Beyblade V-Force | The Full Story

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v-force marks the second season of the original Beyblade Trilogy unlike the original which was adapted by Studio madhouse v-force was produced by nihan animedia whom opted to animate the show to more closely resemble the artwork of the manga released domestically in 2002 this season folks is heavily on the blade Breakers bit Beast v-force provides us an origin story of these fascinating creatures as well as introduces us to a new ally in Hillary and new villains such as the saint Shields and team psychic in this video I will provide you an in-depth breakdown of this season and Share My overall thoughts towards the end if you enjoy this sort of content please do consider liking the video and subscribing to the channel without further Ado let's get straight into the story realizing he's late for school Tyson rushes out to make it in time for class Kenny punctual as always is already in class and finds himself surrounded by his classmates whom happen to be fans of the braid Breakers can you recount the trials and tribulations which they overcame game in the previous season after winning the Russia World tournaments at the bright Breakers who are now considered the best were catapulted to stardom after winning the World Championship the boys all parted ways Max along with his father Taro moved to the U.S in order to work with and be closer to his mother Judy Rey decided to go back to his village in China in order to teach and Mentor the kids Kai's whereabouts are unknown as soon as the tournament ended he went off the grid as for Tyson and Kenny well they went back to where it all began their Hometown in many ways Kenyan Tyson returned to their regular lives but the difference now is that they are considered Living Legends amongst their Town folk their recognition comes with all the bells and whistles which at times clearly goes to Tyson's head and Tyson arrives late to class he is given detention for his tardiness Kenny voices his concern as this now marks the third time in the week that Tyson was late Kenny's worries are not unwarranted as they have a local tournament which is soon to commence later on that day it feels Tyson who will be participating as not taking it seriously Tyson tells Kenny not to worry he dismisses the importance of the tournament by stating that it's just a local competition which will be a piece of cake for him given that he is the world champion after all when Tyson realizes he left his school box at home the entire class bursts in laughter as they go on to cheer for him whilst chanting his name since Tyson arrived the class has been unable to move forward and Hillary has had enough she highlights how every day Tyson has been coming late and disrupting the class she adds given how all he cares about is beyblading he should just stay home and play with his silly toys as the class rep she offers a suggestion she puts forward that his punishment for arriving late should be to clean the classroom every day for a week the rest of the class find the idea of Tyson cleaning up hilarious so they all agree with her A peculiar man in a suit appears at the Granger residence with a camcorder in hand is clearly searching for something after sneaking in he fails to find what it is he's looking for with class adjourned Tyson and Kenny attempt to make a swift getaway they fail to realize that they ate Norway in Hell Hillary is about to let Tyson worm his way out of his cleaning duties Tyson pleads with her to let him go she does contemplate laying him off just as once in exchange for him owing her Kenny worried that he'll be dragged into the steel decides to make a run for it Hillary decides it will be better for Tyson to carry out his duties so handsome a mob to get started the man in the black suit from earlier along with his partner are outside the tournament venue as they appear to be waiting for Tyson Kenny having made his way to the venue is beaming with excitement as the tournament is due to begin soon Mr Dickinson greets Kenny bringing him up to speed on the latest Innovation the BBA r d Department have come up with he introduces Kenny to the Beyblade battle analyzer these devices monitor the endurance of a blade including storing its stats after seeing a participant by the name of Tanner make Charles play of his opponent Kenny becomes worried as Tyson may have to face him Mr D also concurs how much potential Tana has citing he suspects Tana will reach the finals to face Tyson in order to get out of his cleaning duties Tyson fakes a bout of appendicitis Hillary initially refuses to fall for the ACT adding how he probably doesn't even know what an appendix is those of us who have watched season 1 or all too well where Tyson lacks in brain cells he makes up four in his sheer perseverance Tyson continues the ACT which inevitably convinces Hillary that he's not faking it he has her run out of the classroom to call Miss Kincaid providing him an opening to escape the tournament host announces the match where hooded participants are referring to himself as Mr X steps forward to face Tanner it's evident to Kenny just from looking at the hooded blader that he means serious business Mr X absolutely dismantles Tana's Beyblade without even breaking a sweat Tyson must now face this mysterious blader in the finals arriving back with Miss Kincaid Hillary is furious to find out that Tyson left Tyson arrives at the venue taking every opportunity to bask in his celebrity status as the crowd cheers when he enters little does he know adults of Humble Pie soon awaits him Tyson wishes Mr X good luck in their match Mr X on the other hand voices his surprise at Tyson showed up or was grinning menacingly Tyson immediately goes on the offensive but Mr X's Beyblade easily holds its ground Mr X has Tyson's playstyle all figured out citing he relies heavily on his offensive power he shows Tyson how one-dimensional he is as Mr X goes on to knock Dragoon out of the bay dish Tyson is left reeling as this marks the first time he lost as the reigning world champ as Mr X walks off he offers Tyson a rematch anytime anywhere any place seeing Tyson down in the Doms grams attempts to snap him out of it Graham's highlights to Tyson that he must become more resilient by training his mind as Kenny and dizzy analyzed the match the entire class seemed to have turned their backs on Tyson and Kenny overhears some of his classmates citing Tyson losing was inevitable he tells them to cut it out as he worries that Tyson may walk in at any moment and overhear them arriving to class and late as always Tyson gets an earful of Hillary angry at him for skipping his duties she makes digs towards him regarding his loss Tyson is initially aggravated by her but tries to play it off as though he's confident he'll beat Mr X the next time they face one another Kenny realizes that the footage which dizzy captured of the match is corrupted Max receives a visit from a hooded figure who challenges him to obey battle just as was the case with Tyson Max gets absolutely wrecked off-screen Rey is also challenged by a different hooded figure and defeats him also off-screen Kenny takes dizzy into a local hardware store for a checkup fortunately no issues are found in Dizzy's Hardware which begs the question why can't she access the footage of Tyson's match with Mr X Kenny spots Mr X and saw attempts to follow him his path is blocked by the two men in the black suits Max emails Kenny the footage from his match Kenyan Tyson review the video they spot her right before Max's opponent finishes him off their Beyblade begins to Glow just as Mr X's did Kenny begins his research into the hooded figures Tyson cites his concerns as it appears to be that the blade Breakers are being targeted Tyson falls asleep in class he dreams of he and Max's defeat at the hands of these mysterious Bladers he yells out in Terror which leads to Hillary berating him for falling asleep in class after class is adjourned Hillary chases after miskincade demanding her to transfer Tyson to a different class we get to see Kenny's Mama for the first time as she delivers some food off at the school she informs Kenny that a letter from Rey is waiting for him at home just as he and Tyson are about to leave Hillary and her goons prevent Tyson from leaving forcing him to carry out his cleaning duties Kenny manages to make his way home via Ray's letter he finds out that Rey lost in the same way as the other two did Rey however highlights in the letter how he sends a mysterious Force just as Drigger was knocked out of the bay dish Tyson attempts to escape Hillary and her Squad he fails to lose Hillary but he stopped in his tracks by none other than Mr X using the footage Maxim Ray sent over Kenny has dizzy run a waveform analysis along with a speed ratio comparison of their opponent's Beyblades Kenny manages to figure out their C Secrets realizing that they are in fact using invisible bit east which are activated the moment their Beyblades begin to Glow Mr X reveals to Tyson his real name which is ozuma Kenny rushes out to make his way to Tyson in order to tell him the truth about the invisible bit peace he bumps into Hillary's goons in which one of them informs him of Tyson's location Tyson and ozuma are about to commence their match with a small crowd of local Town kids as well as Hillary watching on Kenny makes it just in the nick of time he takes Tyson aside to inform him of what he's up against Tyson wants to conceal the fact that he knows ozuma's secret he believes this will give him the upper hand during their bout the two launched their Beyblades whilst Kenny has dizzy analyzed the battle Tyson kicks things off with a series of frontal attacks he manages to push azuma's blade up against the corner of the bay dish ozuma is on phase by this he unleashes his invisible bit piece as his Beyblade begins to Glow ozuma is able to easily push back Tyson's Blade the two men in the suits record the match as the two Beyblades Clash they begin to generate gusts of wind leaving Hillary in awe as she is unable to take her eyes off the match Kenny informs Tyson that Azuma has released his bit Beast Tyson orders Dragoon to launch its storm attack in a shocking turn of events Dragoon refuses to reveal itself which leads Tyson to lose the match something is clearly amiss here as this marks the first time Dragoon has refused to fight Tyson drops to his knees having now lost two matches back to back Hillary who fainted earlier regains Consciousness and is carried home by her friends as she leaves she looks back sudden to see how broken Tyson is from his loss the following morning Tyson arrives to class and is shocked to find that Hillary is not present he's berated by his fellow classmates whom side that she must have fallen ill as she was out in the rain watching his match Hillary finally arrives to class citing the reason she was late was because she had to visit the doctors due to the cold she had caught from the rain the two men in the suit head back to their base they showed their boss Dr B footage from Tyson's battle the two sides had Dragoon is thought to be one of the most powerful bit beasts in existence so they found it odd that Tyson didn't use it their boss on the other hand is more interested in ozuma he tells a pair that if a Zuma and his Squad begin to get in the way of their mission they must squash them Kenny is an able to access dizzy due to his laptop being fried from the Aftershock of azuma's final attack Tyson wonders why ozuma and his crew haven't shown their faces until now Kenny highlights how Azuma seemed disappointed when Dragoon would not reveal itself this makes him wonder if the entire time Azuma was trying to draw out Dragoon Kenny feels something ominous is afoot as he suspects that this new group may be targeting their bit Beast Tyson continues to be puzzled as to why Dragoon would not obey him Penny feels there must be a reason behind it a reason which they must uncover Tyson begins his grueling physical training which has been set out by Kenny during his break Tyson asks Dragoon to lend him its strength citing that they are stronger when they work as a team Kenny manages to fix his laptop with dizzy now back up and running he informs Tyson that he has come up with a concept a concept which will help Tyson better communicate with Elizabeth Beast Kenny bombs into Hillary who asks him questions about the match the men in suits pull up besides the two in a black van demanding that Kenny hand over his laptop Tyson arrives at their meetings bar and finds Kenny's glasses on the floor the black van zooms past him hearing Hillary and Kenny calling out to him Tyson gives Chase but is unable to keep up with the van suddenly the pay phone within the booth and near him begins to ring he answers the call and is told that if he wants his friends to be released he must follow the orders he has given Tyson is told to make his way towards the star Stadium as his scientists monitor Tyson's vitals Dr B laments had Dragoon will soon be his having reached the stadium Tyson answers the call made to the nearby Payphone he's told to make his way to the downtown Theater what's made evident here is that the scientists are trying to test Tyson's physical limits after being chased by a pack of dogs Tyson manages to reach speeds which would even make the flash envious he manages to overtake a car in his attempts to escape the dogs Dr B highlights how Tyson is harnessing the power of His Beast which is enabling him to perform superhuman Feats having made it to the next Payphone Tyson answers the call he's told to board a boat waiting for him at the Docks ozuma is seen watching from afar the bolt takes him to an old and seemingly abandoned ship ship initially appears to be vacant Tyson eventually finds his way to Kenny and Hillary whom are both trapped behind a reinforced Glass Prison via the speakers within the room Dr B speaks with Tyson citing how attempting to break his friends out is futile one of Dr B's men advises that they wish to challenge Tyson they promised to set his friends free should he win the match Hillary begins to lose her bottle having zero faith that Tyson will pull off the win Tyson stomachly reassures Hillary that he will free her seeing this new side of Tyson has her smitten as she wonders if he likes her Tyson's opponent is revealed to be a robot Dr B's men continue to monitor Tyson's vitals as he and the robot commenced battle the robot easily defeats Tyson as dizzy highlights how its CPU is far more advanced than that of her own the second round commences a scientist in charge of monitoring Tyson's vitals is shocked to see that his reaction time is improving which is also an indicator that Tyson is beginning to use the power of Dragoon the robot is able to adjust its Pace going on to defeat Tyson for the second time in order to pressure Tyson into summoning Dragoon the walls begin to close in on Hillary and Kenny threatening to crush them both the third and final match commences Tyson refuses to allow his friends to be crushed as he goes on to successfully summon Dragoon for the first time since the Russia World Tournament the emergence of Dragoon causes the scientists machines monitoring Tyson's vitals to malfunction and explode the robot attempts to capture Tyson's bit Beast a Dragoon's overwhelming power proves too much as he goes on to destroy the robots Hillary and Kenny whom are both now free rushed to Tyson's side as he faints from exhaustion a to be laughs menacingly as he cites how he's now figured out the secret to Tyson's Beast Hillary and Kenny locate a bolt which they used to escape the ship Tyson regains Consciousness and asks what happened when he's informed that he won he begins to celebrate ozuma is seen watching the three of them from a distance Chief and Tyson catch up on the latest headlines which confirmed the ship they were on was destroyed in a fiery Blaze Hillary wonders as to why Tyson seems to be avoiding her she asks him a bunch of questions around who those men were and asks if what's going on has anything to do with the stupid game he plays Kenny is forced to break them apart when the two of them begin to bicker Kenny is starting to become more and more convinced that ozuma and the men in the suits share a common goal which is to draw out Tyson's bit Beast Hillary is completely out the loop as she continues to ask them what a bit Beast is Kenny is concerned how the rest of the brain Breakers have gone silent since they last spoke making him wonder if ozuma is after the others too five episodes in and we finally get to see Kai who is being chauffeured by his Butler Kai is dropped off to his prep school where the students there seem to enjoy beyblading he's approached by one of his classmates Wyatt who's clearly a fan of his Wyatt asks him if he can show him some of his moves Hai simply ignores him and walks off later on Wyatt approaches Kai again he apologizes for being so brushed earlier as Kai is about to walk off again a Beyblade is launched into the hallway Kai confronts the blader whose sides he has come to take dranza Kai says he has no interest in fighting him as he has retired from beyblading as he walks off the blader whose name is dunga launches his blade at Kai before things can escalate any further the rest of Kai's classmates arrive which forces dunga to retreat Wyatt asks around if anyone knows why Kai has retired one of his classmates believes that Kai must have quit due to not having any more worthy opponents to challenge him Wyatt cannot stop thinking about Kai he Ponders about how awesome it will be if he one day could battle him spotting Kai walking into his dorm Wyatt decides to follow him why it isn't awe when he sees dranza behind the display cabinets he asks Kai if he would like to face Tyson again Kai concurs he would as that would be a worthy battle for him but he suspects that battle is not on the cards Wyatt and Kai are forced to flee when dunga returns and launches his blade into the room the following