BIG CHANGES! 485 Visa in Australia (2024 Update)

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[Music] hello everyone my name is Su daa and I'm a registered migration agent at Nationwide migration and education we make new videos every week in regards to Australian migration and if you are interested in this topic You may wish to subscribe to our channel in this video today we will be talking about the changes that have and may be implemented for the temporary graduate Visa subclass 485 the department released its long awaited migration strategy on 11th December 2023 now let's look at the proposed changes that could be implemented this year for the 485 Visa there will be significant changes to the 485 visas making them more targeted towards International graduates with skills required by Australian employers now these changes include the 485 streams will be renamed as the post higher education work and post vocational education work streams there will be a reduction in the length of stay for international students for bachelor's and Master's graduates it will be 2 years for Masters by coursework and PhD graduates it will be 3 years Department would also like to prevent holders of 485 visa from moving back onto student visas while on show they would like to restrict the stay of international graduates without skills in demand from remaining in Australia they would like to reduce the age eligibility from 50 to 35 years targeting early career professionals and they would also like to increase English language proficiency requirements for the 485 visa from is 6 to is 6.5 and decreasing the English language test validity window for a temporary graduate visa from 3 years to 1 year there is also a possibility that 476 visa and replacement stream will be abolished temporary graduate Visa extensions for students studying in Regional areas to remain between 1 to 2 years depending on their location no other temporary graduate Visa extensions such as 2 years based on qualification so far department has implemented one of these changes no other 485 Visa extensions other than the regional ones the extended post study work rights for international graduates commenced 1st July 2023 providing graduates with degrees in select areas of verified skill shortage and additional 2 years on their 485 Visa the extension has been reconsidered given Australia's changed economic environment and additional considerations as identified in the migration strategy as such International higher education graduates can no longer apply for the extension from mid 2024 International graduates with an Australian qualification that meet the Australian study requirement remain eligible for the existing temporary graduate poststudy workstream Visa the department wants the 485 Visa holders to progress towards one of the skills in demand visas that will be introduced soon so let's look at these visas a new three- tiered system of Visa Pathways known as the skills in demand Visa will replace the subclass 482 TSS Visa so tier one specialist skills pathway The Specialist skills Visa pathway will not have an occupational list and will have a median processing turnaround of 7 Days trades occupations Machinery operators drivers and laborers will be excluded from this Visa class there will be 3,000 places allocated per year this pathway is designed for those with specialist skills threshold earning over 135,000 Australian dollars per year so they could be engineering managers software engineers cyber Specialists and skill sets not picked up in occupational definitions tier 2 which is the core skills pathway so the core skills pathway are expected to provide the majority of visas for the program trade workers must apply under this Visa based on a core skills occupation list developed by jobs and skills Australia the Visa's core skills threshold will be $70,000 Australian dollars which will be indexed annually so for example nurses and teachers then there will be tier three which is the essential skills pathway details of the essential skills Visa pathway are yet to be finalized this Visa will involve Union oversight be capped be restricted to specific sectors care and support to date the age care and disability sectors have been mentioned the essential skills Visa is for those earning under $70,000 Australian dollars per year so let's look at what else we know so far are about these Visas so these visas will be granted for up to 4 years Visa holders can change employers more easily and provide clear Pathways to permanent residency the TSM testm will be indexed annually a public register of approved sponsors including the number of migrants sponsored and their occupations periods of employment with any approved employer will count towards permanent residence requirements temporary skilled migrants will also be enabled to apply for permanent residents through self-nominated independent Pathways for example through a reformed points test the Visa will allow for a 4year stay for all streams with median processing time of 21 days Visa holders will have 180 days to find a new sponsor and can work during this period it seems like there will be Pathways available for 485 Visa holders and as long as they are eligible for one of the three skills in demand visas with 485 Visa holders it's always recommended that they work in their nominated or closely related occupation to have options to stay long-term or apply for permanent visas in the future if you're someone who is eligible to apply for a 485 Visa or you already have a 485 Visa then you may want to get in touch with us to see what future options you have available in austral Australia if you have any questions in regards to Australian migration please get in touch with us you can visit our website Nationwide migration. comom and book a consultation online if you would like to stay updated about Australian migration please subscribe to our Channel
Channel: Suman Dua
Views: 9,392
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Keywords: 189 visa, 190 visa, 491 visa, 887 visa, skilled migration australia, skilled visa, gti visa, global talent visa, suman dua australia, suman dua migration agent, suman dua brisbane, 191 visa, how to get pr in Australia, how to get pr for international students in Australia, 485 visa, best courses to study in Australia, latest news australia
Id: Oz5CkyxL6hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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