Big Mike from O Block on Jail Fight Footage Leaking & Being Locked Up while Drill Rap Took OFF!!

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hey what's up man today we got Big Mike from O Block in the house today man so what's up Big Mike what's going on man cool same old different they they B yeah I hear that I hear that man I'm pretty sure you getting to the bag now you know what I'm saying always now what's crazy is we've been seeing a lot of you out here you've been doing interviews on no jumper uh Senor dju you've been doing a lot of big interviews but I really wanted to get a fair assessment how it's been since you've been released from prison because I know you've done a long time in prison tell us how it's been since hitting the ground running it's been decent like I've been making money you know what I'm saying I've been spending time with my family I just it it feel good you know when you spend all that time in prison like that and you come out to Fresh up I mean it's different out here in this world you know what I'm saying it's different right now but it's a lot of going on but it is what it is but at the same time this [ __ ] be good though like yeah it's it's a little rare for people to come out of prison and automatically be thrust into this whole social media space and world man was that kind of weird I mean a little bit you know I ain't never been really no interet type of so definitely a little different [ __ ] but it's a lot of money involved like i' have made way more than what people make in the yes year so I'm pretty sure of it man I'm pretty sure of it I'm sure it's more to come because you've got this opportunity to be a wealth of knowledge into the drill culture that a lot of people don't get all right Big Mike so for most people who've been paying attention to the Chicago drill rap culture you bring a different kind of element man you kind of have a real foot on the ground history of a lot of things that took place but I want to ask about this when you were locked up what was it like seeing the drill culture moving Chicago drill rap blowing up why you're behind bars it was kind of different because I wasn't expecting none of that [ __ ] so like when I was heing the music or like watching the news because you know a lot of that [ __ ] was on the news like it was like I I thought about it it it kind of made me happy though because I'm like okay my city getting on the map you know what I'm saying like on some like rap [ __ ] instead of like everybody looking at it like as you come here you G die somebody G Rob this this so like listening to the music it seeing it I'm like okay I was infatuating with that back then feel I'm gr now so it really don't need to me now but back then I was like oh yeah my city is up it's up you what I'm saying it was a decent little mov just too much was going on with instead of everybody using it just to rap to express they self [ __ ] like that was using it to like get down on each other and [ __ ] like they created a whole bunch of [ __ ] with to City down at the same time he was building it up and T down at the same time a that's a very good perspective man because I mean you would think that you know a lot of the people that you knew in the in the in the drill rap game some of them became stars like what do you think about that part of it like the positive aspects oh that [ __ ] was wrong because now it's like it's different now people looking at us different now like we that we over that you know what I'm saying we we basically you know I'm saying making a name for our city on some rap you know I'm saying we got Stars that's coming out of Chicago now you know what I'm saying real live celebrities you know what I'm saying it's um it it it feel it's a good feeling though you know what I'm saying that you got like I know real live C from our city I I'm pretty sure that's pretty crazy right before they was celebrities I was around them so it's like hell yeah that sh feel good to see somebody make it out not fully out because you still gonna have one foot in the streets one foot in the rap game but it's still at the same time like we got real stars coming out of our city now when you're locked up though and you have people say from your neighborhood maybe even from where you from that you're that you're closely you know connected to whatever start to blow up in the rap game people you've known for years how does that affect how things go on the inside I mean it it the only thing it affect on the inside is that you going to have some groupy ass [ __ ] it's going to be groupy fan out ass [ __ ] and they they going to flop to you because of where you from and it's a rising star coming up out your L it could be from any Hood if it's a mother over there that's rapping and you know I'm saying he got streets of people with him his name Everywhere You Gonna hide [ __ ] in jail they gon ride they G it's it's gonna be like that they gonna be coming up to you hey man might you need this man Joe I got it could be anything man I got for you you know what I'm saying something like that like they they want to be around you all the time it's crazy now what you say is it has more positive effects than negative it it and prison definitely got more positive effects because you get you foress anything cuz he he he he a fan he fan out okay okay n that's that that's a man I I never thought of it from that way because you know you hear all these stories about prison and people knowing that you're connected to somebody I know you've seen the movie paid in full and you saw how that played out or whatever in the movie but you're saying from your end when people knew who you were connected to or saw what was going on as far as the rap game and stuff they got all fanned out and was like hey man you know wanted to be your buddy right yeah it was it was Buddy Buddy it was always trying to put me on the phone with females you know just the little things like I mean it was irritating at the same time but then when you got that type of status in prison like it's a good thing because now all the corre I was like who the is dude why is everybody always ask about him why is his name always being mentioned in phone calls you know what I'm saying like people gonna be they gonna be talking about you you know I'm saying you go out let's just say you want like to healthare or something like that or to the child something like that you ain't never seen this man before in your life but he going to say y Hey Big Mike what you wrong you good bro what house you wear [ __ ] like that I don't even know this know he wow that's crazy that's crazy now also man when it comes to prison there's been a a a scene or a situation that's G on on a lot of the Chicago and New York drill Pages where you've seen prison footage being released now your footage has been released or some alleged footage of you in several altercations or after altercations I never saw you throwing a punch so I'm not GNA put you in that but what do you think about that Trend the people's jail footage being released now man I don't know what they doing I don't know what I don't know what type [ __ ] they got going on nothing like that man somebody releasing them I mean the sh public records anyway so it a like I mean they doing something wrong but if it's being a leak like on a CO doing it or something like that then yes that's that's there both me but it's all public records anyway but it's like his videos up there they showing on videos that what we was doing in the county and stuff like that and that's all the stuff that was going on in the cend so now instead of you hearing it from my mouth or somebody else mouth about what was going on who was fighting who was doing this who was doing that you can see it with the videos yourself more and more keep coming out and it's going to be some more that's going to come out too
Channel: Witty Apparatus
Views: 48,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big mike, Big Mike, big mike O Block, Big Mike O Block, big mike from o block, o-block, O-block, big mike prison, king von, King Von, lil Durk, big mike lil durk, big mike king von, king von prison fight, wooski, Wooski, king von wooski, big mike wooski, dont know why he told, big mike wooski brother, big mike bd, bds gds, gds, big mike wooski shot, big mike king von jail, big mike jail, big mike from o block jail, g herbo, big mike shooting, Lil Durk, O block snitch
Id: VoVItXer30M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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