Bible Baptist Church Wednesday PM 9/1/2021

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five minutes when the people that are finally realizing they haven't gotten here yet they'll come sliding in the parking lot and make their way in and i'm just glad anybody's here i'm glad you're here we do have visitors so be on your best behavior they're right over here and i won't tell you their name but their last name is lamb so watch out for them they're all the way from ohio but they're not yankees i mean they're on our team we're so glad they're here took time to come out on their vacation has to drive home after this so you pray for their safe travels uh let's go to the lord in prayer and we'll get started together all right our father we come to you tonight because uh we need you we need you a lot more than we even know we see the world around us falling apart and the devil and the enemy tries to give us a spirit of fear but we thank you that we don't have uh have to have a spirit of fear you've not given us that but you've given us a spirit of power and love and of a sound mind so lord we come tonight looking to you to speak to our hearts encourage your people strengthen us and we may become and more like the lord jesus christ lord if there be someone that's never trusted christ it needs to be saved tonight they come to christ and they'd realize their lost condition and repent of their sins and put their faith in you lord if there's others that are discouraged tonight i pray you lift up their heads lord i know they're many sick around us and in our neighborhood even from our church we ask you to strengthen them give them uh good health and help them to fully recover from whatever they're struggling with and we thank you for protecting us uh different times through life when we don't even realize you watched overs protect us from things we don't even know about so thank you for your goodness your blessing in jesus name amen speaking of goodness we're going to sing a song together 331 find you a hymn book this song surely goodness and mercy comes out of psalm 23 the last part of the verse that famous psalm i heard a man one time say well i envisioned that surely goodness and mercy being like two bird dogs that have been chasing me down all my life and barking at me and blessing me all my life and i'll be honest with you i really feel that way it's like god has run us down and decided to pour out blessings upon us we really don't deserve so as you sing this i hope you turn your heart toward god's goodness and mercy toward us caleb's gonna come and lead us [Music] jesus [Music] all the [Music] days of our lives [Music] follow of me lives [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] amen that thing got up there kind of high for me amen you go ahead and be seated but i'm glad a few people tried to make it up there all right quick before we go just a couple announcements uh i got a whole rack full of tracks out there right out that door on that wall everybody get you some and take them home with you i pulled up to the mcdonald's uh that place you shouldn't go eat but anyway i went there to eat and i had his coupon on my phone for free fries but i couldn't find how to make it work so i had to pay for them anyway anyway i gave the guy a couple of these tracks and he said hey i've already read that one you got any other ones well praise the lord somebody's already given him some so get these gospel tracts out there they're great they're a sermon and a pamphlet to be honest what they are they're a great message and i had someone also gave one to last week so they'd never seen one before never seen one said but i like these praise god getting the gospel out there to people that need it um i hope you take some and take them and give them out a couple things coming up we got skate day coming up friday so if you're in town we want you to be here friday from 10 o'clock to 12 o'clock and then next wednesday got a short business meeting our church anniversary is coming up this uh not this sunday next sunday next sunday yeah next sunday will be the second sunday in september when we plan the church and i'll be honest it's a miracle i'm looking at what god's doing it's just only been nine years god be the glory is truly what ought to be said about it so we're looking forward to um having a good time here that day hopefully lord willing uh we'll reflect back on some of the things god has done through the years and to give you a better foundation what god's doing here so what he's going to has already done in the past and then our september the 12th you need to sign up you're going to be in the christmas play semis elvis and then our outreach uh september the 25th we're going knocking on doors and then october the 3rd be the first meeting for play practice and then our church picnic october the 16th was a lot in here i can't remember all this stuff i'm glad somebody wrote it down for me october the 16th you might want to take a picture of it put on your phone so you know where you're going to be when you're supposed to be there and that'll be at big ridge state park just down the road here a little ways down the road and a pavilion number four uh we hadn't decided exactly what time we're going to start but last time we had a lot of good good time together and our christmas play coming up december 11 and 12. i have good news um lawson and nathan trace are back from back from back from the