The WEIRD World of Power Rangers Turbo

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after the resounding meh of Power Ranger zo it was time for the Power Rangers to shift into the next gear both metaphorically and literally Power Rangers Turbo was meant to be the next step for our team of Heroes growing up and dealing with more mature and serious problems this was meant to be the Power Rangers that took things seriously but there were a few roadblocks one of which being that the Senai that turbo was based off of giso sentiar Ranger was incredibly Goofy and unserious even for Power Ranger standards car ranger was a bit of a parody of Super Sentai being the 20th season in Japan the franchise was chalk full of tropes that car ranger would be self-aware of the weirdness and absurdity would work and be a massive success in Japan but for Power Rangers adapting a parody season for your new serious season would make things easy but would they be able to overcome it well let's see what we have in store when we Shift Into Turbo we kick things off with turbo A Power Rangers Movie oh that's right for the first and only time ever in Power Rangers the new season would kick off with a full theatrical movie turbo A Power Rangers Movie unlike the Mighty Morphin movie Turbo is Canon so if we were to just jump into episode one as a completely new viewer you'd probably be a little lost now without getting too ahead of myself I hated this movie as a kid I thought it was so boring so lame and even johnnyy Yang Bosch made a joke during a panel saying that you don't need to watch this but hey maybe it's not as bad as I remember the movie kicks off with a Star Wars text crawl in narration we see this ugly little wizard named Laro being chased by the piranhatrons this season's new foot soldiers we then cut to Angel Grove where cat and Tanya are volunteering at the homeless shelter where they're making these pre-teens sing row row row your boat everyone's for some reason having having fun except this one kid Justin he doesn't want to sing and I don't blame him he's not three something finally happens when Tommy Adam and Rocky are training for a karate tournament where Rocky tries to push himself too hard doing a spinning kick and somehow manages to fly out of the ring this fall was pretty serious putting him in the hospital Justin goes to check on him but he's not supposed to leave the group when he hears the others come into the room he hides under Rocky's bed they hope he gets well soon but quickly gets sumon to the the command center where Justin overhears this and even sees them teleporting away putting two and two together and finding out that they are the Power Rangers we also get some weird retconning with Balkan skull now being back on the police force with Detective Stone he says they were all given one more chance but like why the three of them were pretty happy being detectives I think that zo's ratings were so bad towards the middle of the show that they just assumed nobody even saw the ending of Zo we then cut to our season's new villain Diva talk she's a space pirate with a very very big personality oh shut up elar she is annoying a lot like Rita with her overacting and temper tantrums alongside her are her two generals reyog and her cousin Elgar he'll be our epic comic relief her plan is to revive and marry a powerful fire demon named malagor anyway Zordon informs the Rangers of everything I just told you great we can skip ahead as a wedding gift for malagor dvat talkx manages to kidnap both Jason and Kimberly wa Amy Joe Johnson returning for this movie she has never returned to the franchise since I'm blaming that solely on this meanwhile the Rangers go on a mission to save Laro before dvax takes him they succeed but dvax still manages to steal Largo's family and threatens to end them if Laro doesn't turn himself over which he does and the Rangers get tricked so this is where somehow the movie gets even worse Zordon tells the Rangers that dtox and malagor will be such a devastating threat that they need new powers so Zordon opens up a secret door in the power chamber and shows them the weapons that will save the world cars this magical SUV will be the answer they have a ceremony and shoot this beam of light into the Rangers and there you go new powers new suits no Grandeur no epic moment just like here you go hop in the car there's clearly a lot wrong here like why did they need the new powers cat kind of started to morph into her zeor ranger form but that's it they never even tried to fight the panr with their Zoop Powers why are you immediately giving up and assuming you need car Powers secondly where did they even come from a popular theory is that this is what Billy was constantly disappearing to to work on during the gold ranger Arc and Zo but that's never been confirmed also the car thing is kind of lame we had dinosaur Powers ninja Powers ancient Crystal powers and now Jeep kind of a step back in my opinion but wait with Rocky's back being broken who could possibly take on the role as the new blue ranger guys I'm the new blue ranger Isn't that cool or what oh the 12-year-old orphan okay it's only the fate of the world Zordon you gave the Rangers new powers because you thought the zoc crystals wouldn't be strong enough but you equipped those new powers to a child okay this decision would leave quite the impact I'll go more into my thoughts after the movie but for now yeah Justin is our first and only 12-year-old Ranger now there's still like an hour left of this movie but it's also skippable and boring the Rangers need to go on this haunted pirate ship to search for the island where Diva talk is re suring malagor you know since the minivan can't drive on water already these powers are proving useless there's a fight scene with some monsters on the boat but the Rangers eventually do make it to the island and an hour and 10 minutes into this Power Rangers movie the teens finally morph into the Power [Music] Rangers I actually like this morphing sequence they mimic steering a wheel before shoving the keys into the rist contraption then they say the names of the new cars that no one will remember red lightning Turbo Power and since car ranger didn't use a child Blue Ranger Justin just magically stretches and grows to the size of a normal adult you know how I know this movie is bad because the big epic final fight is boring the Rangers show up and fight the bad guys malagor gets revived when dvat talkx shoves Elgar Into the Fire and sacrifices him Jesus that's your nephew what the heck malag gor's costume is actually pretty sick I like it anyway the Rangers fight a hypnotized Kimberly and Jason but cure them with the power of friendship the Rangers then use the Zords to fight malagor and of course defeat him they send D.A talkx back into hiding win the Martial Arts Tournament with Jason instead of Rocky and that's the end of the Turbo movie it's still very bad and everything is kind of wrong the pacing is bad and the movie just feels like a TV show nothing feels Grand like the sus are the same ones they use in the TV show at least the Mighty Morphin movie made new custom suits that had a cool armor look to them this feels like this could have been a three-parter nothing about turbo screams important movie a lot of Power Rangers fans also hated the inclusion of Justin as the new blue ranger people thought what is this stupid little kid doing on my Power Rangers I felt that way too when I was a kid which is weird because Justin was older than me at the time I was like eight when I first saw turbo I was an actual stupid little kid upon rewatching turbo though Justin is honestly fine he never actually annoyed me at any point maybe that's just because with how Power Rangers has been under the Neo saon and Hasbro ERA with characters consistently in actively being annoying Justin is the least of my problems I guess people just hated the concept of it like if a little kid can do this how incompetent must the older teens be to be all on the same level Steve cardinas who played Rocky wanted to leave the show to open up his own martial arts dojo and during Power Ranger zo another show made its way onto the scene big bad Beetle borgs it was the same