoxy so somehow I managed to cut the folio out on the mortises kind of completely wrong on the wrong angle way too shallow so the wages didn't fit in very well but enough that they're doing what they need to especially conclude in with the epoxy but not ideal [Music] [Music] so this was a bit of a bugger to clean up the there was ended up being a little kink or a little bow and the too long and a millions so some of these joints didn't end up being super flush so it was a bit of a bugger to try and clean them up inside the doorframe but some we've got there [Music] so I installed the lock and got the door back from the Glazers so now it was a matter of fitting a whole lot of little glazing beads and tell you I was well over working on this door by this point so I didn't do any mitering I just keep the or square which is kind of in keeping with the shape of the door and because the event actually doing anything really they're just hiding the raw edge of the glass I'm just using some super glue to set them in and then clear-coated them after that and then suddenly the doors are in that's pretty cool I thought thanks for watching everybody
Channel: Joey Chalk
Views: 1,782,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, make a door, making doors, joinery, Ash doors, timber doors, real joinery, mortise and tenon, hand plane, modern door, multi light door, hand made door, front door, halving joint, wedged tenon, tradional door, door making
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2017
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