haiti and then back from louisiana louisiana however you say that they're back from down there they were able to rescue a lot of people and um god just blessed them out and pray i was hoping to have them have a chance to share but we didn't get it all worked out so and that's all i know of right now uh somebody right quick got a testimony i'll take one before we sing one more course together somebody got a t by the way how many of you glad you came to church sunday night last week and heard some people's testimonies that was a blessing one blessing to see what god doing in people's lives somebody got a testimony see one half see one hand right here bradley amen the man said he's glad that god had a reason to make us he's not exactly sure what it is for him but we know it's for the glory of god and he's going to make you know a lot more about it the older you get amen uh it's for the glory of god that's why you're here you're not here for your happiness and my happiness we're here for his glory so don't get discouraged if things don't just go like you want them to say well god this must be for your glory there's bigger things you're doing that i understand well let's sing one more song together find your place 128 stand to your feet a little course and uh we're going to sing it through one time and i'll give you a chance to fellowship just for a moment you don't have to shake hands if you don't want to give me the old baptist nod oh evil look smile do something nice let somebody know you're glad they're here uh if you don't feel comfortable shaking hands that's fine but we're gonna sing the windows of heaven are open aren't you glad they're not closed there's coming a day it's coming today the rapture takes place and all those that have heard the gospel i'll tell you the doors are closed if you've heard it there's come a day the last the last day that great white throne judgment i'm going to tell you there's going to be the gates and clothes i'm glad the heavens are open amen caleb's gonna come and lead us [Music] there's joy joy in my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] is [Music] all right amen you go ahead and be seated that's one of the reasons i'm happy tonight i'm happy for a lot of reasons i'm happy that my wife is coming home tonight she's been out of town she's up in pennsylvania with esther planning a wedding for nathan i said well my wife shouldn't have to leave for you to get married amen but i'm glad she's coming home lord willing tonight so i'm happy about that i'm happy my sins are forgiven amen i'm happy i'm going to heaven one day i'm happy god's working all things together for my good and for his glory i'm happy that i'm not trusting in washington d.c to deliver me i'm happy i'm still here on safe ground i'm trusting in christ and i'm going to be all right amen i got a lot of things i could be happy about i know happy the word happy has to do with happenstance i know we have joy in the lord jesus christ but i think we all know what we're talking about and one other thing i want to mention um um scott pauley in berkeley um west virginia they beckley west virginia they put together a 9 11 20th anniversary coming up uh september 10th through the 12th seven o'clock friday through sunday god bless if you want to be a part of that i think i don't know if they're going to have it live it's going to be there in person we're going to be a part of that if you want to take a vacation and go there without being encouragement i'm sure uh to you all right we got uh we're gonna take up an offer and i need some workers here from the young men i need nehemiah jeb ezra bradley noah and laden they'll give me a hand on the offering if this uh the new future church men right here the leaders in the next generation of people serving god is standing before you and if you're visiting with us and since you are you're right over there fill out one of these if you don't mind make sure they got a pen over there let me see all my pins have disappeared make sure that man back there mr lamb gets a pen all right somebody stole all my pen i don't know how that happened you know baptist but anyway we're not going to preach on that tonight they think if it's a pen it must be theirs we're not like the credit union if you go to credit and you pick up a pen they say well you touched it you keep it i'm not like that i said give it back we'll spray it off we'll use it again so anyway let's pray for this offering and pray for these young people serving the lord all right father we thank you for a chance to give you blessed us with so much we see into other countries we hear about others the limited resources they have and yet we have so much and we're awful stingy with it lord i pray you'd help us tonight to be generous givers to your work around the world to your work and get your word to people not only here but all over the gospel may be preached in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do i cannot help but think about that song she just played how many know what that song was day by day i'm gonna i want to read you i wanted to read you this song she just played i want to tell you about this lady named lena sandbell berg she was on the ship with her father traveling across the ocean and [Music] they hit a big surge in the water and her father was thrown overboard and he drowned they didn't recover him he was gone out of that terrible tragedy of experience she wrote this