Biden administration accused of ‘protecting’ Hamas

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so rer and James Australia yet again under Penny Wong has embarrassed this nation disgraced this nation siding against Israel and with Israel's enemies Rita yes decided not to vote with uh our greater allies Israel and America decided not to abstain decided to vote against our great allies and effectively award Hamas for the murderous Behavior we have seen October 7 and since then and before then they maintain that this is not rewarding Hamas in fact Penny Wong was at Great pains to explain this is the opposite of what Hamas wants yes Hamas wants to eradicate entire entirety of Israel they want every Jew gone but it is still rewarding them it's not giving them everything they want but it's giving them more than they already had let's have a listen to this attempt at justification by the Australian foreign minister I want to say this is a clear rejection of the goals and methods of Hamas a two-state solution both Israel and Palestine is the opposite of what Hamas wants Hamas does not want peace and it does not want long-term security for the for the state of Israel how on Earth is this a rejection of Hamas I mean coming from you know Penny Wong I think we can understand that you can make these sort of moral back flips but it is unbelievable to listen to this nonsense I mean the only way that you can go about talking about any sort of two-state solution is to say that first Hamas must be eliminated they have absolutely zero place in any future Palestinian governance organization you know set up whatever they wind up doing so two states fine but get rid of Hamas first but I've got some breaking news here the Washington Post has just reported in the last few minutes that the Biden Administration I'm be talking about them a bit later on in the program working urgently to Stave off a full-time Israeli full scale isra Israeli invasion of Rafa is offering Israel valuable Intelligence on Hamas targets the where the military are where the leaders are and where their tunnels are so they have been so the Biden Administration has been holding back intelligence from Israel they never thought Israel would press the case so far to go into Gaza and get rid of Hamas and they always thought that well we don't need to give them this information the Biden Administration stands accused now of protecting Hamas and Iran they've played this double game from the very start of their Administration this goes back to the Obama days and Joe Biden whose side are you on this is the Urgent question everybody needs to ask I think we all know Joe Biden doesn't know what day it is let alone who F but is the continuation of that Obama administration the whoever's pulling the Biden uh puet strings puppet strings I I mean he is a puppet he would have no idea he would have no decision making here but the bureaucracy the swamp whatever you want to call it is that continuation of of the OB regime and we know the Obama regime was fully invested in Iran doing the Iranian deal emboldening Iran and uh we had a few years of rest fite from that under Trump but they've gone back to it and this is why we're in this situ and there is there is real serious concerns about who is even in the bid Administration making foreign policy you know that the special Envoy on Iran has had his security clearance revoked because of concerns about well we don't know exactly what yet but I mean the fact that Iran has had such a massive intelligence effort trying to Pate the United States and we see this with their influence operations that play out on campuses and elsewhere this is really Sinister stuff here you know totally the reality is Israel has to defeat Hamas has to go in there has to take out the entire Terror Network and finish it for all time only then will there ever be peace in the Middle East once the terrorists are destroyed and the idea that the Biden Administration is running around uh we saw earlier those various top brass saying oh we think maybe they could have this weapon but not that weapon now they now they're trading which bit bits of intelligence they're going to give absolute disgrace uh Donald Trump has come out and he said very very clearly that the entire Biden administration's approach not only to Israel but throughout the Middle East is an absolute disgrace let's go back to Australia here's Penny Wong again trying further double flips I mean she should be in the circus doing on a trapeze the the the way she manages to twist the facts around the reality is folks Australia over the weekend on Friday has voted in the United Nations to re to push towards the recognition of Palestine as a state here's Penny Wong trying to justify this this is goes against everything this is rewarding terrorism as Tony Abbott has pointed out and Scott Morrison has come out with a terrific statement saying this is the most hostile act by any Australian government in history towards Israel well done Scott Morrison absolutely true his Wong again back flipping doing whatever she does this vote is not about whether Australia recognizes Palestine we will do that when we think the time is right what we would say and what I do say is Australia no longer believes that recognition can only come at the end of a peace process it could occur as part of a peace process this is insane this is completely ins it makes no sense whatsoever she says we're not voting for a recognition Palestine Palestinian state but that's what you just voted for and along with Iran and uh tajan and China and Russia that's who you voted for Canada didn't vote for it the UK didn't vote for it uh even papuan New Guinea didn't vote for it yet Australia has sidled with the worst of the worst this is a complete uh rejection if You' like of our friendship with Israel and it is a rewarding of Terror and a rewarding to Hamas encouraging them to go forward now this is a disgrace Australia stands utterly embarrassed they'll be talking more about that later James well I was just going to say you know it really occurs to me here that when you listen to the way that they play this double game here Penny Wong's playing the same sort of thing here you know put aside all the domestic political concerns which are driving a lot of this labor policy right now we can talk about that later but the other thing too is that it is so ironic to me that you know so many people on the left side of politics love to pay lip service to the idea of democracy being under threat the West being under threat you know Russia China whatever but when it comes to Israel and here we have a democracy a liberal democracy that is under existential threat and a friend of ours under existential Threat by a murderous totalitarian thuggish regime with the strings being pulled in Iran a murderous thuggish Theocratic regime that hates not just Jews but the entire West including democracies like ours you know their rhetoric on other issues where democracy in West and the freedom is under under threat really Falls completely flat this blind spot that they have on Israel and I think it comes from the left not only that there's this anti-Semitism on the left but also that throughout the left there's a real rejection of the western Enlightenment project they don't like it they don't trust it and you know they want to see yeah and I'll be talking about that a little bit uh after the break but of course there are domestic considerations yeah there are a lot more Muslim voters and they're often concentrated in seats held by labor they're worried about a backlash there we saw similar concerns in the UK but I think it goes deeper than that with labor and the left in general this is in their DNA they do have this anti-west sentiment this neom Marxist mindful frame where they look at everything they it up in University and that's why this shouldn't shock us it might disappoint us but it shouldn't shock us because this is who they are this is who they are uh Josh burns the Jewish labor Member of Parliament has come out so Penny Wong congratulations Alba well done you've managed to alienate and split left-wing Jews from the labor party he's come out with a strong statement opposing the uh decision by Penny Wong the vote by Australia in the United Nations I say again I've said it many times before Labor the greens and the teals are no friend of the Jews in this country if you are a supporter of Israel supporter of Judaism uh Jewish connections to Judaism whatever you should not and must not be voting teal green or labor because they are not your friend they are your enemy understand that clearly that is why we have election and that is why this mob must be turfed out at the next election along with the teals
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 32,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6352770326112, fb, msn, opinion, outsiders, yt
Id: AR1JbsNkhlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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