Bichon Frisé: Pros and Cons

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The Pros and Cons of Owning a Bichon Frisé! The bichon frise is a smart, affectionate, and incredibly cute breed that can easily be mistaken for a child's toy. This happy-go-lucky breed originated in the Mediterranean islands, which could explain their easygoing and fun-loving nature. Bichons make perfect companions for families, elderly couples, and everyone in between. As suggested by their regal-sounding French name, they are not only charming but also stunningly beautiful. Bichons are also known for being intelligent and they enjoy learning new tricks to entertain the whole family. Plus with their hypoallergenic fur, petite size and a maximum weight of 18 pounds, they are a great fit for any household. However, there are some less desirable traits that potential owners should be aware of. So without further ado, let's take a look at the major pros and cons of owning a Bichon Frisé! Con - The Bichon Frise needs regular grooming! If you're the owner of a Bichon Frise, you're likely well aware of their iconic, puffy double coats. With such distinctive fur, it's no surprise that grooming is a vital aspect of taking care of this easy-going breed. Neglecting their grooming needs can result in a matted mess, which is why a strict and experienced grooming regime is necessary. Most Bichon Frise owners opt to bring their pups to a groomer every four to six weeks for a professional bathing and grooming session. However, if you're looking to trim your Bichon's hair to cut costs, it's crucial to always use professional grooming tools. It's also essential to keep their coat as clean as possible, as Bichons can be prone to skin allergies. They typically require a monthly wash, or as needed if they get dirty. One upside to owning a Bichon Frise is their low shedding, making them a convenient pet if you don't have much time for vacuuming. It's no secret that grooming a Bichon Frise requires a significant amount of effort. Still, their playful and loving personalities make up for the extra work. There are few greater feelings than having your Bichon Frise groomed to perfection, ensuring their fur doesn't turn brown or pink. All in all, while grooming a Bichon Frise can be high-maintenance, the reward of having a perfectly coiffed pup is more than worth it. * PRO: The Bichon Frise is an affectionate breed! This beloved breed was originally the pet of choice for many European royals, and it's not hard to see why. But what makes the Bichons Frise so lovable? Well the simple answer is that they love us with all their hearts and aren't afraid to show it. Plus, with their small size and adorable look somewhere between a cloud and a teddy bear, it's impossible not to want to cuddle them. Even better, Bichons usually have a lovable temperament, and as long as they're well socialized, they'll happily jump into your arms at a moment's notice. Interestingly, the males are likely to require more attention and are more physically affectionate with their owners. In contrast, female Bichon frises may display mood swings, going from aloof and uninterested to begging for attention in no time at all. Overall, this breed loves to love and makes a brilliant companion for anyone wanting an adoring furry friend! * CON: The Bichon Frise suffers from health challenges! While they are generally healthy dogs that can live up to 12 to 15 years with proper care,they are still prone to certain complications, so it's important to keep an eye out for dental problems, infections, obesity, allergies, eye issues, hip dysplasia, and von Willebrand's disease, which affects the blood's ability to clot effectively. Additionally, they can be affected by several heart conditions. Fortunately, most of these problems can be treated or entirely prevented with good health management, a nutritious diet, regular vet visits, and up-to-date medications and vaccinations. So the most important thing to keep in mind is that prevention is always better than cure! If you are interested in more in-depth dog facts and want to learn more about other breeds, check out some of our playlists. It would make our day if you would subscribe to our channel and hit the bell icon so you don't miss new videos and can learn more about dogs! * PRO: The Bichon Frise has low exercise needs! A Bichon Frise doesn't require extensive exercise, only around 30 minutes of daily physical activity should suffice. However, while they can burn off their energy zooming aobut indoors, taking them for daily walks ensures they receive sufficient mental stimulation. Being outdoors with all the enticing smells provides a stimulating experience for them. Playing with them is another great way to keep them active and engaged. Training and enrichment activities can be fun for both you and your furry friend. Keep in mind that puppies and senior dogs may have different needs compared to healthy adult dogs. Take your cue from your pet, and if they appear to tire out during walks, it may be time to head back home. It's important to note that every dog has a unique personality, and some may prefer lazing around the house to extended walks. For those leading a less active lifestyle or have limited time, a Bichon Frise is a perfect fit. * CON: The Bichon Frise is prone to separation anxiety! Although Bichon Frises make for ideal super-affectionate companions, they can become overly attached to their owners, leading to canine separation anxiety. This issue is more common in companion dogs, particularly in Bichon Frises. In fact, they are so susceptible that breeders