Big Changes to Autism Schedule

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hey guys we're gonna go ahead and get right into the video we're gonna show some clips of the kids first and how they've been dealing with a whole quarantined stay-at-home thing and then we'll have a discussion shortly after Thanks okay so here's what we're gonna do sent your old homework down to the side the table lay it out so you cannot see you mmm there you go and the only problem that your teacher had was the text was too big so you can copy it here with a smaller pencil because the marker was too big right here I made a marker no it's just there's a right tool for a job and the right tool for the job in this case is the pencil you're doing fine did you make your point by you know always be careful even by and I'm gonna turn it back on you you should be careful what you use hmm see that all right that's smaller okay but oh it's okay burping papers like being me to a paper I know you just got upset that's why you shredded your paper but it's okay I'm converting job you take a break do some breathing you want to deep nice and slow big one breathe in breathe in nice big one give a deep breath good now breathe out slowly all the way a big breath in there you go you can do it good it looks good so what is this format why are you writing it down on the side of the paper why do they make you do that they're not making me do I'm just afraid you just like that so I can't even really do more space so what do you think about all the changes to your schedule in school what do you think about that math which I also love talking to with my teacher over there voice ball over Skype I'm fishing at recess mm-hmm are you dealing with here with all the changes do you think what changes oh just being at home not having a schedule as tight as a school cuz you seem to be a little bit more stressed out I just I just have to work even more than I ever expected I have to have any more work yeah I'm not gonna feel like I make two weeks to taper this one it's okay don't worry about the paper that's small potatoes that's not a big deal mm-hmm so we're more concerned about like how you're responding to the computer program you know your ninja game your math game that's time-based and that kind of stresses you out because you don't like to be put on a timer and I understand that I don't like to be put on a timer either mm-hmm is there a union so you're stressing out show me these math problems they're timing you of course the time goes from green to yellow and then red and then if it goes red then you don't get the points it's a picture puzzle where you have to get the pictures ready you're very good job good job you got that one [Music] jerk I'm virgin yeah you got that one good job oh my gosh you did a good job high five but doesn't know Warren even though yeah it's dressing you on the hunt cuz it's on the timer I can understand that no it didn't work I'm sorry bud right here the nose don't burst it's Isis on the wrong question that was like what you press the wrong thing or an accident of course that's our new order is you buddy I still I close you up my tease you want me to do the hang of it you don't like learning this way nobody had to it's doing it's so very hard so tell us about turning it around were you able to turn it around yeah yeah just like I've heard you in school eyelet paper thanks for that [Music] all right Ian so tell us how you turned it around well obviously I take you deep breaths deep breaths of course it was a very heart what else helps you I'm very honest you sergeant and applaud rest of my record teachers after very little break yeah it makes you feel better to apologize of course what about your weighted blanket you know that I've read helps me too and that's upstairs yeah of course [Applause] [Applause] poor Alistair has been stressing out a lot I think more than anyone with a change of schedule that's hard cuz this game the 2d s game helps calm him down but it also stresses about a catch-22 most the time it calms him down but sometimes he gets stuck he gets really frustrated how it affected the most by a change in schedule how are you doing climbing on the change in schedule no mom says I could take like yeah Connors doing pretty good you do not invest that luxu and it just keeps locking down long and every time every minute yeah a lot of people are on the homework site right now nineteen fifteen minutes Alexia's yeah every minute I had this well thanks for you know determination he's getting frustrated because he can't connect these little LEGO pieces let me see your car wash that that's so nice and this is the cool car wash spinners and oh wait there are water laser water that cleans the car that you cleans the car well good job turning it around clobbers as I dry it that's a driver club okay you guys so you can see from the video that Ian's had a hard time transitioning in his schedule from going to class being with his teachers doing more things with paper and books and things like that to switching over to the computer they did supply classmates with a Chromebook to work off of and it's just been a little bit of a change I guess you could say so Ian what's the hardest program for you to deal with is Alexia and that's her spelling program mm-hmm yeah so he doesn't like spelling one but you do like reflux that's your math one mm-hmm yeah he's even been doing long division with his teacher's aide yeah that's pretty behind the camera hi I've been doing a long division his math is getting a lot better but for some reason you struggling with spelling especially fitting all the words on one page that's why you saw him tear that paper he was really frustrated that he couldn't do small writing which of course requires more motor skill to get the the writing down to a smaller size and so what his teachers have said they want him to go from third grade reading to sixth grade writing meaning reduce the size