Bible Study for Beginners - 5 EASY Keys

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I want to give you simple keys that will change the way you look at scripture this is going to be practical not intimidating and then you'll begin to experience the benefits of the word of God which are many in this season it's time to become committed recommitted and more committed to the word of God than ever before now you have a desire to know God's word but maybe you're not sure how to go about studying the scripture so I want to show you the basics of how to do this but first I want you to write in the comment section these four simple words I love the word if you're unashamed of the word of God if you want to go deeper in the word of God if you're ready to make a greater commitment to the word of God write those four simple words I love the word now many Believers struggle when reading the scripture they want to understand and then apply what they're reading but many don't know how to do that so I'm going to give you five keys to studying the scripture right here right now number one is revelation this is to involve the precious Holy Spirit in your study of the word of God let's go first to John chap 14 I'm going to read verses 15-1 17 if you love me obbey my commands and I will ask the father and he will give you another Advocate who will never leave you he is the Holy Spirit who leads into all truth the world cannot receive him because it isn't looking for him and does recognize him but you know him because he lives with you now and later will be in you verse 26 but when the father sends the advocate as my representative that is the holy spirit he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you now when I first began to read the word of God I was I was a pre-teen wasn't even a teenager yet when I started to really become devoted to the scripture and I recall of course that as I read the word I became frustrated there were moments that I would read chapters and chapters of the scripture and then halfway through my reading plan I would realize I didn't understand anything that I just read or I would read verses 1- 10 and by the time I got to verse 11 I would realize that my mind had wandered off and I wasn't really engaged in what I was reading and maybe that's you maybe there's this struggle to really become committed to the word because you find that your mind is is constantly wandering or maybe you are committed to the word of God but you want to go deeper in either case whether you're a beginner or whether you know how to go deep into the scripture we need the wisdom of God so I recall that when I first got saved I was reading through the scripture I started in the Book of James that was really the first book of the Bible that I read that helped to set me on the right path and then James chapter 1 verse5 the scripture tells us that we can ask God for wisdom and I remember reading that verse and going this is me I lack wisdom that's describing me and I lifted my hands I said holy spirit I'm asking you to help me understand the word because I would watch preachers and hear them expound upon the scripture with such eloquence and passion and Revelation power and I would listen to that and I would say how did they get that from the scripture because when I look at the scripture I don't see it I didn't understand how to about pulling out the gems of Truth within the scripture but I ask the Lord for wisdom I ask the Holy Spirit to help me and he taught me the Holy Spirit was the one who inspired the scripture surely he can teach them in second Peter chapter 1 we're going to read verses 20 and 21 the Bible says this above all you must realize that no prophecy in scripture ever came from the prophet's own understanding or from Human initiative no those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit and they spoke from God 2 Timothy chter 3: 16 and 17 says this all scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work so here we see that the scripture first of all second Peter chapter 1 that the scripture was inspired by the Holy Spirit those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit and they spoke from God the scripture says and then 2 Timothy 3:16 Says that all scripture is God breathed or it proceeds from him from his nature it's of his spirit so the Holy Spirit was the one who inspired every word in the scripture and he can help you understand now this does not mean that we don't need practical means of study this does not mean that we don't have a part to play in our dedication of being d ENT of uncovering those truths we must study we must be diligent we must be disciplined but when you've considered all those things please don't forget and ultimately it's the Holy Spirit who gives Revelation information informs Revelation transforms so that's number one you need Revelation by the spirit if you don't have Revelation by the spirit it's all just a practical approach you're just being studious but not necessarily spiritual you're receiving information but not Revelation number two you need dedication and this means you have to have consistency in your Devotion to scripture Joshua 1:8 says this study this book of instruction continually meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do in Matthew 4:4 the Bible says but Jesus told him no the scriptures say people do not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God so in the Book of Joshua we see we're to study this book of instruction continually so there's a consistency to it there's a habit around it in Matthew 4:4 we see that Jesus Likens the word of God unto bread bread is something that sustains continually you need to eat every day and you have to you have have to devote yourself to the word of God with discipline remember the holy spirit will give you the desire to know the word the holy spirit will give you the desire to uncover