concept as Power Rangers but with the main characters being pre-teen kids Beetle borgs was actually way more successful than zo viewership wise so I guess to capitalize on that Power Rangers thought a kid would boost ratings I guess we'll see if it worked but with the movie out of the way we can fight finally jump into the TV show Shift Into Turbo part one I guess we should actually talk about the theme song it's pretty catchy nowhere near my favorite but still plenty of energy and even manages to still sneak in the go- Go Power Rangers bit the episode kicks off with DVA talk vowing revenge on the Rangers she's also played by a completely different woman this is Carol hoit and she'll play diva talk for about the first half of the season however Hillary Shepard who played the character in the movie would return for the remainder of DVA tox's existence after Carol hoit Hillary Shepard was apparently pregnant when they hired her why would you hire a pregnant woman who you know you're going to need for a long period of time whatever we then cut to the Rangers who are graduating high school yeah turbo was meant to take everything to the next level it's an interesting concept the Rangers are out of high school and now need to deal with adult problems problems like Tommy who spends the entire episode racing a car classic Tommy I guess meanwhile Justin takes a placement exam since he's new in town to try and figure out what grade he'll be in Rocky makes his last appearance for the season to officially pass down the torch to Justin he asks about their adventure and we get a whole montage of the movie seriously it's like 2 minutes of the theme song Just flashing over the important stuff so I guess we could have skipped the movie anyway dvat talkx creates another General because I guess we don't have enough this is Porto and he's essentially the Finster of this season the bumbling weak inventor also Elgar is back dvat talkx literally pushed him into a fiery Abyss but whatever he's back now with no explanations she sends Elgar to place bombs to blow up the power plant but he's intercepted by bulkan skull and hey to add onto their character development they actually try to stay on their ground and fight him however Elgar has a device that it turns bulkan skull into monkeys where they will remain for a good bit of the show the behind the- scenes reason for this is because Paul shrier and Jason narvy were filming a bulkan skull pilot that would never sadly see the light of day but yeah they're monkeys now how mature and serious right while the Rangers are busy with graduation Justin is at the power chamber and notices something going on at the power plant he teleports there and shows off some sick martial arts even beating up Elgar unmorphed but for how long can this boy survive on his own part two kicks off with Justin morphing and it's the same morphing sequence from the movie once again Power Ranger steals from itself meanwhile Adam cat and Tanya need to sneak away from graduation to help Justin but Tommy isn't there they say he picked up his diploma early which is odd but before they can help Justin D.A talkx ambushes them we get a nice unmorphed fight which we rarely ever got in zo they beat up the panr and morun on out Tommy also has to step away from his busy day of driving a race car to morph and help the others Shi to the turbo the rest of the episode has the Rangers fighting the pirron and finding the Detonator Justin teleports to the command center for a device that could locate the bombs but when he shows up Alpha and Zordon are acting very sketchy but with no time to worry about that Justin gets the device and they manag to stop the bomb save the power plant and make it to graduation on time Lieutenant Stone also comes across the monkeys and gets a liking to them saying they have a very familiar vibe to them part two ends with Largo of all people coming back to the command center to tell zor and Alpha some very important news where part three naturally kicks off with more Tommy race car nonsense why is this happening although we do get some nice dialogue between Adam cat and Tanya talking about their next steps in life they'll all be doing some kind of work over the summer we also learned that Justin is a bit of a genius and gets placed into high school before everyone can celebrate though the Rangers are summoned to the power chamber where Alpha is crying Laro is chilling and Zordon has some news with Largo's powerful magic he's here to free Zordon from his time warp and allow him to go home to elar to be with his family and Alpha will be joining him yeah this is goodbye for Zordon a bit out of the blue get it but thematically makes tons of sense Zordon has been the Rangers Mentor for years in a way he's like their father and with the teenagers with attitude now being adults and needing to grow up they're not going to be able to come running to Zordon for help and answers all the time anymore Zordon feels like the Rangers will do great without him he's watched them mature and become the brave men and women they are now except for you Justin sorry D.A talkx decides to mess with a portal that would rescue Zordon she summons a monster to fight the Rangers it's a pretty long Megazord sequence that goes on for a bit but after they destroy the monster Zordon and Alpa safely get teleported to elar however Zordon didn't want to leave the Rangers completely on their own so he requested the help of a woman named Demetria from the planet Inus as well as a new alpha alpha 6 yeah yeah yeah that's me all right oh for God's sakes he's going to talk like that for the rest of the season isn't he to be will act as our new Zordon however she's way more useless being from the planet inquirest she only speaks in questions you get it do you know who we are do you know who you are we're the Power Rangers is not who you are much more than the Power Rangers Tommy it does get very annoying but again it works thematically the Rangers aren't just given answers anymore they need to think for themselves Diva talkx also vows Revenge the shift in the turbo 3ar was honestly very good honestly way better than the movie you should have just canned the movie Al together and started with this there was a lot that happened here the Rangers graduating high school and taking their next steps into adulthood no more high school projects dance plot lines hopefully the ranger story lines managed to keep up a somewhat mature Pace the bulkan skull stuff is very boring they do still talk via voiceover but the actual Shenanigans is just Monkey Business Alpha 6 is very annoying he from Brooklyn I guess and has an attitude gone is the sweet and friendly Alpha and instead we have a wise cracking loud mouth I have mixed feelings going forward but I ultimately do have high hopes for the season already this intro did way more right than the zo Beginnings so let's see what else we have in store Shadow Rangers we start off with Justin accidentally ruining Tommy's race car and blowing up the engine honestly good meanwhile dvat talkx gets a monster that's able to zap the Rangers powers and use them for herself she targets Adam cat and Tanya first during their morphing sequence the monster blasts the Rangers and it steals their powers with it it's able to create the shadow Rangers which are just evil versions of the Rangers with colorless helmets for some reason four episodes in and the Rangers already lost their powers to a random monster yeah this is really an upgrade from the zoc crystals Justin and Tommy go check it out where Justin morph s the same thing happens meaning it's up to Tommy to save the day it's a really well-paced episode though lots of unmorphed Tommy fighting with the shadow Rangers he once again asked Demetria for help which is pointless because she just asked questions it turns out the shadow Rangers are made from actual shadows and can be defeated by removing a light source everyone's being held in a cave and Tommy needs to blast his way to save everyone the Rangers get their powers back and defeat the monster the episode ends with yet another shakeup with Lieutenant Stone now being the owner of Ernie's juice bar they say that Ernie was called back for military duty