Bhad Bhabie on losing XXXtentacion, her beef with Trippie Redd and more

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[Music] [Applause] look who just showed up how are you doing Danielle aka bad baby I don't know you just stop by it was our first time seeing each other in a while like a week ago no I saw as soon as we candy with candy paint yes you stopped by and you choked him out you strangled him as if you were trying to kill him that was kind of scary what's going on your life I just I want to know [ __ ] [ __ ] it's described what what that's like I don't know like I'm still working on new music like the mix is about to come out city girl is gonna be on it Comic Disney may not be on it um yeah he's obviously on Asian dogs on it that's amazing so it's a tape not an album oh really this it take way so you decided to go in that direction of like you know wanting to do something a little bit less formal than an album well see a lot of people in your position they feel like you know oh I'm big I'm famous all of a sudden now I got to put out a real serious album but I like that idea like I feel like the route that you've been taking where you sort of put a lot of work into each single and promote the [ __ ] out of each single that's what's been working really good Gucci flip-flops [ __ ] bitching my son that is how I feel I feel like that was the song that made everybody even people who didn't [ __ ] with you who's that I think man man band man yes I thought was Man Man Savage for a minute um I feel like that was the moment where a lot of people who didn't maybe want to [ __ ] with that baby were like okay I admit it that song is bang and then maybe we got to accept her now that helped me but even without him I feel like that song is a good song yeah it's hard so you I was just saying to you that I like this New York Times article that I read about you I felt they showed you like good amount of respect and they spoke about you and pretty glowing terms but then you said you haven't even read it I read it a little bit okay but some people told me was bad and I don't like reading should this BES I was like I don't think it was bad but I also feel like no they're super funny photo of Frank with his hand over your face like this like yeah right definitely every day no the reason the moment that I realized that Frank was not a regular like a regular security guard it wasn't what you you said I'm gonna go to the bathroom and he goes well you don't take a [ __ ] and I'm like whoa I'm like they have a really close relationship Frank always swears I'm pooping always oh wait oh I'm be in the bathroom with the door open you could clearly see I'm brushing my teeth or putting on deodorant or doing my eyebrows or something that's just like a dad he's like why are you [ __ ] or he'll text me [ __ ] him look if I if I type in on my phone the little [ __ ] emoji or my tech minute says Frank an autocrat stuff for those who don't know Frank is her gigantic security guard that is the size of a [ __ ] house that's true actually you do have a fill-in today not a filmin now I've known him for this is for his best friend I've known him for the same time I'm afraid it's just like this is like his third time working for me hmm I can't find the [ __ ] emoji no no but it's true send me like eight of them that's so funny no but I get where he's coming from because I am an old white guy like him and I know what it's like to sort of like just want to bust out some some dad jokes you know it's like like stupid crude humor yeah we know you're not pooping but it's just like a funny it's just like that's it that's what a dad joke is is like oh I think Danielle farted ha ha ha that's what you do that's me that's like where I'm from in New England that's kind of like Danielle [ __ ] farted kid yeah yes that's not in England I just someone start off there a lot of people seem to think it is wait yes that area yes yes a lot of people when they hear New England think that I'm talking about being from England Jake's change the title I'm just telling Chris what to change the title to on the you too soon can we talk about you know see I'm trying to talk about like fun friendly so do you want to talk [ __ ] about trippy is that be saying smack him [Music] okay so I'm gonna tell you this story I don't talk about people I do but I don't talk about people's associates because I don't really need so there's nothing there but let me tell you the story so I went to Dick's house to show him some show masong because I wanna show you what come here gotta go but he was like uh he's not he might not be coming so you're showing him a song and he said trivia might be coming with this this was like basically I go to context his phone to a because he wanted me to come the studio him tonight it I didn't know how to make us I caught its phone to so just tell him like I'm gonna be able to make it and let me tell you who answers the damn phone hmm thank you guess wasn't sure P let's go [ __ ] yeah what she said she doesn't like you I don't give a [ __ ] does this all come from well the most recent thing was that there was this whole thing six nine tried to say that you and Tripp he had something going on previously is that why there's beef or was the beef before that I don't know I don't care about her I don't do or not have problems with her that's a nobody the [ __ ] at that time beefing with the next man [ __ ] girlfriend and if she was artist maybe I spent some time money but I'll slap the [ __ ] out of her and she lured nothing she raps yes oh [ __ ] what she does she just sucked my dick I don't care what she does she come in here right now she told him but your sole issue with her is just the fact that she picked up the phone when you call tried to bridge a bridge what you go - [ __ ] you dude I'm here so she didn't want you even talking at tripi at all could you imagine being that kind of girl from one day though being a little bit controlling [ __ ] are you insecure are you a secure what but do you and trippy did you have a friendship leading up to this just