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good evening my brothers and sisters this certainly is the day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it why don't you even take some time right now if you haven't told god thank you all day it's a good time for you to open your mouth open up your hands and just tell the lord thank you for another day for truly god is great and he is greatly to be be praised i want you to take some time right now to begin to like and share this particular teaching on tonight certainly as it has been a blessing to me in the preparation of it we pray it would be a blessing to you not only to you but as you share this it will become a blessing to those in your spheres of influence those to whom are your facebook friends or are part of your particular social media community and begin to let them know how god is going has blessed us already in the first installment of this particular lesson and now we will begin the second installment it was just so good we couldn't do it just once so we are thankful to god for this precious privilege to come back and to begin to pull more fruit off of this tree what tree are you referring to pastor we're talking yet again about living above sea level not s-e-a but s-e-e living above that which we can see and i want you right now before we go any further if you have not had a chance to speak to those on the particular social medium that you're on we're a fellowshipping church we're loving church we're the very expressive church and i want you at this moment in time just begin to express to those who are on with you whether you're on youtube facebook live or if you're on live stream begin to speak to those who have joined on that particular medium with you on tonight and begin to share jesus joy with them and tell them about the goodness of the lord i was glad when they said unto me even in the virtual sense let us go let us come into the house of the lord so we praise god for each of you on tonight moving forward with this particular lesson i think that it is it behooves us to look back at our first installment of these lessons and they will bring us up to date on where we are right now living above sea level part one we talked about in letter a under number one what sea level s e a is and it is the base level for measuring elevation and depth of earth local mean sea level is determined by taking hourly measurements of the sea but it's one of the surprising things i've found is it takes 19 years for them to come with the proper instrumentation of knowing what the particular dimensions are when it comes to labeling something being above sea level 19 years but we wanted to turn this phrase just a bit and focus not on the sea the body of water so to speak we wanted to focus on the sea in terms of what we actually witness in our particular life and time that's the sea level that we're focusing on and this sea level s-e-e is a philosophy of life where one's life depends on what they see what they see we often say that seeing is believing but we've learned that from a christian perspective it's not seeing is believing it's believing is seeing and we'll talk a little bit more about that in just a moment we looked at the shortcomings of this particular point of view that if person just goes off of what they see that there's a very very hard chance that they will not always get what they desire or what they want why because proverbs 3 and 5 tells us to trust not in what we see but we are to trust in the lord with all of our heart and and here's that phrase you can't lean to your own understanding and see when you're walking by sight when you are living at sea level looking at what you can only see before you you are actually leaning on your own understanding but that text says in all your ways acknowledge him the alternative to you living at sea level is that you live above it and you live above it by knowing that in all your ways you don't acknowledge your expertise you don't acknowledge what you think about the situation acknowledge him and the book says that he will he shall direct thy path and then brothers and sisters we know that we are to live above sea level we are not just to be living by what we see it's because looks can be deceiving there's so many times when i looked at a particular situation or i looked at a particular sports game and i i thought it was going to turn out one way but it sometimes turns out totally different because you cannot go by what you see because looks can be deceiving now i'm wondering out there anyone beside me watching have you ever encountered a situation that looked as if it was a dead end you had your red sea experience where you've got mountains on both sides pharaoh's army is behind you but you have come to learn that just as god did for moses and the children of israel he can turn your dead sea he can turn your dead end into a detour i know it's true i i've seen him do it too many times i i've seen him bring opportunities out of obstacles i've seen him bring blessings out of burdens i have seen god bring treasures and he's able to bring not only treasures but i've seen him able to bring triumphs out of tragedies that's because you can't always go by what you see because what you see is not all there is i think i need to say that again i need somebody to put that in the comments what you see is not all there is there is something beyond that which we can see and brothers and sisters i have learned that just because you can't see something does not mean it's real i need to say it again just because you can't see something does not mean that it's not real i can't see air but i know it's real i i can't see the wind but i know it's real i cannot see gravity but i know that it's real i can't see wi-fi now hold on if you couldn't say