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hi guys welcome back I'm Tara Hannon from blooms and benedictions and for the next couple of weeks we're going to have a different focus for these videos called study with me where we look at the lives of some of the most influential female leaders throughout the Bible and guys before you check out this is for you as well because I know you have amazing ladies in your life that this will help for you to understand and promote and support and also just learn life lessons from these women that were given such such precedence in the Bible that they would be recorded for all of time and some of them even give in their own book of the Bible and so that's what we're gonna do first we're gonna look at the life of Deborah who is maybe a little-known character but to me she kind of has some amazing history in my own life because as you guys know I'm married to buzz Hannon and he's a pastor and we're very different I'm a three of the Enneagram he's a nine if you know what that means at all that means I'm like a doer and an achiever and a go-go-go ER and he is like arrestor and a calming down person and just a little more introverted a little more peaceful non-conflict and so I used to love throwing him all of these thematic parties now if you don't know anything about buzz you would know I will tell you that this is the last thing that you would want is a themed party where everyone's dressing up and I saw this work and there's all this decoration and you used to throw him these parties that really were just something that I loved anyway caveat of the story is that I threw him a Bible themed party one year and one of our friends showed up as Sisera now sistera is one of the main characters in the book of Deborah and our friend showed up at the door and he basically was wearing a headband where he had a knife coming out of this side and out of this side and it was amazing it was the best costume ever and it is who we are going to learn more about in the book of deborah is this random dude with a knife in his head and we're gonna find out how did that knife get there and what does Debra have to do with that so let's dive right in okay so Debra's story comes to us in the book of Judges chapter four and five and this is a time in Israel's history that's before the monarchy and so it's a system of judges that are ruling the people and Deborah is very countercultural in the fact that she is a female judge that is basically put into position over this male dominated Society and she falls in the ranks of people that you might have heard of like Samson or Gideon or my personal favorite a hoot which is a left-handed warrior that lefties that's really amazing and powerful and it does all this awesome stuff and so those are the ranks that she falls into and as you know some of those more unsavory storylines of people like Samson or Gideon you will see that her character is just resolute and her actions are recorded as holy and Noble and I love how that's juxtaposed even against just the fellow men that she serves among and and is listed among as one of the judges that she as a woman is basically recorded as just being really honorable and so the word lists her as being a judge a warrior a prophet a poet a wife a singer and a writer and so she wears a ton of hat and apparently she does them well well enough to get her own book so let's read quickly from chapter 4 where her story starts and in verse 4 it says now Deborah a prophetess the wife of Lapidus was judging Israel at that time she used to sit under the palm of Deborah what like she had her own place of power and influence so that's pretty cool she like has this place that people are coming to her for counsel and wise judgment and so people would come up to her said the people of Israel came up to her for judgment so even just in those few short verses we learn that she is in ruling power and there is this man Sisera the commander of Jabin the king of Canaan his commander is named Sisera and he was basically causing so much havoc and so much stress for the people of Israel it says he had 900 chariots of iron and he was oppressing the people cruelly for 20 years and so the people are crying out for justice and they're crying out for vindication and for something to be done about Sisera and as the story goes on Deborah basically is working with their own commander whose name is Barack and he's the son of a villain and she says to him has not the Lord the God of Israel commanded you go gather your men at Mount Tabor taking ten thousand from the people of Naphtali and the people of Zebulun and I will draw out Sisera the general of jebin's army to meet you by the river kishan with his chariots and his troops and I will give him into your hand so she is a prophet she's hearing from the Lord and declaring to this commander that this is what the Lord says and it as if this word from the Lord was not enough he says to her I will go if you will go with me but if you will not go with me I will not go and so that can communicate a lot of different things scholars debate over whether that was said out of fear or dislike for a woman giving him direction but basically as the story goes Debra says that she will go with him and so she and Barack and 10,000 men go up to confront Sisera and something else important to note is that she says to the commander Barak she says let's see in verse nine that she will surely go with him but she says the road that you are going on will not lead to your glory for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman and you may think upon first pass that she's talking about herself that she will be the woman that is victorious but as we see in later on in this chapter is that it's actually a woman named Jael that the Lord uses to vanquish this enemy and it's it's definitely a dark story it's it's aggressive it's intense and this woman ends up basically driving like a tent peg through this guy's head as he's sleeping because he would have been a part of her culture it was a woman of his culture it was someone that he would have thought that he could trust and so he goes to this woman's home and he's familiar with her and he and she says turn aside my lord turn aside and do not be afraid and then he goes into her tent and she covers him with a rug and he says please give me a little bit of water I'm thirsty and she takes care of him and sort of like lulls him into this place of trust and then while he is sleeping she takes a tent peg and hammers it into his head and it says in verse 21 so he died yeah cuz there's a tent peg in his head it says behold as Barak was pursuing Sisera Jael went out to meet him and said to him come and I will show you the man whom you are seeking and so he went into her tent and there lay SACEUR a debt with the tent peg in his temple and I think to