song day by day and with each passing moment strength i find to meet my trials here trusting in my father's wise bestowment i have no cause for worry or for fear he whose heart is kind beyond all measure gives unto each day what he deems best lovingly in its part of pain and pleasure mingling toil with peace and rest every day the lord himself is near me with a special mercy for each hour all my cares he feign would bear and cheer me he whose name is counselor and power the protection of his child and treasure is a charge that on himself he laid as thy days thy strength shall be in measure this the pledge to me he made powerful song last verse says help me then in every tribulation so to trust thyme promises o lord i lose not faith sweet consolation offered me within thy holy word help me lord when toil and trouble meeting heir to take as from a father's hand one by one the days the moment's fleeting till i reach the promised land we sing that song but we don't really think about what we're singing i'm telling you that's a powerful powerful story i would not want that to happen to anyone in their life but out of that story out of that tragedy instead of becoming bitter god let that lady pin down a song that has made i'd say millions choose to trust christ with their life great soul well i got one more special i believe calvin's gonna sing special for us and then if you take your bible you'll find your place ii timothy we'll be there in just a moment all right [Music] you formed me with your holy hands before my birthday [Music] cause for all you've done you deserve the glory here's my everything i give you every part of me i surrender [Music] my plans my hopes my dreams you're so amazing makes me wish i had more to bring but if you'll take it here's my everything [Music] lately i've been learning more about your love and finding for my every need it is [Music] here's my everything i give you every part of me i surrender my plans my hopes my dreams you're so [Music] amazing makes me wish i had more to [Music] cause if there's any good in me it's all because of you lord so i pledge my offering here's my everything i give you every part of me i surrender my plans my hopes my dreams are so amazing makes me wish i had more to bring but if you'll take it here's my everything [Music] here's my everything all right take your bible and turn with me to second timothy chapter number two we're just going to look at one verse lord willing but this one verse right here can fill up your lifetime by the way one simple verse would be enough for us to work on i'm thinking about as i studied this for the rest of our life if this is the only verse we had um it would be an incredible responsibility to take and apply this one thing to our life and i believe really as a christian once you're saved this is a duty of every christian um to pursue this one thing this one thing and paul of course is writing this to timothy um the holy spirit is writing it not only through paul to timothy but it's all too so to all of us it's not just for timothy it is for everybody that's a believer he's writing to christians believers but he's given us some instruction and we know this is the last letter that the apostle paul pinned down before he went to be with the lord this is the letter where he says hey i'm ready to be offered and uh the time of his departure is at hand by the way the time of your departure could be at hand too and you think about this what would you write to leave for your wife and children or for your husband or future if you knew this was your departing day was not far away it wouldn't be a bad idea to sit down and write out a few things so in the event i'm not here i think you ought to know this is what i think about you this is how i came to christ it's what i want god to do in your life and let them know i remember one time i should do it more often but i was facing a very scary tree job i didn't know if i was going to live or not but i took a day off and wrote every one of my kids a letter which was a long time writing letters by the way to let them know if i wasn't there what i thought of them what i wanted them to do with their life and and um i didn't realize it but some of them said you know what i still got that letter and um when's the last time anyway that i don't know how that got in here but anyway part of the this paul's last letter we know paul told timothy he realized timothy was struggling with some things he had some tears he had some fears he had some temptation to be ashamed of the gospel ashamed of paul he tells them what it's going to take to fulfill your calling tells them to endure hardness as a good soldier of jesus christ he tells them not to be entangled with things that are not having to do with this war we're involved in he gives them some other details and we made it all the way to verse number 14 last week and talked about don't be of these things he said put them in remembrance verse 14 of chapter 2 charging them before the lord that they strive not about words to no prophet but to the subverting of the hearers we talked about how easily words come out of our mouth oh boy does that happen and how easily we can cause pain destruction and sorrow um in our lives and in the lives of other people we talked about being mindful what we say but i want you to pick up in verse 15 verse for the night study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth let's read it again