Big Ben Rookie Year Highlights
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Channel: Tim McMillen - mcmillenandwife
Views: 71,512
Rating: 4.8444166 out of 5
Keywords: pittsburgh, steelers, ben, roethlisberger, big ben, qb, rookie, quarterback, pittsburg, rookie season, highlights, big, scramble, bomb
Id: fwWU2EqeAxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I had forgotten how good plax really was with Ben.
Big Ben is the absolute best Quarterback our beloved franchise has ever seen.....period.
I have been a fan of this team since the 1970โs. I am sorry...Bradshaw was a product of his environment.
He was a decent quarterback with an outstanding team around him.
Ben is/was a Quarterback that, for most of his career, had a shitty offensive line, and slightly above average pass catchers. Roethlisberger is the virtual equivalent of Steve McNair...with much better results. He got the shit beat out of him and still managed to win two out of three Super Bowls.
He literally WILLED the team to win.
I only wish that Munchak could have joined the team two or three years before he did. If so? We might have won a couple others.
In my lifetime, I have never seen a quarterback do the things that Ben has.
The closest I have seen is Fran Tarkington in the late 60โs/early 70โs.
The disrespect Ward shows to the eagles at the 7:40 mark is pretty funny.
Thanks for this! I feel like some people who post here could use a chance to watch Ben as a rookie for the first time and realize how good he was from the start.
Also this was a great reminder of how dominant Plax was that season.
I hate how people have to put dramatic music over everything
He has that magic factor about him. You think he's down and he just chucks for a TD. it's not pretty like say Jackson or mahomes but it gets the job done