amen to anything else if you're watching me tonight is a strong possibility if you don't still have dial-up that you are using wi-fi you can't see wi-fi but the mere fact that i'm talking to you tonight is proof positive that wi-fi is real and guess what you can't always see jesus you can't always see him with the naked eye but i promise you he's real because he walks with us and he talks with us and tells us that we are or are his own and we learned last week that you've got to possess faith to live above sea level because remember we don't go by what sea level says seeing is believing we go by believing is seeing and that's in a nutshell is what faith is second corinthians 5 and 7 denotes that we walk not by sight not by what we conceive not on the sea level we walk by faith and not by by sight how do you possess faith we learned that last week didn't we romans 10 and 17 that faith cometh by hearing and hearing comes by the word of god faith is not given to you by what you can see it's based upon what you hear and i know many times there have been opportunities situations in my life i couldn't go on what i saw i had to go on what i heard god said i had to go on what he said that no weapon formed against me shall prosper he said that i'm the head and not the tale above and not beneath the linda and not the borrower you've got to make it the point that i'm going to live my life based upon what he said and not what i see faith comes by hearing hearing what he said and hearing comes by the word of god what the lord has said through his written word through his preached word and even through a rhema word that god can give to you through your particular life experiences through your particular time in devotion with god god can give you a rhema word what's that pastor r-h-e-m-a that means god can give you a right now word for your situation right now uh he's an on-time god yes he is and then last week which is the bridge that brings us to where we want to talk about tonight we talked about that there's a fine line there's a thin line between faith and foolishness why because sight your sensory perception will say to you you can't see this through i mean think of all those instances those great particular instances of faith in the bible daniel in the lion's den the three hebrew boys in the fiery furnace the woman with the issue of blood she had gone from doctor to doctor but she said to herself if i could just touch i i don't even have to touch him i can touch the h-e-m on the h-i-m i can touch the hem of his garment and i'll be made whole and that woman was healed because of the faith that she had now to anyone else it would seem like foolishness to believe you can touch a part of the thread on jesus's garment and there was enough healing virtue to believe it in that thread to believe that it was enough healing virtue in that thread it could heal me but why because the thread is connected to the garment and the garment is connected to jesus and jesus she believed has so much power but it not only went through the garment but it went through the thread as well that that looks like foolishness to us because there's a thin line between faith and foolishness and to help us to know the difference between what is faith and what is food is just when god is telling us to do something should we walk on it should we walk on faith or is it just foolishness to be able to decipher the difference between the two we learned last week from the example of peter and let's turn there again matthew 14 because that's where we're going to be hanging out on today matthew 14 verse 28. peter said lord if it is you peter replied tell me to come to you on the water and the next verse 29 jesus tells him to come we learned on last week that the way you can tell the difference between faith and foolishness is to make sure as peter did that god said it and not your own ambition not your own particular desire but make sure it's something that god said because if god is going to tell you to do something and it teeters upon faith and foolishness to know that it's the faith and not foolishness god will confirm what it is that he has said at every juncture of my life when it seemed like i was going down a road of foolishness for me to know the difference between the two i had to hear from god and as i stated to you last week i stated again tonight when god wants you to do something he will confirm his word he will send you a sign he will send some kind of confirmation to confirm that it's me talking and not you talking but i want to look further at peter on today i want to use him as a case study because if you look at number two i raised a provocative question and it is did peter live above sea level we know that he helps us last week when we were trying to decipher how can you tell the difference between faith and foolishness but we must raise this question too since he was able to help us with that is he a worthy candidate to help us to delve deeper into this matter of living above sea level we've got to ask the question first did he did peter actually live above sea level let's stay in the same chapter but let's put it in reverse for just a moment and let's go to verse 25 and 26. it says in the new international version shortly before dawn jesus went out to them walking on the lake now if you're looking at the niv as i am you you may have in your bibles in the fourth watch of the night that means somewhere between four and six in the morning that's why it's saying before the breaking of dawn before the breaking of day jesus goes out to them walking on the lake when the disciples saw him walking on the lake they were terrified they said it's a ghost they said and cried out for fear i want you to look at that because this particular text these two verses in particular when