making all that police stuff at the beginning ultimately pointless I also want to mention that Richard Janelle the man who played Ernie would sadly pass away in 2008 from a heart attack rest in peace Ernie transmission impossible we see that Tanya's hard at work with her new summer job at the radio station meanwhile the Rangers get a radio message from outer space the voice says he's on his way to Earth to meet Demetria however D.A talkx intercepts the message and man to capture this mysterious being his name is vison and he's a friend of Demetria from inquir Elgar is sent to place bombs around the radio station to blow it up because poral told dvax that the frequency of the message came from there dvax then brainwashes and puts a disguise on viscon sending him to Earth to cause destruction the Rangers not knowing who viscon is just attack him because he's a monster it's a pretty smart plan the Rangers almost destroy him while also stopping the Detonator from blowing up the radio station but when they realize what's going on he's taken to the command center to be healed I love it the Rangers are like oops sorry we almost killed your friend he comes bearing a message for Demetria saying that she's not an only child and actually has a twin sister I'm just going to say it now this never gets brought up again and goes forever unanswered however it's believed amongst the fans that her twin sister is DX mainly because when Demetria first came onto the scene dvax had a a very visceral and personal reaction to it if there's one person I can't stand it's demitria they're also both played by the same woman rally Ranger Justin is taking part in a box car derby race there's this kid who's mean to Justin and constantly bullies him making him feel like an outcast you know because he's an orphan and is also super smart that's the main focus of this episode J in dealing with insecurities although the insecurity is that he's just super smart Tommy's like hey man don't feel bad for being a genius it's a very weird approach like now I'm starting to dislike Justin for that too DX then does what DX does she plants a bomb inside the bully kids rally car oh my God I guess so he can drive into a populated place and blow up everyone okay you terrorist however the Rangers of course save the day and the bully being faced with a near-death experience changes his tune about Justin Built For Speed we get these 50s greasers dancing at the diner and almost getting into a fight but it turns out it's just for a movie but then these greasers are like arguing for real that this gang always gets to win the fight you know the imaginary fight because it's scripted these actors need to be fired they're upset because their characters don't get to win they also still act like greasers when they're outside talking to to each other like are the Riders of this season that out of touch they think this is what cool is they then decide to have a street race to decide who wins the fake fight in this play it's so stupid but Adam of course is like hey guys that's illegal and dangerous I don't know who's Lamer anyway a monster attacks dvax plants another bomb in the greaser's car the Rangers destroy it and the monster and the greasers still race but almost die but get saved by the Megazord it's so stupid and pointless what did we learn from this nothing shift in a turbo desert Thunder Turbo Power Bicycle Built for the blues the Rangers are planning a surprise birthday party for Justin but he can't find out about it so they act like they don't know it's his birthday ultimately upsetting Justin because he feels like they forgot this is one of those Universal Power Rangers plots you can use in every season D.A talk then leaves a bike for Justin saying that it's from his dad however it's an evil bicycle because it glues Justin to the seat and puts a spell on him that makes him continuously pedal there's also an odometer on the bike that counts backwards and when it reaches zero you guessed it the bike blows up Jesus dvax sure likes killing children I'm sure you've noticed the pattern by now DVA tox's plans always involves just planting bombs and blowing things up which I guess is an effective plan D.A talk is just a pirate her plans should use gorilla tactics and at least she's not making the Rangers smell bad or sending a pudgy pig to eat all the food the whole episode is just one big chase scene to get Justin off the bike Tommy manages to do it by tackling him really hard but not before blasting at him to try and stop the bike the episode ends with a surprise party and we get to see Justin's adopted dad for the first time wow the whole lie Justin gets hit with a ray that makes him constant ly tell lies every time he lies it spawns in a pirron that's basically it Justin just keeps telling lies until they find out what's going on they make him stop talking until they destroy the monster the first real whatever episode in my opinion glyph hanger Adam is once again filming another movie as a stunt devil for his summer job the first one was the Greaser episode meanwhile DVA talkx teams up with her ex-husband for this episode he's an evil demon Pharaoh but like he comes to Earth and immediately gets beaten up by random kids that's it it's over he's not a threat anyway he uses his powers to turn everything into hieroglyphics which is an inconvenience but doesn't really do anything so the Rangers got to fight the bad guy to reverse the spell I don't see what the big evil scheme was with this one wait and see cat is auditioning for some ballet recital when a snarky girl gives her attitude and calls her fat she does it over and over again to the point where cats starts to feel bad skipping out on meals and having body image issues it's a pretty serious topic that naturally Power Rangers does not handle very well because we immediately cut from that to Justin and Adam UGL cute girls on the beach good job anyway dvat talk sends down a math monster that can add or subtract weight to people but not visually for example he hits cat and she becomes light as a feather the Rangers have to do battle until cat learns that it doesn't matter what she looks like on the outside what like sure that's supposed to be the moral of her being called fat but it comes out of nowhere Demetria gives fake wisdom and Cat just randomly comes up with that Revelation which cancels the spell it's such a forced moral of the day literally nothing happened to cat to make her come to this Revelation alarmed and dangerous Justin is getting bullied by these grown ass adults because they want to cheat on the test Justin says no but it C causes a scene where the three of them get kicked out of class the bullies then pull the fire alarm and Justin Rats on them where naturally they want to beat up this 12-year-old kid meanwhile dtox has a plan to set off all of Angel Grove's fire alarms as a distraction while she plants a bomb the episode's moral is also very confusing and bad the bullies try to go Justin into a fight where he reaches into his back pocket to pull out his Morpher but for a second it looks like Justin is pulling out a switchblade to shank these kids it's hilarious anyway cat tells Justin that he shouldn't resort to violence and fight but Justin specifically says I need to defend myself cat I'm going to have to defend myself cat if you wanted Justin to learn a lesson shouldn't he say something like I'm going to beat up those kids so they don't mess with me or something you know in this TV show about fighting the bad guys maybe it's okay to teach kids that physical defense is sometimes okay while the Rangers are sent to spread out around town to find the bomb Justin runs into the bullies again where they try to fight him and Justin straight up counters one of them and is on the verge of beating him up before coming to his senses it's over for that bully bro pack it in how are you supposed to continue when this 12 year-old almost thrashed you they chase Justin throughout the park where he teleports away potentially in the bully sights where cat once again gives Justin a hard time for teleporting in broad daylight so okay cat tells Justin that he shouldn't fight and when he tries to run away it's also the wrong thing to do so what's