morning Kai is approached by one of his classmates they ask if he's seen Wyatt they informed Kai that Wyatt read a Knoll left for him under the bridge the note wrote a location which Kai is asked to make his way to Hai makes his way to the bridge and reads the note which was left behind by Wyatt at the meeting spot donga is surprised to see Wyatt with Kai's launcher and dranza in hand shortly after Kai arrives too he demands for Wyatt to return dranza to him Wyatt refuses as he wants to prove himself to Kai Wyatt launches dranza into the bay dish dunga simply toys with him and dranza refuses to obey Wyatt's commands dunga releases his invisible bit Beast launching dranza out of the bay dish which also sends wire soaring over the fence Kai saves Wyatt furious at dunga for what he has done Kai steps up ready to teach him a lesson their battle commences and the match is somewhat even until dunga's blade creates a gust of wind which begins to draw dranza in Kai is forced to unleash dranza dunga also unleashes his invisible bit Beast the two Beyblades Clash ending the match in a draw Junger declares the match a tie then proceeds to leave High begins to laugh enthralled by the battle informed wired that it's time for dranza to come out of retirements a scientists at the secret organization are working on a prototype Beyblade designed to defeat the top Bladers in the world the benefactor and leader of this organization is a billionaire by the name of Gideon the men in the suits are shown a group of kids who have been admitted to a top secret program designed to make them the best Bladers in the world their operation is quite reminiscent of boris's setup at his old headquarters in Russia which we saw in season one but these kids all mean business as usually one particular delinquent who displays an aptitude for destroying things the boy whose name is snakey is given the Prototype Beyblade and told his Target is Tyson Tyson still cannot get over his loss at the hands of Azuma he continues to nap in class and dream about it he Kenny and Hillary continue to speculate as to what this secret organization is after Hillary suspects that the organization's goal must be global domination she begins to get ahead of herself as she delves deeper down the conspiracy rabbit hole she cites how they will use the bad thingies as she calls them to enslave mankind Kenny is fascinated by her Theory but Tyson is hardly present as he continues to obsess over how he can defeat ozuma at Gideon's facility snakey single-handedly defeats and destroys the Beyblades of all the other trainees Hillary and Kenny used the telescope at the harbor to try and find Clues around the mysterious destruction of the ship that they were trapped in Tyson arrives with a bunch of wanted posters he created the night before he plans on placing them around town as a way to use the Local's help to locate ozuma Hillary wants them to focus on uncovering the organization behind her and Kenny's kidnapping Tyson on the other hand wants them to prioritize finding his opponent as the two argued they are interrupted by snakey who uses his blade to tear through Tyson's posters snakey has Tyson follow him to an outdoor Bay dish Izzy feels that they need to be wary of this Anonymous blader as it's apparent he is on a mission the two begin to battle snake is prototype blade is easily able to keep up with Dragoon bowing on to almost knock Tyson's blade out the dish Tyson struggles to keep up with the agility of his opponent's Beyblade Kenny is at a loss so all the pressure is on dizzy to try and figure out what the core of this blade is made of Izzy manages to figure out the secrets she sized that snakey's blade is able to generate a magnetic field which enables it to change directions at an instance Kenny pleads with Tyson to unleash Dragoon to everyone's surprise Kai arrives he tells Tyson that it's time for Dragoon to go on the attack Dragoon finally emerges through drawing power from Tyson's sheer will to win Dragoon goes on to destroy snakey's Blade the men in the suit managed to capture footage of Dragoon ozuma and dunga continue to watch from afar dunga gives Tyson credit for pulling off the win or Zuma on the other hand is not impressed as he simply dismisses Tyson's Victory by stating he just got lucky as Kenny tries to figure out what the core of snakey's Blade was made of Tyson and Hillary begin to argue around the topic of whether a bit Beast has a heart Hillary is unable to see bit Beast which leads her to refute their existence entirely Kenny figures out that the core of snake is blade uses the same compound which was used to create the robot Tyson faced on the ship Hillary deduces that Tyson's recent opponent must have been part of the same organization Tyson is full of Bluster as always but Kenny brings him down a peg as he citized that Tyson has been slacking off ever since the blade Breakers went their separate ways ahead of Gideon's research team Dr B is happy with the data they have collected thus far but his boss is frustrated by snakey's loss Gideon demands that Dr B forced the blade Breakers to reunite as a means to capture their bit piece in One Sweep Hillary who appears to have a crush on Kai asks Tyson to introduce her image of Kai being a prince charming is immediately shattered when he ignores her Tyson asks Kai to stay over at his place Hai is left with no choice as Tyson will not take no for an answer Tyson attempts to catch up with Kai but he has little to say due to how cold Kai was towards her Hillary drags Kenny to Tyson's place at the crack of dawn she's suspicious of Kai believing he to be a part of the organization whom are after them grams informs the kids that Kai left at the crack of dawn as he said he had something he needed to do on the beach shore the kids catch up to him and he informs them of his encounter with dunga Kenny to do says that donga must be working together with ozuma and the other two Bladers whom defeated Rey and Max Tyson feels the only way to beat those invisible bit piece is to become a team once again Kai is against the idea which makes sense because if you recall in the previous season he never actually wanted to be a part of the blade Breakers in the first place Kenny emails Max's mom Judy to seek her expertise in finding out what the core material of snakey's Blade was made of Hillary sides how Mr Dickinson may be able to help them can he concurs it would be a great idea to seek guidance from Mr D Dr B meets with the BBA president he introduces himself as the manager of Team psychic he wishes for his team to face off against the blade Breakers Dr B cites rather than wasting time competing in a tournament he would like to provide a venue for his team to take them on he tries to entice Mr Dickinson to bring the blade Breakers together but the BBA president cites team psychic must first earn their spot to Take On The World Champions as a means to force Mr Dickinson's hand Dr B makes a deal to have one of his blade as Daryl face a BBA trainee if Daryl wins team sidekick will be allowed to face off against the blade Breakers with the terms he set out Tyson and the others arrive at the BBA facility they are shocked to see Daryl's blade produce the same magnetic force field as snake is bladed Errol easily beats the BBA trainee Mr D stops Tyson from launching Dragoon he informs of the deal he and Dr B agreed to Tyson's size the blade Breakers cannot come together right now as Kai isn't interested but just as he says that Kai arrives confirming he's ready to rejoin them Judy sends Kenny her findings which confirms that the core of snakey's blade is made up of an artificial metal which closely matches the molecular structure of a naturally occurring metal found on the periodic table Tyson devises that they find this naturally occurring metal in order to build a new cause for their Beyblades as a way to even the odds Max flies in from the states and Rey who has already arrived is with Tyson and the others Max is introduced to Hillary and Mr D arrives to greet the blade Breakers he informs them that their match against team sidekick will be in a week's time Hillary stresses the importance for the boys to focus on the task ahead of them which Kenny backs Judy invented a magnetic countermeasure for their blades it's a new rip cord which she calls the mg chord this new chord will enable their blades to produce a magnetic field too Kenny advises them that they must practice to master the additional spin provided to their Blades by the mg chord Tyson gives the cord a test run but struggles to control his blade Rey shows off his upgraded Beyblade which he calls trigger 5. he tries out the mg chord but he too is unable to control his blade Max steps up to show them how it's done but he too fails Kai is the final one to test out the chord and just like the other three before him he is unable to control his Beyblade it clear at this point that the braid Breakers will need to put in some serious work in order to get a handle on this new tech the following morning Hillary creates an exercise schedule for the team which as you can imagine although she means well the boys aren't interested Tyson is having none of it and has some harsh words to say to her as the two bicker Tyson accidentally tears her schedule instead of owning up to his mistake he deflects and continues to berate her citing how stupid her plan was and adds that she shouldn't even be with them in the first place his words cut deep and even Kai is left cringing by Tyson's actions deeply upset she leaves Rey and Max calmly tell Tyson that he was overly harsh with her Tyson clearly feels guilty but refuses to apologize and walks off Kenny tries to defuse things at school as he explains to Hillary that Tyson didn't mean what he said but in fact he was frustrated with himself and his inability to control his Beyblade and he lashed out at her instead before she can respond Tyson arrives and cuts the conversation short back at the Granger residence Tyson and the others continued their training Graham's wonders as to why Hillary is not present but Kenny remains Coy on the details having practiced all day the blade break has become frustrated having failed to make any Headway in their training Kenny wonders what they must do the wind carries a piece of Hillary's torn schedule giving Kai the realization that they need to go back to basics the following morning the others are surprised to see the progress Kai has made he confirms he did so through following Hillary's training plan the others follow her plan too which helps them tremendously in their training the boys find Hillary and Tyson finally apologizes he even asks her to become their head trainer which she happily accepts the boys all managed to master their Beyblades increased agility as clientize and demonstrate this grams is glad to see Hillary is back and wishes her and the others good luck the kids are driven to the location of their battle unknown to them the chauffeur who appears to be Dr B releases a gas within the chamber which puts them all to sleep upon waking up the kids all find themselves imprisoned in a Dusty room they also find attached to their arm a device which they are unable to remove Dr B speaks with them informing them that they will remain imprisoned until their match the door is not locked so the kids are able to Simply run out but they soon find out in fact there is nowhere to go as they run into a dead end Dr B informs them that they will be facing team sidekick in one-on-one battles Mr Dickinson is informed that Dr Bean never booked the accommodation for the kids as agreed ozuma and dunga who are tracking Mr D also wonder where the boys are Dr B informs Tyson and the others that the building which they are currently being held in will self-destruct in T-minus 3 minutes his men begin to detonate explosives placed in the surrounding area the kids all attempt to escape but are blocked by a welded shot steel door a trap door opens beneath Tyson dropping him into an old mine shaft the kids follow the underground tracks using a dolly to make their way out of the building Gideon is becoming impatient he asks for an ETA on when the first battle will commence his subordinate lets him know that the match will begin shortly the boys lose control of the dolly and their current path is being blocked Kai uses some quick Thinking by launching his Beyblade at the track's control arm which diverts the dolly onto another track they reached the end of the shaft and find a bay dish waiting for them on the outside Tyson steps up to the plate ready to face whomever they put in front of him a member of Team psychic named chameleon reveals himself Kenny remains skeptical that their captors will hold up their end of the deal and let them go as agreed Kai and the others are forced to pull Tyson away and make a run for it Max finds himself trapped and is forced to take on chameleon Max's playstyle which relies heavily on defense over speed causes him some initial problems as he struggles to keep up with the agility of comedian's blade Max unleashes joseon and Dr B seizes the opportunity as he attempts to steal Max's big beast the evil doctor made a grave miscalculation in his assessment of dracil's strength as Max's bit Beast breaks free going on to defeat chameleon Tyson hurts his ankle as he falls along the edge of the rocky terrain Hillary adjusts Tyson's ankle which although still injured now allows him to place weight on it Kenny feels they need to focus on getting off the island as it's clear team psychic are after their bit Beast Rey concludes that the only way off the island is to defeat them python agrees with Rey whilst Hillary agrees with Kenny and so the two begin to argue Rey thinks it will be best that they split up Kai offers to go along with Hillary and Kenny to the lighthouse in order to protect them they all agree to communicate using the analyzers Mr Dickinson provided them which also work as transceivers grams is worried about the kids so he meets with Mr D Mr Dia shows Grumps that the BBA are using all their resources to find the kids he also adds how they are tracking the two men in the suits ozuma and dunga continue to follow Mr D in hopes that he will eventually lead them to Tyson and the others Dr B initiates the next stages of his plan which he calls operation rockfall he orders the release of Boulders above Kai Kenny and Hillary deceptive as always Kai realizes that the boulders are fast approaching so he moves Hillary and Kenny out of Harm's Way unfortunately the boulders now block their path to the lighthouse instead of turning back Kai inspires the two to climb across the boulders with him the evil doctor damages the bridge to the lighthouse which forces the three to take a different route Tyson Max and Rey find themselves trapped within a truck which is being controlled by Dr B's men the truck plummets down the Cliffside leading the boys to a tunnel which will take them to their next opponent unable to see due to the darkness Rey accidentally steps on Tyson's injured ankle Max comes up with the idea that they continue talking with one another as a means to track where each other are their next opponent is revealed referring to himself as bats Rey stops Tyson from engaging in battle as he decides he wishes to take on that Rey struggles against bats due to the darkness of their environment coupled with the agility of his opponent's blade Max realizes that the glasses bat is wearing enables him to see Trigger Rey's adrenaline levels Spike as he goes on to unleash his bit Beast Dr B immediately tries to capture trigger Tyson advises Rey to listen out for the sound of his opponent's blade Rey manages to zero in on its location and commands Drigger to launch his Tiger Claw attack which enables it to break free of Dr B's machine and win the match there's no time to celebrate as the tunnel immediately begins to collapse around them the trio managed to make it out by the skin of their teeth Tyson drops to his knees from the sheer Agony he's in caused by his injury next up to battle is Kai Kenny attempts to hack into their enemy's signal frequency in order to help prevent them from capturing dranza hai's battle begins and for the most part it's evenly matched in order to force Kai into unleashing dranza his opponent pulls out all the stops with help from dizzy Kenny manages to shut down the nearby bit Beast capture system giving either or clear to call out dranza Kai being the excellent blader that he is besides he does not need his bit Beast to win this match but she demonstrates by knocking his foals blade out the bay dish Dr B has Tyson under others make their way to their next opponent Max wants to battle next Tyson insists on taking this one Rey and Max try to talk him out of it as he is in all fit state to battle as you guessed the two have no luck with this after all once Tyson sets his mind to something it's often impossible to talk him out of it the battle commences and from the get-go Tyson Schultz signs of fatigue as his injury zaps him of his energy Hillary and the others arrive witnessing Tyson barely hanging on Hillary attempts to stop him whilst at the same time she's Furious array and Max for allowing him to fight Kenny explains to her that when it comes to beyblading Once Tyson has made his mind up there is nothing convincing him otherwise Kai tells her that there's a good chance Tyson will lose the match besides he knows exactly what he's doing he highlights to the others how weak Dragoon looks and that is because Tyson and his bit Beast have an unexplainable connection where if one is hurt the other is two Kai adds how in order to protect his bit Beast Tyson Knowles he must regain his strength the only way he can do so is by winning this match Hillary always thought of bay battles as a simple Charles game but Kai clears this up with her as he tells her that beyblading is Tyson's life Hillary acknowledges how clueless she was this whole time as she is clearly moved by Tyson's passion and resolve Tyson's friends all cheer him on as he unleashes