Big Progress on Val and Steve Morris's 6-Second Drag and Drive Camaro!!

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all right welcome back to the ksr YouTube channel and another episode of the progress on Val and Steve Morris's 2010 Camaro Dragon Drive car kind of trying to keep up with these weekly installments which I've actually been a little sick this week so I haven't done as much filming which that may show up in this video later because kind of film some here at the last minute but we're going to go over everything that we've gotten done so far which definitely got a few more lines checked off of the checklist and uh 's been working on some stuff in the back of the car which will show show all of that but yeah thanks for thanks for checking out the Channel Please Subscribe if you haven't subscribed give us a like leave us a comment down in the comment section of some of the stuff you want us to show or questions you want answered about this build we'll answer them if we can uh um Eddie working see look Eddie working on things weird huh all right let's get to it so the Viper's back in for some work getting it ready for a race at a track called pit race it's up outside of Pittsburgh I think it's two weekends basically from today if this video comes out when I think it's going to come out um Eddie and I will be flying up there or driving up there we haven't exactly worked that out yet but it'll be our first time at that track looks like a pretty fun track so be exciting to see how that goes may do a video because we've changed some things around on that since we got it ready for Sebring earlier this year but we'll have to go over that in another video but as far as this thing so Eddie's been working back here and yeah the Bumper's back on it because we are making some different mounts so this see this steel bar right here that is supporting going to support the top part of the bumper and we've also got this fitting real nice on both sides and why are we worried about the bumper fit before we've got so much to do to the chassis before the thing goes out to power coat well I think I mentioned in another video we are going to uh cut the trunk let me see if I can do this onehanded oh that's heavier than I thought it was so what we are going to do is cut the trunk lid across the back of the car and we have a fiberglass trunk lid it's actually the whole fiberglass trunk lid but we're going to have this skin on the back edge here and we're wanting to make sure all of that is squared up because what we are going to do is and actually I need to so that's the wing in that box right there right there that box we are going to mount it to the trunk or this back edge of the trunk and I think it just comes off from the pictures I saw it's just going to come off of this trunk Edge so might cut it somewhere in there where that Wing attaches to the trunk lid and then the wing and this back trunk lid will stay attached to the car and this front section which we're cutting this so the front section which will become fiberglass will be removable and then that will allow access to the trunk and all the room of things that will be in there which this will actually be a pretty good storage you know for stuff on sick week she got a pretty big trunk here and uh there'll be a little bit of wiring stuff back here like there'll be a little relay board for the air pump which will be back here um the street fuel pump relay will be back here couple little things but what we are also going to do is make some mounts that go from that bar right there this one they will be bolt on to that so we'll do some threaded inserts which I'll show you some other threaded inserts I've done up there on the car uh which actually will do a time lapse and then I'll show you them up close after I get done with the time lapse so there'll be some threaded inserts and then they're going to have a support that comes up and bolts the skin to that support that goes right to the right to the chassis so the idea is that the wing is bolted effectively right to the chassis that's my idea like what I'm thinking about doing what I think I'm going to do and then it may tie down to somewhere in the middle or around the parachute because we're going to have you know the parachute sticking out in here somewhere the wing May tie into those parachute mounts as well or the back side of the parachute pack mounts so lots of stuff to figure out before we rip the body off of this thing and probably if I had been 100% this week um maybe could have got it done but my middle daughter she missed school on Monday and Tuesday and it's her last week of school for this year so that's like a party week you never want to miss that week of school so she was really sick but I had them over the weekend she was a little sick on Sunday I kind of started feeling it late Monday into Tuesday and I'm still kind of tired but just part of dad life I guess so let's go look at some of the laser cut stuff we got done for this thing and um show you some of the other things that we're working on inside of the body I wanted to cut this but you said no you did cut that no I meant like cut the hole in this for the inch and a half bar oh but then it wouldn't you know cuz this is an inch and a half wide or all right so enough enough Jibber jabbering my bad my bad sorry so Edie Drew this up and we used send cut send to cut these with a lce laser freaking laser beam so that they're super crispy on all that and it's actually if you look it's actually a puzzle and basically what's going on here see we got a tab for the outside over here and that was not cut as a puzzle on purpose so there's