Bhagavad Gita: Mahabharata Remastered Volume 02

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chapter 6 viasa before her marriage to shantanu sativa met a sage named parasha the union created a son who they called viasa like his father viasa was a great Sage who had omnicient and spiritual Powers the kingdom needed an air and since bishma was bound by his oath to never take the crown and to remain celbrate sativa summoned viasa to help with their predicament viasa had promised his mother that he would always be on hand to assist with any problems she may have sativa explained the situation with the death of her son before he could produce airs with these two queens as the half brother of the king under the current Circumstances viasa had the right to produce an air to the kingdom with the Queens he agreed to perform the duties as required Amba was sent to via's Chambers but viasa appeared to her as an extremely hideous man Amba closed her eyes in horror all through the blessing ceremony afterward Vasa said to his mother Amba would produce an air that was healthy and Powerful but he would be blind from birth then the second Queen ambalika was sent to via's Chambers when ambal saw viasa she turned pale white in Terror after the process was complete FASA informed his mother Amba will have a valiant son but he will be pale white in appearance unsatisfied with the situation sativa instructed Amba to return to via's Chambers to get blessed again she was determined that they should be a normal complete child with no handicaps however Amba would not subject herself to viasa again she dressed her handmaiden in her clothes and sent the handmaiden to viasa in her place unlike the two queens the handmaiden performed her duties without fear and with Detachment after the blessing ceremony basa said to her you will produce a son who will be wise Artful diplomatic and a man of great learning he will free you of your life as a handmaiden viasa his duties completed then disappeared the first son born Tamba was named the drra and he was blind the second son born to ambalika was named pandu as he was pale white in color the third Flawless son born to the handmaiden was named vura when the boys came of age pandu was appointed as king although he was the Second Son the trra was not thought capable since he was blind vura was appointed prime minister the trra was arranged to marry the princess gandari of Ganda when gandari learned her husband to be was blind she chose to wear a blindfold from that day forth so that she experienced the world as her husband did pandu was married to princess kunti of the yava dynasty however bishma motivated for pandu to take a second wife from the madra Kingdom this would further strengthen the Empire so pandu took princess madri as his second wife CTI like the queens before her had a secret one that in the years to come would shake the kingdom of asapur to its very core chapter 7 when Conti was a young girl her household was visited by A Great Sage Conti cared for the sage and tended to his every need the sage was so impressed by her that before he left he gifted her with a mystical Mantra when recited this Mantra would allow her to summon any Celestial deity to bless her with a child CTI was curious to know if the Mantra worked and with childish abandon used the Mantra to summon the Sun God suria as the sage promised suria appeared and gifted her with a child the child glowed in the Sun and had a golden chain mail across his chest after the wonderment had subsided CI found herself terrified she was an unmarried young girl she had no idea how to take care of a child and frightened about what the elders may say in a panic County placed the baby in a basket and sent it floating down the river ganga praying for a kind soul to find the baby and raise it as their own now kti was the queen of asapur along with madri the king's second wife when King pandu returned from his mission of Conquest he took his two Queens on a trip into the forest leaving the trra as the king in charge one day when Panda was hunting in the forest he shot his Arrow into the brushes where he thought he spotted a deer unfortunately his Arrow hit a mystical Rishi who was with his wife with his dying breath the Rishi cursed pandu that the moment he touched his wives with desire he would instantly fall to his death pondu was devastated he had not yet produced any a he decided to remain in the forest and sent word that rr's duties as king would be extended pandu discuss their situation with kunti and she revealed to him the Mantra that the guru had reced her pandu was excited to hear this news and urged her to make use of the Mantra to create their ears which Dey should I invoke first my Lord asked kti invoke Dharma the God of Justice replied pandu this will ensure that our oldest son will be blessed with righteousness CTI chanted the Mantra and Lord Dharma appeared and gifted her with a son they named him yuisa Pand wanted more children and asked her to invoke vou the lord of the wind so their second son would be Mighty and Powerful after cti's Mantra V gifted her with a son who they called beima pandu was ecstatic for his third son he wanted a child that would be the most glorious and potent among men for this child kti invoked Lord Indra the king of the heavens and Arjuna was born pandu then asked kunti to teach the Mantra to madri so that she may also have children CTI agreed upon learning the Mantra madri invoked the ashin the twin deities the twins gifted to her were named nakula and sahad DEA and the five children came to be known as the pivas meanwhile in asapur gandari learned of the children born to CTI and mie and she desperately desired children of her own chapter 8 gandari when gandari heard of the children that were born to kunti and madri she desperately desired to have children of her own it had been many years but she had not Fallen pregnant as if an answer to her praise FASA appeared in hastinapur Desiring food and shelter gandari cared for him herself tending to his every need fiasa was impressed by her devotion and asked her to name her reward I desire 100 strong Sons gandari declared and so you shall have it replied basa and then disappeared gandari felt pregnant shortly thereafter but after 2 years of maternity she had still not given birth one day in frustration she hit her stomach with a stick and immediately went into labor her handmaidens were horrified at the result gandari had delivered a solid mass of Flesh like an iron ball not a child heartbroken gandari instructed them to get rid of it just then viasa appeared stop he commanded I will prepare what needs to be done Vasa prepared 100 Vats and broke up the mass of Flesh into each of the jaars as he did this gandari desired a daughter as well reading her mind fiasa informed her that the loss of the flesh would produce her daughter sometime later the first Sun emerged from the vat and wailed as his lungs filled with air outside asapur the wild animals all braed in response violent winds and fierce fires broke out around the kingdom this son was named theoda shortly after him his 99 other brothers emerged from deats and lastly their sister who was named tala these children would come to be known as the carvas the drra was grateful to have Airs of his own but yuisa the son of King pandu would be next in line to the throne and not his son the rioda the trra jealousy and resentment would fuel a rivalry that would lead to a shattering collision between the pivas the sons of pandu and the caras in the years to come thank you for watching so far I hope you enjoyed if you did please hit the like button if you're new here please subscribe this will ensure that more people can find this resource click the notification button so that you can the first to know about new uploads and please do comment below I'll do my best to reply to any questions thank you
Channel: Arjuna Avatar
Views: 140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mahabharata, IndianMythology, EpicSaga, AncientIndia, HinduEpic, MythologicalStory, DivineIntervention, EpicBattle, HeroesAndVillains, Dharma, KurukshetraWar, BhagavadGita, Pandavas, Kauravas, Krishna, Draupadi, MoralDilemmas, FateVsFreeWill, LegendaryTales, TimelessWisdom
Id: 0tnxaHDsIuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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