study he's writing to timothy he's writing to all of us study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth father we ask you to bless your word may or this text have a voice tonight may our lives be willing may we give ourselves to be diligent and zealous about our study to be a true workman given to rightly dividing your word that we may uh represent you properly to everybody we would meet everybody we would talk to about you that we would uh not be led astray like many others have taken bible verses and used them for their own agenda but rather lord it may just be for your glory and help us to be faithful to your word in jesus name amen paul's writing to timothy giving us some instruction i'd like to look at three quick things they all start with a's and as a christian i'd like to be an a wouldn't you i think i'm an f most of the time but i'd like to be an a so these are all a's and the first a would be when he says study to show thyself approved unto god my first a would be you think about this sometime we think about what do we mean and sometimes we take this well that just means a study well study to show thyself approved unto god let me ask you this the first a is whose approval are you trying to get whose approval are you trying to gain you can tell most of the time whose approval people are trying to get by who it is they're trying to please because who is whoever's approval you're looking for that's the person that controls your life and future the approval who is it that you're looking for their approval who are you looking to to validate who you are your value your purpose in life your goals in life whose approval are you looking for there's many many people i remember growing up i was looking for the approval of my peers anybody ever been through that stage in life looking to look good in front of my peers i wanted to be cool anybody ever want to be cool well i'm still cool what do you mean y'all are all cool as far as i'm concerned everybody here but you know what it's not about being cool you know i we went uh somewhere the other day and uh we went into the dollar tree stuff's cheap in the dollar tree i like it i know it's a dollar and i wish every trash store was like that but i remember i saw some of my people and i know in my life that went shopping in the dollar tree and i noticed they bought some things so they could look cool they wanted to be approved because they probably saw have seen other people in their life that they look up to they want to be like them by the way somebody's looking up to you whether you like it or not so paul says i want you to study timothy study to show thyself approved not unto your peers not under the people around you not under to the rich or to the intelligent i want you to study to show thyself approved unto god whose approval are you looking for everybody is looking for somebody's approval i mean we ought to be looking to the lord for his approval but most many many times we're looking for others approval you can tell you watch uh people when they're doing something they'll they'll do something and they'll look over to see was that good you know you remember when you're uh you're playing sports and you're a kid or you're whatever you are you might still be doing now and you make a good shot or you do something good or you make a good tackle or you throw a good pat and you look over to who it is you want their approval it might be your coach it might be your girlfriend i remember i was trying to really impress my girlfriend one day and it's my wife by the way i was going to impress her with my wrestling skills and um uh i i didn't realize what happened um my let me tell you about my other friend he was trying to impress his girlfriend i'll tell his story since he here he was going to impress his girlfriend with his wrestling skills he was trying to get her approval so he went and we were going to wrestle at a appalachian state and we ran up there went up there to wrestle and and uh my wife which wasn't my wife at the time and his wife wasn't his wife at the time but they drove up there to watch and so they had never been to a wrestling match i don't think ever in their life my wife didn't grow up much around athletics so she wasn't ready for what she was going to experience when the people start cheering and saying things now my friend he ended up being a national champion in ai he was the number one in the nation he went on the usa team to russia and was voted the most valuable wrestler on the team he wrestled four times in russia and the ukraine and he i mean five times he won four matches no other american won a match and so he was quite an athlete but he went up there and he was wrestling to somebody that was that was ranked in like the top five in the country and um he decided he was gonna show his stuff and he was gonna get her approval so he went in there and i'm telling you he put so many moves on that guy he ended up at one point picking up the guy's feet and walking him around like a wheelbarrow you remember the wheelbarrow you know i mean that's like humiliating i mean he walked him all around and then he finally pinned the guy and after the match was over we were standing there talking and uh she said you know i was i thought at a school this big you know they have 40 000 students at appalachian uh well the appalachian yeah appalachian they have 40 000 students i think our school had 2 000 students she said