Between the Lions episode 39 Teacher's Pet

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announcer bunny here don't touch that remote here comes between the loans when two vowels go walking first one does a talking and boat you hear the O and not the a in meet you hear the e the a sits quietly yes when two vowels walk the first one says its name if you think that was fun watch this hey hey wow here's our command ring between the lion the world becoming strong even longer not trying Wow having my sheepskin nighty huh oh and I don't want forget my meat flavored fluoride toothpaste in my toothbrush don't forget that looks always travel your favorite book so I say what's wrong hey yo don't sneak up on me like that oh sorry I didn't mean to hey hey I can't sneak up on you even when I try to so how could I sneak up on you when I'm not even sneaking strange oh must be because I'm so excited about taking the Cubs to my prides reunion to meet my family and the Lions I grew up with I'm not paying attention oh there won't be the same without you there oh I'll miss you too my sweet carnivore but someone has to stay behind and take care of the library oh you'll be having too much fun to even notice I'm not there what look it's all here your prides newsletter proud pride hey come to the big reunion at club belt ooh a real treat that can't be beat all whoo look at all these great activities for you and it comes there's the sneaking through the bushes without being seen competition how you doing yes excellent sneaking is excellent literally I just gave that snake very high scores 9 out of 10 9 out of 10 oh you're good you should win that you're very sneaky thank you love it oh and look at this it's the long-distance team smell competition this is for the long-distance team smell championships the smeller's are right beside me and the smell e is one half mile away hey it's time to uncover the smelly ready set smells like that is a pina you are absolutely right oh you're sure to win that - nobody smells like you do Flattr oh just the truth now ah oh and there's the neatly swat a fly with your tail competition okay you gotta remember to keep your eye on that tail vocoder the Sun was in my arse you'll definitely win the gold on that one please join us in honoring our dear teacher Jean creaky Oh teacher creaky was a really terrific teacher oh that's what it says here a really terrific teacher mm-hmm everything I know about hunting and reading and being a lion as I learned from teacher creaky she's in a league of her own it says here hey boy it really does sound like a real treat that can't be beat hmm I'm eager to see teacher creaky yeah oh yeah she means a lot to me when I was a little cub I broke down everything she ever taught me in my journal so I'd always had it yeah we are we leave hey hey oh oh hey that's the first time we were ever able to pounce on right no no I'm not Leona I couldn't hear or smell or tell you were sneaking up on me I'll get it get one Oh I must have the I can hear or slower telling someone picking up on these blue I'll call you back Oh Theo I'm not gonna be able to go on this trip actually Oh heat it up with the e sound made by the letter e and now clay pigeon describes what's inside a clean peach uh-huh hates me yeah it's not me it's fruit fruit is not made of meat yeah what fruit doesn't have the yeah oh please meat eat beat beam dream way up north beyond seal had a dream as he swam little ice cream if I take the SD and replace it see I become ice - ice cream eight eight eight I've now some names with the letters behave but not like e what a creep me Jean jeans teacher mrs. beacon Dean and Dean sweet brother deacon breed and beaches treat and Keegan weekly Chesapeake and Eden Weaver please bees beagle Vicki Vicki sweepers Eagles Beavis heat the Neal and Yvonne Deena and be really clear on what she made what you made what's your name here's P buddy and B Camilla sweetie III buddy see you and all these names you've heard today you'll find the e sound of EA eat eat eat eat Oh I'll tell you why I've been feeling so happy and clear by ears and my eyes are bleary so what shall I do I fear it's true I got the I can't hear or smell or tell if someone speak it up oddly flu yeah being sick sure ain't easy why it's pretty ink wet you're queasy but feel pretty low just a shadow of oleo must be the I can't hear or smell Hotel if someone's secret up it's clear if the I can't hear or smell or tell you someone speak it up oh dear I can't hear or smell what now if someone speak it up oddly blue whoa mom if you're proud and those born make they're really gonna need you I'm sorry W to get go I don't know yeah I'll read the print on screen I'm sorry Cubs we really can't go oh oh mom this is really really bad there's something we can do for you mom Oh Yoda oh the last time I had this flu I wasn't much older than you my teacher teacher g'd cream cheese me oh you phony I could remember how she did it that's who I don't have to remember how she did it because I Oh Oh get up off the ground Cubs you read it all dirty oh well because I wrote everything down that she taught me in my journal Oh see oh oh oh Theo would sneak up on me like that are you I was just calling from Illinois and I listen the cure for this flu is in my old childhood Journal hey that's great all we have to do is read it and oh oh Cubs get off the ground you you're getting all dirty Oh tell mom to