Revelation and truth but you have to make the decision you must implement the discipline so you begin to pick up more than you realize as you read the word and I understand because when I first began to read the Scripture it was all very confusing I would come to the genealogies and wonder is this really important and yes of course even the genealogies are important they Chronicle something very important which is of course well we'll get into that in another time but the genealogies are important the law is important everything in the scripture is important because it reveals facets of the nature of God it reveals how God interacted with Humanity there are so many Treasures of Truth buried within the scripture waiting for you to uncover them but again I understand what that's like where you you start reading and then you're just going you're scratching your head and saying I'm not quite sure what this is or what that means and there's so many contradictions and so many people have so many different opinions you can feel maybe so overwhelmed by the subject that it becomes you know you become uninspired to read the word because of how how much contradiction there is out there but each time you read the Bible you become more and more familiar with it and that familiarity makes it easier to understand it repetition brings familiarity familiarity is the the foundation of understanding so for example the first time you go uh through the Book of Genesis it may seem like there's a lot going on but then as you read it again and again and again you start to notice there are consistent themes you start to notice there's a consistent Rhythm to the way it's written you start to notice that there are main ideas that get broken down into smaller ideas and then you start to begin to grasp all of the different concepts and you begin to realize okay I'm becoming familiar with it uh for instance another example if someone is reading for example about the Passover for the first time they'll learn about how God sent an angel of death over the land of Egypt and about how God protected the Israelites through the blood of the Lambs but once they are familiar with that story they're now more likely to make the connection between the Passover Lamb and Christ's crucifixion so each time you read the word your understanding will grow even if just incrementally so don't be discouraged if you read something and don't understand it just read it again I don't want to cheapen the scripture by comparing it to Something in pop culture but for example just as an analogy when you watch a movie let's say one that's a little complex it has a confusing storyline when you watch a movie the first time you may leave that movie thinking I don't really understand anything that happened but then you watch it a second time the setting is more familiar the characters are more familiar and now you're able to look out for a little details that maybe help to better explain the story and each time you watch that movie you gain a greater and greater understanding of it and again I don't want to cheapen the word of God by comparing it to a movie but in the same way as you repeat the patterns of scripture as you go through it again and again each time you go through a book in the Bible you become more familiar with it the names the places the stories the themes the cultural backdrops all of those things begin to become more and more familiar and again familiarity is the foundation of understanding when you become familiar with what the scripture is saying number three observation and interpretation this is what the Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:15 study to show thyself approved unto God a Workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of Truth here the scripture is giving us a command to study to show ourselves approved unto God not to show off not to debate not to bully other people but to show ourselves approved unto who unto God why because he is the Lord we work for him we are his servants so we must come to the place where we're rightly dividing the word of God we must apply hear me now we must apply practical study to our spiritual devotion and here is where I see a contradiction many times people who are a little more spontaneous or a little more how shall I word this inclined to the supernatural they have an issue generally speaking with the rigid foundational methods of studying the scripture and so on one hand you have the people again who are a little more inclined to the supernatural they want experience they want to feel God know God hear God and there's nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with that at all but typically and again this is a generalization that kind of person kind of mocks or looks down upon the idea of studying the word they say things like well that's just head knowledge or you're being puffed up with the word or or the letter kills but the spirit gives life that's an often misapplied scripture but you get the idea they're basically kind of snubbing snubbing this idea of studying the scripture as if that academic pursuit or that that discipline is somehow a contradiction to flowing in the Holy Spirit or being spiritual and then on the other hand we have Christians who are purely academic it is all head knowledge it's all about study and and they know about God but they have very little experience with God and they likewise they they look down upon those who are a little more inclined unto the supernatural but these two are not at odds with one another it's not like the spirit is fighting the word it's not like the spirit is against the word or the word is against the spirit they work harmoniously together what doesn't work in Harmony are the parts of our flesh that has an issue with either one of those so the people who rely a little bit more on the intellect they might have a little bit of trouble when it comes