Dragoon Dr B has his machines attempt to capture Dragoon the evil doctor fails to realize that normally a machine can overcome the power of Dragoon Dragoon wins the match for Tyson as it goes on to destroy the capture units causing the computers at Dr B's lab to explode Dr B is in complete shock as the blazing fire consumes his entire facility forcing him to evacuate as Hillary wraps up Tyson's ankle the kids are all happy to see that Mr Dickinson who's on board a chopper has arrived to take them home Tyson is next seen at the hospital where the rest of the blade Breakers arrived to check on him they wonder why Tyson is still there as he appears to be fine Tyson fesses up that he has fully recovered but as he doesn't want to study he's pretending to still be on the mend Hillary brings along with her Miss Kincaid who brings him homework Hillary adds salt to the wound when she highlights that it was her idea and her recommendation to bring him homework Mr D arrives too and profusely apologizes to the group they make it clear that it was not his fault as they all discussed the motives of this secret organization whom are after their bit beasts Kai senses they are being watched unbeknown to them it's in fact ozuma who's watching them Gideon wants Dr B to use the data he has acquired on the blade Breakers bit Beast to Crave bit beasts of their own we will now be entering into cyber bit Beast territory if you happen to be enjoying this video so far please do consider liking the video and subscribing to to the channel without further Ado let's continue at his team's Hideout Azuma and his crew discussed their plans pertaining to the blade Breakers ozuma's team are called the saint Shields which consists of he dunga Mariam and her little brother Joseph ozuma's crew have grown frustrated for failing to make any Headway in regards to capturing the blade breaker's Beast they begin to Bick her dunga is Out For Blood after being teased by Marion for failing to defeat Kai he runs out on his own to log hey and beat Kai once and for all Dr B is missing the data for dranza as Kai bodied his opponent without needing to call upon his bit Beast Dr B orders his men to go out and retrieve the data he needs Tyson returns home and is greeted by his teammates Max gives Tyson his new launcher provided to them courtesy of Mr Dickinson the rest of the members also receive launchers too dunga arrives at the Granger residence Kai chases after him and both get ready to battle Dr B's men have their camera ready in hopes of capturing footage of dranza dunga is surprised by the increase in Kai's Beyblade's power Tyson respects Kai's wish to not interfere in his battle after dunga unleashes his invisible Great a bit Beast Soul 2 does Kai the battle between the bit Beast commences Izzy picks up on a camera device recording the battle ozuma promptly launches his blade at the camera causing it to explode the Aftershock from the explosion disrupts the battle leading to the match ending in a draw younger promptly leaves and is berated by ozuma for the trouble he has caused unbeknown to Dr B's men Joseph has hitched a ride with them Dr Bean now has the data he needs on dranza so the project to create the four cyber bit beasts can finally begin having returned to their Hideout dunga is furious out of Zuma for disrupting his match ozuma calms him down by informing him that his match was being recorded by the group of scientists that are after the blade breaker's bit beasts Joseph infiltrates Gideon's research facility he uses the vents to navigate the building he Witnesses Gideon and Dr B testing out their new prototype Beyblades designed to house the cyberbit Beast test is initially successful as we witness the birth of cyber dranza the Prototype blade becomes unstable which prevents cyber dranza from fully materializing although the experiment was a success there's clearly some quality assurance issues which need to be addressed first Joseph returns to the Saint Shield's Hideout and informs others on what the scientists have planned the BBA president has some news for the blade Breakers he explains who Azuma and his group are the kids are worried that they are being hit on two ends with bold groups seemingly after their bit beasts Hillary feels it will be wise to focus on the most dangerous group first she decides given the level of resources team psychic hover at their disposal they should focus on them first Tyson immediately tries to shut her down but Mr D agrees with her and so too does Kenny Hillary States how they should use the downtime to practice while Tyson and Rey are preoccupied in a practice match Mariam arrives and wishes to take on max Mariam was the one who wiped the floor with him earlier on in this season Max's game as he wants to avenge his loss to her she makes him chase after her Tyson and Ray have just finished their practice merch they realize Max is missing Gramps informs their Max when chasing after some honey his words not mine Mariam lures Max into the wards where the rest of the Saints Shields watch on above the Treetops the battle begins and Max is all struck by mariam's skill she immediately releases her bit Beast choosing not to concede it this time around her bit Beast shark rush and Max's dresseel Collide shot crash gets the better of the exchange as the match begins to take a toll on max if you've watched season 1 you know our boy Max never backs down his unwavering determination puts Mariam on the back foot seeing this Joseph launches his blade into the bay dish he unveils his bit Beast Vanishing moot dracil begins to be overwhelmed by the two-bit beasts ozuma appears to want Max to overcome his teammates citing her Max needs to show him the ability to overcome what lies ahead of him and that is by mastering his bit Beast Joseph wants to put Max out of his misery so Marion prepares to finish things off with one final attack Rey arrives just in the nick of time and launches trigger into the bay dish he sends all three Beyblades back into the hands of their respective owners raber rates the sensuals asking what their deal is he and Max tagged him to take on the two siblings all four of them immediately released their bit Beast Mario man Joseph focused their attacks on Max but Rey is having none of it the two then divert their attention to trigger and Via working together they cause Drigger to accidentally hit tracel as siblings combine their bit beasts power into a single attack knocking dracil and rigger out of the bay dish as the same Shields proceed to leave they are stopped by Tyson who's furious at them for messing with his friends Tyson finally gets an opportunity to avenge his two losses as he prepares to face off against ozuma the match begins and a Zuma has Tyson by the ropes as he calls out his bit Beast flash leopard in response Tyson unleashes Dragoon flash leopard has Dragoon in a bind but Tyson's fighting Spirit provides Dragoon the strength it needs to overpower and defeat us Tyson is ecstatic having finally won against Azuma Azuma on the other hand simply scoffs at Tyson highlighting how Tyson has shown him his strength only further highlighting to him how much of a long way Tyson has to go when it comes to his bit Beast technique the same Shields proceed to leave back at the research facility Dr B's team seem to have figured out the Kinks as they have managed to successfully create a Beyblade which is able to house the newly created cyber dragoon Dr B gives cyber dragoon to Jerry a member of Team psychic he also gives Jerry a new Cyber launcher which contains all the information of the top Beybladers in the world Gideon wants Jerry to put cyber dragoon to the test by having him join a local tournament which is soon to commence in order to work on their endurance Hillary has the boys run up a long flight of stairs she realizes that something is bothering Tyson he confides in her citing what Azuma said to him after their match is bothering him making him wonder how he can make his bit Beast stronger Max starts to wonder if the saint Shores are genuinely trying to help them Akai still has his reservations and feels they cannot be trusted Kenny Tyson and Hillary visit Mr Dickinson to see if he has any more information on the Saint Shields a cite their confusion to him as it appears on one end the saint Shores are their enemy whilst at times it's as though they are trying to help them what's even more odd is that the same shoes don't seem at all bothered when they lose to them Mr D unfortunately has no further information to offer them he invites them to come watch a small local tournament which he will be attending this is the same tournament Jerry will participate in Jerry's first match Begins the Alicia's cyber dragoon which shocks Tyson and the others Izzy side has cyber dragoon is the most powerful bit Beast she has ever seen how even Kai is impressed cyber dragoon is clearly too powerful for Jerry to control as the radiation it emits forces everyone to evacuate this leaves Dr B with no choice but to force the Cyber bit Beast to return to its blade his men arrived to take Jerry and cyber dragoon back to HQ Tyson as well as ozuma observed the ensuing chaos returning to the sanctions Hideout Azuma discusses the issue around the cyberbit piece Zuma begins to worry that these synthetic bit beasts may actually defeat the blade Breakers as Dr B tries to figure out why cyber dragoon went on a rampage his researcher finds a strange data strand which could be the cause of what made them lose control of it dizzy informs the others that the Cyber bit Beast is a copy of Dragoon being slightly more powerful than the original Hillary who's still unable to see bit Beast asks Max to describe what it looks like Penny gets the boys straight into training having concocted a training regimen for them the same Shields whom are watching them all train decide to leave them be Kenny's training plan is brutal as he runs the boys into the ground Max and Rey have their bit beasts face off Hillary becomes more and more frustrated with her inability to see them her conspiratorial thoughts kick in once again but this time she suspects that they are intentionally hiding that bit beast from her he takes the opportunity to troll her by having her chant a bit beastial bit Beast 100 times all what's doing knee bends Tyson and Kai face off in order to offer her a chance to catch a glimpse of their bit Beast even after calling out Dragoon and dranza Hillary is still unable to see them her yelling distracts the two which causes their bit Beast to return to their blades annoyed by Hillary for distracting them they have her sit in a circle at a distance whilst they continue to practice upset that she's unable to see bit beasts Hillary calls home Dr B has two robots launch cyber dragoon and dranza it becomes increasingly frustrated as the 2-bit Beast refused to obey his commands the following morning Hillary decides to train with the boys believing it will help her see the bit beasts the saint Shields appear and begin talking their usual schmeck in order to avenge his loss Rey demands to take on Joseph both players unleash their bit beasts even though exhausted Rey is able to push back Joseph's blade the same Shields acknowledged that the blade breaker's training appears to be paying off as Hillary continues to roof for trigger she finally catches a glimpse of a bit beast when she spots a Vanishing moot she helps Rey locate it which enables Drigger to finish it off Zuma appears to finally acknowledge their strength he adds how now he understands why the four sacred bit Beast chose them Dr B has successfully managed to figure out a way to control the cyberbit beasts Gideon is pleased with the progress the next phase of the evil doctor's plan entails recruiting Bladers whom are compatible and able to control the cyberbit Beast Tyson and Kai get in one more practice match which gives Kai the opportunity to test out his new and improved dranza volcano courtesy of Chief Max is pissed at Kenny for making a sick new blade for Kai and not the rest of them Kenny clarifies that providing Kai a new blade was top priority and that was due to the damage tranza sustained when Kai last phased off against donga why it arrives and introduces himself to the others he asks Kai to help him complete his training Wyatt cites how after putting hours into his training he has hit a wall and needs his help Kai refuses to take Wyatt under his wing refusing to give up and upset at Kai Wyatt promises to complete his training on his own and defeat him Tyson feels Kai was too harsh array backs him up citing Wyatt was too desperate to become a great blader which has led him to make bad calls in the past like stealing dranza as he once did Rey adds how acting up like that can put the entire team at Jeopardy which is something they cannot risk right now Dr B approaches Wyatt he offers to make him the best blader out there the naive young man jumps at the offer and Dr B goes on to show wire at the Cyber bit beasts citing how they are designed after the originals but are far far more powerful Dr B gives him cyberdranza citing he will be facing off against Kai before he can he must first undergo a rigorous training program in order to control the power of His cyberbit Beast ozuma informs the blade Breakers that the scientists have recruited a new blader he warns them not to fight this blader as he wields one of those cyberbit easts ozuma also adds that the scientists seem to have worked out the Kings and now have full control over these synthetic creatures the blade Breakers are confused as to why ozuma is helping them he simply laughs and walks off why approaches the boys and demands to battle Kai the same Shields interject and dunga stands in the way wishing to take wyaton the battle between the two commences wire simply toys with donga much to everybody's shock he calls upon cyberdranza which forces dunga to reveal his bit Beast Vortex a cybertronza releases shockwaves which zaps Vortex ape of its power due to the rate of which his cyber bit Beast is growing in power why its body is unable to keep up wire wanting to prove his strength to Kai keeps pushing as his mind slowly becomes corrupted he goes on to defeat dunga but he is left reeling in the aftermath from the battle Kai runs to Wyatt's Aid and is relieved to see that he is slowly coming back to his senses the man in the suit retrieve cyberdranza and leave Wyatt apologizes to Kai Tyson and the others Wonder as to what they can do now as the already seemingly Unstoppable cyber bit Beast has only gone on to become more powerful Furious are the scientists for using Wyatt Kai promises to make them pay seeing how destroyed dunga is by his last Mariam tries to lift his spirits Dr B is concerned by the rate in which cyber dranza is growing in power he attempts to figure out a way to place a cap on its ability to grow Dr B speaks with his boss highlighting how they must find a blader that not only is physically capable but mentally resilient too Tyson struggles with the obstacle course Kenny set out for him everyone is on edge as he gets a stone telling off from both Rey and Kenny Kenny reminds him to focus as his current ability is not enough to defeat the cyberbit beasts frustrated with himself ties into flex and lashes out to them Hillary is able to defuse the situation as she tells them all to take a breather Tyson cites his frustration unhappy that he is being ordered around by everyone he tells them that he needs some space to breathe Tyson's Behavior gets on everyone's nerves when he threatens to quit the team hearing this Max and Ray decide to leave Hillary refuses to let them part like this so the following morning she gives everyone a much needed break by arranging a barbecue Tyson is still in the foul mood and soul remains distant the only thing that Tyson listens to is his stomach so he gives in and joins the others they all manage to patch things up it opens up to them as to what's actually bothering him you see he doesn't actually think he can defeat the cyberbit beasts but Hillary tells him to remain positive Graham suddenly falls into the water and the current begins to drag him Upstream a group of four kids arrive and by working as a team they are able to save him the blade Breakers thanked them for saving Grumps their new acquaintances informed them had they just returned from their travels across the globe aside the reason they have been traveling for the last 12 months was in order to hone their beyblading skills and learn about other cultures this group of kids consists of their leader Kane salima Jim and Gokey they impressed the blade Breakers as they all appear wiser than their age salima cites her days much more to life than just beyblading as there's a whole world out there to explore which occasionally allows them to learn simple New Tricks which they can implore in battle Tyson challenges Kane to a friendly match even though it's meant to be a friendly match the two of them go all out with both being evenly matched Tyson turns up the heat but Kane is able to adapt to his attacks Kane manages to time Tyson's blade and knocks it off to the distance selima and her crew are shocked that Tyson's blade is still spinning whilst Rey is impressed by Kane's ability to remain Soul focused In the Heat of battle their match ends in a draw and Tyson bids their new friends farewell Kane salima Jim and Goki meet with none other than Gideon who welcomes them as team psychic Kane thanks Gideon for allowing them to travel the world as they gained a wealth of knowledge and experience Gideon introduces them to their new Beyblades each which house a cyber bit Beast Jim is the first to test out his bit Beast cyberger seal Jim must face off against three Beyblades simultaneously once he unleashes cyberger seal Dr B sends in additional blades in which one of them is a behemoth in size cyberger seal only goes on to grow further in size just as cyber dranza did its rapid Evolution takes a toll on Jim's body and mind and now the real test begins Jim is able to keep his wits