like that okay but do you ever see yourself being on good terms with him again what is fake about cool but the whole text shape that's dumb you're stupid as hell I made out a lot of [ __ ] nerve put a quavo on that song knowing damn what does [ __ ] happen between X and amigos how [ __ ] dare you as soon as he was talking big [ __ ] about the [ __ ] man okay listen me and ax we fought about of course we fought about this X tall six nine that [ __ ] ex got mad got his [ __ ] feelings and told 6 9 X but X told 6 9 that you and tribute had previously had something going on yes and was that a lie the journalist had to ask listen I don't have time for these dudes I'm over it I'm over all their [ __ ] they're [ __ ] weird they're [ __ ] drug addicts are psychotic they're controlling the [ __ ] I look like [ __ ] I got a career to take care of and half of them have issues mentally have [ __ ] issues they're stupid they they need a mom in their life you see you've learned this very young but here's the date like babysitting you is that how you feel like you end up with you try to hang out with rappers - to tell me you can't worth it you ain't going it but [ __ ] I'm playing your mom but you're not wasn't in your life then I gotta do it do you feel like you're too young to be a mom like a mothering figure not a literal mom losing please don't become a mom but I mean eventually you know like part of life I'm 34 and I haven't reproduced yet so I feel like you that's certainly a possibility but I'm just saying I am 20 years older than you and I'm thankful that I haven't had a kid yet so I definitely think you need to not procreate for many many moons was okay so wait but do you know the story about the song that you're talking about because the song came out and it had trippy quavo ski masks and acts which a lot of people were amazed by because the song came out first with ski it did and then it came out right after that with the the Cueva verse sorry I'm not sure the exact order but they came on like the same night yeah like a couple days that's too bad you know damn [ __ ] well that ex would have said [ __ ] no right ex didn't even the reason X was the rubies and the X was in our trust me was because cuz yadi was gonna be on my tape and he and he was a [ __ ] yeah anytime you don't want to be on it X wasn't [ __ ] we got no finer really see okay when you told me about that situation because okay you came in here and you played me the version of trust me that had X on it and of course on the the official version it had ty dolla sign both versions are very good I just assumed that the X version didn't come up because the label was probably like oh we don't want you to do a song with label the label wanted me to do a song wigs actually that sounds more realistic you here's the thing eggs like I said emotional it's [ __ ] me I'm gotten an a root you know huge argument one of the [ __ ] very many because he's telling me he's gonna follow me talking awesome huh he was respecting me I said listen label don't give a [ __ ] about your feelings stop being a [ __ ] [ __ ] either get on the solar doll and I love him and if you want to call me oh now you wanna get me did it listen stop eating the motion a little [ __ ] but what issue I don't understand issues him in yadi had there was some I don't know I haven't even asked you at anybody I all I know is they're the same way mean exes friendship wasn't on best terms when he passed I'm pretty sure with the same we attic don't quote me but it's pretty sure it was sunlight I mean he was like that with a lot of people like if he had died four months before he did die then I might be sitting here saying like I wish me and I said so there are differences because they were just he's the kind of guy who you just have little things with him that he didn't agree with something he would tell you the last thing I really said to him was that I hate him and I never want to talk to him again tanks and there's there's nothing I've done a lot of [ __ ] in my life and there's nothing I regret more than that at this moment yeah and there's like you think about it and there's nothing you can do can't go back can't like the one but one thing about ex is he Oh ever any time he ever ended it like a phone call with you no matter what he's yelling at you whatever the hell he always said all right I love you and I said yeah okay whatever hung up the phone I and that was I was on tour I think I was in Toronto so how long ago is that a month ago Sunday night I was like I was thinking what was that I was at um my in our Drew's house me his girlfriend Nicole and Drew had you had went downstairs cos candy I came so he went downstairs to get candy and I was I was looking to my contacts and I seen him I was like him I should call him and as soon as I clicked it to call him candy I walked and I was like I'll talk to him tomorrow Sunday night and he done on Monday huh Wow that's brutal how'd you guys become friends in the first place a lot of people probably surprised X always told me X always told me he's like I don't want I don't want to be the friend I don't want to be definitely wannabe boyfriend I don't want to be the groupie I don't want to be the Hangout of the hanging around but I want to be I don't know I like not the reason but the mastermind behind it like one of the like you know like Frank's behind it dance but I'm not behind it but like it's the team he's like he we always I wouldn't I want to be a part of that I want I want to be like the mine behind it like the mentor of it young sane and X was very much like he would see somebody like you who was getting a lot of hate and he just wanted to be there for you that was him because he knew he had been through the same thing yeah and it's so crazy to me how someone can work so hard for something there's nothing there's nothing you can do with one movement now he's gone on the most petty common [ __ ] imaginable all over it some money I love you some [ __ ] money like that doesn't even make sense that's weird I see something that would never be understood