i thought a school that big they'd have somebody a whole lot better the rest of you that guy must have been no good i'm thinking boy you really impressed her he said you were almost mean to that guy walking around like i'm thinking oh my goodness this guy was incredible anyway y'all don't hear what my wife said y'all wanna hear do you okay i'll tell you what she said she didn't say it to me i did not know this happened i was wrestling and the people on the side their team were screaming kill him break his leg well she never heard such talk as that she marched out of the bleachers across the floor beside the gymnasium on the map by the mat went over to that coach and said that's my boyfriend i'm going to marry him you make them stop that right now and buddy they stopped and so let's just say neither of us got our wives to be approval by our actions we were looking for it in the wrong way we were really looking to approve the wrong people but you know what in life who is it you're trying to impress whose approval are you looking for if it's not god's approval you're wasting your time what if you get somebody else's approval but it's not god's you know what you got you got nothing because their approval in the big scheme of things means nothing compared to god's approval there's a lot of people through history did what they could to get the approval of the king of the approval of all these other people but they didn't seek god's approval remember a story of a man named haman he was trying to get the king's approval he was going to do away with mordecai mordecai just trying to get god's approval and who ended up in the long run ending winning in the long run what happened mordecai got exalted and haman got hung why he was looking for approval from the wrong places paul tells timothy timothy i want you to study to show yourself approved unto god who is it that you're trying to get approval from everybody growing up tries to get approval from older people you older young people in here you think well i can't really influence somebody i'm going to tell you there's a 20 or 30 young people in this room that you could influence a whole lot of younger people they're looking for your approval and the more you say well i'm trying to disciple people disciple people that are younger than you they'll listen to you people your own age may not listen to you but i'm going to tell you people the younger you you have a chance to really encourage them to do what's right so paul tells timothy study to show thyself approved unto god first point who am i looking to get approved from and then he goes on to say a workman that needeth not be ashamed do you know studying the word of god he talks about next poem he talks about not only right he talks about rightly dividing the word of truth do you realize studying to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not be ashamed you know what people say preacher man he's got it easy he only preaches one hour on sunday and one hour on wednesday one hour sunday night man that's a piece of cake well you know what it sure looks easy i'll tell you the easiest thing i do is cut trees the hardest thing i do is study to preach i'm just going to tell you it's the most time consuming huge responsibility that weighs on my mind every day of my life thinking what does this say is this accurate how does i communicate this what are the important truths i mean it is a a workman we think about god wanting a hammer as a workman and he is we're thinking about a guy swinging out of a tree oh that's working it is we think about a guy you know um laying concrete it's working and it is but a workman that needeth not be ashamed i'm going to tell you studying to show thyself approved unto god it's work it's work i would rather i love learning i love studying but i'm going to tell you it's it takes that idea of a workman as a diligent go-getter one that's getting the work done how many of you ever had somebody works beside you or works for you that you know they are not a workman i mean they are barely getting by i went to work for this company one time i'd worked for ups for about three years and i left ups and went to work for this for the summer uh in this textual company j.p stevens the name of the company i remember working in there and i went into the the first day of work it was just a summer job i went in there first day of work i go in there and um there's like five guys in there and then i'm the sixth guy and we walk in a little room about the size of this corner right here and i walk in there and i said okay what do we do what do i do here what do we do they said sit on that stool right there i said what do you mean well we sit on that stool right there until they tell us they need some more dye we we were mix and die it had to be the proper color so all the sheets and everything they printed matched and i go in there i said boy let me go mix something well you just sit on that stool they don't need nothing yet when they need something we'll tell you it didn't take me long to realize the reason that company was going bankrupt because they had about six guys sitting on the stool and one or two guys could have run the whole department you know why they just didn't have that workman about them you know most of us in our study of the scriptures and study looking for god's approval we're pretty slack about it we're not real workmen we don't take the study of god's word and the