cat's solution for Justin I'm sure you'll think of something I'm speechless anyway the Rangers find the bomb and destroy the monster where naturally Justin and the bully become friends over Mutual trauma talking about how they both don't have parents anymore thanks Power Rangers that's the answer share your trauma and insecurities with the bully how could that ever go wrong the Millennium message this weird looking police officer crashes down on Earth he's the blue Centurion basically an Intergalactic police officer he comes bearing a message for Demetria where D.A talk does an impression of her in order to trick him it's a pretty important message though all of the Galaxy's evil forces are uniting together for a grand scheme and there's only one force that's in their way where we get to see the machine Empire Zed and Rita anyway DVA talkx reprograms the blue Centurion so that he thinks the Rangers are the bad guys it's a pretty good episode there's a lot of fighting and trying to jog the blue centurion's memory they eventually managed to get him back on the side of good and unofficially becomes the Sixth Ranger kind of a drive to win Adam is coaching a soccer team where we get introduced to some new characters first one is Carlos he's a star athlete who likes showing off Adam tells him the importance of teamwork and that he shouldn't just always hog the ball the other new character is Ashley she's a cheerleader I like Ashley DVA talk spies on them for some reason and decides to plant the bomb at the soccer game why not she sends down some panr and Adam has to fight them off alone however Carlos and Ashley stick around and manage to hold their own the rest of the episode has two stories the Rangers fighting the monster and Carlos needing to learn the importance of teamwork the Ranger stuff is mostly Sentai footage where we get to see the Sentai version of Elgar and he's way creepier I wish that this suit cars attacks cat's auditioning for another ballet thing and meets a girl she's trying to be friends with but she's acting very closed off and honestly kind of that's the human plot line the Ranger stuff is take a guess does it involve fighting a random monster that also planted a bomb somewhere and the Rangers got to fight it and diffuse said bomb correct the episode has kind of a funny ending though where cat tries to talk to the mean girl who didn't get accepted into the dance school because of our attitude the girls then like what is this where we have a heart-to- heart and become friends and cats reply is this look Jenny I didn't even know if I'd want to be your friend you're mean you're rude and you alienate yourself from everybody dang get roasted nerd Honey I Shrunk The Rangers part one heck while I'm here let's just also throw in part two so the Rangers minus Justin get captured by Elgar and the patron where they get blasted and shrunk down to mini size yeah Elgar captured the Rangers meanwhile a fly monster gets into the head of the blue Centurion causing him to go crazy and partake in Shenanigans we also get a lot of bulkan skull Monkey Business they hijack detective Stone's car and go on a joy ride this goes on for way longer than it needs to the Rangers get kidnapped and brought to dvat tox's base what ensues is a lot of tiny Rangers Home Alone Shenanigans they interact with big things trying to escape the villains also do a lot of silly slapstick just like those bullies who almost got beaten up by justtin they lose a lot of credibility and threat it's honestly a weird episode they decided to make into a two-parter the Rangers get their size back though by launching missiles at themselves which is the method dvax uses to make her monsters grow so that's kind of funny but now we've reached some important episodes passing of the torch part one in this two-parter cat Tanya Adam and Tommy no longer stay the Power Rangers but I'll talk about all of the behind thes scenes stuff after we talk about the two-parter we start off with two new characters TJ and Cassie Cassie is singing terribly on the bus while TJ politely makes her stop they hit it off pretty quickly where we learn that TJ is going to Angel Grove to become a baseball player and Cassie wants to be a singer God have mercy Mercy we spent some time getting to know these new characters TJ is an overall responsible and friendly person while Cassie has a bit of an edge meanwhile Tommy and Cat get attacked by DX's monster literally blowing up the truck they were driving oh my god Tommy gets knocked out and taken away leaving cat all on her own to fight the piranhatrons TJ notices something and immediately goes to check it out with Cassie hesitantly following meanwhile Adam Tanya and Justin are on a camping trip but they also get attacked by a monster and for some reason don't morph Justin's Morpher gets knocked out of his hand but Adam and Tanya just stay in their human forms I guess TJ and Cassie manage to find the wreckage with cat being outnumbered TJ immediately jumps into action while Cassie wants to leave but eventually joins up what ensues is a really solid unmorphed fight there's more drama and tension than usual with cat being all beaten up the destroyed truck the tone is very serious no Ron werman music or anything thing the only thing that's weird about it is that it's the piranhatrons it's like having a dramatic battle with the putties but yeah that's just a minor nitpick it's still a really good scene Cassie also says this during the fight what did you learn to do that my ancesters invented it so with the Rangers fighting for their lives and momentarily split up from each other and Tommy being held captive how will our hero survive part two kicks off with Adam Tanya and Justin finally morphing and destroying the monster with the Rangers then meeting up with cat to check on her thanking TJ and Cassie in the process they're told to leave and that the Power Rangers will take care of everything but on their way back TJ notices something suspicious and decides that he can't just sit back and do nothing so he investigates Cassie initially once again doesn't come along because she clearly doesn't want to jump into the dangers but comes around and joins her new friend Demetria also introduces an hour class and says that the Rangers have that amount of time to finish their mission why what happens if the hourglass runs out who knows they never give an explanation it's just there for the sake of drama Tommy's also being held captive in a cave where rats are slowly chewing on rope for him to fall into the evil abyss and nobody is of course watching him the Rangers are sent to deal with the monster that's destroying the town we even get to see the destruction it causes with civilians running away and even the Army what Carlos and Ashley are also there helping the Rangers Evacuate the citizens TJ and Cassie eventually stumble across the cave and once again need to fight some Patron while also rescuing Tommy from his Doom they manag to succeed and Tommy's very thankful the Rangers destroy the monster stop the bomb and are tasked with one final mission where Demetrius says it's time to proceed with the ceremony what ceremony the one we just established 5 minutes ago the ceremony is given some real Grandeur though with both Zordon and Alpha showing up for a cameo the turbo Powers will be passed down to a new generation with each veteran ranger giving respects to their new Replacements Cassie will be the new pink ranger Ashley the yellow Carlos the green and TJ the leader and Red Ranger with Justin still remaining the blue because he just got here and for the first time ever in Power Rangers we completely say goodbye to the Mighty Morphin team and welcome in our new Heroes the passing of the torch two-parter has really given some weight and Grandeur a bit of a precursor of things to come with the next season with its serious tone but let's talk about what happened with the old cast after the end of Zo Katherine Sutherland and Jason David Frank wanted to leave the show it's unknown why Catherine wanted to leave but it's confirmed that Jason David Frank wanted to leave because sabon refused to let him work other gigs since Tommy was the most popular character on the show I don't