about him which enables him to control the cyberbit Beast the rest of his team are freaked out as it's evident that Jim has changed due to the influence of the bit BEAST's power when Mr Dickinson declines Dr B's request to have the brave Breakers take on his team the evil doctor threatens to wreak havoc upon Tokyo by using his cyberbit beasts Tyson and the others arrive and agree to face off against team psychic Tyson spots a picture of Kane salima Jim and golkey Mr Dickinson confirms the four of them make up team psychic the blade Breakers struggled to believe it at first but as others come to term with this Tyson remains in denial refusing to believe that his new body Kane would dissociate himself with such evil people Hillary suspects that Kane and his group were cordial with them as a way to get them to drop their guard ozuma informs them where they can find Team psychics facility as Tyson Kenny Hillary and Rey infiltrate the building Jim starts to show signs of having been corrupted by the bit beast power Kanan salima tried to talk some sense into him but Jim appears to be too far gone as he refuses to listen to them Tyson and the others break into the room where the cyberbit piece were created when a scientist walks in the kids are forced to put on a lab coat and act as colleagues in order to help Jim and bring the team back together Gokey offers to face him in a 1v1 match their battle begins and the brave Breakers watch on from above out of sight Tyson and the others are shocked at the sheer size of cyberger seal as it goes on to absolutely destroy gokey's blade Tyson blows their cover when he calls out to Kane telling him that he and his friends are simply being used Kai arrives just in the nick of time and helps them escape the building before security can grab a hold of them Kane agrees to the match against the blade Breakers but he refuses to use Dr B's cybernetic Beast instead opting to use his own Beyblade as he cites That's The Honorable thing to do Tyson feeding betrayed denounces Kane as his friend and is now ready to face him when the time comes he has a nightmare where Dragoon is defeated by cyberger Seal Kenny realizes that defeating team psychic will be an enormous task as a cyber bit Beast have shown the ability to grow at a rate in which they will be unable to keep up with Ray sides of changing their strategy will play right into team psychic's hands he and Max feel they need to focus on mastering their existing skill sets Tyson is consumed by paranoia and it begins to lose his bottle as he asks Kenny to make illegal modifications to his Beyblade Rey is completely against the idea citing it to be dishonorable Tyson argues that team psychic are not playing by the rules so why should they refusing to partake Rey walks off having seen the power of cyberger seal golki asks Dr B for one of his own he is given cyber dranza and goes on to face Jim once again in order to test out his new bit Beast Gideon pressures Dr B to make haste on convincing salima and Kane on board salima takes a stroll to clear her head she's clearly conflicted by her sense of what's right and wrong at the same time she doesn't want her team to break up as a result of her and Kane not taking part in the plan she bumps into Rey and the two have a heart to heart Rey sides he understands the immense pressure that she and her team must be under salima pleads with Rey that he and his teammates forfeit the match she decides that the blade Breakers cannot win as the scientists are forcing her team to use the Cyber bit Beast she tells him how she doesn't agree with it but has a feeling that she may not have a choice in the matter Rey is moved by her honesty a little too much if you ask me salima promises to show him a cyber bit Beast as proof once he verifies what she is saying is true she makes him promise to convince the blade Breakers to Forfeit the match he returns to HQ Kane asks where she was she does not disclose to him that she bumped into Rey the following day Rey shocks the rest of his team when he asks that they forfeit the match Kenny believes that postponing the match may work in their favor as it will give him the much needed time to make improvements to Tyson's blade Rey makes it clear that he's not asking them to postpone the match but forfeit it entirely Tyson refuses to back out the match they say Shields who are still tracking the blade Breakers are surprised to hear that they may be forfeiting the match Selena is caught by Kane as she tries to steal one of the cyberbit beasts Kai arrives to Rey and salima's beating spot making it clear to Rey that he knew he had been meeting her in secret Rey confides in Kai citing he's not comfortable with some of the choices the team is making in particular regarding their preparation for the match Kai reminds Rey of the negative effect these cyberbit beasts have on the blader um wield them it reminds Rey of what happened to Wyatt making him realize that the same will also happen to salima Ray tells card that he's not comfortable with the idea of them modifying their Beyblades but Kai makes it clear to him that anything goes with when he comes to his mission to exact his revenge upon the scientists for using Wyatt when he adds that they must put a stop to the cyberbit Beast Rey starts to reconsider his position hi knowing how honorable Rey is tells him that he's free to choose how he wishes to go about his preparation to face team psychic Kane advises salima that they should agree to Dr B's plan besides how it's clear that the cyberbit beasts have corrupted Jim and Gokey so in order to bring the two around they must appear to join forces with them Kane believes that by mastering the Beyblades in which the cyberbit beasts are housed within it will enable them to control the Titans which should allow them to negate their influence over them he believes that this will show German Gogi how to overcome the influence that their cyberbit beasts have over them salima apprehensively gets on board with the idea and Returns the Cyber bit Beast to Kane when she doesn't show up to their meeting spot Ray concludes that she has chosen to side with the scientists he resolves to defeat team psychic in their upcoming match much to the Elation of Tyson Rey sites have his now all on board Tyson shows to others the modifications made to his Beyblade by Kenny and dizzy Max makes it clear that the modifications made to Tyson's Beyblade are by BBA standards totally illegal Tyson gives his Beyblade a test run immediately his blade loses balance Tyson begins to berate Kenny but Hillary tells him off and rightly so he then lashes out at her forcing Max and Rey to come to her defense the two of them made clear that they have no interest to partake in the match if Tyson uses his modified Beyblade Max and Rey remind him of how he overcame the odds when he faced off against tala in Russia Kai adds that these modifications will not help them but believing in their strength and the power of their bit Beast will as that's what made them world champions in the first place Rey lets Tyson know that he will back him all the way Tyson's feelings of betrayal at the hands of Cain and his paranoia of losing Dragoon sends him over the edge he refuses to listen to anyone citing he has one goal and that is to win Selena is sick of Dr B controlling every aspect of their upcoming match with the blade Breakers she makes clear to him that they are skilled Bladers in their own right this is her own way of telling him to back off which surprisingly he agrees to as he believes in time she will see things his way believing that his cyber bit Beast will eventually corrupt them which will bend them to his will just like Jim and Gokey Kane is given cyber dragoon whilst Selena is given cyber trigger the two face off against one another in a test match the two plan to bay battle without using their bit Beast but due to how competitive the match is they both get lost in the heat of battle which leads them to inadvertently unleash their bit Beast thus corrupting them in the process Gideon is revealed to have a boss whom he informs that he has successfully found four worthy Bladers to wield the power of the cyberbit beasts Tyson continues to redline himself as he fails over and over again in controlling his heavily modified blade Kai tells Tyson to listen to dizzy and change his Beyblade back to normal Tyson again refuses to listen as he goes on to challenge Max to a match ozuma Joseph and Mariam watch and dunga suggests that they intervene he believes if Tyson continues on his current path there is no way the blade Breakers will win ozuma tells him not to worry as he has a plan Hillary becomes frustrated with the boy's constant bickering she tells Tyson he can go jump into the river for all she cares ozuma walks up to Tyson telling him that his inability to control his emotions will guarantee that he loses his match ozuma offers to train him as the two begin their match Kai Max and Rey arrive Rey and Max launch their blades in order to help Tyson but dunga and Joseph stopped them from interfering Tyson calls upon Dragoon but just like was the case in his second match of versus Azuma his bit Beast does not respond to him ozuma's flash leopard goes on to completely obliterate Tyson's Beyblade Azuma asks him if he's finally ready to listen to his friends as Rey tells Tyson that Dragoon didn't show itself due to the modifications he made to his blade Tyson finally apologizes to Ray and Max he then asks Kenny to return Dragoon to the way it was glad to see that Tyson has finally come around the saint Shields leave with his Beyblade now back to normal Tyson lets it rip successfully calling upon Dragoon which lets out its trademark raw signifying that the band is all back together and now ready to take on team psychic Mr D lets them know that they will have to take his Chopper to The Venue of their match as his shofur injured his hand playing tennis Mr D decides to tag along with the kids to ensure team psychic do not attempt any dirty tricks the same Shields decide to follow the brave Breakers Gideon excitedly announces to his boss Dr Zagat that the matches are soon to commence Zagat is unimpressed citing his doubts at Gideon's ability to deliver on their goals whilst on the chopper Hillary recounts how much of a life has changed since meeting Tyson and she's clearly appreciative of how much excitement he has bought into her life Max worries that their training may not be enough to defeat team psychic Kai on the other hand has only one thing on his mind and that's Revenge what they did to Wyatt it carries with him the regret and guilt for not taking Wyatt under his wing which is the reason why Wyatt inevitably got hurt Rey continues to ponder on the conversation he had with salima he wonders as to the reason why she never came to meet him as agreed Tyson promises to himself that he will defeat Cain the kids arrive at the venue called the battle tower Gideon finally introduces himself to them he lets them know that within his glorious facility there are five distinct flaws in which floors two to five each contain Bay stadiums where they will find a member of Team psychic awaiting them the blade Breakers refused to be intimidated agreeing to the terms set by Gideon in which they will each partake in sudden death matches Dr B releases several robots in order to drain the boys before their upcoming matches he also uses this as an opportunity to analyze their battle Styles they are left with no choice but to take out the blades launched by the machines Dr B's men tracked the declining durability of Our Hero's Beyblades one of the robots launches a blade at Hillary she is saved by none other than Azuma who tells them to keep moving forward as he younger Joseph and Mariam hold off the robots the group makes it to the first room in which Gideon announces that Max will be facing off against Jim as soon as the match begins Max goes on the offensive initially does well but it's evident he expended a lot of energy as he begins to show signs of fatigue Jim calls upon his massive bit Beast which pummels dracil even though it has sustained Mage damage Max's bit Beast refuses to back down dracil stuns everyone when it begins to push back its cyber counterpart on the cusp of winning the blade Breakers begin to celebrate suddenly an arm emerges out of the walls which begins to repair cyberger seal now fully healed cyberger seal begins to beat down the original Max knowing his bit Beast is on the line absolutely refuses to back down is fighting Spirit Powers just sealed to new heights Max commands dracil to use his Fortress defense attack which causes major damage to cyber dracile so much damage in fact that it is unable to recover thus winning Max a match more arms emerge which repairs cyber just seal once again even though Max had won the match the conditions they agreed to set by Gideon come back to buy the heroes in the ass as he cited as long as a blader is able to launch their Beyblade the match continues Tyson and Kai attempt to destroy the arms but they are unable to break through the indestructible Glass Prison which they are trapped behind as the saint Shields make their way to the blade Breakers Dr B traps them Max's friends plead with him to Forfeit as it's clear by this point this entire match is rigged for Jim to win Max refuses to give up citing he will never do so as he knows what this match means for his team all Max is at his limit yet he absolutely refuses to back down he musters all his strength powering up Tricia once again which enables it to push its cyber counterpart into the wall to seal is a Savage as he goes on to beat the living hell out of cyberger seal once the smoke dissipates its cyberdressil who remains standing as dracil was the first to reach its limit due to the repeated damage it took from the back-to-back matches Dr B proceeds to steal the downed bit Beast as the bray Breakers and the saint Shields are forced to helplessly watch on donga is furious at Max for losing his match Max cites his regrets are not listening to the others when they told him to quit Hai reassures him that his loss is not in vain as his match only proved that even though the Cyber bit bees are more powerful than their own they can still be beat Tyson promises to return to seal to Max with the blade Breakers fighting Spirit now ignited they proceed to the next room while so Zuma and his group look for dracil on their search the saint Shields fall into a trapdoor it all managed to hang on to the edge of the trapdoor and go on to use the vents to covertly navigate through the facility having reached the Next Room Rey is shocked to see selima standing before him you could say Rey's heartbroken to see how she too has been corrupted he faces off against her but it's clear he's holding back allowing salima to attack him at will recognizing this she becomes frustrated and unleashes cyberdrigger even with Tyson and the others pleading with Rey to unleash Trigger he refuses to it turns out he's too busy thinking over his heart to heart with her making him even consider letting her win high intervenes and makes clear to Rey that she is no longer the same sweet girl he once knew Kai shows in Max's Beyblade reminding him how she and her team stole to seal this reminder Spurs Rey into action as he finally releases his bit Beast all the triggers clash with the battle ending in a tie as they bolt already up for round two the saint Shields are confident that they are closing in under Seal's location as the floor they are currently on is baby trapped to the brim Rey returns to being a lover boy as he tries to bring salima back to her senses but this is to no avail he realizes now that the only way to bring back the girl of his dreams is to defeat her cyber bit beast and saw their second match begins they bold immediately Unleashed that bit Beast with Rey going all out this time around one of the scientists comments on how salima is beginning to reach her limit so Dr B has his men initiate a storm within the Bay Stadium which stops both their bit beasts in their tracks Dr B is banking on his cyber creation's ability to adapt and overcome to the environmental change which should turn the tide of the battle in salima's favor however this only hurts her Pride she commands her bit Beast to destroy the machine creating the storm Cinema shows signs of returning to her old self as she resists the influence of cyber trigger Gideon has Dr B for cyber trigger to grow in size which begins to push salima further towards her limits as she resists the pull of her bit Beast she tells Ray the truth about that night how in fact she tried to make her way to him as agreed but was stopped by Cain Rey shows how much he loves sorry I mean cares or selima as he continues to tell her that he believes in her He commands his bit bees to attack cyber trigger and after a flurry of attacks Drigger emerges Victorious Rey and the others plead with salima to stay she apologizes and proceeds to return to her teammates next up they must face golki seeing the same blade in goki's hand which Wyatt once had high steps up to take him on the battle begins with Kai going Full Throttle as he unleashes dranza forcing goalki to unleash cyberdranza with Wyatt at the Forefront of his mind Kai has drawns up batter its opponent bulky appears to not care one bit which has Kenny on edge suddenly cyberdranza expands in size now completely dwarfing the original gold Key's Behavior reminds Kai of how Wyatt became due to the influence of the cyberbit Beast pai's guilt over what happened to Wyatt begins to eat away at him Okie has his bit Beast implore moves used by both the original trigger and dracile just as dranza is knocked out the dish Soul 2 is cyberdranza due to goki's Beyblade malfunctioning before the second match commences Kai's friends ask what's up with him as it's not like him to be so unfocused during battle Kai confides in them that gogi's expression which is similar to that of Wyatt is throwing him off Tyson correctly deduces that Kai is struggling to fight