and I can't I can't live with that I can actually I cannot live with the fact that this man worked so hard to be where he was he was changing the [ __ ] he was doing it wasn't even on dough he could hear it even in his music the way he was changing what the his whole just the whole act and it's like who's the kind of person I woke up in the morning and everything he did just affected a lot of people affected the world around him and then the idea that he could go out over 50 grand in cash nothing I mean you know it's it's something but it's just the most senseless way to go out but the kind of thing that could happen to anybody and that's what it's like any anyone could pull the [ __ ] trigger anybody anyone could do that and it doesn't it doesn't matter it could be it could have been over anything he didn't even have to have the [ __ ] money he could have just been seen in a whoa-oh let's go QX [ __ ] [ __ ] like that he goes he could have got shot for for cloud for fame or some [ __ ] just as easily as he got shot for money you know like I remember I remember my manager him texting meme I was on my way to a meeting um and my manager texted me and he said he said X got shot I'm thinking what rapper hasn't got shot I'm not thinking nothing of it and for some reason like I started to get like I wasn't really thinking about if I started to get upset and I was talking to I was talking to my lawyer because anyway I was like I think when I one of my best friend's was thought I think one of the people I looked up to heavily just [ __ ] died he's like what do you mean I was like there's thinking you got shot but I feel like it's more than that and I get in the car I put my phone in and usually when you when you plug your phone in and like the music size playing it's from like like where a stars like home saying sad starts playing and then I get a message from Adam again saying confirmed it how did you feel in that moment when you finally realized it was true I I was I was shocked I didn't know what to say I didn't know what to do I just played his music and I cried and I cried and I cried and I cried and I did not know what to say I didn't know what doing and the stupid-ass screwed out so he was like you heard about X yeah no [ __ ] shits or [ __ ] lock no [ __ ] [ __ ] I heard about X what you think I'm just playing his musics [ __ ] you that's one of the worst things having to hear all the ignorant I should everybody got to say about it like oh [ __ ] I'll [ __ ] kill you I'll stab you right now say it again I'll stab you right now I'm tired of hearing it like so [ __ ] what so what what's your perspective on like a lot of people would say oh you're a woman you shouldn't be able to be cool with somebody like that that's mine it's my [ __ ] all the time you talking about two guys you think I'll get her back don't be me but I think that the stuff that people were really mad about ex doing or supposedly doing during his life was because some of the stuff that was written out about what he might have done was pretty extreme and made him really sound like he was beat his girlfriend yeah but it was a lot worse than that the stuff that was described in in in their defense I'm just saying well but how do you feel about all that because we all agree it's wrong to hit a woman right but don't talk [ __ ] and don't expect not something else to happen like if you believe that these [ __ ] would hit on them yeah duh oh yeah but don't you think that in general the guys should always be trying to de-escalate the situation just because of the fact that they man is larger well yes and also the fact that you're 15 and like half my size if you were 6-3 230 pounds it might be a 6-3 230 pound woman and you punch them in the face maybe I would think I got to protect myself but you know usually it's not that usually it's a 200-pound guy on a hundred pound girl emotions are so emotions well my issue with it is they like okay if X did do that stuff to Geneva then he's [ __ ] up and he should have been punished in a court of law and everything but I don't think that when I see people who want to write his eulogy and the only thing that they want to talk about is the fat they might have had a girl that's what bothers me because I think it's just too simplistic to reduce a person down to the maybe my first thing would be young boys emotional is called right emotional as [ __ ] I would say he's more emotional than X really what's a love as hard as he is he's emotional his [ __ ] and one thing I could tell you I'm very very very scared about is young one walks the streets Oh ain't no one gonna touch me bah blah blah I promise you if something happened to him I wouldn't know how to live with myself right he means that much fear that was like my first love is the crazy thing and you know I had little rat-faced [ __ ] try to come in be rat-faced [ __ ] like they always do but at the end of the day I don't really know his baby mamas or whatever but no [ __ ] that he talked to after he got out of jail every day was [ __ ] about him like I did yeah period like I was with pump right after that [ __ ] happened and just oh he was so [ __ ] oh my god it was yadi was me PNB wrong and there was pump I don't know who's crying moaning what everybody everybody was emotional its [ __ ] huh so like mine I was it was crazy I literally took my lashes off in the middle of the [ __ ] the middle of the [ __ ] because I was like they're falling off anyways like I don't really care I asked Punk to and I was like you you would never do that right like you would never just be out in public without security like she's like please make sure you have security please could I call her Auto time tomorrow times goes on and she's like please please just promise me you're always gonna have security please but the thing is I had to say it chica hadn't was security or not true a gun is a gun but at the same time you know pump is out here with like you know like we went to the club he's got six security guards with him you know and it's like he is wearing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of