know how Hollywood works but the fact saon was apparently able to not let Jason David Frank take on roles outside Power Rangers with the poor pay we all know everyone was getting was insane The Producers managed to convince Catherine and Jason to stay for 19 episodes so they could properly organize Replacements as for Johnny Yang Bosch and Nikia barice apparently they didn't want to leave the show but it was ultimately one of the producers who decided that it would just be easier to wipe the Slate clean and start fresh with a whole new cast of characters if that's true that really sucks that two main actors were just written off like nothing sabon will never beat the boss allegations fans have also pointed out that Johnny yangang Bosch looks pretty sad during the final ceremony even during points where everyone was supposed to be happy as much as this sucks I guess the team really had no choice Turbo's ratings were in the garbage they already tried one shakeup with Justin but figured maybe some more fresh faces would be the solution and to be fair Turbo's ratings would slightly increase after the new team was introduced what are my thoughts on this new team well I'm honestly very biased without getting too far ahead of myself this will be the new team for Power Rangers in Space my absolute favorite season of all time so yeah of course I'm going to like this new cast if you want a little secret too Ashley was my first ever Crush that's right for most people it was Kimberly but nuh-uh the first time I saw Ashley I immediately knew what love was please don't ever tell our actress Tracy Lin Cruz about this but I got to try and look at things without the Nostalgia goggles based off what we've seen so far TJ and Cassie are the most interesting on the surface Carlos is a generic jock and Ashley is a generic cheerleader but that can all change as we continue forward so let's dive back into the series and see how the Power Rangers adjust to their new lives stitch witchery we start off at Angel Grove High where Ashley is in a fashion design class and the classmate is not impressed with her new jacket which obviously hurts her feelings so yeah I guess the new Rangers are still in school meaning we're going back on that whole growing up thing and putting the Rangers back in school meanwhile balk and skull are doing invisible Shenanigans I don't think I mentioned this but in the last episode there was an explosion that turned the two back into humans but they're now invisible cool dvat talk sees that Ashley is upset by her uncool jacket and makes a monster that takes on the form of a fashion designer who wants to team up with Ashley and then creates evil flannels so whenever someone wears Ashley's flannel they become rude and aggressive okay no bombs this time I guess it's different all the Rangers try it on and naturally become mean telling Ashley her designs sucks where she runs off and cries however duty calls and Ashley morson out to take care of everything she learns about the evil clothes and tricks the Rangers into taking them off turning them back to normal where they defeat the monster and save Angel Grove from the evil shirts the episode ends with Bulan skull finally turning back into visible humans they drink a milkshake and I I guess that fixes everything with Detective Stone being genuinely happy to see them it's heartwarming as for the rest of the episode it felt like Mighty Morphin and not in a good way more silly plot with High School drama the blue Centurion wearing a flannel it's definitely a little goofy but let's see where things go the wheel of fate Elgar informs dvat talkx of two magical and Powerful cars that are in space they're sentient vehicles named lightning Cruiser and storm Blaster they crash land on Earth and Elgar tries to steal them we get this whole slapstick scene of the villains trying to open the door to get in but it's a convertible there's no roof why don't you just hop in they're so stupid the two cars get the attention of TJ and Justin who go to check it out Justin and storm Blaster get taken away so it's up to TJ and lightning Cruiser to save him of course with the help of the other rangers it's a really good episode full of action and not a lot of silliness fighting DX's forces for control over the vehicles where of course the Rangers win and have two more cars to fight alongside them trouble by the slice DX gets hit with a blast and gives her Amnesia she shows up to AAL pizza place and she eats without paying meaning she now has to work there temporarily the B plot has Justin and Carlos playing soccer where Justin meets a kid his own age and they quickly become friends it's another very very silly episode we spent a lot of time with DVA talk working at the pizza joint and messing things up until her bumbling Sidekicks come along and accidentally blast her memory back divat talkx then comes up with her most evil plan yet to create an Italian pizza monster and trap the Rangers inside a giant toaster oven to be cooked into a pizza we're here to toss your salad meanwhile the monster also uses evil Pizza to control storm Blaster and lightning Cruiser the blue Centurion then just magically shows up and tries to free the Rangers from their Pizza prison to say this episode was Goofy would put it lightly however we do get our next important story bit with the Phantom phenomenon while Justin and his new friend are playing soccer something crash lands on Earth Justin's friend who's named Nico discovers an alien spaceship he shows Justin but only if he tripled promises not to tell anyone meanwhile dvat talk sends Elgar and sanitron to Roba bank but before the Power Rangers show up to stop them a mysterious invisible force saves the day when the Rangers come to the aftermath they're trying to figure out what's going on when Cassie thinks she sees something after this mysterious Force Stops Another attack by dvat talk Cassie manages to stop him where he says they're on their side before disappearing the group finds out he's an alien from elar but have no idea where he could be Justin however might have a feeling since he saw the spaceship but doesn't tell the Rangers because he made a stupid promise to his stupid friend this is the first time Justin has done something actively annoying and childlike which is weird because throughout this entire series he's never been written as a kid he just so happened to be a kid character but had the same maturity as the rest of the teens so this just feels weird heck he even goes to check on the spaceship himself without backup because of the promise where the patron spot Justin and Nico and attack they're on their own but the Unseen Force becomes visible to save the kids dvat talk sends a missile to blow up his ship but it turns out it was just a decoy and his real ship is okay we don't learn anything about this new guy but the team dubb him as the Phantom Ranger the episode ends with Cassie clearly having a crush on him the Phantom Ranger is pretty cool and to my knowledge he's an americanmade Ranger not being in the Sentai which makes sense he looks very American he was clearly made with a toy design in mind but I don't have a problem with that Vanishing act DX creates a monster that turns everything invisible and translucent meaning to the Ranger's eyes everything is gone but in reality everything is still there they just can't see your in act with it once again the Rangers get help from The Phantom Ranger but they all like forgot who he was I guess like At first he's invisible fighting the panr and TJ's like what's going on huh's that it makes no sense I literally thought I watched these episodes out of order but no anyway they find and destroy the monster turning everything back to normal the episode ends the same as the last with Cassie swooning over the Phantom Ranger when time Freez is over dvax has has a plan to freeze the Sun but gets stopped by the turbo Rangers and the Phantom Ranger she then creates a monster that can rewind time oh it's just that easy Lord Zed and Rita had to go through insane rituals and find mystical objects to make that happen but dvat talkx can just make a monster so how far back do they go to when the Rangers were kids and offs them before they