BGE Tutorial - High Quality Texture Painting

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hello everybody in this video I will show you how to texture paint in blender game engine so what I have prepared here is a basic terrain with some walls and nothing special so now we need to create a new material by going in the materials tab and clicking on you I can name the material whatever I want it can be any name it doesn't matter so to block the reflection we need to change the specular intensity to zero okay so now go to texture tab and create a new texture layer I'm going to use grass but we don't have the grass texture you get so go to the website called textures calm textures calm is updated website of CG textures you can create an account for free and download textures and you can use those textures in your game so in this case I'm going search for a grass texture okay so I'll choose this texture and download it's gonna take a couple of seconds oh here we go so I'm going to grab this and put it in a folder I'm going to name this grass ok so now we need to import the texture into a blender so now we can't see the texture because we need to unwrap the toy or smart UV project so to do this is go to edit mode select all your faces press you and smart UV project click okay so we can't see our texture but it look doesn't look good it's like bad quality so scroll down until you see the mapping layer open it and you can see a feature called size and that will adjust the size of your texture so if you increase it the text the quality of your checks texture will look like more realistic and more high-quality stuff you know so I changed the X&Y 5x5 however if we change the Zed it wouldn't affect anything there's no difference so it keeps us set up one just change the x and y so now we have our grass texture but we need to paint other textures as well so deep breath so open the UV image editor and create a new image you can name this image whatever you want I'm going to name this a stencil click OK now you can see a star next to the image that's telling us that the image is not saved to save the image you have to click on the the image text and pack as PNG so whenever you make changes this star will appear so I'll create a new texture layer I'm gonna name this the same name of the image stencil I'm going to load the stencil image scroll down and uncheck color check RGB intensity and stencil so now we need another texture I'm going to use the sand texture it can be any texture you want so this is going to be sad so we will go back to textures calm and search for sand texture I'm going to I'm going to choose this texture and download ok I'm going to grab the file and go to an image of sand and now open the file okay so we can see that the our sand texture because the stencil layer is covering our grass and that stencil is not visible because which unchecked color so that's why the sand is not visible so anyways we'll get back to that once you imported the sand texture you can also scale the size of the texture five by five or ten by ten okay so now we need to text your paint our sand to do that change from object mode to texture paint and on the top left you can see a layer called slots click on that and change the painting mode to image choose the canvas image the stencil go back to tools I'm going to change the strength to 1 and it also press F to scale up your brush and now you can paint here now the good thing about using this method is that you can scale up the textures and the mapping layer which allows us to have a high quality textures on a huge terrain which is very useful so I'm going to take some time just texture paint those walls just like that it doesn't have to be perfect okay and paint those tiny walls no okay so we have our sand texture now as I said before whenever you make changes this estar will appear so if I save it again pakka's PNG and if I texture paint again the star will appear because I made changes so make sure you pack as PNG all the time so and you also go to file and expand go to external data and click on automatically pack into blend files what this does is it will pack Oriol textures sounds and textures and sounds into your dot blend file so if you change the destination of the texture file won't matter because blender has made a copy of that texture and the dot blend file so we don't need to worry about changing destinations so everything will be saved into the blend file so so we painted the sand texture and now we need another texture to do that we need to create another stencil layer I'm going to name this stencil too I'm going to create a new image again and name this stencil too I'm gonna click on package PhD PNG save the file and we need to import another texture hmm I'm going to put stone texture it doesn't matter really I'm gonna search for it stone and textures calm and I'm going to choose that texture and download okay I'm glad here rename the stone just to keep the name simple and I'm going to open the stone file okay so as you can see the stone appears so what we have to do is go to stencil to layer choose this stencil to image and uncheck colored now the stone is covering the whole sand layer so uncheck color or degree to intensity and stencil now it's gone because we need to paint the texture not covered not covering the whole model so we have the stone and I'm going to skip know this 5x5 and now go to texture paint layer which we already are and now go to the slots and change the stencil to stencil too because we are painting stone so if we want to paint on the grass texture we can't because the sand is covering this grass layer so we have to paint on the covering layer so you can only paint on the sand just like that okay a bit here and here okay that looks pretty good right now so we made changes so click on image and pack us PNG to pack the image I'm going to go to object mode now if you want to add another image create another stencil image stencils three and put any texture so the 30 texture that you want to paint will be only painted on the stone layer so this process keeps on repeating and repeating the more you add the texture the more you have to add layers so that's basically it guys I hope you found this video useful and I will see you next time
Channel: SkyCrafting
Views: 7,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender (Software), Game Blender (Video Game Engine), Blender Game, Blender Game Engine Tutorial, BGE Tutorial, Blender Tutorial, Blender texture painting, Blender Game Engine texture painting, blender texturing tutorial
Id: PGn3azej7eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2015
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