you begin to read matthew 14 beginning at verse 22 we're told that jesus tells his disciples to go on ahead of him go on the other side while he was going verse 23 says on the mountainside to pray and these disciples are out there in the midst of the sea now i know uh that many of us look at this and we look at this particular sea it's referring to the sea of galilee or some even call it lake jenesseret some even call it the sea of tiberias it's all referring to the same body of water and it's amazing that while they're on this sea that they're going to teach us peter in particular on how to live above sea level although he's on the csea he's going to teach us how to live above se sea level now they're out there in this particular storm and while they're out there in this particular storm the bible says that in the fourth watch of the night between four to six in the morning jesus appears to them but the text says they thought they had seen a ghost they were terrified they began to cry out in fear because they thought jesus was a ghost i mean let's not look look down our nose and the disciples now they've they've been in a storm all night long and now before the breaking of days some theologians believe it's still dark at the time of this text and out of nowhere in the midst of the darkness i mean you you you stay out there on the sea and you see somebody walking past you you'll holler out too you'll be afraid as well because one thing i have learned from this particular text is that sometimes help could be coming our way but we'll bypass help because we can't see it we'll bypass it we'll look over it but the bible says these men were in fear they were gripped by fear now watch how i set this up they're gripped by fear but the 28th verse jesus tells them take courage don't be afraid it's me it's i don't be afraid and then peter says lord if it's you let me come to you out there on the water now watch this now for peter number two under letter a under under the second uh roman numeral for peter to walk to jesus proves that he lived above sea level why because what did he thought he had seen he thought that he had seen a ghost he thought he had seen a spook he thought he had seen a hank he thought he had seen an apparition and so after jesus beats him and after jesus tells them it's i be of don't be afraid peter confirms if it's you because i'm trying to figure out is this faith the fools are discussing i've been in the storm all night my mind ain't right and i'm just trying to make sure that i'm not seeing something that's not there if it's you let me come to you on the water and the book says jesus tells them come on and he overcomes believing that jesus was a ghost he overcomes what he thought he saw and he begins to step out of the boat and start walking to jesus he proves that he lives above sea level because once again for you to live above sea level you must possess faith and for peter to believe that he could walk on water to go to jesus knowing that from a humanistic point of view knowing from a seeing point of view knowing from a common sense point of view that our genetic structure does not allow us to walk on water we will sink and fall through the water because of our genetic makeup because of our design of our body we would fall through the water but that's that's that's not what happened he believed that if god told him to come and walk to him he believed and he went on what he heard faith comes by what what does faith come by faith comes by hearing and he heard the word and the word said come he didn't go on what he saw he went again on what he heard so to answer the question did peter live above sea level you can answer that question yes because he did not go on what he saw and verse 25 lets us know he believed that what he saw in jesus was a ghost but after he confirms that it is the lord then the bible said he walks on the water to go to jesus they had to take an extreme amount of faith but then on the other hand we could say no that peter did not live above sea level how did you come to that conclusion pastor in one breath yes in the other breath no look at verse 29 and 30. it says jesus told him to come then peter got down out of the boat walked on the water and came toward jesus 30 here's where the no part comes in but when he saw underline that yeah when he saw the wind he was afraid and beginning to sink cried out lord save me listen church the reason why he in this particular verse is not living above sea level because he has been gripped by fear and remember this that if the cardinal rule for living above sea level is to have faith the text now in verse 30 does not say that peter has faith it says that peter has fear and you cannot live above sea level when you are living in fear and not living in faith i think somebody need to put that in the comments again you cannot live you cannot straddle the fence either you gonna live in fear or you gonna live in faith now please hear me please hear me please hear me because when we look at this particular text what i want you to know is there is a such thing as a good fear and a bad fear all right all right there's a good thing there's good fear and there's a bad fear how do you know that pastor go to proverbs go to proverbs 9. proverbs 9 and 10. awesome good teaching tonight proverbs 9 and 10. are you there hope you are if not uh i'm trying to wait on you but come on proverbs 9 and 10. it says the what fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the holy one is understanding the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom this is a good fear what does it mean the fear of the lord does that mean that i'm afraid of the lord does that mean that i'm scared of the lord and for me to get wise for me to possess wisdom that i must be afraid of him i must be scared