stop knocking this over where did I put that Journal oh no problem I'll just sniff it out oh honey maybe I should track that one down no that's Eddie oh let me see I think I've got it yeah ha ha no um let's see no no oh ha ha fluor no flue I could still track that's a ham sandwich I lost that last Thursday whoa I can't drag anything with this flu I like head by that Journal I can't chew it and if I can't cure it don't worry honey yeah we got three good noses here yeah yeah okay no no no you go that way Leona sweetheart you go that way till I go this way and Cleo you relax will sniff out that Journal this mustards supposed to be crunchy and now the word doctor with dr. Mortimer hello here's dr. ray something tells me it's time for another yacht I'm freaking out I was reading the sports section of the paper and it said that my favorite team is what this you're gonna help me so long I can't really please please okay at first come down take a deep breath now start on the left and read one part of the world at a time on the feet and good now put them together on D feet edie undefeat and undefeated very good yeah put on what is undefeated mean it means that your team has never lost oh we're undefeated thank you talk to Ruth whoo I'm unbeatable and now once again it's time adventures on sand smut palm oil Patel the name is spud sands but I was working late tonight staking out a warehouse a bad part of town my new partner was with me she seemed like a real push pooch that's not right that shouldn't be oh oh oh it should be ei sounds like long EP she seemed like a real peach as a matter of fact she was a real peach the Creek Creek the neon sign outside our window was about to drive his crazy and the fog was as thick as pea soup as a matter of fact yeah suddenly we saw the guy we were looking for we'd heard this sneak was as nutty as a fruitcake as a matter of fact it was a fruitcake I decided on the direct approach that was a mistake the guy freaked it Mike bananas and gave me the slip um kitty give me a hand your precious precious I'm feeling a little weak when two vowels go walking first one does a talking invoke you hear the OM not the a in meet you here the e a sits quietly the second vowel you see but you don't say just a few of us together in training and rain the ACE picks up the air does not much let me explain when to the first one does a target in brain you hear the a but not the eye in Sophie oh is clear the a you'll never hear and say you say the AVA not the why isn't it neat lip can't be beat it's such a dream don't mean to boast but here's a toast we're quite a team when two vowels go walking the first one does at all and I'm sorry number two it's such a change although it gives you pain the rule is very plain when mm the first one says its name yes when mm the first one says its name Hugo and in this in Eze and the tools the tummy lady is a neat eater okay did the tummy lady eat too many treats oh dear good for you tummy lady now tummy baby wants another treat no oh hey good work Leona I would have found it two of you two sent me in the right direction Carl and I'll admit it I just smell better than you that's cuz I learned it from the best tracker in the world mine Oh and that's because I learned from teacher creaky the neatest teacher in the whole world let's see if we can fight it in yo oh boy Oh found it Oh read it read it by journal July 23rd today I went to get a pleasing drink of clear water when I got near the stream the other animals were leaving one of them a cub named Theodore or something like that is a real speak again is that you the moms reading about No maybe I I don't remember so much he got near me and he screamed I fell at the stream oh boy did he leave fast I will never let anyone sneak up on me again later he was reading I tied his tail to a tree I can be very sneaky to you oh please don't go look I'm sorry I made you fall in the bar you do man oh the cure for the flu isn't here I don't need to read all no signal Oh Bowden August first today I had the I can't hear or smell or tell of someone sneaking up Bobby flew my teacher creaky treated me her cure baby healed she wrapped me in a blanket of heated banana leaves lucky we had this battery-operated electric banana leaf blanket in the basement hmm then I breathed Steve please Steve then she put what airdrop into each of my gears ears me and then I got to eat beet ice cream mmm meat ice cream yummy then teacher creaky said she would count to ten and I would all better you fight too much time on the ground today leo see you ducked me you could hear her pouncing yes and I smelled her 200 thanks to that Journal boy I sure am glad you wrote it all down why sure I'm glad I had a teacher like teachers preachy I'll get it hello teacher creepy oh yes I'll be there oh I'm looking forward to seeing you too bye bye come on Cubs let's finish packing club belt here we come you pack I'll clean up here oh thanks log oh I love a happy ending Oh Oh Leo honey sweetheart well the ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and there's five pounds worth of urine here oh yeah Barna baby buster filled the third says two more words with the e sound please leave oh yes thank you you
Channel: Dragoman666
Views: 925,654
Rating: 4.7738094 out of 5
Keywords: Between the Lions
Id: pB3CxsarNTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2016
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