Goki as he sees Wyatt every time he looks at him and why is the one person that he cannot fight Tyson reminds Kai that he's not fighting against Wyatt before him Pai steps up ready to commence battle once again bulky immediately implores the moves of baltra seal and Trigger throwing High completely off his game Tyson realizes that during these matches they are not only facing their opponents but also facing themselves Kai continues to be haunted by the mental image of Wyatt Tyson calls out to Kai bringing him back to his senses when he reminds him what it is he is fighting for High goes on to Anish dranza once again but cybertronzer continues to grow in size as it completely overpowers the great Phoenix enraged after Golgi insults Wyatt Kai makes him pay as he has dranza and liege its flame saber attack which penetrates through the chest of the Behemoth cyberbit Beast having destroyed cyber dranza Kai's content now having exacted his revenge upon the bit Beast which left Wyatt in such critical condition for his loss goalki is imprisoned alongside salima the blade Breakers must next face team psychics Ace Kane Dr B pleads for Gideon to not give up on him as Dragoon is the most important bit Beast of them all he cites by acquiring Dragoon they will have the power to capture any bit Beast they please Gideon initiates the final battle which will be between Tyson and Kane Dr B has his men turned on the power grid which will provide an infinite power source for Kane's cyber dragoon Haynes Beyblade is much longer than that of your average blade this enables it to make great leaps which allows it to connect with the lasers above the stadium which charges it up as it goes on to pommel Dragoon the same Shields managed to escape their prison and decide to split up in order to cover more ground Kane is simply toying with Tyson at this point and it seems the World Champ has no answers for him with his battle spirit ignited Tyson has Dragoon go on the offensive Kane is visibly shaken from the sheer tenacity of Tyson Tyson reminds Kane of the beauty of bay battle something which he has desecrated by using a fake Beast Tyson tries to talk sense into Kane which appears to work as Kane begins to implore the same battle strategy he executed in their first match as Kane refuses to unleash his bit Beast Dr B has his man manually forced cyber dragoon out Kane does his best to block the Cyber bit beast from emerging but the toll it takes on his body is too much and so cyber dragoon is able to break free Tyson must now face off against the most powerful cyber bit Beast of them all the Cyber bit Beast which now appears to have become sentient is acting via its own free will it grows exponentially in size as it draws in energy from the lasers above Izzy worries that the electrical current around cyber dragon's body will fry Dragoon if they make contact Dragoon stares up at the massive bit Beast looking at dead in the eye as it catapults itself towards it just as dizzy had thought upon making contact Dragoon is electrocuted even though it is invisible pain each time they make contact Dragoon knowing its pride is on the line keeps pressing forward being attacked by both the energy waves as well as cyber dragoon dizzy worries that Dragoon will not be able to take much more Kane informs Tyson that the Cyber bit Beast is acting out on its own Dr B is shocked as cyber dragoon is acting outside the parameters of his programming as it continues to consume the energy of the entire facility the evil doctor worries that soon cyber dragoon will have full control of the building Kane does everything he can to bring the massive bit Beast under his control he along with everyone else at the facility including the scientists themselves are forced to watch on helplessly as cyber dragoon continues to grow more and more in size the cyberbit Beast places Kane under its control whilst Azuma is shocked at the sheer size of it both to Dragoon's Clash which releases energy ripples across the Bay Stadium Tyson calls out to Kane citing he refuses to battle up it Kane resists the control he is under citing to himself that he will not allow himself to be controlled by the Cyber bit Beast any longer the energy ripples from the battle make their way outside of the room almost tearing Joseph and Mariam apart in the process Gideon seeing the damage the match is causing upon his facility orders the doctor to bring things under control salima sees that Kane is reaching his limit and saw rushes out to him pain continues to go back and forth from being Lucid to back under cyber Dragoon's control as Dragoon is electrocuted to a crisp Rey comments how Tyson and his bit beasts sheer will is what's keeping them in this match his friends plead with him to Forfeit the match before he and Dragoon are left irreparably damaged Dragoon collapses onto the shoulder of its cyber counterpart seeing this Tyson recalls Dragoon telling it to return to its blade Dragoon stares Tyson dead in the eye as he goes on to disobey his command Dragoon that's a rule wrapping its tail around the Cyber bit Beast as it continues to fight instead of the will of the blader being the one to push the bit bees to continue on in this case it is the will of Dragoon which Spurs Tyson into action Tyson stands by his bit Beast citing he will never leave Dragoon's side fighting as 1. Tyson and Dragoon are able to keep the cyberbit east at Bay salima arrives and attempts to bring Kane back to his senses Kane commands his bit Beast to attack her which sends her flying into the distance Rey runs over to his crush and holds her in his arms Furious of Tyson towels cane that he and Dragoon will defeat his cyber bit Beast no matter what bruised and battered Dragoon tackles its copy as the Zuma arrives to witness the climax of the battle cyber dragoon has Dragoon backed up against a corner as Kane commands it to launch its final attack Kane reaches his limit having transferred all his energy to his bit Beast seeing the painkane is under the kids all wonder what to do kai tells them the only thing they can do is to believe in Tyson seeing Kane collapse Tyson musters all his might into his bit Beast enabling Dragoon to destroy his cyber dragoon and in the process Kane's Beyblade 2 Kenny and the others celebrate whilst Dr B and Gideon are left in shock the damage caused to the building by cyber dragoon causes it to collapse the scientists run off leaving behind golki and Jim bulky carries Jim out the building Dr B seems to have lost his mind as he attempts to speed up the buildings collapse Gideon attempts to stop him as he seemingly unalives the evil doctor when he pushes him into one of the computers which causes a heap of rubble to fall down upon the doctor Max goes looking for dracil along with Tyson the saint Shields helped returned your seal to its blader as Gideon attempts to escape he worries what will become of him once his boss finds out his entire plan was a failure suddenly a load of rubble falls down upon him and it appears he has seemingly met the same fate as Dr B Albert Tyson and Max make it out Hillary screams out to Tyson refusing to believe that he didn't make it she's a later to see Tyson make it out along with Max and the same Shields Tyson tells them how to save Shields helped get dracil back max cites he owes them one ozuma makes it clear he didn't help them out of the good of his heart as he goes on to side that he will capture their bit beasts after the saint Shields leave Kane asked Tyson why he helped he and his friends Tyson said he wants to face Kane again someday in a fair match salima also cites her regret around everything that happened the two teams bury the hatchet and become friends once again the members of Team psychic decide to return home for some much needed TLC before they embark on their Journey once again to become the best beyblading team they can be the blade Breakers are given a well-deserved vacation as they fly off to New York where Judy kindly offers to fix the boy's Beyblades Max is excited to see his mom again after six months apart Judy greets everyone at the airport while aware of everything that has gone on thanks to Kenny briefing her via email Judy has something to show the kids something which holds secret power scientists all over the world are interested in seeing it and she suspects that the boys will be interested in it too she takes the kids to her research facility entering into the restricted area where she shows them an ancient Rock which was discovered by archaeologists in the Mexican desert 20 years ago only recently has it been Declassified hence she was able to get her hands on it she makes it clear that this is no ordinary Rock she believes the writing on it date back to a civilization which predates even the ancient incus using a massive robot similar to the one used by Gideon scientists she has one of her test Bladers face off against it in a bay battle she cites the robot has been provided with a piece of rock from its blade emerges an immensely powerful bit Beast Judy confirms The Rock houses ancient bit Beast Within it however Drew decides that she and her researchers are yet to figure out how they can utilize the power of the rock effectively as the bit Beast residing within it are extremely powerful which causes the blades they are housed within to become unstable Judy asked them to keep quiet about the rock as she worries it may fall into the wrong hands given that the authorities have already begun snooping around Max recognizes the test blader as his childhood Buddy Alan Max and Alan catrop reminiscing over their childhood Adventures Max sides how he's always looked up to Alan and how the competitiveness between them made him the blader he is today Allen comments how the tables have now turned as Max has gone on to become a world renowned blader although it's clear Alan cherishes Max it's also evident from his behavior that he holds deep Envy towards his childhood best friend he tells Max that there will be a tournament held at the park the next day he encourages Max to participate citing how awesome it will be to face each other in the tournament Alan says to himself that he has some unfinished business to attend to First a group of Thieves led by none other than Allen infiltrate Judy's research facility and steal the rock Judy shows the group the fully repaired dranza and dracile Max's dad arrives to help Tyson fix his damaged blade he gives Tyson a courtesy Beyblade to practice with whilst Rey and Kai have a friendly practice match one of Judy's men informs her that The Rock has been stolen as the police give Chase to the robbers lead detective Scott informs Judy that all the evidence points to the Rock being stolen by an Insider Max and Tara pursue the robbers whilst they are unable to progress any further due to a roadblock Stacy Tyson zooming past them on a bike detective Scott receives a report that young man on a bicycle is chasing after the robbers Tyson catches up to Allen's vehicle using his Beyblade he is able to stop their vehicle which forces them all to run on foot as Tyson runs after them Max who is nearby immediately recognizes Alan Tyson calls out to Max but the shock of the Revelation has Max stunned which allows Alan to escape the following day the group come together and Tyson attempts to cheer Maxwell Kenny understands how upset Maximus feel but he cides he must focus on the tournament ahead the group all Wonder as to what Allen's motives were Kai offers to step in in his place and Max appreciates the gesture but he declines the offer citing he wants to find out the reasons for why Allen Stole The Rock when facing him in the tournament Marx believes he will be able to pull the truth out of his friend by defeating him Judy Charles Max is newly improved Beyblade she calls the Viper Allen meets with a blonde woman who provides him a piece of the rock as a prize for bringing it to her Alan is pleased now knowing he has a bit Beast of his own to even the playing field detective Scott who has been following Alan gives Chase to the blonde woman but she manages to get away the Tournament begins when Max will be facing off against Allen Allen promises to tell Max everything providing he beats him things are evenly matched that is until Alice blade begins to Omit an energy field which slowly drains drassel Judy wonders what's going on as dracio is yet to display even a fraction of its power Max struggles to focus Alan shocks everyone when he calls out to his bit Beast unfortunately for Alan his bit Beast refuses to reveal itself the battle subsequently ends in a draw which means the two must prepare for round two Judy and Tara refused to allow detective Scott to question Alan they ask that he plays his trust in Max's ability to draw out the truth from Alan she forces detective Scott to back off when she threatens to drop the charges the second match commences and Max's all game this time round as he defeats Alan with the relative ease Allen confesses the truth sharing how his desperation in being able to defeat Max led him to strike a deal with that woman who promised to give him a bit Beast of his own Allen owns up to his mistake and apologizes for his actions the two friends patched things up as the rest of the blade Breakers arrive and go on to praise Island for his beyblading skills he's then taken away by detective Scots the boys and Judy meet with Mr Dickinson who is well aware of the existence of The Rock he takes them to an old abandoned lab Tyson spots a picture of Mr D and a red-haired fellow Mr D confirms that man was a colleague of his a colleague whom is none other than Dr Zagat they were researching the rock until one day Zagar who had become obsessed with the rock stole it and all their research data decades later Mr D has still found no luck in finding his old colleague Max believes Zagat to be the one who orchestrated the theft of the rock the woman from earlier turns out to be zagat's head scientist Dr K who's shocked by the number of bit beasts residing within the rock the scientist at zagat's lab proceed to extract bit peace from The Rock whilst the rest of the team are helping out at the research facility Tyson is eager to test out his new upgraded Beyblade Dragoon V2 Kenya offers to let Tyson test his blade out against him Kenny's blade which he now calls Einstein is able to evade Tyson's attacks luckily for Tyson before Kenny can launch an attack his Beyblade falls into the water Kenny stresses to Tyson the importance of practicing with his new Blade the improvements made to it have made Dragoon far more powerful than ever before which in turn means it will be much harder to control ozuma and the rest of his gang appear before Tyson who's out practicing Azuma claims he has come to take Dragoon he challenges Tyson to a battle before the match begins Tyson asks Azuma why the four of them are so obsessed with capturing their bit Beast ozuma simply states it is their mission to capture them they begin their match whilst Hillary and Kenny continue to worry about Tyson as he's not yet mastered his new Beyblade seeing Tyson struggle to control his blade Hillary calls out to him with his fighting Spirit ignited he is able to implore his Beyblade's new technique thanks to his new magnetic attack ring seeing that their leader is on the back foot dunga Joseph and Mariam launched their blades into the match they demand he showed them his Beast a request which Tyson declines knowing that's exactly what they're after in order to capture Dragoon a Boy by the name of Zeo intervenes putting a stop to the match the same Shields leave and Zeo introduces himself he's shocked to meet the world champion and the blade Breakers reconvene at the Granger residence as they try to figure out why the saint Shields are trying to capture their bit Beast Tyson is otherwise preoccupied reading manga as Hillary scolds him she cites he was lucky that Zeo intervened when he had Tyson informs that others how Zeal helped him we find out that Zeo informed Tyson earlier that he's a massive fan of his Tyson was the one who inspired Zeo to become a blader as his dream is to become a world champion just like Tyson Mr D and Judy arrived to inform the kids that they have not been able to locate Dr Zagat azagot's facility Dr Kane forms him that she has selected a blader whom she believes will be able to wield the Beyblade in which contains one of the bit beast from The Rock the blade that she has chosen is named foxy and he shows promise as he is able to easily control the power of the bit Beast as dizzy struggles to find any information on zygote Zeo suddenly walks in citing he has something to show Tyson Zeo takes Tyson to the gym he has been training at but Tyson is disappointed to find out that Zia only bought him there to show off that he knows him Zio fails to understand the issue here as he presses Tyson to teach him his moves Tyson refuses to not because he's angry but because he believes each person must follow their own path in order to become a unique blader in their own right Tyson encourages Zeo when he tells him that he believes one day he will become an excellent Blader foxy arrives at the Granger residence demanding a match with Rey before the match begins Rey first has some questions he asks who he is and if he is working with the same people who stole the Rock y on the other hand is not interested in answering any questions and saw the battle between the two begins they make use of the outdoor environments as they take their battle to the steps Tyson arrives home along with Zeo seeing the room damaged and vacant he immediately realizes something is off they both make their way outside but they watch on as Rey is In the Heat of battle against foxy and his ancient Beast with the ability to duplicate itself boxes bit Beast has Rey struggling to find answers Tyson realizes that by stopping the gust of wind produced by Foxy's Beyblade Rey will be able to locate the real one Tyson lets Rey know this which enables him to defeat foxy Dr K is left in shock while Sagar Broody as always is unhappy the