going to be a bolt and a spacer in here that the parachute tether wraps around both sides so then it's captured and then this is going to be where they will be able to hook a push bar to so if they're out testing the car and they want to push back from the top end this is already set up to where you can put a quick pin or a bolt through there and it'll capture a rod in and then you got a bar coming off of here that you can hook to your golf cart tow truck Smart Car whatever you're going to do and gussets in the back oh yeah check that out we got some some gussets there's going to be a bar right there yep yep yep gussets cut out the center lightweight you know yep we did do that at a quar in so it'd be super strong because there's a lot of force on these and this bar cuz if you figure the parachutes pull negative 5gs and the car weighs let's just say 3,000 lb what's 3 * 5 15 good job big brain so 15,000 lb of force or more it's probably even higher instantaneously when it first hits I've seen cars break the parachute anchors off of the car and then cars end up in the sand trap that's a bad time so we don't want to do that so yep we have built that out of some very thick I think it's Chromo too is it yeah it is 41304 inch chromal plate and the puzzle the puzzle deal is nice that's pretty sweet it's my first time doing it keeps it nice and straight I think it turn out pretty good yep yep we'll just be I figured we'd make the spacers first and bolt everything together just so it holds it cuz like you know there's a little just a little bit of Wiggle in it but I mean you do the spacers like you're talking about that's going to be it's on there perfect so these which we've gotten some of these from some other companies but we kind of wanted to make our own and this is a titanium titani yeah titanium uh it's going to be the front and the back edge of the wheel tub so where's the tubs uh oh they are so we made them where they're already the right width oh yeah and then it's going to get folded to whatever degree we need so you can maybe see there's a little Notch right there and we did them solid because like you know rocks are going to be hitting this so imagine that being folded and now it's coming at this angle so then the the panel that goes forward to the bars and as well as the panel that goes backwards towards the bumper are it's kind of like a mount and it ties it all together gives us a spot to mount or to at least yeah mount the filler panel that goes between the rear of the tub and the back bumper and the front of the tub and the chassis which that's something else that Eddie got done he we got that rail there welded so maybe this will help a little bit more so imagine that titanium piece being bent which obviously it won't be and you can kind of see the angle of the wheel tub on that Sharpie Mark right there so it'll be bent about that angle and then it'll bolt through the wheel tub bolt to the you know the piece of filler that goes in there the piece of carbon fiber and then we'll have another vertical piece that goes down there so we've got another rail to weld here it'll be steel it won't be titanium although we might could use another titanium one to do the corner there I don't know we'll figure that out actually maybe not because that's going to be a part of the chassis side so titanium Parts oh steering wheel extension PL steering wheel extension yeah that is fancy yeah 1in tube nice and strong yep cuz we are going to the reason to do that is so when you take the steering wheel off it'll be more than just the steering wheel so if you imagine the steering shaft you know the steering wheel may end up here but if you pop the quick release down here well now you've got this big hole to get out of the car instead of um you know just the end of the steering shaft being right here so I'm going to weld in those threaded inserts that we talked about last week for the window latches as well as the rear viw mirror mounts the parachute anchor parachute release handle anchor Mount whatever it's called so let's run through that time lapse and then we'll show you more what Eddie's doing back here at the back of the car and then that'll be wrapping it up for this video here we go [Music] [Music] e [Music] he he [Music] [Music] [Music] he he [Music] he [Music] all right so that's what she looks like all welded in and I know I mentioned in an earlier video that I didn't like drilling holes to mount like say wheel tubs and firewalls and other stuff but this I believe in my opinion in my opinion is actually stronger than having a hole drilled in it because what I've done is I've taken that quarter 28 jet nut and it's actually a pinching nut I've taken that and that is what is welded into the chassis there so that gives us a quarter you know a qu inch fine thread threaded hole it's actually way thicker than the tube it's welded all the way around it so it's not like we're just drilling an unsupported hole into the roll cage itself so I wanted to clear that up before anybody called me out on that cuz it was I think like the last video that I'm like I don't like drilling extra holes in the cage and then I went and drilled a bunch of holes in the cage well then I supported them with extra metal any who so back under here part of getting this all squared away and mounted let's go to this side cuz this side's closer to being done so because we're not not using the factory pieces you know all of this metal has been cut out we've attached the bumper with these nutts and this will get shorter bolts in it these are just temporary bolts for the time being cuz those that's too heavy that sticks out too far and I think