of him no that's not what the fear of the lord is fear here is speaking of a reverence fear here this good fear is speaking that you have a particular attitude where you honor the lord you extol him you magnify him you reveal him you realize that god is not your ace boom he he's not one of your homies and you just can't talk to him and treat him any kind of way you extol him you lift him high you revere him you exalt him that's the fear of the lord you know god is bigger than any other reality in this world that's the fear of the lord and it says that type of fear that good fear is the beginning of wisdom go to mark chapter four and i know you're going to be reading it in the new international version but i want to read it in the king james version in mark chapter 4. let's look at that 41st verse now i'm going to read it in the niv first and then i'll read it in the king james for your convenience verse 41. now to give you some context here this is another storm that the disciples have encountered you know when jesus said peace be still and we're going to come back to this particular portion in just a moment but the bible says in verse 41 after jesus said peace be still 41 says they were terrified niv and asked each other who is this even the wind and the waves obey him verse 41 and they feared exceedingly in the king james and said one to another what manner of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey him this this is a good fear where they are saying to themselves that this man is bigger than any storm he's bigger than any waves he's bigger than any tragedy and that's the type of good fear that we've got to have however if there's a good fear what does that mean there's a bad fear and the bad fear is what we see in this text going back to our text on today looking at matthew 14 and verse 30 we see that this is the bad fear when peter begins to cry out when he sees the wind and he says he begins to get afraid the fear here is talking about that bad fear when you think something is going to happen that bad fear when you become afraid and you become gripped by the manacles of misery that's the fear that i'm talking about and it's that fear the fear of the unknown thinking that something is going to happen to you in a negative way that's bad fear and you cannot live in faith and fear at the same time why second timothy one and seven god has not given us the spirit of fear look at what i want you to notice what fear is look at what it says ii timothy 1 7 god has not given us the spirit of fear fear is a spirit and we have to get that spirit out of us so we can put the right spirit of faith back into us look at the acronym fear i gave you an acronym for faith last week forsaken all i trust him for what all issues to him or fear ain't in this house either one of them will work as to what the essence of faith is but look at what fear is f-e-a-r is false evidence appearing real false evidence appearing real how many times in your life you thought something was going to happen you were fearful that it was going to happen only to find out that it didn't happen 90 of the stuff we fear never happens because it's false evidence appearing real it's not the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen no this particular fear is false evidence making it seem like it's real and it's not saw this particular statement and it blessed me and i want to give it to you it says when you take a leap i should put when you take a leap of faith when you take a leap of faith the net will appear i need to give that over to you again when you take the leap of faith the net will appear see a lot of us won't move until you just like in you know gymnastics those gymnasts won't move and perform those acrobatics until they have a net below them until they can see the safety net and a lot of us won't move until we can secure us a safety net because we believe that sin is believing but god said it don't work like that in my economy it doesn't work like that in my administration in my administration if you want the net to show up you got to take the leap of faith and when you take the leap of faith the net by the time you fall by the time you start walking the net is going to appear i know it's true i've done it too many times because we think that god has to show it to us and then we'll believe it turn it around you got to believe it and then god will show it you got to you got to realize child of god please hear me you got to make the first move what do you mean pastor you got to make that first move when god tells you to do something you're waiting on god to continue to do this and you want him to show how everything is going to work but god said no i want to see how much faith do you have in me because god is a gentleman he's going to wait until you make the move first we quote that particular scripture all the time if you abide in me john 15 and 7 and my word abide in you you can ask for what you will and it shall be given unto you and many of us just want to ask for what we will but we first have to abide in him we've got to make the first move and then watch god move on our behalf what caused peter to become fearful because we've got to grapple with the question if fear stopped him as he was once living above sea level and now he no longer lived at sea level because of fear then we've got to look at what caused him to become fearful so we too won't fall into that same trap i like this case study because sometimes we've got to look at not only what a person did but we have to look at what they didn't do and when we look at peter although he was living above sea level he didn't continue to do that and we've got to begin to parse out the reasons why he became fearful did he not matthew 14 and 13 says but when he started looking around and saw the