Biden administration cannot credibly mediate between ally Israel and Hamas: Marwan Bishara

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let's head to London and speak to Al jaaz senior political analyst Marwan bashari joins us now and so it's interesting Maran that this news that the CIA Chief is heading to the region to try and see if he can make progress uh where there appears to be deadlock it looks as though for now President Biden's uh big announcement of a ceasefire has backfired a little bit yes I think uh the obstacles are quite uh confusing for many they are not confusing to me uh the idea that uh there was an Israeli proposal basically embraced and expanded by the United States then marketed by President Biden and then somehow undermined by prime minister Netanyahu saying that he will not accept a ceasefire with Hamas because he will not end the war War until it achieves its objectives including the destruction of Hamas but instead of uh facing this headon President Biden is now putting pressure on Egypt Qatar and Hamas to accept a deal that Israel has not accepted unequivocally so there's a problem here and in order to deal with the problem the United States is being ambiguous really ambiguity as strategy to try to continue to push both sides send envo to continue to talk about ceasefire while Israel in fact carries its crimes killing dozens of people and we just saw the images in your in your earlier report about how entire families are being decimated by the Israelis and just to be clear Marana Washington as you were saying Biden has been in some ways embarrassed in some ways humiliated by um America's greatest Ally in the region although they've already sort of violated the red lines around Rafa um that Washington had already established but Washington's frustration perhaps not so much about the savagery of the war itself but the way in which it's had irreversibly changed um International and American opinion uh of this conflict and how that could possibly jeopardize uh American strategic objectives in this region and Beyond there's no doubt that uh Biden's credibility has eroded both domestically and internationally America standing in the world and certainly in the Middle East has been exposed to be uh lacking all credibility uh and certainly at home uh with protest movement engulfing many American cities and American University campuses uh clearly that's a major challenge for Biden in an election so his credibility has has been eroded for sure and a good reason for that is because he boxed himself in behind Netanyahu the past eight months allowing Israel to carry war crimes and plausibly genocide according to the international court of justice but let's let's widen uh the lens just a little bit Mariam because we've been talking throughout the evening about the very specificity of uh Biden wanting hamash to accept the deal while Nan does not exactly accept the deal but just let's back let's back out a bit and backtrack and and look at what what are we talking about in the end of the day we're talking about an presumably an Israeli deal that became an American Israeli deal so that's what we're talking about it's not a Hamas deal it's not an Arab deal it's an Israeli American deal that's not exactly fully embraced by the Israeli government certainly it has not been voted on by the Israeli government and many ministers don't accept it that's one two within this proposal there are three phases and the Americans continue to talk about guaranteeing the move from the first phase to the second phase or the third phase where be there will be a ceasefire but in all honesty in all honesty who trusts the Americans with the Israelis who as you just stated on the red lines of RAF these red lines became green light certainly green lights and now the United States continues to support Israel's attack on Raa who so who can trust the United States when it talks about uh uh humanitarian Aid anymore while there is famine in Gaza the United States has been pressuring Israel to allow humanitarian and Medical Aid in for months and Israel would not do that so who can trust the United States to use its leverage with Israel come the next phase of this deal and a third and last point that is really important to recall that Biden has speaking for a long time about how this is going to lead to a two-state solution how this going to lead to an Palestinian to an Israeli Arab normalization and a two-state solution just now the Americans have dropped the two-state solutions and they said there is no Pathway to a two-state solution so suddenly out of the blue the Americans have decided that their plan does not include you know a pathway towards a Twist solution and now because we have to stick to this thing called the ceasefire the presumed ceasefire and hence the idea of ending the occupation of Palestine and allowing for the emergence of a free Palestinian Society in Gaza West Bank and in Jerusalem is no longer even in the Horizon anymore we see America going to a great deal of effort to support Israel uh in this war and now with the even with the announcement of this ceasefire this so-called Israeli proposal though we're not quite sure where the plan originated uh we see now that uh confusion that is coming from Israel's side has resulted in the deployment of the um the CIA Chief to the region to now become more involved but I guess Maran um America has a great deal of Leverage both uh financial and in terms of weapon support but you know so it does have the capacity to actually uh stop this war and force uh Israeli compliance with this with this deal if it wishes to absolutely correct um instead it's for the time being trying to shift uh the blame on to Hamas just before I came on air I was watching channel 12 the Israeli mainstream Channel they were basically making fun of the idea that Biden instead of blaming netan is not blaming Hamas I mean the idea that we understand that Hamas gave a ton of a positive reaction to the to the proposal saying you know we could we could work with the Americans on this through the C and the Egyptians of course but the Israelis basically have said we were not going to accept a permanent ceasefire and yet Biden shifts the blame and he would not put any pressure or use his leverage with Israel not only that I mean at this point in time he is allowing the genocide to continue and the war crimes to continue and every day we're talking about dozens hundreds of casualties continues actually Maran speaking of of just that this American and Israeli hostility towards International bodies not least the ICC is nothing new but you know here we go back to what this has done to uh the American reputation on the world stage the so-called rules-based order the idea that the law must apply equally to everyone or it's not law at all well yes you know the the Republican controlled Congress is really out of touch with the reality out of touch with this world it lives in a this ecosystem called the built Way Washington DC and it's like a medieval um you know assembly looking more like Taliban than it looks like a modern democratic America but be that as it may the Biden Administration for the time being said it is not bored with any such sanctions against the IC uh and you know as you know Congress has also invited netan the war criminal uh come probably genocide enabler uh to speak for the fourth time uh to both houses of Congress this is just surrealistic you know for any such war war criminal come you know genocid there to be invited to uh the the parliament of uh the world's foremost or or at least most powerful democracy is really an athema to everything America stands for so once again America's credibilities going down the drain because of the Congress controlled uh by Republicans and because of White House has an a Democrat who would not stand for what his presumably Administration stands for human rights at the center of foreign policy okay [ __ ] bashara thank you very much make sure to subscribe to our channel to get the latest news from alaz
Channel: Al Jazeera English
Views: 106,348
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Keywords: Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera English, Al Jazeera Latest, Al Jazeera Live, Al Jazeera Live News, Al Jazeera Video, Free Gaza, Gaza, Gaza Under Attack, Gaza Under Fire, Gaza Under Siege, Gaza War, Israel, Palestine, Stop the War, pray for Gaza
Id: JXWPxv5TXak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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