grow up no of course not they go back a few hours to stop the Rangers from thwarting her Sun freezing plan it's kind of a weird episode with odd choices there's a lot of freezing and unfreezing time but without any actual time traveling I don't know it's whatever a pretty mid episode I also haven't been talking about Balkan skull because they're just back to their old Shenanigans every episode has them working a different job they naturally screw up and get into slapstick with the darkest day after another unsuccessful attack on the Rangers DX's brother General Havoc comes to lend a hand his first order of business is to move DX's headquarters into space General Havoc decides to lead a charge on the Rangers and is actually pretty successful taking them head on in a fight and wiping the floor with them his generals are these silly looking morph suit guys they look just as ridiculous as Zed's evil Rangers General Havoc then summons his own Zord metosa which is kind of a stupid name despite the name it is a pretty powerful Zord once again thrashing the Rangers and to add insult to injury the morph suit break into the Zords and manag to steal the turbo Megazord with all hope lost the Rangers question their next move when the Phantom Ranger mysteriously shows up to lend a hand One Last Hope General Havoc begins a full frontal attack on Angel Grove sending down the pitron on the ground while the metalsaur attacks the rest of the city TJ and Justin use storm Blaster and lightning Cruiser to try and battle the evil Zord but it's not putting up the best fight the Phantom Ranger shows up to inform the turbo Rangers about a hidden group of Megazords the rescue Zords and to be honest they're kind of lame we got a fire truck a police car and an actual garbage truck I get that it's STI footage from a parody season but it's hard to feel like this is a serious battle when the solution is a garbage truck Zord regardless they're pretty powerful and manag to weaken the metosa and send it back into space where D.A talk realizes that the Phantom Ranger is her main threat and decides that he will be her next Target the fall of the Phantom we kick things off with Cassie who's swoo over the Phantom Ranger once again so much so it's starting to affect her grades negatively dvat talk sees this and takes advantage of it planting a fake love note from The Phantom Ranger for Cassie to meet him at the park she does and gets captured where General Havoc offers a trade the Phantom Ranger and exchange for Cassie before the team can really devise a plan they just kind of Dive Right In and attct the enemy's head on this plan ultimately backfires with Cassie literally being turned to stone and the only way way to save her is for the Phantom Ranger to use his power Ruby which is essentially his main energy source that keeps him alive he nobly offers this though when he realizes that Cassie is the one in danger they save her and all teleport away where they fight and destroy the monster however the Rangers can't locate the Phantom Ranger the episode ends with him stumbling around a sewer presumably with not much life force left in him clash of the Megazords we start off with Cassie and TJ locating an unconscious Phantom Ranger they bring him back to the Command Center where Demetria will use some of her power to keep him alive meanwhile General Havoc sends down the evil turbo Megazord down to Angel Grove and the Rangers have to use their new Rescue Megazord to fight it that's pretty much the whole episode if I'm being honest one very long fight scene divox is in possession of the Phantom Rangers Power Ruby so getting it back is their main objective which of course after a long fight scene destroy the monster and reunite the Ruby with the Phantom Ranger he's very thankful but gives extra attention to Cassie ooh the Phantom Ranger likes Cassie he says he needs to leave but he'll return whenever the earth needs him we'll see about that this was a very enjoyable seven parter the wiki calls it the Phantom Ranger mini Arc so I guess we'll go with that lots of good drama that's taken serious and really solid action if you pay attention to the background music you'll also notice that during this Saga they used less epic rock music and focused more on dramatic orchestra that was able to set the mood and be taken more serious I know we're not done with turbo yet but I've been very surprised with the quality of these episodes this is nowhere near the worst season of Power Rangers like I was expecting but hey we still got some time to change my mind the robot Ranger while at the juice bar just the notices Ashley has a robotic arm he immediately jumps to the conclusion that she's a robot and as a viewer we're kind of inclined to believe this this is very obviously a robot arm with wires okay I'll admit you got me hooked the entire episode has just been trying to convince the others that Ashley is a robot keeping his eye out for robotic characteristics but Justin then sees TJ plugging himself into an outlet and comes to the conclusion that everyone is a robot now that's just ridiculous right this has to be some kind of misunderstanding somehow does Justin suspect I think he saw the wires I agree he knows too much oh okay so after the Rangers fight the monster and save the day Carlos's face falls off and it turns out that yeah Justin was right all along all of the Rangers are robots and to add one genuine twist I didn't see coming Justin is also a robot it turns out Demetria created them as a test for a second set of Rangers and the Justin we were following throughout the episode was the robot Justin that according to the show was built so well and humanlike it forgot it was a robot that is genuinely insane and overthe top that I can't help but love it these robot Rangers then get sent to elar to be its protectors and I'm not even going to think about where the second set of Turbo Powers came from and how it's not a problem apparently having duplicate Powers Beware Of The Third Wish the Rangers are making wishes and Justin wishes to see his dad who's apparently too busy to ever see him there's never a mention of Justin's mom so if his dad is constantly away on business trips who's looking after him anyway his wish doesn't come true and it's very sad he shows everyone his special coin that his dad gave him and he's always trying to wish with DX then sends down a monster to steal the coin through the power of Justin's love I guess it's able to turn this coin into a monster that can grant three wishes Elgar wastes a wish on hair are you laughing yet and D talkx using the power of a wish that seemingly has no rules wishes for the blue Centurion to be evil I don't think I need to explain why that's a stupid wish or the Rangers then have to fight the the blue Centurion dvat tox is about to use her last wish but Elgar enamored with his new hair comedically bumps into dvat talkx and the coin crashes Down to Earth where it's found by none other than bulkan skull The Gardener of evil D talkx makes another monster that turns people into bees or I guess people wearing bee suits they're ordered to steal the coin back from whoever has it the rest of the episode is pretty straightforward the Rangers are doing battle with the monster and the blue Centurion while bulk and skull are running away they do this until they get the attention of the Rangers and give them the coin where the Rangers then wish for all the evil to be erased from the universe just kidding they wish for the blue Centurion to be good again the episode ends with Justin's wish apparently coming true and his dad comes back to say he has a new job in Angel Grove who cares Justin's dad only exists to be busy for his son and occasionally shows up for an event or two you need CPS called on you Justin fire in your tank dvat talkx whines and complains about wanting a flying car also Hillary sheeper Turner is back playing dtox I think it was a few episodes ago I genuinely couldn't tell so Elgar manages to steal a piece of storm blaster's engine that lets her cars fly so D talkx now has a busted flying convertible but the episode's main focus is on a fire breathing monster and then the Rangers fight it it's kind of all over the place and honestly