wind in the wind he became afraid he begot fearful beginning to sing so when we go back and read the text the text says the reason why peter became afraid he became fearful was because when he looked and saw verse 30 the wind he was afraid it was the wind that caused him to be afraid i need to ask a question this is a personal question all of us gotta got to spend some time with this question what is the wind in your life peter saw the wind and he became afraid what is it that's blowing in your life that's causing you to be afraid and causing you not to live above what you're able to see we we all have to deal with this wind in our life it's blowing and here's the thing about the wind that i want you to see it said when he saw the wind now watch this church we can't really see the wind right but it says when he saw the winds or what does the text mean when he saw the wind when he saw the effects of the wind because remember now going back to uh verse 24. now i'm going to explain to you what i'm talking about verse 24 look at it real quick i'm going to talk about it in just a minute go back to verse 24. it said and the boat was considered was a considerable distance from the land buffeted by the waves because the wind was against the the waves were over their heads but it was because of the effects of the wind that made the waves that that caused so much commotion around them but it was because of the wind what's causing the storm that's that's what it's getting too what's causing the storm in your life that's producing fear in your life well let me put it this way what particular imaginary wind because for some some people it's a real win for some people it's an imaginary wing there's some stuff we're thinking about that could potentially happen that's causing us to lose sleep at night and thereby lose faith in god you have to be able to determine what is it what is the wind that's causing the waves to beat into your vote what is the wind that's causing you to become paranoid what is the wind that's causing you to get off course what is the wind that's causing you not to live above sea level but at sea level what is the wind what is it the wind caused him to become afraid let's go back to that same scripture mark chapter four i want to look at this win a little bit more go back to mark chapter four and i want you to notice something you you maybe never saw in this particular text but i want you to see it tonight mark 4 37 and 38. it says a furious squall came up and the waves broke over the boat so that it was nearly swamped jesus was in the stern sleeping on a pillow the disciples woke him and said to him teacher don't you care we drown verse 39. look look look at what happened see we run into the peace be still watch this but look at what happens before that so he got up rebuked the what when rebuked the wind and said to the waves quiet be still peace be still then the wind died down and it was completely calm i want you to go back to verse 37 it's a furious squall came up what's that bolsters wind came up and caused the waves to break over into the boat see it was a bad storm in each one of these storms in mark 4 and in matthew 14 not because of the waves the waves just placed sitting there all alone it has to have something to push it and it's the wind that causes it i want you to notice this look it said that he got up rebuked the wind and said to the waves peace be still see he rebuked the wind first see when he said peace be still the text says he said that to the waves but he first rebuked the wind the question is why would he rebuke the wind and just speak to the waves what does rebuke mean just say the law review i'm putting something in its proper place rebuking it telling him where to go why would he just rebuke the wind and then just speak to the waves i'll tell you why because jesus realized what the source of the problem was and what the symptom of the problem was the source of the problem was what the wind the symptom from the problem was the waves and a lot of times we confuse the source of the problem with the symptom of the problem the only reason why the waves were beating into the boat was because of the fury of the wind because the wind was pushing against the waves that's what caused it to break into the boat and almost caused them to drown aren't you glad that jesus knows how to rebuke that which is the source of the problem and you've got to figure out what is your when what is the source of your problem all right three things i want to pull out of the text about the wind in matthew chapter 14. let's go back to that three things i want to pull out about the wind in matthew 14. verse 24. it says and the boat was already a considerable distance from the land buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it you see i have on the handout contrary the king james version said that the wind was contrary i like that imagery better better than what said in the niv that the waves were against it i like that the waves were against it but but by being contrary when something is contrary when it's when it's contrary to what you believe when it's contrary to you that means that it's going in a different direction i like that word picture that contrary paints and how do you know pastor if something is wind in your life something that's causing remember it was the wind that caused peter to be afraid how do you know that it's this particular element is when this this is causing me to be afraid because it's going to go contrarily against what you're doing it's going to try to push you on the opposite side of where god's trying to keep you it's going to try to push you away from living above sea level and living at sea level can you think of some stuff in your life right now that is pushing you contrary that's pushing you