Big Sound in Chevy Truck | DOWN4SOUND Jp4k lithium 6.0 batteries | 4 Gately Alpha 8” Subs πŸ”₯

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[Music] thanks thanks oh thanks to things things oh things oh [Music] [Applause] things [Music] [Music] all right everybody I greatly appreciate you tuning in my channel I'm BJ fun 478 and today I have this fantastic 2010 Chevrolet douly it's 4x4 and man we're going to check out this Gat box which is also beautiful um nice design great craftsmanship gat you get a A1 on this um let's see what we got on the inside and we got the JP 43 and the jp23 the 23 is on the mids and highs over here people and um the 43 is actually on the four gate eights um they are dual twos so in a moment I'll show you how to wire up the proper impedance and see where we go from that but man I'm digging this down for sound this de for Stuff um and actually I'm going to start carrying it all the Death bounce all the the d4s the smds um I do have CNC machine so I will be making my own fuse holders though but um SMD man he just Ste me stuff is is just absolutely awesome um also everything in here is Tex Flex um all going to the d4s um lto 6.0 the lithium batteries now one good thing about these 6 amp hour lithium batteries are that um you don't have to use an isolator up front so um actually these are going to power supply here um um from here they're going to the fuse box distribute it out into this grounds into the distribution block here and people grounds are everything so Good Grounds great power you shouldn't burn up fuse holders and so that's my main objective you don't want to burn up no $100 fuse holder so long story short the jp23 is here all cozy nice little amp rack Bol it in on the floor make sure it's lag bolt so you're not having any problems with that and so um in order for me to to use this gate box in here um my customer went ahead and ordered the seat extenders and and what they do is they raise the seat up which they are actually pretty they neat if you can see here I went ahead and put that seat in over there so you can just about out see how much room is on the back side and you adjust these out and all you do is just put the seat back in put the bolts on top of it like so and Bam let's see what it does so now you see you have all that room right there let my light that's a lot of room back there people um so before I release it I'll go ahead and and uh deaden that back up just a little bit um everything in here is soldered everything is in its own place um all your grounds I made this place piece out of abs and use a a distribution block um basically these distribution blocks can use be used for putting them on top of batteries strapping batteries together but actually I used it as a distribution block on on a piece of ABS 1/ in ABS and then bolted it to the truck just to make sure that I have all my grounds because I'm not real Keen about um running amps to an actual battery and then to the to the actual chassis um but these here I have two coming in two coming in and I have one more I have to put in here I just need to make another ground cable but as you can see they come here they drill underneath the truck and Bam like I said people you know if you ever tune in and anything I do um grounds are going to be the one of the most essential part of your actual system because without a ground there is no 12 Vol so keep that in mind and um while I'm here and then I'm fixing to go ahead and wire these Subs up for you um the speaker wires so in order all the speaker wires need to be the exact same length so these cables here I went ahead and text Flex these up too um bolt right into the back of the box they are the same length from here to here to each set of woofers also what's inside of the Box they need to be the same length um it's not going to be pretty much noticeable if they're off an inch or so but rule of thumb is you want the same amount of power going to to all your woofers at the same time so even though one may be closer to the amp you still need to tuck that wire and hide it and zip tie it up and then go from there all right so let's get these wire cutters out and let's go ahead and and I'll show you how to how to wire these Subs up so what I have are dual twos and with the Dual twos are going to configurate with all four with just one amplifier and that amplifier is one on stable so each one of these will go from they'll go I'll wire them up so I'll go positive negative which is going to be a 4 ohm positive negative positive negative positive negative and then whatever's left over from the outside is going to be positive negative and that this woer right here is going to be Standalone right about 4 Ohms custom made woofers they may be under just a little bit but they're they're actually supposed to be 4 Ohms 4 Ohms 4 Ohms 4 Ohms 4 Ohms and then once I parallel them all the way back down you're going to get a 1 ohm load so let's uh start up if you notice what I'm doing is I'm keeping the actual the length on this um on this woofer because they are actually already direct leads on there and I don't want to go to chopping down because later on down the road he may want to go with a different setup in inside of this inside of this truck and he may want to put two back in something else and do a two 2A box so long story short I'm going to leave the wire as long as possible instead of start chopping them down because by them being leads already onto this um onto this warer direct leads you're not going to want to keep cutting this wire until you all the way back on to the Whata call then you're going to need a recone so and man if you don't have one of these get one this is a 12 volt Milwaukee solder and iron and I'm telling you they make life so much easier on the go in the lines you're at competition you blow a sub you need to solder something something comes a loose you're right there on it and man Lifesaver when I tell you lightsaver done up I'll call my man pin 100 back in just a second real I can't get any better than that couple more to go and we down sh I swear um one one thing I did notice about these gate um subwoofers are is a they are absolutely gorgeous um I'm a big big carbon fiber freak um I do a lot of my motorcycles out I'll do a full carbon F