we're going to make a strip maybe out of uh some titanium titanium we got we got some titanium sheet uh that we may just drill some holes in so it'll be nice and light and then it it spreads the load out because if you look that's that's got a slot right there and right there and right there so if we make it to where it goes under every bolt and it's a little you know 1/ inch wide strip that'll be pretty sweet and back here there was a whole big plastic piece and everything so what we did Eddie worked up a tab with another one of those jet nuts and then that mounts that mounts uh which I guess the clamps could be taken off now but basically it grabs the bumper here in the corner and then that supports that bit over there this bar that I may have shown back a while back but this bar attaches to all of the light mountings and the license plate and then it mount mounts here on a tab so to take the bumper off you'll have to take take this tab loose see it's this tab has a bolt welded to the back of it so you just put a bolt in from this side that mounts that good and solid remember I don't like I don't like stuff bouncing around and flexing around and stuff so and then on the top side he's working on these which actually got that one even tack welded in so see that's going to support the top of that still got to weld that out there but yeah chipping away at different things might be some more time lapse here some more footage we have to see what uh what all he does gets more done on the thing here in just a little bit but I got to go running Gymnastics be back in just a few all right quick little time lapse here just kind of showing you some of the stuff that Eddie was doing with that tail light mounting strip and that is just a piece of 3/4 in wide by I think 80 or 90,000 mild steel whatever they had down the road at the local metal supplier so we ran down there grabbed a little bit of that made a couple of supporting strips with the bolt holes in it that will hold up the bumper and that keeps the Gap around the trunk Edge nice and tight keeps it from drooping down there in the middle and uh you see he went and grabbed a rag here so that he could cool the weld off to keep it from melting any of the plastic bumper there and I had requested that he didn't weld that outer part to the uh body just because like out by the quarter pan the bumper is really close to the actual body itself so I was worried that putting any heat that would be enough to melt the metal was going to also melt the plastic bumper so I just got back from dropping off my youngest at gymnastics kind of looking through all the different Wing pieces just to see what I'll uh try to find the instructions and see how they have it designed to mount to the back of the trunk and uh that's where we're going to wrap up the end of this time lapse here after July holy after July first dude what do you think this is that's the correct face to have payment payment plan trying to set Up's trying to make me make bad financial decisions I mean good financial decisions bad financial decisions so what they're talking about is you guys may remember way way way way way way back on the channel I bought three Ford Rangers for the danger Ranger series I built one of them for me Drew ended up with another one for him and uh the other one the other one the other one will be being built the other one will be being built yes and uh we may just let these guys film their Adventures I think and then post to the channel so let us know in the comments what you guys think about that cuz obviously it'll be a very different style than how I've done it cuz uh y'all have only filmed like your Tik toks and only fans and like whatever you're only if you're going to mention the only fans you better link it down below listen this boy needs a four lit I do need a four l so all the all the clicks I didn't get on my only all right take your shirt off show them what they're missing whoa so there there may or may not be some fresh tracks on the road out front I I came back from dropping one of my kids off at gymnastics allegedly I thought the industrial park was on fire I didn't know what was happening and by the time I got back here like they acted like nothing had happened like I nothing happened I mean we were just sitting we heard some noises while we were diligently hard at work yeah hard% working who knows who that could have been I don't know do you know I don't know y do know the track leads kind of right into the shop right like no if you look at the ranger out there the 3 l still has all its rods in it so oh so couldn't have been couldn't have possibly been that one okay so anyway let's talk about the Camaro like you got some stuff done while I was gone I did Edward whoa government name whoa uh yeah got that side done sweet we'll be able to oh you didn't get it done to the quarters though no because you said I wasn't allowed to tack it with the bumper on even though you know I would prefer you not tack it with the bumper I trust my my I'm going to listen to you you know more than me I'll listen to you you're smarter than me so so they unpackaged the wing and looked at it and it was great and then I came and looked at it and didn't realize that I flipped it right on top of the sticky foam and now it's cuz I wasn't paying attention and now there's foam stuck to the wing real rookie move there so we got to fix that but we're mocking up the wing and it doesn't overlap the back corner at all it just butts up to this very back corner here so we might be trimming on trimming on the trunk lid tomorrow but that's going to have to be in next video so we are super super close to