on the other side that's pushing you away that's what the wind was doing it said it was against it what's against you that's pushing you you trying to go one way but this wind keeps pushing you in another direction if you are being pushed away from god if you're being pushed away from living above that which you can see that will give you a particular determination to know that that issue that thing that person uh oh is when not only that waves go to verse 30 we learned something else about the waves it said then peter got down out of the boat walked on water and came to jesus but verse 30 when he saw the wind he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried out lord save me that's what it says in verse 30 in the niv translation but if you look at this in the king james again king james gives us a different word here is that when he saw that the wind was bolsterous what does bolsters mean pastor bolsters means force strength and here's the definition i want you to write i want you to write this down in the comments write this down on your handout if you gotta write it in your bible if you write in your bible the definition for bolsters here also means to cause a violent reaction [Music] to cause a violent reaction what is a child of god that's getting you to the edge of almost becoming violent what is it that gets you all up in your feelings that you want to put your hand on god's creation what is it that that cause you want to punch a hole in the wall what what what is it that caused you to want to deface the furniture that you spent so much money trying to get it's wind it's posterous it's forceful and also we learned this about the wind here's the good news we learned about the wind look at verse 32. and when they climbed into the boat the wind died down the same thing watch this that was causing you to be pushed away from god the same thing that's causing you to have a violent reaction if you trust in god and wait it's in that same wind that was causing all this confusion all this chaos that it died i'm trying to tell somebody right now that whatever that wind is it will eventually die down but listen you have to identify it because it's the wind that's causing your fear but the text lets us know that if we continue to put our hope in christ that eventually he will cause the wind to die i want to leave this with you even when we are fearful remember god is faithful how do you know that pastor we we got to read verse 31 said immediately jesus reached out his hand and caught him god will lift you up even when life has pushed you down and i know we we read verse 30 31 a lot of times and and we shout about the fact that god raised him up out of the sea but but i want to look at verse 30 i want you to see something it didn't come clear to me until i heard it as well look at what happens in verse 30. it said but when he saw the wind he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried lord save me listen listen i want i want to say this to you for those of you that know you're not living above sea level you begin to look around at the wind as peter did i've got good news for you but even when you feel like you're falling down you can cry out to god and notice he just gave a three word prayer lord save me it don't have to be a long prayer but it can be a strong prayer and what makes it a strong prayer by having faith that's why jesus said you you've got oh ye of little faith he tells peter because he had faith to believe that jesus could pull him up but that's not the real shout news the real shout news that i want us to leave home with is that the bible says peter was beginning to sink my god beginning to sink think about this what have you seen that begins to sink i mean think about if i take a rock and throw it in the river is it going to begin to sink or is it going to go it's going to go straight down right i mean think of it it's going to go straight down but the bible said that god even in this particular portion if it's beginning to sing that means it's even defying the laws of gravity because when something hit the surface it immediately it's supposed to sing but for god to allow him to begin to sing that that means he was going down slower than than usual my god today that's because when you notice what's happening the bible says that that when he's beginning to sink he cries out lord save me and then the lord immediately reached his hand down and pulls him up here's what i want to leave with you here's what i don't want you to forget for jesus to be able to pull peter up out of the water means evidently when he began to sink he got close enough to jesus he was close enough to him close enough to him where all jesus had to do was reach out i mean think of it he was walking from the boat and evidently he had made enough headway to get close enough to jesus and took his eyes off of him oh i wish i had time to talk about that when you take your eyes off jesus and put your eyes on the wind when you begin to take your eyes off of jesus and put your eyes on your situation when you take your eyes off of jesus and begin to start looking at the wind and waves around you it will cause you to sing but the good news is that he got close enough to jesus that jesus was able to pull them up just in time what i want you to know here's the warning of the text don't think you can get so close to jesus that you can still not sink in his sight i'm talking to some people right now you're close to him you got a relationship with them but you're sinking you're sinking right now but the good news of the text is that god can catch you not when you drown but when you start sinking when you begin to sing and there's somebody right now watching me god's been telling you to do something but you have not lived above sea level you have been