jury what just happened to six nine nuns in his own City hard waking up and seeing Bob about died well we got there chain snatcher Baba Booey one got beat up like come on like what what like why for what like are you that desperate just say you beat up a lot a lot are you cuz listen ain't no one-on-ones happening the man got kidnapped and jumped or whatever the hell yeah there's like an organized attempt to like you know kill or [ __ ] him up or whatever like it's kind of weirdly similar to the ex [ __ ] except it seems like more professional with the with the 6:9 [ __ ] I just I don't understand I don't know why you know coming from a very violent person i'ma say this call me [ __ ] you suck my dick why can't we just not be so violent I love to hit people when they deserve it but I'm not just gonna beat you up because I want your fame and you know what that's the one thing that we can't get away with with all this [ __ ] is that we can't just like accept the idea that like people wouldn't do that kind of stuff 2x you know like you are gonna get robbed if you're out there with that much money and you have you don't have security it's like we can't just be like oh it's [ __ ] up that somebody did that like no we accept that as our reality is that like people have guns and people are gonna [ __ ] rob you if you're famous and rich you have mine it's the way life goes there's nothing you can do you can't just say oh whoa I'm tough [ __ ] you can't just be like oh I got a gun too [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] yeah I was thinking about that too if X had a gun in his pocket number one he'd be running the risk of getting arrested and going back to jail but number two would I put a gun in his pocket to change I think about what if he would have not got killed but the thing was it was it was it was something that whoever wanted to happen and if it didn't happen then it was gonna come back and he was gonna happen ten times worse you think my accent I mean I just wish that he had made safer choices you know if they've just been able to like not go like because all these like certain instances like if he hadn't got killed in that situation yeah maybe something else would have happened but from my perspective probably he would have just you know you just have to avoid these specific instances of doing things that are silly to do when you're in that position and I know him so well and I know he's the kind of guy that did not want to always have to have security with him when you have 50 grand in cash on you it becomes particularly that's not the way [ __ ] go I was talking to some of his friends back in Florida though and they were like he didn't give a [ __ ] like his house would be swimming with people with no security around all the time because he just didn't get the [ __ ] wait whiskey I came into the money shot with me I told DJ scheme I said listen not a lot of guys in this world could say they made me cry if there's about you see who Frank it definitely why do you have you cry six times who else yeah and you that's about it I was like you were the only dudes because I even got you said that says scheme what scheme said huh oh when he when he did the whole because he talked at the funeral oh okay and I about lawsuit there was some there was some like not not like horrible [ __ ] that had been but like memories of people just just the emotions were pouring out and you know the [ __ ] like his on and like like his friends and [ __ ] were saying about him was like confirmation to me that not that I ever thought this but it was like not like I know for sure like he wasn't just in it because he wanted cloud or whatever the hell that was weird being around his family and just realizing how many people there were in this world who to them X wasn't some rapper he was just that this kid that they known since he was zero [ __ ] years old his cousin's he was a producer he was saying like he would just come in my house I'd be getting off the shower he's on my bed like hey what's up like it's so [ __ ] crazy like you know that quote he had the people who love you the most are always the most annoying ones annoying ones like when I was talking to Bruno his old manager he's just saying that he goes he's like you know when I said that like he was the most annoying dude and like that let me know that he loved me like he was just he wouldn't leave him alone you know he like he was that person that was always looking for a connection looking for somebody to care for him because he had he had lost out on that parenting figure when he was a kid I guess I think you know you could sit here you can talk about it you could Oh what if well how come or why not or why there's literally the hardest thing about this is there is nothing you can do that is literally you can't do nothing you can't just be like hey I like 50 bucks can you revive him or something no you can't do that I literally last night I had woke up out of my sleep I was just crying cuz there's you think about him it's like I would do [ __ ] anything anything in this world to talk to him one more time just hear him tell me like how I would do anything for him to tell me don't do that anything anything just say here at him like stop doing that you're gonna [ __ ] yourself so I'm doing that like it's just anything to hear him well I will call him and she'd be like I don't want to do this anymore I'm done I want to go back to Florida I don't want to do this anymore I'm [ __ ] my mind is going crazy I can't deal with this no more he'd be like you need to relax you know that's not true cuz you know your ass is gonna come back here you're gonna be like well what now yeah and he'd be like you're gonna be okay I promise you baby okay what did you see in him those like part of you like the the similarities that you guys had that made you kindred he's good at that we say don't throw your fall on the floor and then throw it yeah like that that [ __ ] kid like I was playing some of his music in the car and Jeremy was like what the [ __ ] is