same Shields having witnessed the match wonder where foxy got his bit beast from upon analyzing the data from the match dizzy confirms that the bit Beast came from The Rock Judy arrives and confirms Dizzy's findings the group begin to worry for the safety of their beasts as it's clear by this point that Zagar is after them Jude decides that the chances of them winning again is next to zero as the bit Beast residing within that rock are extremely powerful Zia arrives as Tyson is venting his frustration of he and his crew seemingly always being at the center of some sort of ancient mystery Tyson takes you aside to tell the kid to leave him alone Zeo begs Tyson to help train him Tyson cites he's too busy for that right now as he walks off Zio grabs a hold of him telling him that he has a test coming up a test which he must pass he sides without Tyson's help he stands no chance of passing it Tyson begins to feel bad and so he yields and agrees to help Zeo the two have a practice match Zeal struggles to have the World Champ break out of first gear but Max is still impressed by zeal's fighting Spirits as the battle continues as Zeo comes into his own becoming frustrated with Zeal who refuses to back down Tyson has Dragoon knock Zion's Beyblade out of the dish Zeo runs away whilst Kenny and the others berate Tyson for being too harsh little do they know that was all part of Tyson's plan in training Zeal as he realized quite early on that Zeo more than anything right now needs to become more resilient Dr K annoys Zagat as she wishes to press ahead with their plans was Zagar wishes for her to figure out why foxy lost his match against Rey he shuts her down telling her to do as he says speaking privately with one of her colleagues Dan she decides how much of a fool Zagat is behind her boss's back she tells Dan to move forward with her plans Tyson informs Kenny that he wants to create a training room for the blade Breakers to practice in Tyson thinks that it's now more important than ever before to practice given that their bit beasts are continuously being chased after Max and Rey are training on a bay dish bloating on water that was Kenny's idea as he wants them to be prepared for any challenge that awaits them he gets them to try out all sorts of new methods in order to improve their skills at the same Shaw's Hideout they prepare to set their plans into motion they resolve to capture the blade Breakers bit Beast as it has been made apparent to them with the appearance of the ancient bit Beast if they do not capture the four sacred bit beasts that someone else eventually will when he asks Zio why he's out training the naive young man takes this as Tyson speaking down to him besides that Tyson must think that he will never be able to match him in school Tyson actually concurs this which only further aggravates Leo Zeo attempts to prove himself by completing the obstacle course he had set out for himself he's shocked to see that he has little to no issues traversing the Maze of khans it turns out that this was all part of Tyson's plan as he realized a while back that questioning zeal's ability and not needlessly praising him actually brings out the best in him Tyson offers Zeo the opportunity to face him once again during their match Tyson Sears have Zeo refuses to back down which proves to him that zero has what he takes to be World Champ one day Zeo finally gets the praise he was after as Tyson cites he will have no issues passing his test and that he will be present to cheer him on the bray Breakers minus Kai watch Zio as he passes his test with flying colors the blade Breakers are informed by Mr D that his researchers have found scriptures which match the writing style of what is written on the Rock his research took him to a remote location with the language on the inscriptions are used the language is used by a particular sector of people a group of people whom wear the same attire as the saint Shields it was in fact their ancestors whom sealed the bit beasts within the rock Joseph appears before the group and Tyson demands to speak with ozuma he offers to strike a deal in which if he wins a bay battle against them Azuma must tell him the truth behind the rock confident that his team will win a Zuma decides to tell Tyson everything he explains how 10 000 years ago the sacred Spirits were the source of all the blessing found on planet Earth when draz would ravage the Earth the spirits would bring water down upon the lands the people of Earth both respected and feared the sacred spirits but there was a sect of evil people who yearned to place the spirits under their control using devices that are known today as Beyblades ozuma's ancestors sought to foil their plans and found a method to seal the bit piece within a rock however there were four unique Spirits whom were the strongest of them all which his ancestors were unable to seal the evil Brotherhood used these four sacred spirits to exact their Revenge these Spirits are known today as Dragoon dranza trigger and dracile combined the four Spirits were Unstoppable so his ancestors were unable to stand up against their might Tyson refuses to hand over their bit beasts he disagrees with holding their bed piece accountable for something which happened thousands of years ago Rey steps up to take on donga Rey is unable to make a dent in dunga's new and improved blade dizzy confirms that dunga has added a new defense ring to his Beyblade he unleashes Vortex ape forcing Rey to call upon rigor trigger is no match for dunga's bit Beast having lost the match and sold to his bit Beast Rey falls to his knees in shock the same Shields go on to trap trigger within a piece of Rock stomping at nothing to return Rey's bit Beast to him Tyson and Max go to town Training Day and Night in preparation of their inevitable battle against Azuma and his crew Zeo walks in as Max and Tyson Unleashed their bit Beast seeing a bit Beast For the First Time Zero is excited beyond belief Zeo tells them how he wants to have a bit Beast of his own too but Kai tells him he needs to focus on developing his skills first as he's not ready for one yet the blade Breakers have no time to babysit Zeal so they do not allow him to join them just before bit Beast of his own Zeo wonders where he can find one he Ponders on what Kai meant when he told him he would be unable to handle one he doesn't understand why they won't tell him what a bit Beast is as it's not like he plans to take them or anything Danny walks in on Dr K attempting to extract another bit Beast besides how their boss will not be happy but she goes ahead with it anyways she has one of her Bladers called net go after Tyson's Dragoon with his newly extracted bit Beast Tyson late as always rushes to meet with Mr D so they can make their way to a local tournament Zeo spots him and decides to follow net stops Tyson in his tracks the two commenced battle are zero watches on net confuses Tyson when he holds their match by running into a nearby abandoned building Tyson follows him in and they resume the match it turns out the reason net alert him into the room is for Dr K to be able to monitor the match via the CCTV cameras within the room in order to force Tyson to unleash Dragoon that calls upon his Ancient Spider bit Beast Dragoon completely overpowers it but net appears to be unfazed As He commands his bit Beast to tie up Dragoon using its web Zeo steps in to help his friend in response net sendsio's blade flying it appears the writing is on the wall for Tyson as is bit Beast is on the cusp of being defeated upon seeing how injured Zeo is from Net's earlier attack Tyson becomes enraged which Powers up Dragoon enabling it to defeat Net's bit Beast after he tends to zero he rushes off to the event just in the nick of time Zeo apologizes to the blade breakers for his behavior decides that he now realizes that bit Beast aren't a play thing and should be respected he adds how he thought a bit Beast would make him one of them Kai informs him that he doesn't need a bit Beast as he already considers Zeo one of them Rey then asks Zio to help him train late into the night Kai's out training Max who also happens to be taking a late night stroll sees Kai what appears to be a gust of wind sweeps through the area and goes on to damage caused by Beyblade the two of them Rapport what just happened to the rest of the team whilst Kenny is hesitant to believe their story Kai on the other hand is convinced that he was in fact a gust of wind which damaged his blade the following morning Tyson visits Zeo and the two have a practice match their match is interrupted by the same gust of wind which interrupted Kai's training the night before unbeknown to them it turns out that it was produced by an ancient bit Beast of Dr K's New Recruit Jack she has Jax set his eyes on capturing Kai's dranza dizzy happened to record the incident and deduces that it was in fact a bit Beast which was behind it Izzy was unable to capture footage of the blader they realized that the blader who appears to be after them only attacks them when they are alone so they rush off to go find Max who went off on his own on the behest of a few kids who asked him to train them as they expected Max is attacked by Jack only this time he is spotted by them he manages to make a swift getaway before being caught ozuma witnessing what just happened informs the rest of his team Rey attempts to draw Jack out on his own but he stopped by Kai and the others Dr K read his Jack to attack koi but he must first wait for the sun to set Kai goes from being the hunted to the hunter as he seeks out Jack Jack reveals himself and both get ready to battle as the bray Breakers watch on whilst in the shadows the same Shields observed too Jack's bit Beast tears into Kai's Beyblade damaging its attack ring Hillary and the others Wonder as to why Kai hasn't Unleashed dranza yet Rey believes that Kai must have realized in order for them to steal dranza he must first unveil it but it turns out Kai is just stalling until he can see Jack's bit Beast catching a glimpse of it Kai unleashes dranza which goes on to tear through the abdomen of the ancient bit Beast thus winning Kai the match Dr K is left both Furious and confused as to how Kai pulled off the win Tyson the others are surprised with how much risk Akai took in order to keep them all safe from Jack dunga begins to talk down to Mariam regarding her methods of training capturing rigor has clearly gone to his head something which Mariam highlights he questions her ability in being able to capture one of the four sacred bit beasts can you test out an experiment with Max where he links their bit Beast data with dizzy which should help track them should they be stolen Mariam who's watching on is about to make her move but another one of Dr K's Bladers named Dennis Falls her plan when he launches his Beyblade at Max he unveils his Jurassic bit Beast Toronto both it Andrew seal Clash but it's made clear by the data dizzy has collected that tarano is using a fraction of his power simply poor is just toying with your seal in an odd turn of events Dennis recourses bit beast and runs off as Max chases after him Kenny Gauls to get the others just as net did with Tyson Dennis has Max follow him into a building which has a CCTV camera which is being monitored by Dr k a device within the room begins to shuttle energy into Toronto giving it the strength of four bit beasts combined desperate to capture dracile Dr K has Danny hit to run her with another surge of energy refusing to heed his warning that this will overload the ancient bit Beast Dr K orders him to do as she says seeing the bit beast in clear pain whilst growing in power Mariam shouts out to them to stop and uses her Beyblade to destroy the machine the destruction of the machine causes the building to collapse forcing Dennis to abandon his bit Beast Max thanks Marion he opens up to her how it was all but certain that he would have lost your seal had it she intervened he even cites how she could have easily stolen dracil in that moment Mariam expresses her regret that she should have used the opportunity to take to seal she makes clear that they are enemies and her sole goal is to capture the 4-bit Beast clear cracks are starting to show in Mariam where she is beginning to question the mission she is on she decides that they need to focus on getting out of the building which they are currently trapped within Tyson and the others are forced to trust in Max that he will find a way out because if they attempt to break him out the building May collapse with him inside just as Miriam is about to fall to her death max saves her she thanks him and upon seeing his injured arm she begins to patch him up Max tells her how he was wrong about her as he cites she is clearly a kind person he adds how they should be friends and not enemies she responds by saying her mission is not tied to any emotion her focus is to carry out the mission which is to seal the four sacred bit beasts Max respects her wish to not continue discussing the Mata so they continue forward to find a way out they see some lighter via a crack in the rubble above them Max tells Mariam to take over as he plans to launch to seal to get them out to his surprise Mariam helps him and through combining the power of their bit Beast they both manage to make it out by the skin of their teeth now outside Mariam immediately challenges Max to a match but is forced to flee when she hears Tyson and the others approaching having returned to a hideout Maryam is berated by dunga for returning empty-handed the same Shields appear before the blade Breakers challenging them to a three-on-three battle which will take place the following day at the amusement park back at the Granger residence the kids wonder if they are walking into a trap but Kai highlights how the saints shoes have given them the perfect opportunity to win back trigger for Rey the first match will be between Max and Maria Max catches her off guard when he implores a sudden evasive maneuver before he has just seal finish off shark Rush Max reiterates his belief in his bit Beast and the bond they share mariam's emotions are felt by her bit Beast enabling it to stand up to the onslaught from just seal the match inevitably ends in a draw the two must face off once again Azuma desperate to fulfill their mission or does the other members to help Mariam should she find herself backed up against a corner the blade breakers on the other hand encourage Max citing their full belief in he andrasil's ability to pull off the win given the immense pressure she is under Maryam immediately goes on the offensive when she calls out her bit Beast she's surprised to see shark Rush standing there idle just staring at her she begins to wonder what she would do if shark Crush was taken from her she thinks back to when she and Max were trapped and how Maxie cited they could be friends just as he and his bit Beast are friends he cited how big these are not simple tools to use and discard but in fact have souls and feelings too Mariam finally understands besides is too late to stop the mission the two command their bit bees to clash one final time ozuma orders Joseph and dunga to help her but Mariam demands they stay out of her fight as she will face her honorable opponent in a fair battle with her friend shark Rush by her side Max refuses to fail his resolve is too much for Mariam to overcome as dracio goes on to completely overpower her bit Beast Mariam acknowledges Max's strength she Thanks Max for helping her realize how much she cares for her bit Beast she acknowledges the blade breakers for being such great friends to one another as she sighs they are worthy to carry and protect the four sacred beasts or Zuma on the other hand is not sold yet dunga is up next Kai still has a school to settle so steps up to face him they both use the roller coaster tracks as the stage for their battle when dunga's blade disappears Rey calls out to Kai that he's right above him both call out their bit Beast whom engage in a ferocious battle with both evenly matched ozuma orders Joseph to Aid dunga Tyson tries to intervene but is stopped by ozuma Kai's back is up against the wall as dranza is being battered by Vortex ape and Vanishing moot Rey refusing to stand back and watch his friend get ganged up on launches his Beyblade into the battle Rey acts as Kai's support while he has dranza take on both Vortex ape and Vanishing moot is incapacitated after being nailed to the roller coasters frame the impact causes a cart to be let loose the cart heads towards all four Beyblades sending them flying Tyson and the others are shocked as all four Bladers are unharmed and continue their battle on the ground Hillary sees that something is off with the bit beasts Kenny cites how the heat from the surrounding fire must be draining them Tyson pleads with the Zoomer to ask his teammates to pull back as the surrounding area has become far too dangerous to continue the match they do manage to catch a lucky break as rain begins to fall which extinguishes the fire the only issue now is the power lines which are exposed and emitting vaults of electricity which risks frying all four of their blades through sheer will alone raise able to withstand a flurry of attacks of Joseph Kai worries for Rey who refuses to stand down Rey has only one thing on his mind that is to prevent dranza from being captured and to reclaim his bit Beast he calls out to trigger and breaks free from The Rock and re-enters raised Beyblade the white tiger is ready to exact his revenge upon those whom trapped it both the Drigger and dranza unleash their final attacks defeating both Vortex ape and Vanishing moot dizzy highlights how Drigger has evolved to a more powerful version of itself the final battle is ready to commence in which Tyson and Azuma will face off in a 1v1 match before the match Begins the blade Breakers try to talk sense into Azuma he remains fixed on carrying out his mission he recalls what the leader of his tribe once told him the leader showed him masses of