to surrendering to the move of the Holy Spirit the experience of the Holy Spirit and those who are a little more emotional might have trouble submitting their intellect to the disciplines that are commanded of us in scripture so we as Believers must be devoted to the word just because you study the scripture doesn't mean you can't experience moves of God in fact those who know the word are very safely grounded in truth they have a foundation upon which they can base their lives so that they're not just tossed to and fro that they're not just picking up every doctrine that comes along or hopping on every Trend that seems to be doing well but rather they have a solid foundation in the word of God now the point of observation and interpretation is to uncover the intended meaning of scripture this means that we are looking in the word of God for what is actually being communicated to us and this is observation and interpretation and really the two are one so when you're going through this you're going to look at a few things you're going to start with looking at the book and in a moment I'll have some visuals that if you're watching the video version of this you can screenshot if you're if you're listening to the audio version of this you can just go back over on YouTube and look for Bible study for beginners five easy Keys um the one from this year 2023 in December and then you can screenshot those and that will of course help you to uh have some references there so here's the way I look at it you have macro micro macro big picture little picture big picture say it again big picture little picture big picture so let's start with the big picture this is how I approach the scripture you want to understand the Big Ideas break down the little ideas and then zoom out and take a look at the big picture I'll show you what I mean let's just take a look at it now so number one when it comes to observation and interpretation which is key number three you want to look at the book and when it comes to the book that you're reading you're going to notice that there are one of several categories that that book can fall under so first you have the law/ thee penit and this is Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy and then you're going to have the Old Testament historical books or some call them Old Testament narratives Joshua Judges Ruth 1 and 2 Samuel 1 and 2 Kings 1 and 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther and then we have the wisdom SL poetic books or the wisdom literature SLP poetic books you have the Book of Job now the Book of Job could technically be counted as historical but just because we want to put every book in a category let's just for now put it in this category you have the book of Psalms you have the Book of Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon these are all wisdom literature SL poetic books and then you want to look at the prophets now some divide the prophets into Major Prophets and Minor Prophets and no disrespect is meant by that that just is a reference to the size of the book I remember uh one time I was in the I was in it was in a class and my teacher who was running the the Bible lesson didn't know that that was the categories that they placed him in so when I said something to the effect I think I said like is Jonah A minor Prophet she looked at me she said minor Prophet what do you mean minor Prophet she got all offended I was like and I didn't defend myself I just left it as it was but that's the way it's broken down categorically the Major Prophets are the larger books Minor Prophets are the smaller books so prophets Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel um and then you can also have some of the the Minor Prophets like Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum habac Zephaniah Hagi Zechariah Malachi and so forth and then you have the New Testament historical books narratives and this is Matthew Mark Luke John and acts then you have the Epistles this is like Romans 1 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 and 2 Thessalonians 1 and 2 Timothy Titus phimon now some divide even further the Epistles and then the Pauline Epistles in other words the Epistles that everyone else wrote and the Epistles that Paul wrote and then some might put the Book of Revelation in a category of its own this is debatable it's a Hot Topic uh but Revelation some say is a category of its own that's another subject for another time but you get the idea so the kind of book you're reading will have an impact on how the book is interpreted for example the way you study a historical book will differ from the way you study an epistle in an epistle I'm looking for teaching to apply directly to my life in a historical book I'm looking at how God interacted with people and I'm seeing truths about his nature so it's not necessarily directly applicable but there are things that we can glean from those books that become applicable to our everyday lives now some might say well there's a difference between prescriptive and descriptive scripture by that they mean some scriptures are very instructional and some are just describing events that happened or interactions that happen between man and God and I don't think that line is so harsh that you can't kind of have some crossover because who doesn't glean truths that are instructive from what we would call a descriptive text so uh that that is often said people say there's a difference prescriptive and descriptive that's said that's kind of put out there it's a great rule of thumb but it's not rigid it's not scripture you won't find that in the Bible but it is a it is a general good rule of thumb or generally good rule of thumb but I I don't I wouldn't be too rigid with that and next you're going to want to look at the author who wrote the book The purpose why did they write the book the overall theme what's the big idea here