this I think let me take them I'm pretty sure Frank had the same reaction when he heard it but then when you know him like when you get to know him a little bit you understand it more and yes it sounds like some kids just screaming that's him that's what he does and you learn to appreciate it do you you feel like you guys are kind of similar because you know at a certain point he got famous basically I'm not gonna say for being a bad person but he got famous for going to jail for being you know having all these viral fights online stuff like that leaked that stuff almost came before the music to a certain extent for a lot of people like if you're in the Florida rap scene and I mean you know you now are like building this whole career for yourself but you kind of like guy your initial burst of fame out of just sort of being crazy on TV right but yeah and I wouldn't change it but you're in a similar position where you're trying to make something positive and something good out of this opportunity that you've been given and like maybe you weren't the best person when you know you were a little kid who first got famous and doesn't say anything for him like you know he got famous and then decided or got successful and decided he had to figure out how to [ __ ] and that's what everybody seems to forget when I think about the 15 year old version of myself or the 19 / version of myself it's like holy [ __ ] I'm glad that version of myself not being presented to the world like a finished product like why the [ __ ] did I walk out on us like that who told me that was okay but you were the same thing every day but I noticed too in that article that you said that you can't even dress like a normal person your age because you're judged so much more harshly yes can't [ __ ] like listen you see house not [ __ ] 15 years do you want me to wear a Hello Kitty shirt and some bell-bottom jeans and some sketches and call it a day yes Skechers are we gonna wear matching outfits yes well it's particularly the Skechers part yeah I would love to hit the sketches store with you they'll probably really fun shopping spree yes would you go go come at the scene do and you like that type of [ __ ] what do you think of him come ellezi that's my [ __ ] brother man I love him so much he's hilarious right yes he's so [ __ ] funny he was so [ __ ] high that show oh my god he's making me hides look at him really yes what the show on Friday I'm supposed to go but something missing I'm getting old I was like the only person waving but so confirm this are you are you an agent all still BFF so you don't think good she's gonna steal her from you yeah Gucci can fight any day really headline bad baby said she could good you man's ass oh maybe yeah okay well in terms of sheer size Frank is a bit bigger than Gucci okay you're gonna give me your trouble my friend Doug was just telling me he just goes man I took a picture with Gucci my teeth never look so yellow really that makes me think I need to go in for some whitening looking like why do you do if someone [ __ ] up teeth on your nose laughs and I note it I never noticed on my mom you're going crazy that was it was crazy but that New York Times article was just seeing you all dressed up in these crazy like fashion out that's I'm like I've never seen her look like this before how many pairs of Jordans you go enough who tattooed you what illegal criminal decided that was okay to tattoo you you go to Mexico or something damn I know how long I've had this tattoo before I forget like two years oh really all those new Furby the shoulder wasn't exposed hold you got the X tattoo that's crazy got the numb right on a wrist I gotta exercise too coming I'm not gonna spoil it Wow lower back you know how happy yeah you know how happy that would make him to know that like all your future boyfriend's have to see that for the rest of their lives you see boom pass out here yesterday all you have to do is not pass out and you're doing pretty good I almost passed out today's try to work out really bad you work I don't know yeah wow that's great you have a personal trainer I mean really that's awesome yeah no just because I mean if you're gonna be a public figure it's like you might as well I don't give a [ __ ] I really don't like if I meant to be fat that I meant to be fat like that sure I think you should healthy I'm not trying to look good I don't [ __ ] like I look like a little piece of doodoo anyway doodoo what are the other like me okay so I want to address the the Asian doll thing though you guys went on tour for that long she's a big personality you're a very big personality as well you guys are still best friends after that tour I mean I just saw it as a possibility okay Wow like with a shovel or how old is she who else is [ __ ] texting stopping you on um leave me alone how how old is she it's funny when oh she's like no okay anything crazy happen on torille and any events big things going on like this is pretty much just green rooms and hotels a lot of that I'm 15 what am I supposed to do I know like what are you in the day he's like you pull up Frank wants to go to bed at 9:30 yes it's like we get somewhere Oh Frank's like could we leave like we got to the co magazine show and candy I think before once long time he was like is it over oh my god is so funny I should I say for like three songs and I kind of got it oh I'm tired so went and how does you talk to young boy these days I was just in New Orleans with him well he's out hey listen I'm glad I'm emotional myself I don't got time for emotional people here's my intake on it I don't like no dumbass but that man is made me look very stupid online and stuff you mean between they say he did with a little bit like is stupid it's really done right and for him to get that mad at me and do that with the dough [ __ ] don't care about you I tell him every day I said huh well he's so stupid he so [ __ ] [ __ ] he'd be like oh I think she likes me I really think she loves me fix are you stupid dumb or idiotic what are you you're stupid you're so [ __ ] dumb I've never any