of your letters and you know improve your penmanship that type of thing so that's been kind of a struggle can you set up your button Thanks and so yeah just the the transitioning is has been a really difficult thing obviously everyone has been dealing with a transition but when you take someone with autism and you change their schedule it's a big deal right that's why you see some of these you know tantrums and meltdowns and we haven't had any sensory meltdowns thank goodness those are the hardest ones to recover from but just a little you know miles you know kind of fussiness and throwing tantrums and things like that when things don't go their way you'll you saw some of that with Alistair and Brittany we'll talk more about Alistair and Connor one of the things that really helped us is just kind of breaking things up in a little chunks into little breaks these teachers are also good with calling you can see on some of the footage they're talking to him over the phone they're really good at calming him down and and letting them know they're still there that hasn't changed as teachers are still there to support him except for the therapists unfortunately I missed that we can't do direct therapy when it comes to like ABA and physical therapy and occupational therapy and things I guess yeah and motor skills we just have to take care of that here at home we have been trying to keep them active before it just depends it's on state to state I know New York has been on lockdown for quite some time but here in Utah they still allowed us to go outside but we had to keep social distancing we found a lot an abandoned lot out in the middle of where we live and we just ran around there but now they're asking us to stay at home completely and do not go outside and unless it's for like emergency type items like medications and things of that nature I wished we know we don't want to go out the whole world wants to go out so that yeah I mean the whole keeping them active thing has been a real struggle and it definitely shows at nighttime they want to stay up at eleven o'clock twelve o'clock one time we found Alistair he snuck the little video game the 2d s thing he was playing it like 1:00 1:00 a.m. in the morning and were like no no we got putting into that so we just took it away they'll stay up as late as they they can because they're not tired they're not worn out they haven't had enough physical activity one time Alistair scared me because I came out of like 1 a.m. to check on the kids and he was like full body holding on to the the punching bag we have like a little monkey here as you can see that we utilize that helps a little bit but they really want to get out and you know play in the dirt socialize be boys that socialize oh so we talked about Ian a bit and as far as the other boys Connor is doing the best out of all of the children in mmm dealing with just being a home all the time because he's kind of an introvert and a homebody already we did have one moment where Connor was roughhousing around and broke his glasses I mean snap the thing clear off and I was like oh darn you know it's a second time he's broken his glasses in the three months he's owned these glasses and luckily we were able to go back to Sam's Club and just get them replaced no problem cuz they're still under warranty but even Connor is struggling with not having enough activity moving on to Alistair he I would say he's had even harder time than Ian with adjusting to staying home all the time not having his classmates or his therapies he's Alistair with his autism the way he deals with it is um I'd say he focuses so intensely on the things that make his stims more endurable like playing Kirby Epic Yarn or a video or toys that he doesn't even notice some physical pain or discomfort it's one of the reasons why potty training immense that's just such as beast he's so focused on what he's doing to sue them that the other day he um he had a bloody nose from I think picking his nose or he bopped it or something and we came upstairs to check on him and there were blood smears all over the carpet in the walls and he literally wouldn't shout out or call for help because he was so involved in what he was doing yeah he he I think of all our kids is struggling the most with the lack of therapy the lack of one-on-one tension with the teachers and the friends at school no one's getting through this without some skin in the fight that's just how it's gonna be but we are grateful for all of your support and for um just continuing this mission while everything else is going on in the world we hope that things improve for you who are watching this and that God will bless your lives also I do want to say this as an important side note our faith Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints is having a worldwide fast meaning we're gonna skip at least two meals that day or fast for 24 hours you know through the night and into the next day no food or water and pray for this whole thing with the virus to to be overcome including the economy and to help you know local and federal leaders just around the world with just a day of healing basically and we hope you'll join us it doesn't matter if you remember of our faith it's not about that we just hope that everyone will go fast and pray on Good Friday on April 10th and that you'll all feel welcome and involved in doing that it's really important that we do get through this if you don't believe in it you know that's fine I'm not telling you what to believe but we hope as many Christians and people who just believe in God out there you know Muslims Jews doesn't matter we want you all to join us in a day of pray and prayer and fasting and hopefully we get through this more quickly than than later
Channel: Autism Family
Views: 91,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oaOkegrYzy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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