graves of those who perished in capturing all the bit Beast their ancestors succeeded in capturing all before these four being the most powerful and destructive bit Beast of them all reminded of the brutal training he had undergone to get to this point he sized to Tyson and the others that he will capture their bit Beast once and for all through channeling all his rage into his bit Beast Azuma has the upper hand blash leopard has Dragoon by the jugular but not for long as Tyson's battle spirit strengthens his bit Beast enabling it to push back flash leopard the battle is a grueling one with neither blade are giving up an inch Dragoon continues to grow in power tipping the battle in Tyson's favor Azuma levels the playing field as his rage continues to erupt to the surface flash leopard sends Dragoon's soaring they say Shields are left with their jaws hanging when Dragoon emerges from the rubble unscathed Kai makes clear that so long as Tyson and Dragoon are as one there's no way they can lose Tyson adds so long as he does not give up nor will his bit Beast feeling insulted Azuma has flash leopard launch at Tyson both big beasts Clash once again and the same Shields now worry for their leader as he appears to have lost it he continues to have his bit Beast batter Dragoon soon Dragoon is completely engulfed in flames dunga calls out her Zuma to stop as flash leopard is clearly at his limit and pushing it anymore could end up hurting it Tyson's friends call out for him to stop the match but Tyson refuses to instead he Powers up Dragoon even more completely nullifying the Flames as it starts to push back flash leopard Azuma sides the end is near as he Shoals Tyson shattered pieces of Dragoon's attack ring Dragoon suddenly begins to speak with Tyson just as it once did when he faced off against tala and Wahlberg Dragoon asks Tyson if he wishes to give up Tyson cites he will see their match through to its end adding how they are friends and have been through too much together to give up now Dragoon concurs this citing that they will be friends forever Tyson informs Azuma that he's going to see their match through to its conclusion High backs Tyson all the way and convinces the others to have faith in him too the same Shields also support their leader but ask that he not push a flash leopard too hard both Bladers have their bit Beast launch their ultimate attacks which ends the match in a tie and bald Bladers are rendered unconscious when they come to ozuma finally acknowledges that the sacred bit beasts are in good hands the same Shields all give their blessings to the blade Breakers Tyson and Azuma agree to face one another again someday but this time not as enemies but friends now with one less Group after them the blade Breakers must ready themselves or whatever Zagat and Dr Kate roll their way Danny reports to Dr K that the same Shields have given up on their quest to capture the sacred bit beasts he introduces her to Dany who will be given Clarken the most powerful big beast they have extracted from the Rock at a remote location Bob Tyson and Kaya getting in some training Penny gives Ray a special magnetic weight disc the disc gives trigger the ability to move at astounding speeds can you lets the others know that their new waiters are being worked on as they speak so be ready soon Zeo arrives to let the others know that he has received a special invite to participate at the world championships Zeo doubts his abilities so the others encourage him to participate in the tournament as they believe he has the skills to make it to the finals can he give Zeo a special launcher which calculates the RPM generated when the rip cord is pulled Zeo generates 29 560 RPM which is above the 19 to 20K average Tyson on the other hand demonstrates his launch speed which is calculated at 50 000 RPM having seen the gap between he and Tyson Ziona realizes what he's up against any arrives and has them chase after him Rey steps up to teach denier lesson seeing Clarken Zeo asks if it is a bit beast from The Rock Hillary and Kenny bring him up to speed I also wonder why the leader of the organization is after their bit beast when he has so many at his disposal via The Rock Danny has raised back up against the corner when he launches his second Beyblade into the match trigger now facing off against two big beasts struggles whilst the blade Breakers are preoccupied as saving Hillary who is hanging on for the alive on a cliff Edge Zeo drops in to lend Rey a hand zeo's Beyblade is completely destroyed which enrages Rey Drigger is able to overpower and defeat both beasts Dr K arrives on the ball to retrieve Denny she's shocked to see Zeal there this begs the question how does she nausea and what is her relation to him the brain Breakers made their way to the world championship tournament in which they will participate as the reigning defending Champions can you clarifies that in this year's tournament each participant must pair up with the body as each match including the finals will be a two on two match the play Breakers watch on as Zeo wins his match and moves on to the next stages of the tournaments what Dr K has been doing behind zagat's back is finally bored to his attention he catches her in the act and shuts down her operation he berates and then fires her Zeo is over the moon to share the news of his progress within the tournament he rushes over to his father who turns out to be none other than Dr Zagat Dr Z is called towards him as the family Butler reassures Zeo that his father simply had a busy day and must be tired Zeo spots Dr K at his home venting to his father for terminating her employment Zeo deduces that it must have been his father all along who has been trying to steal the blade Breakers bit beasts Zeo is caught watching them before she leaves Dr K laughs at her old boss citing how oblivious he is to the fact that his son is friends with the very kids whose big beast he is trying to steal Dr Z scolds Zio and tells him to sever ties with the blade Breakers ihanzio a Beyblade which contains the most powerful bit beast in the world named Cerberus Zeo refuses to fight his friends leaving Dr Z no choice but to tell Zeal the truth the truth is the reason he is after the Forsaken Beast is for Zeal their Butler attempts to talk Dr Z out of telling his son the truth Dr Z asks his Butler to trust in him as now is the time for Zeal to find out the truth we as viewers are not privy to the details of this conversation until much later and when I say much later I mean the last episode but based on zeal's reaction so far it's evident that the news he was given shook him to his core the following day zeo's partner tells the blade Breakers that he never turned up and has cleared out his locker still reeling Zeo is seen walking as he tries to clear his head he's left with an impossible situation where he feels if he told Tyson the truth it would be an outcast while simultaneously destroying his relationship with his father Tyson and the others spot him Zeo overcome with emotion tells them that they are now enemies as he runs home asking his father for his Beyblade Dr Z is proud of his son for obeying his wishes and for understanding why he must capture all four bit beasts but before anything Zion was first learned to control Cerberus even after numerous failed attempts Zio refuses to give up Tyson is deep in thought wandering as to what is going on with Zio Hillary arrives with a bunch of fortune telling books this is to help the blade Breakers pick the right pairings for the tournament dizzy cites based on her data Tyson and Max should perra and Kai should pair up with Rey Kai meets a pair whom referred to themselves as king and queen they challenge him to a match decide the winner gets to claim a prize of their choosing the pair choose to take Kai's attack ring should he lose High faces off against King whom unveils his bit Beast Ariel he responds by unleashing dranza seeing dranza's prowess Queen launches her blade into the bay dish and unveils her bit Beast Gabriel dranza is completely overpowered by the combined might of the two-bit Beast causing Kai to lose the match whilst also damaging his blade in the process the pair walk off leaving Kai to pick up the pieces of his broken Beyblade Max and Rey have both heard of the pair whom are known for collecting parts and Care little about the means they implore to inquire them meanwhile zeol continues his training in his attempts to control Cerberus seeing that zeo's bit Beast is on the cusp of materializing Dr Z asks Zios barring partner Gordo to turn up the heat this enables cerberos to fully materialize under zeal's control as he goes on to obliterate Gordo's blade Max and Tyson are pleased to see Kane and Jim who informed them that they are bold paired up to participate in the tournament Hillary asks where selima and Golgi are Kane informs them that the two are traveling around the world teaching youngsters how to bay battle Henny gives hard his new and improved dranza king and queen are approached by Dr k she takes them on a ride and informs them of what the sacred bit beasts are she cites if they were able to capture these bit beasts they would beat any blader whom they crossed paths with when she tells them that they were bold the need to change their names King asks she let them out she lets the pair out the car besides her confidence that they will come around in the end Dr Z officially makes Gordo of Zio's partner for the tournament he gives Gordo his Beyblade containing the ancient bit Beast authorus the blade Breakers cheer Kane and Jim on as they both go on to win their matches and progress to the next stages of the tournament as they congratulate them a young boy calls out to them for help the young lad cites a pair referring to themselves as king and queen are attacking his friend Kai rushes out to exact Revenge upon them catching up with the two Kai asks they let the young boy go and demands a rematch pie with his new Beyblade clearly outclasses King forcing him to call out his bit Beast although Kai has the power Advantage Ariel proves too fast leaving Kai with no choice but to unleash dranza Tyson and the others catch up to Kai Dizzy's analysis shows that King's bit Beast has null weaknesses the battle is even for the most part but realizing Queen cannot jump in to support him given the other blade Breakers are around King sees the writing is on the wall for him he has Ariel cut down a tree forcing Kai to jump out of the way which provides the pair an opening to escape the pair Blown Away by the power of dranza Dr K confirms to them that dranza is one of the four sacred bit beasts she entices them by stating that if they were to capture such a bit Beast there's no limit to how powerful they can become Tyson and Max easily make their way to the next stages of the tournament their celebrations are cut short when dizzy informs them king and queen have made it to the quarterfinals Zagat finally decides to pay Mr Dickinson a visit for the first time in 30 years Dr Z makes a request to his old friend that he enters Zio and gordog into the final rounds of the tournaments the blade Breakers arrive and questioned Zagat for all he has done to them he informs them that Zeo is his son and the wielder of the most powerful bit Beast of them all Tyson refuses to believe that Zeo who's such a kind soul would willingly work with his father to capture their bit Beast after zygot leaves the kids questioned Mr D for allowing his Bladers to enter the tournament the BBA president cites he has no choice in the matter as technically Zagar has not been caught doing anything illegal Tyson is adamant to find find out the reason behind why zero turned is back on them Xeo continues to be tortured by his actions but feels he has no choice in the matter Dr K on the other hand has king and queen all through some rigorous training in preparation for the finals the blade break has rushed over to the tournament venue in hopes of speaking with zero before his match begins when they arrive they are told by a boy that Zeo and Gordo defeated their opponent within two minutes he adds that Gordo was strong but Zeal in particular was ruthless Ray tells Tyson to give up on talking to Zeal after Kai and the others were mine ties and that he needs to focus on the quarter-finals they all make their way to see the Press the kids are pleasantly surprised to see the saint Shields whom confirmed they are participating in the tournament too when king and queen arrive the same Shields share that the pair of being backed by a group who's after the sacred bit beasts Azuma tells Tyson to stay sharp and watch his back each participant must first make their way through the elimination rounds all Brazil and Gordo are present when it is announced who will face who oppressor is brought to a halt when King throws insoles towards everyone's way dunga rushes to attack King and saw the two engage in a battle within the venue they take their battle outdoors and immediately call out Vortex ape and aerial when Tyson attempts to intervene he is stopped by Queen things are completely out of control Kai Rey and Max intervene stopping the fight the following day the quarterfinals begin DJ announces the rule said before the matches starts Tyson meets with Zeo backstage he asks Zio to tell him the truth Zeo shocks Tyson when he tells him that he will capture their bit beasts a Zuma who was watching on tells Tyson who's still in denial by the way that Zeo is no longer his friend ozuma tells Tyson to focus on protecting Dragoon Tyson returns to the stuns to watch donga take on Gordo Gordo simply toys with dunga bowing on to easily defeat Vortex ape using authorus next up is zeol versus ozuma ozuma realizes that Tyson is right about Zeo that something has changed in him both players launch speed is displayed on the big screen Zeos training has paid off when he breaks 60 000 RPM which is close to azuma's 63k old Bladers are evenly matched Rays stunned by how powerful Zeo has become ozuma refusing to be beat by an amateur begins to push zeal's blade back zero Powers up further as he pushes back on Zuma's blade dizzy picks up an energy surge coming from Zio but she cannot pinpoint the source of Zeo strength ozuma's dumbfounded too but refuses to lose as he must protect the full sacred bit beasts Zeo recalls the Knight his father told him the truth and emits even more energy as he calls upon Cerberus the mere sight of his bit Beast has everyone in all dizzy confirms Cerberus is one of the rock pit beasts but is more powerful than any bit Beast she has ever analyzed before ozuma being the veteran that he is fears nothing as he calls out flash leopard even though flash leopard is clearly outclassed it continues to fight valiantly for its blader even after enduring numerous vicious attacks from Cerberus both babies launched their final attacks but is Cerberus who emerges Victorious the blade Breakers are left in Shock by how easily Zeo defeated Azuma penny is deep in thought as he's sure that he sends some static coming directly of Zio having seen the power of Cerberus Tyson begins to question he and Dragoon's ability to defeat Zeo hi sensing some things off with Tyson asks if he's alright Hai tells him to forget about Zeo and focus on the match in front of him where he and Max will be facing off against Jim and Kane both members of Team psychic get some training in but are interrupted by king and queen the duo challenges them to a match citing if they win they get to take their parts Kane refuses to battle citing now is not the time and place King tells him they have no choice in the matter as he and queen unleash their bit Beast upon the two Kane and Jim are forced to pull out the tournament after king and queen destroy their Beyblades Kane apologizes to Tyson for pulling out seeing how destroy his friends are Tyson goes off on his own to teach the pair a lesson is unable to enter their room as security stops him Dr K scolds the pair for taking Kane and Jim's Parts she forbids them from pulling such a stunt again as they risk being disqualified should they be caught the rebellious pair tell her to back off they assure her that they will defeat Maryam and Joseph whom they will be facing next before the next match begins DJ announces that Tyson and Max will be progressing to the semi-final round as their opponents have had to pull out Mariam takes on Queen the magnetic field generated by the Bay Stadium prevents the two blades from clashing using Shark Rush Maryam is able to overcome the pull of the Bay Stadium but Queen is unfazed as she calls out Gabriel tournament rules will not stop these delinquents from cheating as king launches aerial into the Bay Stadium Mr Dickinson is about to have the match called off but Joseph asks him not he jumps in to help her sister the blade Breakers along with the Zuma and dunga plead with Mr Dickinson to let the match go on Mr D convinces that officials to allow the match to continue king and queen power up each other's Beyblades as they go on to completely destroy mariam's Blade the bolt then set their sights on Joseph Vanishing mood is completely overpowered forcing Joseph to watch on as the pair destroy his Beyblade 2. Gordo sides Tyson must face the pair next while Hillary worries given the pair clearly have no qualms in bending the rules hi and Rey managed to progress to the next stages of the tournament after they defeat Marco and Sanchez at the bladebreaker's locker room Judy pays them a visit and hands marks an improved version of dracile Kenny gives Tyson an improved version of Dragoon whilst Dr K gives Queen a new attack ring which she calls the shredder seeing Jim and Kane in the stands Tyson and Max are raring to get revenge for them Max immediately becomes frustrated with the speed difference between their blades he rushes in and dracil pays the price as Queen's new attack ring rips off pieces of Max's blade Tyson reminds Max what they are fighting for and how he overcame harder situations in the past Max comes up with the counter measure he gives her a