other arm done now [ __ ] you've always been done you've always been dumb I just love you so I'll tell you that but now I'm a [ __ ] tell you listen I look like I really I really care about him and I really love him he's so stupid he's so [ __ ] dumb he's so [ __ ] stupid the man don't listen for [ __ ] young boy don't go on the street you're gonna get ran over and then he gets run over why'd you let me do that were you around when he had the tiger the man had a monkey they had to put out a little press release saying no no monkeys allowed in the studio but see this is the whole thing with you is that your exposure has mostly been to guys like young boy who has a variety of zoo animals there's more normal guys out there as I'm saying it was like there's Brian who works at footlocker and Brian from footlocker doesn't have a monkey no Tiger no nothing he has a 1998 Honda Civic and he will take you to the movies no Brian from foot action young boy probably doesn't have a Civic unfortunately that's what he's grinding for that's why he's trying to kill him in his music game because he he wants to get a say I assume that's really cool I'm like you know the last thing I told him was don't sell me a false [ __ ] dream don't send me a false dream was the dream that you guys were gonna be the celebrity power couple was that it come on that's a fantasy of a lot of like famous people basically all I gotta say is that's very mature of you he knows I love him I care about him but he's your [ __ ] together dude get your [ __ ] together he's an emotional [ __ ] wreck would you be able to work with him on music even though you can't date him what like oh so it's out there what who is out there the music is it lurking around on hard drives and emails it has to be you can't have two rappers who hang out that much without at some point deciding to make a little something that let's just say there is a song that may or may not already be out that once upon a time he may or may not have been on I cannot confirm or deny any allegations next question oh he was on Gucci flip-flops a different one Wow that's exciting will you never be able to put out the song with acts that you have I have it i think i think you know i talked to ski and he said he wanted to get on it but remix with you and X or X key and you on it I'll be insane you know what I like on that song is that nobody ever gets to make the kit while I mean I'm sure I could do anyone say anything but normally you get pissed off and people say they catch me outside thing he said what do you say I like doing therapy sometimes me want to tell my therapist catch me yeah I was like that's so cute the Danielle let him make that joke on the track I like Quincy say it sometimes poinsy and candy pan when they become your best friends Oh Quincy and candy paint you almost killed candy but you had him in a rear naked choke his face was turning pink he looked like he was gonna perish candy is [ __ ] hilarious I [ __ ] love candy thank you I [ __ ] love candy did you know candy pain is the rapper that we're talking about if you wanna look him up she's not just talking about like skittles and starbursts since I just candy lil candy paint the rapper Young Saeng lovin Roseanne I keep leaving all those in OH skies absolutely skies kidnapped him for me kidnapped oh he was in my session with me and then he was dancing the blunt he was like gonna go wow that's amazing yeah you know how's your French Rover tan ammaji I gotta tell you something when we're doing this what is it is there grease there's beef cuz ice memory you guys were out okay but there's like a restaurant down the street and you got you you have a few months ago like hey we're all and I was like damn this stuff going on this [ __ ] this is right but okay what's it what's the status your friendship where you go you weren't gonna go to tan akan you ain't hear about it well she had a big event and then it went very badly and if you were there you would have been pissed there was just little like yo is your finger so awkwardly try to [ __ ] it put it on there with your giant nail you know now it's the face right look I can open mine I don't even need to put my job me got on my nerves and I started banging my phone cut broken - what else should we talk about I'm really happy that you came through and blessed us with this interview yeah you know I was kind of worried I was in a while yeah I was good at conversation talking [ __ ] about some rappers we did we did that when you look at eggs does he inspire you with the music [ __ ] cuz he was such a [ __ ] passionate musician you know I hate saying like I hate like like we were asked me like who inspires you and music like I had no one inspires me music but I will say a little bit he does cuz I want to be like myself but I really understand like his meaning so if I could have that same impact I'd be [ __ ] happy right I mean I think you definitely have that capability just you have such a huge fan base and especially you have a fan base of the young girls nobody has that it's like the opportunity for you to change the world in the same way that he was trying to do I think is really really big yep and you might you might have I came in the game in one way but I see great things for bad baby this [ __ ] mic smells like weed Newport's in Hennessey this studio I know this oh yeah I think about that all the time well I'm kidding you said we'd Newports and Hennessy I doubt anyone's ever like dumped a bottle of honey on it but the Whedon the reports for sure mmm man those 40 would do if you are here like 4 years from now and you're on some boom gang [ __ ] fall apart pass amount you know that that's the conversation that I had like I talked about with my girlfriend I talked about you with my girlfriend the other day and I was just like man like you gotta read this article about her it's so dope but I was just saying I'm like I just I was just like I hope she can hold it together because once you're 18 or 19 or 20 you start going to clubs and [ __ ] you know you still are able to be a kid I just hope