Biñan-style PorkchopSiLog

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[Music] ingredients very straightforward but quality happened and of course as always using ingredients that you can easily source in your pantry or in the local grocery store with bow on tagalog tagalog normally maraming [Music] this is very essential so i'm using cane vinegar but if you don't have cane vinegar you can use plain white vinegar you put a half a cup of vinegar and then i put black pepper and a half a tablespoon of black pepper and around two tablespoons of salt you two baked walnuts you put enough water just enough to cover the meat you pour so at the import chapter and apparently we don't get pork chops from the supermarket [Music] okay so you just put all the meat [Music] and then you will just simmer it for around 20 to 30 minutes just until almost 10 or not um again do not bring it to a full boil because after 20 to 30 minutes okay so after 20 to 30 minutes or from the boiling broth you adding pork chop and [Music] i'm going to turn on my stove medium fire and then maglav oil it's very important when you're frying binyan style liempo nonstick pan you can use aluminum or you can use stainless brown brown labas since uh the pork chop has already been cooked in high flame to produce a mired when you say mayard you browning salabas [Music] pork chop so the caramelization union flavor while keeping the inside of the pork chop soft and moist [Music] and you have to prepare a lid because there's a chance now since uh fatty and acidic [Music] okay so you want to wait for your stove or for [Music] [Music] [Music] per side [Music] major malambars see oops you have to be careful i remember uh that day if i'm sure many of you are familiar with the famous two things pork chop so the famous to this pork chop is uh [Music] they started like that nasi [Music] foreign [Music] while you are frying so i i better put the lid on okay so this is ready you don't want to over fry it because the pork is already cooked the fats are still very very soft okay so shampoo a binyan style pork chop is not complete without the synagogue [Music] so to make this you need a walk like this and humanity company this is the same oil that you're going to use to make your cinnamon powder and of course you need to add additional one i'm using tagalog foreign brown because again all the flavors are in the palate you put your rice so this is just really typical and salt [Music] first you can add additional oil and then you put salt when you salt [Music] [Music] and then pork chop put it there because this is mine but a high protein and then you put also egg and this is garlic and this is chili flakes this is how we serve binyan style pork chop and i like to put garlic and i like to use cane vinegar and chili flakes your chili flakes or chili powder chat [Music] foreign so this brings a lot of good memories especially after school saturdays dings or means [Music] so what we normally do [Music] [Music] um you taste all the natural flavors in the complicated most complicated pile of eggs i need to support chocolate it's very honest very straightforward material natural flavor of the pork the garlic the eggs and the very straightforward vinegar [Music] and i'm sure the other ingredients are bye
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 138,841
Rating: 4.9036622 out of 5
Id: dsaOigzYG3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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