Bible Study on Matthew 6:25-34 | How to STOP Worrying | Bible Study Videos | Bible Study Journal

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Bible Study on Matthew 6:25-34 | How to STOP Worrying | Bible Study Videos | Bible Study Journal okay so today's video is the last video in the Matthew chapter 6 Bible study series this was completely unintentional I thought it was just gonna be a one video with Matthew 6 but this just goes to show that sometimes it's good to just stop slow down and break the word down into bite-sized pieces Hummels in a way that we can learn and study it and really truly know what or try to know what God is saying in the word so in Matthew 6 today this is one of my favorite passages of scripture and it's talking about worry so we're gonna look into that and it's really fitting at this time with the pandemic and everything that's going on in the world although you know at the time that I'm recording this video things are somewhat starting to open back up and go to somewhat normal our new normal right because I feel like a lot has happened that has changed the world you know as we know it and I think it's not going to be a temporary change I think it'll be a long-lasting change and so it's easy to get caught up and worry ray and when things are gonna go back to normal and how long we'll do we have to deal with this and so we're gonna look at that today so in Matthew chapter 6 verses 25 through 34 I will read it to you therefore I tell you do not worry about your life what you will eat or drink or about your body what you will wear is not life more than food and the body more than clothes look at the birds of the air they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them are you not much more valuable than they can any one of you by worrying at a single hour to your life and why do you worry about clothes see how the flowers of the field grow they do not labor or spin yet I tell you that not even Solomon and all his splendor was dressed like one of these and if that is how God clothes the grass of the field which are here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire will he not much more clothe you you of little faith so do not worry saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wait for the pagans run after all of these things and your heavenly Father knows that you need them but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble of its own so let's start at the top it starts off with the word therefore I tell you and I think that this verse starts with the word therefore for a reason therefore is typically not a word that we start a sentence with right if you call a friend you don't start off with therefore you start off with you know usually another word you introduce what you're trying to say and therefore is more so of a word that bridges two ideas together and so we already looked at verse 24 in the previous video check that off you haven't yet but I'll read it again it says no one can serve two masters either you will hate the one and love the other or you'll be devoted to one and despise the other you cannot serve both God and money and then verse 25 therefore so I think therefore right in the beginning of that is super important God is saying because you cannot serve both me and money what do you have to worry about therefore I tell you don't worry about your life what you will eat what you would wear I feel like this section can be summed up in this one verse right here we serve God so the previous verse in verse 24 it says you cannot serve both God and money you have to be devoted to one or the other and because we serve God therefore do not worry I feel like that's what verse 25 is trying to say don't worry about your life what you'll eat what you'll drink about your body what you will wear is not life more than food and the body and more than clothes your life is so much bigger than those simplicity's of what you're going to wear and what you're going to eat God can take care of all that God can take care of the details he's interested in the details and then it goes up look at the birds they don't sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them are you much more valuable than they can anyone of you by worrying at a single hour to your life and I feel like God is just trying to like tell us hello wake up look at the birds and the animals they're taking care of he's seeing God is saying they don't sow or reap or store away in barns and that just made me think of us you know we do so in reap and we do store away in barns right we save up and we do things to make sure that we are able to pay bills and buy food and things like that but regardless God is saying you know the birds of the air they are not nearly as important as we are and yet God takes care of them regardless of the fact that they don't you know think about tomorrow birds and animals they don't think about you know oh my goodness what am I gonna do to eat tomorrow or next week they don't think about that they take one day at a time verse 27 can anyone of you by worrying at a single hour to your life and this is something that I need to remind myself frequently I used to be really good at worrying which is not a good thing I used to worry a lot mostly about things that I had no control over and you know I've come to the point where I still do worry you know I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I never worry and I trust got a hundred percent all the time but I have come a long way and I've realized that you know verse 27 what does worrying do it does absolutely nothing it actually worries whirring increases a specific hormone in your body cortisol and can add stress you know that stress to your body which is actually detrimental to your health so worrying causes stress which impedes your health makes it worse so worrying is actually counterproductive so worrying it doesn't help especially if you have no control over the situation I think now I sometimes I worry about things that maybe I made a mistake and I worry you know that it won't go right but even in those times you know I've already made the mistake I've already done whatever whatever decision didn't you know pan out the way that I thought worrying is not going to help those situations either we need to let it go like God do what he has to do we need to do our part right we can't just sit back and do nothing and expect God to move when we're not doing anything however we can't expect to worry and have anything be done like that some people actually feel better worrying some people if they're not worried about something then you know they feel like something is wrong but I'm here to tell you today that you don't need to worry let it go leave it in God's hands verse 28 and why do you worry about clothes see how the flowers of the field grow they do not labor or spin yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these if that is how God clothes the grass of the field which is here today and tomorrow thrown into the fire will he not much more clothe you you of little