forgettable the turn of the wretched wrench Ashley and Carlos are taking an autoshop class and are both pretty terrible at it we learned that Ashley is taking the class because her dad hinted that girls can't work on cars so in a way to shove it in his face Ashley took the class the human stuff is honestly really good showing kids that there's no such thing as a skill that's only possible by a boy or girl I also like how Ashley sucks at working at cars at first almost giving up and saying her dad was right she's not just a savant at it right off the bat she genuinely has to study and and work hard to get good the Ranger stuff has them fighting a mechanic monster after storm Blaster breaks down it's Ashley who stays behind to try and fix it which she naturally does and Saves the Day Spirit of the woods while jogging in the woods TJ comes across a random kid named autan where he quickly disappears when DJ gets distracted for a few seconds a monster then attacks TJ and they fight noticing autan in the distance and getting saved by a strong gust of wind before TJ can see if the kid is is okay he's gone again we then get this epic reveal that autan backwards is nature yeah I guess this kid is an embodiment of nature taking human form dvat talkx then tries to capture him so she can have ultimate control of the elements what I really like is that when the Rangers come to help they can't see aerotan only TJ can see him I guess because he was nice and helped pick up some trash in the woods I like that it makes TJ feel special autan is awesome he literally summons a lightning strike from the Heavens to assist the Rangers forget the Phantom Ranger this is who you want on your team the episode ends with TJ jogging in the woods again to thank utan he doesn't see the child specifically but after he spots a deer he knows that utan will always be around it's a genuinely heartwarming episode easily in the top five of the season so far the song of confusion Cassie and her friend decide to start a band oh yeah remember that Cassie wanted to be a pop star they hold auditions but everyone is apparently terrible that is until this rock band shows up and sings the worst song I've ever heard oh I'm sorry I meant the best song ever since Cassie and her friend recruit them to their band the members are of course a monster in the piranhatrons in Disguise they sing a song that gets stuck in everyone's head but just kind of like it's not really debilitating or hypnotic it's no different than any other song in real life that gets stuck on your head anyway the Rangers find out they're evil destroy the rock band and that ends the Cassie Rockstar Saga the accident Carlos and another soccer player are in a competition to become team leader during practice though the other player sprains his ankle and says that Carlos is the one who did that to him we pretty much spend the entire episode following around a sadden Carlos who feels guilty for taking away this guy's chance what's nice is that we the viewers aren't sure if Carlos actually did hurt the guy we of course learned by the end of the episode that he didn't and the guy was lying but I like that they didn't give that away right from the gecko Cassie's best friend Cassie has a dog named Jetson who she loves very much so dvat talk sends down a monster that can turn humans into animals the Rangers manag to fight it off completely unscathed however during a second attack Jetson gets caught in the blast and gets turned into a human however Cassie never saw this and thinks that her dog is lost the episode is honestly really weird Jetson is fully aware that he is a dog and Cassie is his owner and even finds Cassie but doesn't tell her and it's not like he's happier being a human he still wants to hang out with Cassie and do dog things like play fetch I don't really get it the spell was also temporary and Jetson just naturally turns back into a dog by the end kind of stupid but the episode does have tons of heart weirdly enough the curveball hey remember when TJ moved to Angel Grove to become a baseball player well here's the one episode where TJ plays baseball there's a new kid who joins the opposing team he's really good and consistently Strikes Out TJ I thought it was going to be an episode where it ends with him being a cheater but no this new kid is actually just really good this causes TJ to stress out and focus on nothing but being able to hit the curveball so naturally dvat talk sends down a baseball monster that throws unhitable pitches where TJ once again can't hit the ball and is stressed out the other kid is also a dick bragging about how much better he is and obsessed with winning he then challenges TJ to a bike race and almost falls off a cliff that is called karma my friend TJ saves him and as gratitude teaches TJ how to hit the curveball now I'm not a sports guy but is it really a win if your opponent tells you how to beat them TJ uses this knowledge to strike out the monster and everyone becomes friends Carlos s the count Carlos gets bitten by a bat and gets turned into a vampire that's it little man another good Justin episode so Justin is trying out for track and Fields at Angel Grove High but because he's literally 12 he's not as big or strong as the other high school students this naturally frustrates him because while he is working hard in training his body just hasn't fully developed yet that is until he gets bit by a random ant and he develops ant powers specifically super strength because ants can lift things 10 times their body weight there you go don't say I never taught you anything naturally this gets the Justin's Head showing off for his own personal gain he gets attacked by the patron but easily mops the floor with them jumping all over the place and even lifting one off the ground with one hand the only downside is that he can't morph because and I quote his strength is not compatible with his powers what does that mean Alpha then creates an antidote that will give him his powers back but he lose his super strength he's initially against it but eventually realizes that his strength only benefits him while the powers can benefit all of mankind like I said a really good episode the Rival Rangers there's this new kid that both Ashley and Cassie have a crush on they then do petty things to each other in order to sabotage the guy potentially liking the other girl that's pretty much it Cassie hangs out with them until Ashley ruins things then Ashley hangs out with him until Cassie ruins things the episode ends with the guy ending up having a crush on a total random girl and Ashley and Cassie are left without dates for the dance I'll take you both deal what parts and Parcels Bulan skull have new jobs as delivery boys however their packages keep getting stolen by the daytime thief and their boss says that if one more package gets stolen they'll both be arrested I I don't think that's how the law Works buddy TJ and Cassie overhear this and say that while Balkan skull are kind of idiots they're not criminals TJ then takes it upon himself to team up with balk and skull to find the criminals it turns out it was the par monotron stealing technology for dtox the Rangers morph and fight the monster yada yada this isn't important after the Rangers saved the day though Balkan skull are about to get arrested that is until the Power Rangers teleport into the juice bar to clear the Duo's name saying that it was their efforts that save the day we get another nice moment with bulk telling Ashley that TJ is pretty cool and she tells bulk that TJ said the same about him ending the episode with a heartwarming hug and now ladies and gentlemen we've reached the finale of Power Rangers Turbo Chase into space part one Justin's dad has an interview for a new job he tells Justin that if he accepts it they'll have to move away from Angel Grove meanwhile the Rangers get summoned to the command center for some urgent news elar is under attack by the alliance of evil with Zordon being the one sending this message he tells the Rangers to stay on Earth to protect it meanwhile dvax teams up with this random Monster Who's the most destructive creature in the Galaxy why he's here teaming up with her I don't know the Rangers really