often sell them only to those who can keep their dog with them at all times. Destructive behaviors, such as tearing up furniture and incessant barking, are common signs of separation anxiety in dogs. However, these behaviors can also stem from a lack of training or exercise. Anxious behavior typically starts when the owner prepares to leave home. If sounds like car keys or the garage door opening trigger a behavioral change, separation anxiety is likely to be the cause. Additionally, dogs with separation anxiety tend to behave in an extreme manner when their owners return home, as if they have been gone for ages. While this welcome can be adorable, it indicates that your dog is likely suffering from some degree of separation anxiety. Luckily, Bichon Frises are intelligent and trainable dogs, making it easier to address separation anxiety through professional training. However, if you don't spend much time at home, this breed may not be the best fit for you. * PRO:The Bichon Frise is suitable for apartments! Looking for a small dog that's perfect for apartment living? Meet the Bichon Frise. This breed is not only small and low-maintenance when it comes to exercise, but their hypoallergenic coat also means you won't be living in a fur-filled apartment. Fun fact: Bichon Frises were originally bred to be ship dogs, but now they've found their calling as the ultimate lap dogs. So if you're looking for a furry friend to curl up with as you binge-watch Netflix or read a good book, the Bichon Frise is your perfect match. But don't be fooled by their love of lounging - Bichon Frises still need daily mental and physical stimulation. They may be small, but they have big personalities and require lots of love and attention. So if you're in the market for a dog that's perfect for apartment living, look no further than the Bichon Frise. With their compact size, hypoallergenic coat, and love of cuddles, they're the ultimate apartment companion. What other Pros or Cons about the Bichon Frisé that you can think of? Let us know in the comments and share your thoughts with other enthusiasts! * CON: The Bichon Frise is often a picky eater The Bichon Frise is notorious for their pickiness when it comes to eating habits, but it's not all down to genetics. Factors such as the feeding environment can also contribute to their finicky behavior. One way to determine if your pup is being picky is to keep an eye on how long it takes them to finish their food. If they don't empty their bowl within about 20 minutes, chances are they fall into the "picky eater" category. Another sign is if they refuse their dog food but eagerly chow down on your leftovers. Feeding your Bichon Frise may seem simple, but how and when you feed them can make all the difference. To prevent picky eating, it's important to establish a consistent feeding routine. Here are some tips: Stick to a mealtime schedule as much as possible. Give your pup 15-20 minutes to eat before removing their food bowl. And don't give your pet extra food or treats until their next scheduled mealtime. If your Bichon Frise experiences a significant appetite change lasting longer than 12-24 hours, consult your vet to rule out any underlying health issues. Remember, being picky is just one of the quirks that comes with owning a Bichon Frise. As long as your pup is healthy, it's nothing to stress about! * PRO: The Bichon Frise is a fantastic pet for seniors and families! You've probably noticed by now that the Bichon Frise is a merry little dog that never fails to put a smile on your face. With their charming appearance and eagerness to please, these delightful pups are renowned for their excellent companionship and ability to entertain their owners. They are playful and affectionate, and they thrive on spending time with their human family, forging an unbreakable bond that lasts a lifetime. What sets the Bichon apart is their sweet nature and their ability to get along with people and animals alike. Although their small size makes them less suitable for households with younger, more rambunctious children, they're a great fit for families with older kids who can appreciate their adorable antics. Despite their independent streak, Bichons are not dominant or attention-seeking like some other toy breeds. They do love to show off their skills and learn new tricks, which makes them a fantastic choice for families with children. With their low exercise needs, sociable disposition, enthusiastic outlook on life, and high intelligence, they make the perfect companions for older folks. If you're searching for a cute, energetic, and affectionate pet, the Bichon Frise is the breed for you. They'll bring endless joy and laughter to your home, and you'll wonder how you ever lived without them. So now you know the major pros and cons of the Bichon Frisé and can make a more informed decision on whether one of these wonderful dogs is right for your home!
Channel: Dog World
Views: 26,576
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Keywords: Bichon Frisé: Pros and Cons, Pros and Cons of Bichon Frisé, bichon frise pros and cons, pros and cons of owning a bichon frise, pros and cons of owning a bichon frise dog, bichon frise cons, bichon frise pros, bichon frise advantages disadvantages, bichon frise attitude, what are the pros and cons of a bichon frise, what are the cons with bichon frise, bichon dog price, bichon dog breed price, are bichon frise calm dogs, dog, dogs, dog breed, dog breeds, dog quiz, dogquiz, quiz
Id: s4uarj-YobQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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