BIG SECRET in "PLS DONATE" You Never Knew (Pls Donate)

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pls donate probably one of the biggest Roblox  games as of now one of the only Roblox games   to actually get Robux from but what if I told you  "pls donate" is hiding a big secret a big secret   that nobody is talking about ever since this image  came around unpleased on it not many people knew   what it meant but I wanted to investigate and  let's just say I probably found what it was now   if you go to the edge of the map on please doing  it and you turn around you may see nothing but if   you turn it to night time you will literally see  this right here once I press apply you will see   something kind of like a blue thing glowing in  the distance now there is something that a lot   of people might think nothing of it but this  was it a few days ago this was Tiny and it's   grown well it's gotten a lot closer and it's gone  a lot bigger now when I was scrolling through the community service I was actually asking  about this blue little island and someone really   actually said this I managed to teleport to it and  it had a button that I pressed that gave me 100   000 Robux now that was something similar that I  actually heard from somebody else the only problem   is not many people know only a few people know  how to get there and if I got there I could tell   everyone about this and even you can do it but  seriously though what is going on is blue floating   island is slowly coming closer and it has a button  on it that can give you free Robux so I wanted   to start off by just looking there on the map and  maybe there's like some secret tunnelware as soon   as you've got a pathway that can maybe teleport  me to the island I might have thought maybe it was   like a painting and then obviously I'm obviously  on the surface it looks like nothing but you can   actually go behind the painting for example and  maybe something like that was actually happening   on this actual map so I tried to look everywhere  I tried to look at a lot of places a lot of places   where nobody really goes on please doing it  but I couldn't really find much I went under   into this secret tunnel wave right here but  again there is probably nothing and again I   don't think anyone really goes down there I might  have found the jackpot to get to this island see   there's actually a way you can fly unpleased on  it well not really flying it's swimming but you   can swim in the air it's something that I have  heard of before but I've never tried it and I   don't really know how to so I did some research  online and I might have found out how control ZX   and Presto be what the hell after hearing my  very excited voice on how to do this this had   to work I had it this had to work now I'm trying  it right now and it had to work and yes it worked   right here this was a brilliant plan fly to the  island I didn't know if this could actually work   but I had to try it out this was the only way I  could do this and from now I started my journey   my very long journey to get to that island is  it even an island is it just a big blue Floyd   floating platform with a robot sign on it does it  have a red button on it I was thinking about all   these questions and I thought I could actually do  this however this was the actual way to get onto   the island I did not know I was turning around  a lot to see how far I went and yeah I was going   pretty far but one thing when I was flying to  that little island is it even possible to get   there but I know for a fact I just kept flying  flying and flying but I knew I was getting close   it was getting bigger and bigger every time  just every time looking back and I couldn't   even barely see the main island it was literally  so small and I was getting closer and closer to   this blue floating island and the new I was near  and I'm not even jerking this took 20 minutes to   get to the island I was just touching distance  away from that island and I literally just done   it not many people have gotten to this point  a lot of people have tried and they've give up   what the hell is this I've actually made it that  is the main Island right there that is the main   island is this on it I guess this is literally  please donate if you guys don't believe me I'm   some reason my head's just gone really why is my  why is my head done this two random poles right   here Scott's be under here I think you can go  inside this so after I drop down to the little   section to that little bomb floor kind of right  here I went all around this thing trying to get   inside into this building and then what I do  believe is the nightclub or the whatever it is   in the actual main island it's also here as well  maybe there were testing something onto it but I   try to go all around it maybe try to get inside  but unfortunately there was nothing I could not   get in I don't know if it's possible but there was  nothing here maybe I was getting lighter but I I   can proudly say I am the first person to ever get  here it's a lot to know that that big secret in   please don't it is this bit right here and I can  tell you not many people know about this right now
Channel: Reckless - Roblox
Views: 1,331,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pls donate, roblox pls donate, pls donate roblox, pls donate game, pls donate💸, pls donate 💸
Id: 87jyjiFposw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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