the overall tone what's the tone that they're taking with the people they're writing to you want to look at historical and cultural backdrops you want to look at the recipients who's receiving the letter who is this who is this record written for so the author the purpose overall theme overall tone historical and cultural backdrops and then the recipients so this is good because studying this way keeps you from just making things up uh for example there there's this idea that you can kind of take um scripture and just be allegorical with it now it's to some degree there's some room to do that in some places but sometimes people just take things way too far like for example in the book of Acts the story about the man falling out of the window while the apostle was preaching and he dies and they raise him from the dead okay what is that that's a historical mention of a resurrection that took place within the time of the New Testament Church or the the early church I should say uh but some will take that text and they'll say okay well actually what this represents is the man falling out of the window represents your dreams that have died and God's going to resurrect them or they'll say like well he fell out of the window because he had one foot in the church and one foot in the world and then that obviously led to his death now it may be true that if you have one foot in the world and one foot in the church that it'll lead to a sort of compromised spiritual state but that's not at all what the text is communicating again it's just a historical record of an amazing Resurrection story and that's good that's great so what can we glean from that God is all powerful God raises the dead things to life um that even death doesn't have authority over the power of Christ like so we understand to that degree we can glean some truth but to take that and then to take every little detail of the story as if it has some very deep spiritual meaning well now you're forced your meaning upon the text and this is why I say that some Christians approach uh the Bible as if they're reading a fortune cookie or even worse like they're reading a horoscope and they're asking what does this mean to me today how does this apply to me to be clear you should apply the scripture to your life to be clear the scripture should speak to your life personally in a very personal way and even in a very detailed way what I'm simply saying here is that we're not to take our meaning and try to force it upon the scripture the job of the student the job of the Christian Student the student of God's word is not to place their meaning on the scripture or place what they think God is telling them onto the scripture but rather to take out from the scripture extract the meaning that's already there in other words when the you have to ask yourself this when the Holy Spirit inspired the writer of that particular text to write what they wrote what was it that he was intending to communicate what what did the Holy Spirit intend to communicate when he had that particular scripture written down or that particular story written down or that particular record written down what was the Holy Spirit trying to communicate what was the Holy Spirit trying to get us to see not what do I want to place on that and so when you look at the scripture this way this keeps you very safe you're safeguarded now against leaving the boundaries of of scripture and now going into the area of imagination because we can be very imaginative with the way we look at the scripture and this is why for example you don't see me teaching a lot of the things that are very popular to teach because I don't see some of these things in scripture now I'm not here to say look at me I have it all good and I'm I'm perfect and everything I teach is perfectly aligned I'm sure that there are some things that I teach that maybe 20 years from now as I continue to study the word I'll go oh my goodness I didn't get that right did I but we have to be open to that we have to be students we have to be constantly learning and then humble enough to admit when we didn't get something right and so if however we approach the scripture with these safeguards looking at the intended meaning of the scripture not what I intend it to mean but the intended meaning of the scripture then we prevent ourselves from going off the rails in that way uh so then after you look at the entire again that that whole backdrop so author purpose overall theme overall tone historical and cultural backdrops recipients and so forth now you're going to take a look at the chapters and verses now keep in mind the chapters and verses were added later specifically for reference so don't freak out about that that is not considered adding to the word of God or taking away from the word of God because you're not changing the meaning of the scripture those were just added for reference and so typically but not in every instance those chapters and verses are broken down into thoughts clear thoughts so as you read you can use the chapters for reference you can use the chapters um to help you more easily find scripture you can use the chapters maybe even to help you reach goals in terms of your Bible reading but please as you read the scripture read in portions of thoughts let the idea conclude before you close the Bible receive something from it before you move on with your day so you got the chapters and verses and next you're going to be looking at uh the words so you want to understand the terminology the terms and the context when you take terms and words and abuse them or change them or or misunderstand them even again sometimes we unintentionally do these things you end up with a lot of really strange doctrines for example I can name a couple universalism is a heresy this idea that everyone is saved whether they consciously receive Christ or not or that everyone ultimately will be