want to go to elar to help Zordon but that super powerful monster shows up to wreak havoc on the city and it turns out he is pretty powerful none of their attacks seem to do any damage the fight has given some real tension there's once again no epic rock and roll playing in the background instead we get the dramatic Orchestra here's an example of a regular Megazord fight and this one ready let's do it turbo Megazord sa it's the little things that make a difference the monster's name that's not important manages to severely damage the Megazord leaving TJ with a drastic plan to self-destruct the Megazord right in the monster's face it's a pretty desperate move but all of the Megazord special attacks haven't been working so they sacrificed the rescue Megazord but even that didn't work with the monster Still Standing the Rangers then immediately summon their turbo Zords to put up another fight this one going even worse for them with the monster straight up destroying that Megazord on its own and just like that the turbo Rangers are without any Megazords TJ's last plan is to attach the turbine laser to lightning Cruiser and fly up to its face to blast it head on you see why it wasn't important to know its name meanwhile Rog and Elgar find the command center and inform dvat talkx of its location Demetria and the blue Centurion tell the Rangers that they will be going to elar to assist in the fight Justin gives the blue Centurion a hug and even his dad's lucky coin dvat talkx sees that Demetri and the blue Centurion teleporting away and uses this time to launch a full scale attack on the power chamber Alpha tells the Rangers that they should leave but TJ tells him that they're here to stay and go outside to face the evil Army Chase into space part too the Rangers are fighting with the patron but their numbers are too overwhelming with their only other help being lightning Cruiser and storm Blaster who eventually get wrangled and captured by dvax the Rangers need to retreat back to the command center they lock the doors but the evil forces persist it's a pretty intense Invasion they're scaling the walls and using battering ramps to knock down the doors we then get this really somber moment with the Rangers simply sitting there waiting for the attack where Carlos tries to comfort Justin getting his mind off The Invasion and talking talking about his dad's new potential job and whether or not he'll take it and leave Angel Grove the Rangers time of rest is shortlived though with the patron breaking through the forces and charging in Alpha tries to teleport the Rangers to safety again but TJ stops him staying there with this until the very end the battle inside the power chamber is very good things are being smashed to bits and they're on fire it's a very devastating sight to see with Elgar even throwing a hammer to destroy Zordon and demetria's power tube cutting off all contact with them I have seen a few complaints that it's Elgar and the piranhatrons that are the forces that destroy the power chamber and stop the Power Rangers considering they've been portrayed as nothing but Goofy and incompetence but I'm okay with this at the end of the day having a massive Army no matter how untrained will still be able to easily overwhelm only five teenagers this team is also really inexperienced they were just recently thrown into being Power Rangers and this is their first real threat algar then plants Bombs all over the the power chamber before blowing it to bits once again while dvax is searching for the Rangers bodies dark she gets a message saying that she's being summoned to the Samaran Planet by a force known as dark Spectre she fearfully obliges to the request and we see that the Power Rangers are still alive but badly wounded and to add insult to injury they've lost their powers Carlos says they need to go to space to stop DVA talkx and that staying on earth like Zordon requested would have then be sitting ducked until DVA talkx returns they all agree and go to nasada which is just Power Rangers NASA and Justin whisper something to the commander he immediately recognizes what elar is and lets the Rangers borrow a spaceship to launch into space I guess Zordon has contacts with the government everyone straps into the ship apart from Justin who stays on Earth to be with his dad the Rangers are saddened by his decision but fully understand and support it and with that TJ Carlos Ashley and Cassie take off in the spaceship and the episode ends with the caption to be continued next season Power Rangers in Space definitely an intense way to end the series this was a way better finale than zo and heck even mighty morphin which I think segue perfectly into my overall thoughts on turbo it's good don't get me wrong it's not great or anywhere near my top five favorite Seasons but again I avoided this season my entire life because I heard it was hot garbage but after watching it I don't fully understand the hate yes don't get me wrong the villains were easily the worst part everyone is an annoying over-the-top clown that gets on your nerves pretty quickly the first half of the season with the original cast was very good I like the focus on growing up and the plots weren't too terrible when the new cast showed up sure it was a step back storytelling wise with the monster of the day High School Shenanigans but when they wanted to tell a serious story they did it very successfully in my opinion honestly I'd say zo was way worse than turbo overall zo had one good story the gold ranger stuff and it took up half the season Justin is usually the main point of contention with fans they say he's annoying but I don't think so okay fine there were maybe like two episodes where he was annoying for being a kid but overall he was a fun character he was the one who immediately sniffed out all of DX's plans he was on the same level maturity-wise to the rest of the teens apart from a few occasions he was never a detriment to the team never more so than the other rangers if you want to look at the show from the perspective of a viewer in the '90s maybe you could say it was annoying having a little kid Power Ranger but how can people still say that to this day that Justin is the worst character ever when we have a plethora of Nickelodeon era Rangers who were written and portrayed just the absolute worst Vulcan skull also definitely had a step back in terms of character work working random jobs getting into the slapstick Demetria was also a complete waste of time a mentor who did zero mentoring also when she left at the end of this season this is the last we will ever see of her and quite frankly I couldn't care less Alpha's stupid Brooklyn yoyoyo voice was also stupid I do wish they stuck with the Rangers growing up thing that was teased at the beginning but overall I like turbo it was a pretty good season I'm not praising it as a masterpiece but I definitely don't think it deserves the overwhelmingly negative reputation it has the movie that sucks 100% there's no excusing that TJ Ashley Cassie and Carlos were all fine it is cool that Selman Ward got to be the first African-American Red Ranger and so early into the series history he brought a new leadership role to the table the best way I could describe him was as a friendly red ranger Jason and Tommy both had intensity to them them they felt like Larger than Life people and barely interacted with Balkan skull it always felt like they were viewed higher than them TJ however felt like someone you could approach and be friends with he was never standoffish the bulkan skull always trying to be their friends but with Zordon in danger our Rangers without any powers and divat talkx on the brink of taking over the Earth what will happen next well we'll find out next time as we set controls to outer space [Music]
Channel: ConnerTheWaffle
Views: 116,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power rangers, power rangers turbo, mmpr, mighty morphin power rangers, cosmic fury, jason david frank, history of power rangers, ConnerTheWaffle, turbo
Id: BMADmpJc8T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 37sec (3997 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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