taste of her own medicine by causing her Beyblade to counter spin shredding itself in the process Dr cab raised the pair so King throws her attack ring back at her citing her flawed part is what led to Queen's loss Tyson faces off against King both of them display their prowess and earn each other's respect Dr K who's made her way up to the stadium roof shoots energy particles directly at Dragoon she's caught red-handed by everyone Furious King demands her to stop Tyson vents his frustration how he cannot get a straight up battle anymore King sides he too wants their match to be fair the two of them work together to stop Dr K Dragoon launches Ariel towards her destroying her particle laser device in the process the two resume battle Dragoon proves too much to overcome as Ariel is knocked out the bay dish everyone including Jim and Kane over the moon king and queen realized that Tyson and Max defeated them through their Superior skill and strength of character they decide they will travel around to gain new skills and acquire more experience Tyson commends the two for turning a new leaf and shakes their hand Zeal commends Tyson for another thrilling Victory citing he won't be so thrilled when Dragoon is his high tells Tyson that he will defeat Zeo as he and Tyson have a score to settle in the finals first up is Rey vs gordol even though Drigger is the fastest of the four sacred bit Beast it struggles to keep up with authoris exhausted Rey appears to be outer options Max Hillary and Tyson try to get Rey to calm down as he's too emotional and not thinking straight Bordeaux is Relentless with his attacks Kenny confirms that Rey emptied out his gas tank at the start of the match so he has nothing left to give hi reminds Rey to recall the feelings he had when he was forced to helplessly watch on as Drigger was taken from him he asks Rey if he ever wanted to feel that way again because the way the bout is going it will lose trigger refusing to lose trigger ever again Rey channels the remainder of his strength into his bit Beast as it launches its final attack ending the match in a draw Mr D announces the winner of Kai and zeal's match will decide who advances to the finals the battle begins with both being evenly matched Zeo shocks everyone when he manages to push back dranza both unleash their bit Beast dranza unfortunately is completely outclassed by Cerberus seeing Kai and drons are being drained before him Tyson calls out to him reminding Kai of his promise to face him in the finals Kai Powers up dranza who clashes with Cerberus the bay dish is devastated as a result so the two of them turn the entire Arena into their Battleground now evenly merged this is a battle of attrition who can hold out the longest Kenny picks up on the same interference coming from Zio as he's being pushed to his limit by Kai dranza launches its ultimate attack Zhu unlocks another level to his power as he has Cerberus take out dranza Zeo goes on to capture dranza leaving Kai devastated Tyson chases after Zeo zero reminds Tyson of the promise he made to him that he will take Dragoon just as he did dranza he laughs at Tyson citing he will never be able to get dranza back he insults the blade Breakers citing they are nothing and proceeds to walk off telling Tyson he'll see him in the finals before the finals commence Tyson spars with Max Tyson has Dragoon ruthlessly beat down draciel as he berates Max for not taking the match seriously which is completely untrue Rey and Max try to calm him down citing is way too emotional and going into his match like this is gonna cost him dealy Tyson deflects by citing his better off on his own thank God Hillary is there to smack some sense into him Tyson shares his guilt for standing by as Zeo took dranza from Kai he tells them all to leave him alone as he runs off Ray wisely tells the others to give him some space Tyson attempts to have Dragoon break a rock or whilst being taunted by Zio's earlier threat Kenny has dizzy analyzed zeol's last match Izzy picks up that every time Zeo has his back up against a corner and noise Distortion is emitted a distortion which Kenny realizes is being produced by Zio's body Kenny shares his findings with Mr D is he says that they may have an international incident on their hands Penny's findings are not shown to us viewers but judging by Mr Dickinson's reaction whatever Kenny found threatens the Integrity of the tournament Mr D believes he made all the reason behind why Zagar had Zeo entered the tournament but he would need to gather some evidence first Mr D asks until he says otherwise they should keep this between the two of them Kai decides to quit beyblading for failing to protect tronzer who has never left his side and always believed in him Rey is consumed by guilt believing if he had defeated Gordo dranza may not have been captured Max is focused on his training with one thing on his mind which is to get dranza back Hillary watches on as Rey and Max Spa with the level of focus that she has not seen from them before she goes to see how Kai is holding up she tries to raise his spirits citing that the others will get dranza back for him Kai tells her to leave him be as he dramatically cites he has quit beyblading Hillary tells him that his team needs his support reminding him how he was integral in igniting Rey's battle spirit when he needed it the most during his match against Gordo Kai continues to walk off but it's clear Hillary's words did not fall on deaf ears she hears Tyson scream out zeo's name worried about him she goes looking for him along with Rey and Max the trio have no luck in finding him Tyson makes his way to the arena where he speaks with one of the staff Tyson shares that he's nervous for his upcoming match alone in the arena Tyson recalls all the grueling matches his friends had endured to make it to the vinyls realizing that so long as the blade Breakers have each other they can overcome any odds regardless of how much they are stacked against them Kai arrives and asks Tyson in his current state does he really think he'll be able to win Kai offers to be Tyson's opponent the two launch their Beyblades into the dish even without dranza Kai easily knocks Dragoon out of the dish Kai reminds Tyson that Millions have tried and failed to get to where he is going on to tell him that he will demonstrate the power of what Tyson is up against the rest of the team arrived to cheer Tyson on knowing he has Kai and the rest of his team by his side Tyson's focus is back on the match the winner of their match is not shown but what's important is that Tyson's head is now clear before the final match commences Kenny catches up with Mr Dickinson Kenny asks him if he had any luck Gathering the evidence he was after Mr D advises the only way to get to the bottom of what's going on with Zeo is to ask Zagar himself the crowd is pumped for the finals to begin Tyson must face Gordo whilst Max must face zero the match between Tyson and Gordo begins Tyson is not playing any games as he launches Dragoon at over 70 000 RPM right from the get-go Tyson goes all out as Hillary and the others worry that he too will end up emptying his gas tank way too early just as raided Kai highlights how Gordo's blade has received upgrades since his last match with Rey authorus freezes Dragoon's solid defenseless Dragoon takes a heavy beating refusing to lose Tyson Powers up Dragoon enabling it to break free of the ice Dragoon completely overpowers authorus thus winning Tyson the match next up is zeol vs Max Max just as Tyson did calls all out Maxie like Rey really does shine in pressure tournament settings but Zeo who still calm as a button unleashes Cerberus who now wields the power of the red phoenix yet Max still pushes Zeo to the brink as Kenny who's monitoring Zia worries that he is in danger Max is Relentless in his offensive pursuit to take out Cerberus and retrieve dranza Kenny and Mr D confront Zagat he confirms their suspicion that Zeo is in fact a machine can he plays with Zagar to palsy or out of the match Zagar cites Zeo is no longer under his control and fighting for himself Max has dracio unleash its ultimate attack Zeo summons the power of dranza which is assimilated into Cerberus fusing the two bit beasts into one dracio is pushed back and defeated by Cerberus zero goes on to steal dracile mush to the shock of Max Judy the saint Shields and the rest of his friends the winner of the tournament will be decided by a tiebreaker between Tyson and Zeo Tyson was now faced already Unstoppable Cerberus which now wields the power of both dranza and Russia Kenny informs the others that Zeo is not a human citing that he's in fact a robot right before Tyson's eyes Zeo begins to malfunction as his forearm explodes the shark does not last long for Tyson who immediately begins to worry about Zio asking if he's okay Zio is losing power fast so goes Full Throttle in his pursuit of capturing Dragoon before he shows circuits Tyson is exhausted but refuses to roll over and allow zero to beat him Zeo shares with Tyson have finding out the truth destroyed him we finally get to see the conclusion of the conversation he and his father had Dr Z informed him that he created Zeo in the image of his son who had died his father tells him that by transferring the power of the four bit Beast into zeal's Mainframe it will allow him to become an organic being hany does not believe that bit Beast willed such capabilities Joseph andazuma correct Kenny citing the power of the four sacred bit beasts combined is Limitless after all this is the entire reason their ancestors have been trying to seal them for thousands of years to prevent That Power from falling into the wrong hands Tyson now knowing what Zia was fighting for wonders if he should just let him win although Tyson has empathy for wazir was going through his size to Zeo May the best man win but makes clear that he won't be easy to beat Zio has Cerberus ready its final attack as he has it assimilate both the dranza and dracil Dragoon stands its ground before the near Invincible bit Beast refusing to be intimidated quiet Cerberus Hills Dragoon to the ground which decimates the bay dish the two bit beasts continue to fight and Tyson drops to his knees from exhaustion azio is on the cusp of winning Mr D struggles to understand why Zagat is messing with the laws of nature in his attempts to make Zeo human Zagar sized himself by Zio becoming human he will be decorated as the greatest scientist of all time and the world will be at his feet old bit beasts unleash their full power creating a gust of wind it is Dragoon whom emerges Victorious DJ announces Tyson as a two-time world champion transceo returned back to their respective Beyblades seeing how destroyed Zeo is Tyson reminds you of his talents the society will always be a robot but Tyson tells him so what being a robot after all will allow him to do things that humans never could Tyson reminds him of how much they have in common which includes their shared passion for beyblading Xeo Spirits are lifted and Tyson asks if he's ready to take him on again the finale ends with Tyson acknowledging how having Dragoon by his side makes him a great blader but by having friends by his side makes him happy and that's what's most important and that ladies and gents marks the end of this second season of Beyblade before I share my overall thoughts I just wanted to thank those of you who watch up to this point if you would like to see more videos like this please do like the video and subscribe to the channel okay so let's start with Hillary let me ask you all a question did any of you like Hillary as a character in the beginning I for one did not but as the season progressed she grew on me I would argue from a character development perspective she grew the most out of any character this season I mean she started out as a brush unlikable goody two shoes but as episodes went on she became more deeply intertwined with the events that were happening around the blade Breakers and she provided an essential support role for the group without her training plan would the blade Breakers have ever mastered the additional spin their Beyblades received from their new ripcords this was essential for the boy's preparation leading up to their match against team psychic she also acted as a glue for them when the group became fractured I lost count of the numerous times she intervened when Tyson would lose his bottle even when Kai was down in the Doms ready to hang his coat she reminded him of how essential he is to the team this led Kai to help Tyson come back to his senses in the lead-up to the final battle against Zeo on that note let's talk about Tyson I'm unsure how I feel about him this season it was already established in the first season that he wears his heart on his sleeve but this season it just felt like he was in an infinite Loop of befriending a new ally whom then betrays him leading him to then lash out bar in Kai I would say by and large the blade Breakers didn't develop much as characters being the lone wolf that he is it was awesome to see how much he cared for Wyatt I mean look at how integral he was and how being Rey during his match with Gordo as well as helping Horizon in his preparation for his match against Zeo he even showed us off the side himself when he opted to go with Kenny and Hillary in order to protect them when they were all trapped on Gideon's Island I really enjoyed the same Shield's overarching narrative especially how they were integrated into the final Arc I often think that this season may have been better off if the same Shields wound up being the final villains it wasn't a deal breaker by any means but potentially how much better may have been if they remained in the shadows throughout most of the Season we would get to see them working in the background of the course of the Season as the blade break has slowly uncovered the mystery behind this group and their motives I get why they opted to have Zeo be the final villain but I don't know if it's just me but revealing Zio's secret in the last episode just about rushed Zeo being a robot is a huge reveal which I for one would have liked a few episodes to digest if they had revealed this to the blade Breakers early on it would have been interesting to see how they would navigate knowing what what Zeo was fighting for what did you guys think of the change in artwork I was 100 all for it when I first watched this season 20 years ago having recently re-watched the first season I'm a bit more on the fence about it the art style by and large I prefer more this season the one thing I would say the original season does better is the animation of the Beyblades I mean look at this the way the Beyblades were animated in the first season Rita gave off a sense of them moving at insane speeds even the sound design aided in this sense of their moving at velocity the drawbacks to the style in which the Beyblades were animated in the first season was that they lacked detail we wouldn't get to see the smaller intricate details of an upgraded Beyblade whereas in V Force much more detail was visible during battle I will forever dislike the sound design used of the Beyblades clashing in V force it just sounds like two pieces of cheap plastic colliding against one another I do prefer the designs of the bit Beast this season though like the Beyblades there's so much more detail to them I'm not gonna lie that glow they had in the original season looked awesome and I find myself missing it at times all of this is preference and by no means a deal breaker which art style do you prefer I'd be interested to hear your thoughts below after recently re-watching V force it confirmed my thoughts that this franchise's strengths are in its high stakes tournament setting the tournaments in this season were more of an afterthought compared to the previous season and the next season those Seasons wove the tournaments much more into the overarching story which added to the stakes but you know what what made v-force memorable for me was its focus on the bit Beast as a whole it finally makes sense why the blade Breakers bit Beast are continuously reaching New Heights and overcoming The Impossible at times although g-revolution strength are in his tournaments and character development Focus Story v-force shows love to all bit Beast really showing off their personalities I'll never forget the side eye Dragoon gave Tyson when he tried to recall it against cyber dragoon plus we got to hear Dragoon talk again for many of us who grew up on the English dub v-force is Bittersweet as it marks the last time we get to hear dizzy talk and the beasts are used in a much more symbolic capacity in The Following season I can't speak to the original Japanese version but the music in the job slaps hard after round Underdog and rise above the storm are some of my all-time favorite anime songs overall I thoroughly enjoyed V Force when I watched it as a kid and having re-watched it as an adult I can confidently say that nothing has changed on that front for me as always if you enjoyed this sort of content I would like to see more videos like this please do like the video and subscribe to the channel on that note I will see you on the next one this is Ray signing off peace [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Raytaku
Views: 47,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digimon, adventure, pokemon, Digimon, Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure Tri, Digimon World, Digimon Fusion, Digimon Xros Wars, Digimon Tamers, Digimon Frontier, Digimon Savers, Digimon Universe Applique, Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna, Beyblade, Retro, Nostalgia, Anime, Beyblade Burst, Beyblade Metal Fusion, Beyblade V-Force, Beyblade G-Revolution, Hasbro, Battle, Japanese animation, Collectibles, Gaming, Beyblade community, Beyblade tournament
Id: iEQc8TMf-wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 14sec (9374 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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