you can survive that transition not only the part like I said never [ __ ] in this in it but I wanted so everytime I recorded a song or I when I recorded trust me I got I was on the phone with him and I was like scared of all time cuz I was I never saying before you know like and he was like I want to get on anything on it and then like he was like oh it sounds so good I promise you it sound so good like I think I could actually find the email where I sent him like I really like like really just wanted to make him proud cuz I knew how much like I know how excited he would get like when I would do good [ __ ] so like when I like when I was like when I would do something that he I don't think I ever you know them my fat you know I searched them something about a little date girl something just tweets for no jumper and I found him talking about going on no jumper like years ago just being like don't worry guys I'm gonna do the no jumper interviews because like his fans were asked me to do an interview no that's just true that wasn't my first interview was doubly his first interview and it was my first one that like blew the [ __ ] up yeah but the one thing that I wanted to do was to make him proud because I knew how excited he would get like when I do something and not being 88 so like I just like I said I always remember him just being like I just want to watch you do good I just want to be behind this in a good way like I don't want to be here for no reason it's weird enough that you're 15 and I'm cool with you I just that has to be a reason I like help me and Frank are has beauty yeah but that was X you know he saw the people who he felt like needed help and he like he he wanted to help fill that role in their life you know like once because when he was so young he was looking for those people who could guide him he was looking at somebody like me and when I first met him he was asking me to be his manager which at the time I was like I you know I don't know when I think about it now that's just that was just him trying to find that father figure that guidance you know and like then once he got a little bit more established he just started to look at somebody like you and say like no I want to help her out I could tell that she's not necessarily having the easiest time in terms of being in this industry and everything and he wanted to you know help read some inspiration in you know what like a lot was when I spread something where he was like I fought in school to get my mom's attention and it was like you feel the same way no but it was like wow like he just wanted to be loves all he wanted like when you hear like the stories of him and with his friends and [ __ ] like it's like wow like I was watching like I like the homepage of YouTube like something I came up I think it was like he went to he was going to do some show and like his seeing him in ski like interacting like broke me like seeing how their friendship was if [ __ ] broke me was it on stage or on loud no that got me to but I feel so bad for ski they were homeless together they were sleeping in cars together like losing somebody that you've been through all that [ __ ] with especially now that you as a rich and everything it's like I can't even I mean I've seen I mean I hope he's doing okay when I first saw ski like during the week after it happened he was kind of a wreck he was like he just looked like he didn't have a whole lot left like emotionally at that point like just had taken a lot out of there he's dead just it was dry I'm so drained same thing with trunks chunks was just like what do you do now because those are a lot of people that know him best and I came in he's right the funerals let's and I was about to go back to Frank's house but they were all they were all going to John's house and I was like like you see that like like me yet and then trunks was like or ski because I was hugging trunks ski came up where I hugged us and then he was I can't come back to the house I was like I don't think so he's like watching all my cells I was there I went to the house cried like a [ __ ] similar [ __ ] crazy no you got a chance to speak to his mom a bit about it yeah I just talked to her I mean now that was the moment that crystallized the whole thing when I went into the back of a big public viewing thing and walk up getting introduced to her and then she like stops the line and walks me up to the to the casket and just holds the line and just me and her standing there and she's just bawling her [ __ ] eyes out I start crying I just turn around and there's like ten thousand kids just standing there staring at us and I was just like I and I've never seen one of my friends just up close and personal in the casket like yeah ever I mean I've lost people but not like that I'm not that young not to a gun not when they're 20 and they're a millionaire and they're it's all I could say Jack I don't know what to say I don't I really don't know what to say like it's just [ __ ] crazy and I just feel so like that I don't even know I don't know what to [ __ ] say about it like I I really I really just don't know like there's nothing there's nothing you could say do or anything that will do anything like like I said I felt just so bad for ski and his mom like so so bad like seeing how about it hurt me and him and me we're not as close as he wasn't ski not at all and I was like see how bad it hurt me I was like I know this kid is dead inside right now like and then I look at my relationship with my two best friends and I just think if anything ever happened to them I would be [ __ ] you would have to scrape me off the floor because I wouldn't know what to do like I say me necks were closed we weren't like best buds like we were like but there's the thing is everybody felt close to him because his music affected so many people but being able to be like the few people that really connected to him on a personal level like both of us did but then when you really think about something like ski who saw him from a child you know from a little [ __ ] boy he didn't see