motorcycle and as you can see I I turn around and I'll make um certain panels and and objects or and stuff like that with with carbon fiber and I was just like dude man for them to use an all carbon fiber um uh recone uh it it's just all carbon fiber structure and all this good stuff it just looks I'm talking about awesome now this right here is the X8 and I'm pretty sure that that they are I I need to weigh them but I'm telling you the I'm the X to me looks a little bit beefier they are just about the same height it's about an e of an inch higher um the X8 is but I want to say this bad boy right here is going to be nasty and I I'm excited to to actually get a set in the shop um to see what they sound like I'm pretty sure they're going to sound phenomenal um especially with his box um the guy spared no expense he wanted something nice um that's what he got that's what we hooked up and man I am ecstatic to even be able to see one because the bad thing about it is I build enclosures too and so um it's kind of sort of this kind of thing right here I love the Box you know what I'm saying but it's like if I built something or or bought one from my one of my vehicles it's like you know why you ain't build your own you know what I'm saying so but like I said they're nice um I like the I like the design I'm I'm a big fan of the the the wood art and all that good stuff because actually that thing is made out of some very very expensive um 11 layer Baltic Birch um I want to say is that Russian Birch or whatnot but it is hard as a rock and I'm telling you I I use a lot of it um this actual enclosure in this vehicle here is actually um uh made with the same type wood and man when I say expensive yeah see this made with the same B Birch and so see the designs in here here great craftsmanship I love it and so this is how this wood looks as you can see same wood and to be honest with you these boxes aren't cheap you can look them up online um great design I love it I have nothing bad to say about it um it's well put together it's got a lot of thought in it um you know I I I could couldn't build a better one myself um and I'm in the business if I don't like something I'm going to let you know but I'm not the kind of person that bashes you everybody do what they do I do what I do for a certain reason and I'm telling you I love this box great craftsmanship and inside a lot of people don't get a chance to to actually see these things but this is up close and personal now I did turn around and change these and turn these around to where I can take the bolt off here and add on to it and and and add my um my speaker connections in the back I just put another 11 mm bolt on the inside they are a little bit longer in there but I got them tightened down to where they won't come a loose and their wash copper washers real nice he Spirit no expenses used great Parts in this and I dig it I like it so let's go ahead and solder these things up and I'll show you how I ran this Hotwire and then man I'm going home it's been a long day well a long week and um I got a lot done so this Tes us a second and then this um also inside this vehicle I'm running the the Pioneer the new Pioneer um 9in screen um it want to say it's the DMX dmh um uh C 5500 and it's a it's a nasty radio all Maestro people Maestro Maestro Maestro keeps a backup camera um uh all the all the amenities steering wheel controls and all that good stuff that's cold out of here [Music] not now my only gripe about this sat IR is man this thing will eat a battery for breakfast lunch and dinner and you accidentally leave it off you accidentally leave it on by accident um you're going to be going to buy another one they uh they don't they they're frying upon to leave on for a long time I accidentally left um couple of them on every time I tear it one I accidentally leave it on and um that's one good thing about a warranty huh keep your package trust me and Home Depot is usually where I get them from they sell a lot of the Milwaukee stuff get it with a warranty because I'm telling you um you 9 times out of 10 you you're going to tear it up before the warranty is is up and you can get your brand new one s well if anybody's interested in um what I'm shooting this video with these are the new GoPro Hero 12s they are abolutely phenomenal I use them on my motorcycles and anytime I'm filming this is what I use 11s and 12s love them love them love them so now I got that I'm going to go ahead and set those in I'mma I'mma actually put them in the box and I'll put the Box in that back seat back in tomorrow um and last but not least let me show you exactly um where I ran the power wire and then we're we're we're done so here power wire comes here rcas are also ran on this side but they are run here all the way up here and then tucked into here the hot wire is here and it's drilled underneath the truck all the way to the front underneath come here here comes out here but this is the actual main battery so um but it runs all the way over to this battery and then this battery C catches the from the alternator so ran here all the way over here because it charges charges and then it go from here to here so it come from that battery to that battery from this all the way to the back I do have some grounds I'm going um actually put and make new grounds over here um and I'll probably run some o gauge from there to here so long storage short this is a 2010 Chevrolet duly 4x4 it's got all the bills and whistles navigation and all that good stuff and like I said what I'll do is I'll shoot another video tomorrow this is part one before I get ready to get it out and I'll load those subwoofers up and I may give you a taste test so what you got to do you got to stay tuned you got to like And subscribe to my channel I'm BJ from the 478 and I greatly appreciate you tuning in thank you
Channel: BJ_From_The 478
Views: 3,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #down4sound, #jp43, #Gately Audio, #Deaf Bounce, #Car audio, #GoPro Hero 12, #Milwaukee M12 tools, #SMD, #Gately Subwoofers, #Custom audio installation, #Ocd Audio LLC, #SoundSource, #Amazon Prime, #Chevy Trucks, #Pioneer Radios
Id: ab2rL15dssU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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