study of articulate as serious as we take other responsibilities in life he said well you're the preacher you have to do that well let me tell you something this ain't just the preachers this is to believers you know why we have the most illiterate public and probably the most illiterate church that the world has ever known biblically illiterate oh they can read and write but they couldn't find i was preaching a thing one day as the guy was going to do a chalk drawing i said how am i doing drawing down here you want to come watch it he said what are you going to do it on i've got to teach another class this was a bible teacher in another church i got to teach a class i said well i'm going to be preaching about the sin of acan he said a can don't sin i said acan in the bible he said who is acan you never heard of a can listen if you've ever read your bible through one time you know acan is the man that stole and hid and dissembled and he beared that gold and silver and that babylonian garment and i thought my goodness this is a teacher in a church and i'm thinking lord we have an illiterate church in the world of what does the bible say so number one whose approval are you looking for number two he said i want you to work man that needeth not be ashamed it's like god's gonna come and respect your work now imagine for a minute that you were actually working for god and he's going to come and inspect your work now i know what it's like when um um when i worked for nabisco i would go and after you stocked all the shelves two or three things you had to do you had to rotate all the stock you put the old stuff in the back and the new stuff in the front no that's not right old stuff in the back and the new stuff no the new stuff in the back and the old stuff in the front how many of you go shopping in the grocery store i mean we go to the meat market and you see the chicken in there i always flip through i want the newest one the milk i get the longest date i go and look i i go to the back and i get to dig them out why because the newest stuff is supposed to be in the back so when my boss was coming to inspect what i was doing boy i didn't want to be ashamed because he'd go in there and he'd reach right in the back and he'd pull that package out and he said huh you ain't been rotating well i'm in a hurry you know i just throw it in there and get out of there oh boy you talking about being ashamed you got to do it like you're told and i remember thinking i want to make and when you leave after you stalk everything you want to have when you leave you want to make sure that shelf looks like it's packed full they call front in the shelf you're going to pull it all to the front so it looks impactful and then you go in the back and everything you got left over you stack it neat and orderly maybe in our lives there's been times we just throw it in the back room we just throw it out how many of y'all would like me to inspect your house sunday morning after you got ready for church for cleanliness i mean there's stuff all over the place wouldn't you agree yeah how many of you i heard a guy say he said i'll tell you what i'm gonna do after y'all go to school i'm going to come in your house and take pictures of all your room we're going to put it up for the church to see how many y'all like that no no no why oh you like it you don't think you'd like it i've seen your room but anyway hey he said i want you to study to show thyself approved unto god is this what god wants me to do is this what god said a workman that needeth not be ashamed and thirdly we see it whose approval are you looking for number two are you and am i going to be ashamed when god comes and inspects what i've done with my life and my study and my personal walk with him am am i going to be ashamed i'm going to be ashamed i can tell you i am going to be ashamed i'm thinking about i'm thinking lord how much time have i wasted how many days have i let the important things go by and done all the little things that don't matter oh i filled my day up with a whole bunch of stuff how many of you know you feel your day up whether you do anything good or not i mean you feel the whole day up but just keeping your life running but you leave off the most important things oh you didn't study to show yourself approved under god you just tried to make it and hey i'm going to be ashamed i'm afraid i know i look at my life i know he said a workman i mean he's to the task he's a go-getter he's a doer timothy i want you to be a doer a workman that needeth not to be ashamed and lastly we'll look at that one rightly dividing the word of truth you know we're going to we're going to call this we got our whose approval are you looking for are we going to be ashamed and number three what approach do we take to the scriptures you see there is a proper way to study the scripture don't tell you about this book you you can get it and read it it'll help you in your study and i i got this illustration out of this book this man's name is john phillips how many of you heard of john phillips if you need a good commentary on the bible i'd recommend one there's he's written a lot of new testament but not the whole bible but he's got a lot of books and i've got a lot of them but he's got a book called exploring the scriptures he says now this guy died he's in the prolific writer he was a prolific preacher and he was a great testimony and a great articulate of the