Beyond Dreams Door Trailer

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[Music] Beyond uh dreams door good job open that door and there's dreams in it shout out to Hal thank you so much for your request we appreciate you you ever seen that doc the nightmare yeah it's really good actually this much legit is that legit yeah actually what they call it the pixie stick in the bread or nail in the hammer or whatever it is screw in the coffin [ __ ] Sho and the president you give me [ __ ] about Monday Morning Quarterback which you believe is not a saying which absolutely is what the [ __ ] have you read every Harry Potter book no I I stopped at four and a half a million three and a half cuz I I got like I looked at for and was like Jesus Christ the girth on this book John Dunley plays uh I'm not even going to put that picture of this guy oh you should because because that's his face right there I'm putting it nothing cool is movie [ __ ] blew dude you blew in this movie dude this movie it opens with a phone ringing titties and math all things people love in horror movies homework talking he didn't get he there's no scene this where his work got graded there's definitely grades in this movie so I thought his unrated entirely and then as the movie went on but the whole [ __ ] movie was a dream sequence as it leaked into the reality it was [ __ ] crazy I got lost so hard it got so far but in the end it didn't matter but um there was a lot of Don't You Forget About multi a lot of it there wasn't that many titties four pairs two it was the same chick oh so one pair four times when you watch a movie what what do you doing you think I look at their face everything the monster's so dry nothing's wet you know like all creature effects are like it got nonlinear on purpose took a window and smash the boy he got windowed sucks to suck and then like apparently that was too much it was a mirror oh wa I'm go home and watch Lars and the Real Girl you still thought that was real and you thought the old Professor was but they turn out to be dreams and dreams get shattered the lesson to be learned here is don't have dreams kids there's no lesson no you didn't wave to me I saw you driving you didn't [ __ ] wave I hate waving it hurts my arm my name's Zach I'm Stephen and here we are the King Kings of kill was that English no why were you offended it was math God
Channel: Kings of Kill
Views: 60
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G9Ccw6kG0cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 21sec (141 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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