living below sea level and you're starting to sink but i'm telling you right now just say lord here i am i need you i extend my hand to you right now save me not just from sin but save me in this situation that i'm in rescue me deliver me some of you right now you feel like you're about to drown and but thank god it's not over your head if you're beginning to sink that means you haven't drowned yet hallelujah that's because the lord god is right there to lift you up out of what you in father in jesus name we ask your blessings upon every member watching every person watching that god they would be able to identify the wind keep their eyes on you on the savior and not the stuff around them that they would keep their eyes on their deliverer and not the danger that seems to be mounting around us oh help us to keep our eyes on you help us to do what's necessary to keep you first in our lives that we may be able to live above mediocrity to live above cynicism to be able to live above average to be able to live above the opinions of myself and other people do it for us we pray in jesus name amen we've come to the conclusion of this but there may be someone to watch and said pastor i'm not saved i've sunk so low i don't know what to do listen jesus is reaching out his hand to you all you have to do is be like peter said lord save me doesn't matter how far you have gone down jesus will pick you up the song says if he has to reach way down and i'm i'm talking to somebody right now you know the lord had to reach way down to lift you out he had to reach way down to lift you up out of what you were in thank god he has long enough arms hallelujah to be able to reach down and pull you up out of what you find yourself in he can do it for you today if you're on facebook live listen there's a little particular link below you can press that link and you can unite with our church family there might be a number appearing in the screen in just a moment that if you're on another social medium be on facebook live you can text that particular number you could become a part of our our church second you say pastor matthew i'm saved already but i need to be a part of a bible leaving bible teaching bible practicing church that can help me to live above sea level you've come to the right place you're at the right place at the right plan now it's time for you to do the right thing by you pressing that link below and becoming a part of our family come on church let's thank god for those tonight amen yes yes yes who might may very well become a part of our growing church family we praise god for each of you thank you tonight for concluding this segment with us of living above sea level i hope that it blessed you as it even blessed me a couple of announcements i want to make sure we are prized of do not forget at this coming sunday this coming sunday and all three of our worship opportunities uh this particular sunday we will experience and have our 99th anniversary yes we're celebrating come on even at home right now celebrate celebrate celebrate 99 years that the lord has kept us together as a church family uh our good friend and brother dr jamison hunter will be with us from the mount jezreel baptist church all the way in silver springs maryland we're going to be blessed by him and we're going to be blessed by the singing sensation of kimberle yes yes it's going to be a tree and we're asking each member to give 99 above beyond our tithes and offering as we do every year we thank god for you listen i've got good news church i've got good news listen we have streamlined registration i know that some of us want to be here we want to be in church this coming sunday we have gone through our particular sundays where we've been assessing making sure all was well before we opened up it up a little bit more for more of our congregation and listen we i think we're there now and so we're going to be opening up just a little bit more for our memberships this particular sunday so we've streamlined registration so more of you can come who would desire to come that means there's no more online registration somebody i fee i feel a flurry of amen just coming i can't see you all but i feel it amen there's no more online registration but when you do arrive on the campus you will have to still consent to a few questions as we had on the questionnaire with the exception of the first question concerning travel you just can come on in take your temperature put your mask on and let the usher direct you to your seat amen and we're looking forward to a wonderful time in the lord if you haven't checked your email you should have received the email or will will receive one very soon communicating that same information to you that we have streamlined registration there will be an on-site registration a verbal one and it won't it will be two seconds amen we'll have a standing poster for you that has a few questions you can answer those questions quickly you and your family you can expeditiously move right to get your temperature checked keep your mask on and you will be directed to your seat by the ushers so we're looking forward to that amen as we celebrate together again this particular sunday all right children of god thank you so much for tuning in with us the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you his peace as i look forward to seeing you and you and you this sunday if not on site online for our 99th anniversary the peace of god be with you is our prayer have a good night you
Channel: Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
Views: 208
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tHfoNGLN2U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 3sec (3843 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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