redeemed in eternity that's just not what the Bible teaches but universalism is fundamentally based on misunderstanding or misapplying or twisting the terminology surrounding eternity in heaven and hell in the afterlife and so you ever notice when someone's pushing that heresy of universalism that there's going to be a lot of playing with the with the Hebrew and with the Greek and with those terms that have to do with uh periods of time and so for like and I can go on listing several but but you get what I'm saying there's there's there's there's very there's a very confused way of going about it uh that sounds right but again when you when you begin to really do the research you find that it's it's actually an issue and it's a heresy so some people do just enough research to be heretical not enough research to find where that heresy is actually wrong another problematic Doctrine it's not necessarily heresy I wouldn't label it as that it's very dangerous it's very harmful it keeps people in bondage is this idea that Christians can have demons demons now the idea that Christians can have demons I want you to listen very carefully now what I'm about to say you look at the doctrine the false doctrine that Christians can have demons and you're going to notice that the basis for this Doctrine is always first playing with the definition of dioni which is the Greek word for demonization you look at that word and you look at that term and you're going to find in order to build a case for Christian demonization they always have to go back to that word and redefine dii dioni look it up in the Greek lexicons dioni means to be possessed with a demon and so what happens is there's this subtle shift they'll take that word and instead of using it to mean what it means to be possessed with the demon uh they'll say things like well you know demons don't own anything or the devil doesn't own anything I'm thinking well what about John 8:44 where Jesus said that the the religious leaders belong to the devil um you know so they take little things like that and they'll redefine the term term to instead of meaning demon possession where the demon dwells in them and Exhibits control over them where the demon has them in its possession they will redefine daoni to mean you know it's just influence of demonic power in general or it's different degrees of demonic influ you can have you can damoni covers everything from spiritual bondage or Temptation or torment all the way down to possession and that's just not the case how do you know that you look at the scripture you look at the context you look at what the the writers intended you look at the writers of the gospels and you see when they use that word they intended to communicate what we call demon possession so that's just a couple examples one is heresy universalism the other is just a problematic doctrine that creates a lot of Perpetual bondage for people and once you get down to the root of it there's no more defending it I mean it really does end the debate when you study the word itself um you can do this there a free tool online you can use it's called strongs Interline Interlinear Bible it's a free tool but be careful uh to try not to stretch things without understanding that even myself I'm not a Greek scholar I'm not a Hebrew scholar I reference a lot of the Hebrew and Greek Scholars but I myself am not one but it still is a helpful tool just be careful with that um because words do change meaning based on the context for example if I say um the construction workers and the engineers built a bridge across the water you picture one kind of bridge but if I say you know their relationship was troubled but then they built a bridge to each other you're not thinking of a literal Bridge there why same word different context takes on a different meaning so again to recap Big Picture author purpose overall theme overall tone historical and cultural backdrops recipients of the letter or the document or the record and then you break it down further to Chapters and verses those are sections again those are there for reference they're helpful for understanding how to break it up maybe set goals but those weren't there origin then you look down into the finer details the words themselves what did these mean now you're back at the details and then you go back big picture again and now you have a better understanding you have a solid framework for understanding what's being communicated and now you're safe from going off into heresy or going off into wild conspiracy theory like doctrines that ultimately produce confusion and paranoia and more bondage and depression and anxiety that's what happens when you don't understand the word and more so confusion than anything because people come up with some weird things man like strange doctrines and and if if no one's there to check it if if you think again the the word of God is like a fortune cookie where you just open it well you know they quoted a scripture when they said what they said so surely it must be true the question is not can they quote scripture with what they share the question is can they quote scripture accurately and communicate what the scripture is communicating and that goes for all different doctrines all different places from heresies to just uh being off a little bit that's a safeguard for you that I think will be very helpful number four is meditation Psalm 1: 1-3 let me pull up the scripture here Psalm chap 1: 1-3 all the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked or stand around with Sinners or join in with mockers but they Delight in the law of the Lord meditating on it day and night they are like trees planted along the riverbank bearing fruit each season their leaves never wither and they prosper in all they do so here the scripture is talking about meditation now this is important because this helps to keep the word of God in your