scriptures but this man he said i wish somebody would have handed me this book when i first became a christian and a curse became a preacher and it's called exploring the scriptures you see all scripture is given by inspiration of god all scripture is profitable all scripture is for me but all scripture is not necessarily to me every scripture i hear people say their method of bible study is this well i'm just looking for the lord to guide me i heard about a fella he was having trouble he said lord i need your direction he flipped his bible open and judas went forth and hung himself i don't like that found another place go thou and do likewise that is not a good method of bible study amen there is a whole school of thought i'm talking about the approach to studying the bible the approach to rightly dividing the word of truth is this there's an approach out there it's called the allegorical approach it is not a biblical approach they allegorize everything you know adam and eve they say weren't really people it was just symbolic and that tree was just symbolic it wasn't really just a tree well you heard don sable say well i guess it wasn't really just a man either all the things they allegorized everything all these miracles it wasn't really jonah wasn't really swallowed by a fish and by the way it wasn't well the new testament says oh john what no that's just an allegory that's just a life lesson no no let me tell you when it's an allegory when it's a parable it's demonstrated and named as a parable they take the teaching about luke 16 the rich man who died and lift his eyes and hail people so that's a parable no he said there was a certain rich man that's not a parable he'd just say jesus taught him in parable it didn't say and there was a man named lazarus it was a real literal man lame lazarus well that torment was literal torment it was he was tormented in these flames it was a literal interpretation so john phillips uh give you a thought about it he he said to properly divide the scriptures to handle the word of god honestly fully and straightforwardly we must interpret the bible as a literal interpretation this is a phrase he had in there if plain sense makes common sense seek no other sense if plain sense makes common sense seek no other sense don't try to explain away something that you clearly understood the first time you read it when he said be ye perfect therefore as even as your father which is in heaven is perfect he really meant it he meant what he said he said what he meant it's a little interpretation of the bible he gave one of the best illustrations i i i ever heard i'm going to tell it to you so we'll all know it here he talked about a man you see there's there's basically three main themes that run through the bible there's lots of truths lots of things you can learn but three main themes one of salvation the redemption of man from genesis to revelation you'll find redemption is god's plan salvation that's part of it the next one is there's church truth there's church and that's mostly you'll find it in the new testament the pauline epistles you'll find them the church is not revealed in the old testament it was concealed in the old testament the church you'll find out as you look back now you can find little bitty little glimpses of a church and from the old testament but you wouldn't know if you didn't look and the third was kingdom truth he said there's three main truths that run through the bible there's church truth there's kingdom truth and then there's salvation truth if we try to mix those together and you misinterpret you don't rightly divide which one goes with which you end up very confused that's how a lot of false doctrine gets out that's how a lot of these cults get started they gave greatest illustration you go when i finally tell you you're gonna love this he said a guy came to his house to wire his house and he took this wire and he said it was it was it was one wire and he would slice it and he would peel away inside that one wire were three other wires there was a red and a white and a black and that man was careful each one of those wires though they were all one wire and all worked together to get electricity to work in his home they all had to be properly insulated and they were separated from each other and if you decide to take a red wire and put it with the black wire instead of the black wire with the black wire what happened was you would have a you throw a breaker you would mess up the electrical plan he said that's god's plan rightly dividing the word of truth is making sure we keep the word of god who it's to what the culture was then what is the not only just the context of it who is he writing this to what was the situation they were facing and sometimes all of us carelessly just pick a verse and i'm gonna just look for this i've heard people say well you know i was praying about where i should move and i know i've passed by this sign and it said 33 highway 33 and jesus died at 33 and i read my bible chapter 11 verse 33 and i knew it was god telling me to move there i would not build my life on those kind of coincidences that happened you better build your life on the word of god but he gave the illustration of that's the way see there's one way to salvation talk about salvation truth there's one way to salvation there's always been one way to salvation the old testament there was an ark what was it what was what was the way to deliver