Between the lions episode 4 Farmer Ken's Puzzle

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announcer bunny here check out what's coming up here on between the lawyers there once was a farm boy named Dylan who moaned I have only one hand till his mom put a tease where that anxious to be now instead of one hand Ben has ten if you think that was fun watch this hey now hey Wow here's how come and read between the lines because if we oh wait that's neat quite doctor knit white is wrong I have in my hand my latest discovery the only thing that were the English language with the en ends out in it the word h e in hey I'm gonna write that down well let me get my PE n + 1000 dear uh yes but I I've got to get back to the lab hey if I gotta quit that's neat why of course Cory can't imagine why we always get that wrong bland bland bland bland looks like a saucer grasper back upstairs on the left hmm let's get this blue sky yeah start again you just click on it hey yeah I am a farmer and my name is Ken catseco please and a hungry have to cross a river but what to do with the tiny little depth that will only hold I look at my cat and my seed in my yes I'll have to take one and come back again you have to take the money come back again oh boy oh boy oh boy let's play I love puzzles oh sorry huh the box says it's for ages 7 and up see that's us 7 and up yeah we're selling up your fork that's down what so well sorry too hard for you yeah way too hard for you sorry my hands are tied trust me you'd be happier playing some 4 and down game okay just play my own game okay hmm let's see we have to get the cat the hem and the seed all three across the river but the boat can only hold two things hmm what do we take firs oh oh take the head home shouldn't we take some time to think about what will happen if we take the hem first hmm no thinking necessary we know what we're doing lying out well uh hey turn Hey take the head okay so I roll across and I take the go back going next I don't have a clue who the golden egg next yeah who cares we won we won no no no no you didn't the object of the game is to get all three across hmm shall we take next oh it doesn't matter take the cat hey hey not so fast hey okay we know what - am I now yeah now Nelson the farmer back for you yeah yeah it see if it is okay whatever you say oh you told me to that's no excuse we're just oh yeah that's it shocking I'm afraid I have to agree with the pigeons cats eating heads as if there isn't already too much violence on television was so fibrous so all right the next woman oh not so vibrant and that's all alive yeah come on yeah you got it totally again hmm if we start over the handle still be alive the hen is still alive okay okay now this time let's put our heads together and think before we do anything else okay what are you going well I'm playing the game like he said 50 now right here right here I have this is my is nice right here this is my I'll have em and it's very very beautiful whoa nice bone very good Leona that age appropriate burner okay who do we take next we have to put our heads together right hand no no just think no no because then would you like to go for a ride in my boat oh very good dick just up in go and I farmer Ken will take you for a ride it's a motorboat and and now lovers of the bowels a e i o u and sometimes why give it up for Martha reader and the vowels in the short I have only one hand till as my brother teeth wear that anxious to be now instead of one hand man has ten oh yeah instead of one here I got W trouble and I know what's to blame it's because there's no one wasted at lawful and wilted and since what with W the what it doesn't make sense whatever it doesn't pay make and j-just go and these sounds like know what you and tell me behind I am worn out anyway then clean but I won't lose I'll remember the W make I'll remember and now the word doctor with dr. Ruth word heimer hello here's dr. Ruth must be time for another longer put out hey you gotta help me I was reading a letter from a friend it said my dear my friend you are you are what you are what Oh best look how long this word is and I can't read it so I have no idea what my friend thinks I am as it cool it is it pass I don't know I'll never go yes you will now take a deep breath and start on the list and read one part of the word at a time okay okay I'll try and and chant King and chant in and chanting oh my friend things I'm agenting oh thank you doctor thank you thank you so much you're welcome you know thank you whew I am good I pretty enchanting to you if I didn't say so myself would you like my book mr. cat me yeah okay well hop in okay now oh don't worry mr. sack of seat for you let's see if I take the second seeds across first no I leave the cat alone with a hand no no no not that anything but okay I'll take the cab first hmm oh yeah that's it give it a check I roll across and I take hahaha glass a happy ending it warms my heart to see a well set burst oh how many times do I have to tell you that's not how you play the game the object is to get all three things across safely let's think tea tea kay-kay hee hee te te and now world-renowned mezzo-soprano miss Denise graves will sing the sound of the letter e in the word may I have a build the excitement drum roll please rest rest clean restaurant let rest resting restaurant Oh oh boy my smarty pants are about the smart in the morning Oh and now once again it's time for The Adventures of sand spud parboil detective the name is spud Sam spud I was working late one night the blinking of the neon sign outside my window was endless it was about to drive me crazy suddenly there was a knock at my door who's there bata butter who mother open up spud will be forced to back out down this door butter he looked more like a teller as a matter of fact he was a tub of lard but it was his pals that worried me they looked like a couple of really bad eggs eggs Watson egg oh sorry that's not right IgG s spells eggs that shouldn't be an I that should be an EEG GS eggs they looked like a couple of really bad eggs as a matter of fact they were a couple of really bad hard-boiled and rotten as they come I can ready crack as a matter of fact I did what do you say we check out that diner on the corner huh I like a spud who asks a dumb to share some grub as the Sun comes up indeed I do this could be the start of a beautiful friendship mom this is hook in the tail with the hat on and no mouth worry sweetie Educational Television it must be good for you don't monkey pop up Cedars then said 10 10 10 sentences and said ten ten ten cents 10 cents let's start with our favorite poem it's a feel like we see in Ben and him and it sounds like in the middle of men easy in feed cat hmm what's the answer what's the answer uh huh I forgot the question oh yeah how do we get all these across oh yeah right right you don't wanna be with that old cat doing your mission no you don't you come with me when I go get mr. C um yeah your go me now come on mr. seed you're coming with me there we go in the boat maybe ain't made a mistake it's not for seven and up it's for seventeen and up okay alright hey hey hey let's take a break okay we'll come back to this later Hey you must drop the feed with the cat and roll back where the feed and cat are bound Leona how'd you do that oh well uh you know what I like to tell you mr. seven and up but I'm afraid my hand right doctor NIT why don't I have in my hand my latest discovery which I couldn't have made without you without only in the English language and sound in the world I'll give you full credit I've got to get back to the lab I got everything across the river if any grown after watching I want you to know that I had nothing to do with a nonsense you just witnessed we would like to thank Barnaby B Buster Field the third the founder of our library without whose help none of this would have been possible I had nothing to do with it nothing you're not taking me down with you they you
Channel: Dragoman666
Views: 314,826
Rating: 4.5081372 out of 5
Keywords: Between The Lions (TV Program), Farmer Ken's Puzzle, Education (TV Genre)
Id: PyaJ1L_8qh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2015
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