mind now I know that when we hear the word meditation that may freak some of you out but I'm not talking about the new age concept of meditation worldly meditation says empty your mind empty your mind why so it can be filled with garbage Godly meditation says fill your mind fill your mind fill your mind with what with the word what is meditation it's simple meditation is repetition in thought so as you do what I just gave you you study study study first you ask for the holy spirit's help that's going to be a big one then you have to be consistent in the word every day familiarize yourself with that text even if you don't understand what you're reading keep reading again and again and again it'll become more and more familiar the number three observation and interpretation and those two Empower one another and then comes meditation now that you've received the truths you've taken a bite of the meal now you have to let it digest if reading and hearing the word is eating then meditation is digestion let me say that again if reading and hearing the word is eating then meditation is digestion in other words when you hear the word when you read the word it's like you're taking a bite out of a spiritual meal but only when you meditate on it repeat in your mind again and again and again only then does it become digested so that the nutrients of the word can help to fill the spirit or your spirit is already filled but to help give the spirit influence over the other areas of your life now number five is application this is so important what's the point in knowing the word receiving the Revelation being dedicated to it being accurate with it meditating on it if you're not going to live it Matthew chapter 13:12 says to those who listen to my teaching more understanding will be given and they will have an abundance of knowledge but for those who are not listening even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them so Jesus said that what little understanding they had would be taken away why because they didn't do anything with it so application is a part of studying God's word because it causes you to experience the word think about for example a pilot that's being trained they can sit in that simulator all day but eventually they're going to have to fly a real plane if they want to get their license in the same way you can read and study the word that's great and you need to do that I stress the importance of that so don't hear what I'm not saying it's not just experience you have to have it based on the word so you you receive the word in that way but application now you're living it that is a part of studying God's word because it causes you to experience the word living the the word keeps your fellowship with the Holy Spirit unhindered and if you don't apply the word your hunger for the word will dwindle James chapter 1 veres 22-2 but don't just listen to God's word you must do what it says otherwise you are only fooling yourselves for if you listen to the word and don't obey it it's like glancing at your face in a mirror you see yourself walk away and forget what you look like but if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard then God will bless you for doing it again that's James chapter 1: 20-2 I going to pray with you now and I'm going to ask the Holy Spirit to stir within you a hunger for the word now I know it's tempting at the end of the lesson to start clicking on other things but I want you to allow this to be sealed now let's agree together in prayer father I thank you that you are stirring that hunger for the word make us students I pray give us a passion a fire a Zeal to know you and understand you through your word will you just thank him right now thank him that he gave us the word Lord we thank you we thank you for the revelation of who we are we thank you Holy Spirit for inspiring the scripture now I pray Lord you would give us that desire for it help us to understand it cause us to be committed I pray help us to remove distraction we want to go deeper in your word Lord take us to higher places we pray in Jesus name I want you to say it because you believe it don't forget to also if you enjoyed this video leave a like that actually helps to spread the teaching even further and I really want to stay connected with you so make sure you subscribe to my channel and make sure you also click that notification Bell when you do subscribe because if you subscribe without the notification sometimes you get notices sometimes you don't but if you click the notification Bell then for the most part you'll receive those notices and now I want to invite you to be a part of what God is doing through this ministry through your financial support I'm asking you right now to consider supporting the work through either a single donation or a monthly part partnership all of it goes to help us Advance the kingdom of God through the spreading of the Gospel our ministry has a very simple focused Vision spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ all around the world through the power of the Holy Spirit via events and media so all of 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Channel: David Diga Hernandez
Views: 288,352
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Keywords: Bible Study for Beginners - 5 EASY Keys, Bible Study for Beginners - 5 Simple Keys, How Do I Study the Bible? | 5 SIMPLE Bible Study Keys, how do i study the bible, bible study, how to study the bible, bible study tips, study the bible, how to study the bible for beginners, how to read the bible, the key to deeper bible study, helpful bible study tips, understanding the bible for beginners, learning the bible, bible study lessons, david diga hernandez
Id: YatjYuGsjE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 21sec (2301 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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