give this some context you could think about the darkness the evil of this man being basically like the Saddam Hussein of his time he would have been very feared and so this woman was basically taking it into her own hands to bring about justice and there's great debate on whether the violence of that method and and that vanquishing was was what the Lord had wanted is that the way that he had destined for this man to die or should he go on have gone into custody and you know into prison should there have been a trial that's all open for debate but I think what we can take away from this passage is the strengths of Deborah and her leadership she's leading among men whether she is liked or supported or not she is confident and powerful in that leadership so much so that she has her own place of justice where people come to her she's leading an army I think it's pretty obvious that she was probably the only woman that was going out to this battle and so she has a lot of courage she's she's quite fearless in her choices and in her leadership and so just to close I want to give you guys six takeaways from the life of Deborah and from this story and I would encourage you to just go back and really dig in and comb through those scriptures and see all of her strength she's a historian she's a singer she's a poet she's studious she's influential she's prestigious there's so much that you can learn from the Bible if you just go line by line and just see what are those characteristics that are being illuminated here she works well with others she leads out of her scope and out of her cultural norms so let's go over the six just kind of principles that we can incorporate into our own lives from the life of Deborah so number one you can lead outside of your cultural expectations or your day job so maybe you have this typical day job but the Lord is asking you to lead not only in that place but outside of that as well in places that might be intimidating to you you can look to the life of Debra and gain confidence from her example number two God will help you manage all that he calls you - Debra had a lot going on she was you know perhaps a mother she was for sure a wife she was a judge she was a warrior she was a poet she had time found time to be creative and she was a prophet so that means that she was spending a lot of quality time with the Lord she was hearing his insights and she was bold enough to speak them to her generation and to lead them into battle number three she knew had to share this stage and I think this is really important for our day and age especially among women I think sometimes we think that there's only space for me and I need to be in competition with this other girl who's doing this other thing that's like in the same sphere as me but Debra's life shows us that you can share the stage you may think she'd of me maybe even thought that when she prophesied that that a woman would be the one to vanquish sistera that perhaps it was herself but when the time came she gave space to Jael who apparently it was it was her destiny and that's what she was to fulfill and Debra gave space for her to thrive in in her calling as well and so I think that's really cool for us as women to see like there is space for everyone's gift and you don't need to be jealous and you don't need to be intimidated and you don't need to feel like you need to step on other people in order to thrive in your ministry for the Lord or in just your inherent strengths that he is calling you to walk in number four find your team and promote them so Debra joins with Barak and she's like you know what buddy if you're feeling intimidated or you're feeling scared or even if you're feeling judgmental of me as a woman like I'm just gonna incorporate you on my team and we're gonna get this job done and when Jael joins the she's not you know stepping all over her or excluding her from history she is incorporating her team and I would encourage you to do the same find your people find your team that you're gonna walk through life with and you're gonna do ministry with and promote them promote their dreams encourage them speak life over them tell them they can do this and I support you and we are on equal footing and that is definitely a thing that Deborah is exhibiting number five you can seek to be known for your obedience wisdom and courage and not for your connections I I feel like our society is so based on who do you know who are you connected to who's gonna you know help you climb up the ladder but Deborah she has a lateral connection and did I say that wrong a vertical connection and she's connected with the one true God and that's enough for her she knows that he will promote her and that he will give her precedence in her line of work and that's enough she doesn't need the support of men she doesn't need the support of naysayers or you know limelight givers she's like I can do this for the Lord and with the Lord and that's enough and finally number six in all your choices pave the way to Christ that's what the judges do they they pave the way to Christ because as you'll see the system of the judges ends up not working and the people demand a king and the king is eventually leading to the one true king and so the lineage of David leads to Christ and Deborah's life points to that she points to Christ in all of her actions she points to Yahweh she points to the one true God and that's what her life is meant to represent so I hope you learned a few things from the life of Deborah she is so legit prophetess warrior friend of left-handed people I love her so much next week we'll be looking at the life of Ruth and that amazing story where we'll just dive into the concepts of a love story there's so much in that get your Boaz on understand the power of character and humility and relationship and redeeming the time and all the richness of that and so we'll dive into Ruth and I hope you guys got something out of the life of Debra join me next time I'm Tara Hannon from blooms and benedictions where we walk with Christ to find the roses among the thorns don't forget to Like and subscribe and push all the buttons I love you guys so much I'll see you next time buh bye
Channel: Tara Hannon
Views: 7,232
Rating: 4.984127 out of 5
Keywords: Bible Study With Me, Women of the Bible, Judges 4, Deborah, christian youtubers to watch, christian youtubers for girls, judges 4-5, judges 4 deborah, judges 4-5 audio, judges 4 explained, christian lifestyle youtubers, christian lifestyle blogs, bible study for teenage girls, deborah Bible study, judges 4 and 5, judges 4-5 explained, judges 4-5 biblical womanhood, christian youtubers 2021, daily devotionals for newbies, women of the bible series, beauties of the bible
Id: T5LHt_nYdOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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