faith that is talking right to me he's talking right to you verses 28 through 30 is really impactful and I wrote we are his eternally so he says you know the flowers of the field they are here today and gone tomorrow what I think the word is trying to say through that is flowers don't you know go to heaven and know that they're so beautiful and dressed beautifully dressed beautifully you know what I mean and God is saying they are here today and gone tomorrow how much more how much more will God take care of us you of little faith and I feel like I try to think of that as me because I do I do lack faith sometimes this scripture is not saying you know that the flowers of the field have to work really hard in order to get you know clothed by God it's not saying any of that in fact it's saying that we have little faith by worrying worrying is saying that you know what God I don't know if you can do this for me and I don't really trust you a hundred percent so we we should increase our faith and have faith in God and we are all human and it's normal to worry you know every now and then especially if you have a really difficult situation but I think it's important to not sit in that worry don't go to bed worried wake up worried spend your whole day worried and you're you know in a bad mood you can't live like that that's a really sad place to live and so when I find myself beginning to step in to worry I stop myself and that's when I really that's a big indicator of when I need to pray and not only pray spend time in worship sometimes just spending time in worship for me that just changes my whole mood my whole outlook just worshiping God it is incredible incredible how much that lifts my mood so do not worry saying what shall we eat what shall we drink what shall we wear for the pagans run after all these things and your heavenly Father knows that you need them but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble of its own and so God is comparing you know us having these kind of not unimportant but I guess in the vast majority of life right thinking about what's important and what's not truly and that's you know if you have given your life to Christ and if you will spend eternal eternity in heaven right that is that's not important I don't know what is that is extremely important and so God is saying you know don't worry don't talk you know why are you running around thinking about what she'll you need or what shall you drink what shall you wear God knows your basic necessities and the Bible says that pagans worry about these things the things you know like what shall we eat what should we wear basic necessities that God already knows that we need and what is a pagan a pagan is someone who doesn't believe in God in the true Living God they usually have false idols or worship something or someone other than the true God so if you are a believer in Christ and you are worrying about things like what shall we eat what shall we wear verse 32 it says for pagans run after all of these things and your heavenly Father already knows that you need them so take a step back if you are in this place right now take a step back and think about it you know just remind yourself God knows I need these things and I'm gonna have faith in Him verse 33 seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well and this is a verse that I try to live my life after wholeheartedly and I can tell you from experience that it is so true this is one of my favorite verses because I know that God will bless me and I know that God will provide and everything you know for my family but I want to make sure that I am seeking him first the beautiful thing about seeking God first above everything else is that he takes care of the little things he is takes care of the details and he can bless you in ways that you can never even imagine ways that you never even thought was possible he can do it and we need to remember that you know it's not through our power it's not through our doing and our strength and our work it's only through him and we can just sit back and relax and let him take care of all the hard work that he can take care of because He is God and he's able and we are not so seek him first seek his face seek to want to truly get to know him not for what he can do for you not for the ways that he can bless you you know just seek him for what you can do for him and I wrote that as one of my Bible study questions to myself how can I bless God and that's just basically you know what can I do for the kingdom how can I be there for someone else and help them get to know God and I think that's such a vital Scripture this is why Matthew 6:33 is definitely one of my favorite scriptures hands down because it's just telling us that we need to just focus on him and focus on what we can do for the kingdom and he will take care of everything else and I promise you that promise you that is so true first 34 therefore do not worry for tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble of its own so I just want to tell you today that if you have anything that's on your heart anything that's on your mind you're just worried about how you're gonna make it through how are you gonna get through this how are you going to keep going you know how is everything gonna work out just stop and praise God worship Him thank him seek him first and his kingdom and everything else will fall into place God will work it out for you he is interested in the details and trust me he's really good at figuring out the details so much better than we can figure it out stop trying to feel like you need to figure everything out today focus on today you know leave tomorrow at tomorrow and deal with what you have to deal with today I think that's another good reason and bye I tried to do a bullet journal as well because I like to make a list of the things that I need to focus on for today and then I'll worry about tomorrow tomorrow and so that's it for our Bible study on Matthew 6 I really enjoyed it please subscribe to my channel and like this video it really does help to support my channel I post a new Bible study every Monday Wednesday Friday at 7 a.m. Eastern Standard Time every Friday is a study the whole Bible with me series where we look at the Bible and study it together one chapter at a time thank you so much I appreciate each and every one of you and I will talk to you next time bye
Channel: Bible Bujo
Views: 2,855
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: bible bullet journal, christian bullet journal, bible study with me, study the bible with me, bible study journal, bible study bullet journal, bible study, prayer journal, prayer bullet journal, study the whole bible with me, bible study for beginners 2020, bible study with me genesis, bible study videos, womens bible study videos, bible study on worrying, bible study on matthew 6 25-34, how to stop worrying, bible study on not worrying, scriptures about worry
Id: z6Rc7lkeOgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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