the celebrity part of him and so much later you know and that's just you know when I met him he wasn't famous yet but he was working really hard at it you know ski knew him when he wasn't [ __ ] and they're like eating [ __ ] crackers from Wendy's and [ __ ] I don't know does seeing him pass change you in any way doesn't make you want to live your life differently doesn't make you take things more serious like I was thinking like that's like like it's crazy like I need to really watch I do things in like you know like I'm an idiot I like to stick my head out the window and say dumb [ __ ] to people what if someone's a gun and they're like oh I'm a [ __ ] okay like I'm just like I need to relax I did cause some girls like though yesterday that's the worst until you got [ __ ] like hurry up goes like holler slot what slut-shaming you know that she knows you she probably for that like oh hey [ __ ] what's mother [ __ ] I use that one a lot I'm sorry what suck my dick it's kind of interesting from you anatomically I don't have one and I say well if I did you'd suck it so I always win my manager was messing me with me this morning he was like make sure you get some shirts that are gonna cover your fat and I was like make sure you don't know how to sweat pants that are gonna show you small dick you know like wow I always have to one-up everyone I'm so glad that you live in an environment which like that kind of behavior is considered okay because if you're still in like a high school saying that kind of stuff you just be getting suspended or jumped in it's okay though why are you confident I would laugh I would not stop laughing I'd be like a dime but even on a public level when that teams the article comes out bad baby got jumped you wouldn't you and beat or if you like let's do one on one everyone come on yeah like I don't care yummy if you feel like it well you know jump me if you feel like it but that's the no way I said it before he will smack a female right well if they come at you it's time is Johnny speaking a young boy um the first time like we had first met I was at Fairfax for him the studio ever end we were in Studio C and there was some [ __ ] in the ours operation there were some [ __ ] in there and they were gonna smoke and Eli stupid ass wasn't thinking he was like oh you could smoke in here and I said to Ben I was like can you tell them no please and then Ben was like Eli no smoking in your studio that's the rule but it was the time my boyfriend session and [ __ ] I do I'm on probation I don't want you smoking around me get the [ __ ] out him too I wasn't me he never really smoked be like that oh really around me at least but I basically was like I wasn't mean about it I just said thank you just him I've been quietly when said to Eli Eli's like all those who smoke outside she's like who said something said I did she was oh who are you I said [ __ ] get the [ __ ] outside you want a smoke I don't go [ __ ] get outside she was like oh catch me outside a lot like [ __ ] I'll [ __ ] kill you I'll jump over this table when I tell you I've never seen young boy run so fast he was in the book he tell me was like can you stop just stop just stop you shut it down yes I was like how old [ __ ] stab her all [ __ ] you what did you minute Aryan he's all about peace I don't know what just happened but I'll smack a [ __ ] oh he's the one who said look huh yes you I was all Chuck you okay so he like you know the Book of Eli is what I call him now I mean I call troublemaker cuz I say he started that really yeah [ __ ] troublemaker I to blame Eli for the he loves gonna be like hell yeah I got my [ __ ] shout out and the bad baby in a bill you heard of your prostate anatomically very confused by this statement but I support it all right Yoos anything else want to talk about for other sup we just did a solid 55 minutes pretty good I appreciate you coming through that's all I know that we're real this cuz when you got something to say you don't go call TMZ you call little Bing I've been very emotionally [ __ ] up I was like I need to snap on someone I was like there's no better way to do it then I just go to Melrose and then my foot was out kids keep this in mind I appreciate what you do when you feel frustrated emotionally [ __ ] up come talk to Adam you know it's my favorite thing too is that when people talk about you I just tell him I'm like that baby is gonna be huge but bad baby is gonna you say she told me to tell you suck my dick no I just say bad baby is huge that baby is gonna take over the world there's nothing and something about her [Laughter] I'm just like I'm not here for it you talking bad about that baby when I'm around I'm gonna leave I'll walk out I'll burn I raised you better than this but there's other things you could say other than just suck my dick no this is the best right that's all you could say give me the 20 mm people watch the slide that's pretty good might be better than the one we did I did with what's-his-face with uh I did that live with that [ __ ] idiot who you did alive yeah honest around me you know I do remember that what so how do you feel about him now I mean him really never had beef I just thought it was funny to go at him right me and him were like the top people right now that you can like say anything - well we're gonna like try to bite your head off right and anything either of you say gets on well start shooting right that was funny all right bad baby much love much much love thank you so much for coming in everybody watching at home we are about to take a slight intermission and then we'll be back playing some music when you're doing some more interviews tonight we're gonna be online all night so uh much love thank you so much I love you [Music]
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 1,284,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bhad bhabie, no jumper, xxxtentacion, trippie redd, adam22, rope gang, youngboy never broke again
Id: 1Osw45VdYro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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