in egypt there was one way the blood had to be applied it was all by faith in the word of god the old testament saints look forward to the cross the new testaments saints look back to the cross even in the millennial age you'll be looking back to the cross redemption that's salvation truth but then you've got church truth the church in israel church did not there is a group that's teaching it chur the church has replaced israel no israel is still israel now the church is god's plan in this age of grace is church age we're in right now but god according to romans 9 10 11 he's going to again deal with the jew the entire tribulation period is called the time of jacob's trouble we if we don't get it we get it all mixed up when we don't realize each wire each theme must be properly separated to rightly divide do they overlap do they work together sure they do but sometimes we're not careful paul's telling timothy timothy i want you to study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth i hate to say sometime we just rush in to our bible study and we rush out of our bible study how would you like the doctor to operate on you that rushed into his classes and rushed right out boy that'd be kind of scary wouldn't it you know i hope the doctor that does the operating knows the difference between a you have to know the difference between an artery and a vein one goes away one goes toward the heart one goes away you gotta listen medicine and medicine is exhaustible you can exhaust all the information medicine but you can't exhaust all the information in god's word it's inexhaustible and this is a lifetime of treasure for every child of god to know what god wants them to do how to live what he requires to give themselves as t told timothy i want you to study to show yourself approved unto god who you're trying to approve whose approval are you looking for who are you looking to validate you let it be god number two let's be a workman and need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth plenty of opportunities to seek the lord plenty of resources that book the name of the book is exploring the scriptures a great book is probably 150 pages it takes some of the themes of the bible take and it traces them through it'll help all of us rightly divide the word of truth we've got a lifetime before us of study what an opportunity what a privilege but the greatest thing you'll ever do when you decide you're going to study the scriptures you need to ask the author to guide you there's no substitute for the holy spirit's guidance i heard about a man that tried to read the bible didn't know nothing about it tried read it through a couple of times couldn't understand anything about it threw it apart one day he was in the river bible meeting i heard he got saved he started reading the bible again he said what in the world changed he said well i met the author it means a lot more when you meet the author and you've got truth let's be students and let's study to show our study to show ourselves approved unto god a workman needed not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth i don't know the people in this room god's going to call to plant a church there'll be some probably here got to call let's plant a church somewhere you know what you're going to be if you're a man in this room and you have children you're going to be the person they're going to look to for guidance you need to be a student if you're a lady you're going to have ladies look up to you that need good counsel from god's word listen sometime opportunity only comes by once to influence that person but if we hadn't prepared ourselves we'll have nothing to give out when opportunity knocks paul's telling timothy hey i want you to be busy about what you ought to be doing this is important let's pray father we thank you that you love us lord we can all improve we can all give more diligent study to your word we can all be a better workman and i pray father we be not uh they would follow your word we look for your approval what do you want us to do what is what do you say about life and i pray father you'd help us not to look for the approval of our peers around us people whether they uh mean well or not let's look further than the people around us and let's look to the lord jesus god lead us lord that we might not be ashamed in that day and lord we might have the answer to give that we will rightly divide your word and that we may know your truth for our life in jesus name we pray and ask him amen well thank you so much for being attentive i think we all like i said before we started that one verse right that there is enough to keep us busy for the rest of our life amen all right you got a prayer list if you need a prayer list if you hold your hand up we'll get you one i thought we had a here's something right here extra prayer list i'm gonna give you a prayer list right quick who come hand these out for me samuel uh and anybody else wants to help me anybody need one hold your hand up we'll give you one right quick we're going to pray just for a moment i want to take some prayer requests if you have a special prayer request you
Channel: Bible Baptist Church of East Tennessee
Views: 709
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: WkJ0pdEs7iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 56sec (3596 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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