getting the body off of this thing super close cuz I've got those done those done for the parachute those done for the mirror um oh we didn't show them the foot pad or the the adjustable foot Mount yeah so there was some some real science in so originally I hadn't planned on making the throttle pedal adjustable I was just going to make the brake pedal adjustable and driver just kind of puts the seat where they work the throttle pedal the best but because Val is quite a bit shorter than Kyle and Steve and Kyle and Steve and Val are all going to be driving the car we worked up an amount that is going to be very adjustable and you can see I put some threaded inserts here and the pedal assembly and this is 90,000 chromey so could be a little bit lighter if it was titanium but it's not too too bad so the idea is the pedal is going to mount here or weld off of this and then there's going to be a heel cup back here to kind of catch the heel of your shoe and then it will be able to be the whole assembly will be able to be moved forward I think that's you remember the the center to Center distance from the first to the last hole like 2 and 1/2 maybe 3 in looks like maybe 3 in 3 in from the center of the front hole to the center of the back hole uh they're half inch apart so yeah 3 in half one half two half so 2 and 1/2 2 and 1/2 oh yeah oh no so half 1 half two half yeah yeah 2 and 1/2 cuz there's six holes five spaces in between so then that gives us the brake pedal has its adjustability on I probably would have done this through send cut send 2 and put even more holes in it but it's going to be what it'll be but this is a little bit more fine tuning or fine tunable half in where this is I think 2 in each move so the cable and all is going to mount onto here so that there won't be any cable readjusting like the whole pedal and cable attachment so if you imagine the pedal pedal swinging it'll have an arm that's going up here and then there'll be a cable attachment coming up and then that'll be what like the whole thing is going to move and the cable will have enough slack in it that when it goes up under the hood and then out or goes up under the dash and then out under the hood it'll have plenty of slack in it to be able to move it and not mess the throttle cable up so it be kind of cool that you won't have to go back and readjust the pedal every or readjust the throttle cable every time you move the pedal so that's that that was something to get checked off the list as well as all these things I'm going to also do the same threaded in bushings down here on the bottom so that we'll be able to mount the wing or not the wing the window net here and then we'll be able to space it up a little bit if it's too uh if it's too tight and then if it's too loose we'll end up tightening it up and taking some spacers out of it so I think that's probably going to wrap up this video and next week I think next week should be like really really sure to getting that's going to be a little bit of a one to worry about that one will take me a day or two this will happen probably tomorrow which is still in this week that'll happen tomorrow so probably Thursday Friday that's 90% done that's done yay I can check that one off [Music] this is half [Music] done that's not done definitely need that'll that can happen Thursday or Friday so going to do something similar for the passenger seat mounting except it will just be even larger threaded inserts instead of the little small quarter inch ones so oh we got those that's something else to scratch off the list that'll be quick can do that tomorrow this actually goes to the body so I don't need to do that shocks travel sensor tabs I do want to do those oh I did that too so those are done fire system pull handles those will be quick ah yep upper seat supports I forgot we got to do a Pro 600 Mount too which that's kind of on the maybe oh you welded it inside of the wishbone tabs didn't you yeah okay all right I guess you know what is not on here is the rear wing attachments to uh the chassis there not for the rear wing I don't think any who uh that's how these things go I don't know if you guys remember back but originally it was way up here on the uh list and then now it just keeps getting things added to it so anyways that's going to wrap it up with this video wrap it up with this video wrap it up for this video appreciate all of you so much for watching and following along and uh being a part of our shop with us you know we have a try to have a good time down here and hopefully that shows in the videos and let us know about the uh the new ranger series what we calling the budget Ranger series be a budget Bill budget if anybody wants to sponsor this kid some money to uh to buy a 4 liter he'll pretty much do anything cels he'll do anything for money pretty much right I mean you'll you'll do anything anything you'll on that note we'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: KSR Performance & Fabrication
Views: 39,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KSR, KSR Performance, KSR Fabrication, KSR Performance and Fabrication, HTP, USA Weld, HTP Welders, TIG Welding, Holley EFI, Holley, Turbo, Boost, Drag Racing, Freedom Factory, Cleetus, Cleetus McFarland, MacFarland, Mullet, El Camino, WireCare, TRZ Motorsports, Drag Radial, Chevrolet, horsepower, Camaro, Crash, Shop, Car Lift, Bendpak, Corvette, C5, car, barn find, will it run, Mr Beast, Formula 1, Marvel, Trending, Reacts, Danger, Ranger, 9000, Millican, Clay, Street Outlaws, Mark Rober, Jeff Lutz
Id: ilxm6xaVFMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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