Between a Rock and a Hard Place | Exodus 13:17-14:31 | Rich Jones

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and let's open our Bibles this morning to Exodus chapter 13 and we're gonna begin in verse 17 very very important part of the Scriptures greatest miracle in the history of Israel and the title of our message is between a rock and a hard place that's pray father thank you for your word thank you for your spirit that you sinned with your word to draw us near to strengthen our faith so god we open our heart we want to receive from your word this morning in Jesus name Amen alright at this point now through the book of Exodus the the Pharaoh has finally relented he's come to the point where he has agreed to let the people of Israel go and we were talking last week about the the last of the plagues by which God established the Passover as the commemoration that they would always remember that God is the one who saved them from death that God saved them from the slavery and oppression of Egypt so coming now to this section being set free Israel is going to begin their journey through the wilderness and what's interesting is that God does not lead them directly to the land of the Philistines which would be in the what we would call today Gaza Strip area on the Mediterranean toward the south which would be the main entry point into the Promised Land he does not lead them there he said even though it would be maybe a hundred and twenty miles literally it would only take them days to get there but it would bring them right into war and so he said lest they be discouraged and turn back he sends in a different way leading the people south by southeast down the Sinai Peninsula around by the way the wilderness to the sea now this is an amazing story because it seems that God is leading them it seems that God is leading them into a trap because they will find themselves between a rock and a hard place between the army of Egypt that had come out to pursue them and the sea in front of them and hemmed in by mountains on the other side now this is the major event in the history of Israel and it's a picture of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the salvation that he brings to us now there's a lot of spiritual lessons there's a lot of personal applications for what God is doing in Israel and what he would do in us when we see the story and understand how to apply it to our lives so let's read it I'm gonna read the whole story it's quite a few verses but I want us to really get the context and the backdrop to what God is doing in this story so we're gonna start in chapter 13 verse 17 it came about that when Pharaoh had let the people go that God did not leave them by the way of the land of the Philistines even though it was nearer for God said lest the people change their minds when they see war and they return to Egypt hence God led the people around by the way of the wilderness to the Red Sea by the way since he brings up the Red Sea let me add a point of clarification because the Hebrew is not best translated Red Sea it's actually best translated as read see but somewhere many presume when it was being translated into the Greek and thus later into the Latin in there later into the English who was doing the translating into the Greek thought they would do us a favor and add a bit of commentary by calling it Red Sea but the best translation is actually read see and the exact point of it place of it is really unknown many theories have come I have my own theories which I'll share on Wednesday but it's a very important part of the story so the we're coming around by the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea and the sons of Israel went up in Marshall array in an orderly way from the land of Egypt and Moses took the bones of Joseph I love this part of the story for Joseph had made the sons of Israel solemnly swear saying God will surely take care of you and you are carrying my bones from here with you do not leave me in Egypt I want to be buried in that land that God promised to our fathers I just love this part of the story - they're gonna do it they're taking the bones of Joseph because God's doing it God's fulfilling his promise then they set out from sukhov and they camped it eat them on the edge of the wilderness and the Lord was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way and a pillar of fire by night to give them light that they might travel by day and by night so they can make quite a bit of distance traveling by day and by night he did not take away the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night from before the people and in fact it would be there the entire 40 years it would not leave them until they entered into the Promised Land chapter 14 verse 1 now the Lord spoke to Moses and he said now tell the sons of Israel to turn back and camp before P high wroth between McDole and the sea you shall camp in front of bales of fun opposite it in other words bale Sivan would be on the opposite side across the sea Pharaoh will say of the sons of Israel they are wandering aimlessly in the in the land and the desert has shut them in thus I will harden Pharaoh's heart and he will chase out to them and I will be honored through Pharaoh and all his army and the Egyptians will know that I am Jehovah and they did it when the king of Egypt was told that the people had fled Pharaoh and his servants had a change of heart toward the people and they said what is this that we have done that we have let Israel go from serving us so he made his chariot ready and his and he took his people with him he took six hundred select chariots and all the other chariots of Egypt with officers over all of them and the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt and he chased after the sons of Israel as the sons of Israel were going out boldly then the egyptians chased after them with all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh his horsemen and his army and they overtook them camping by the sea beside feet higher off in front of bale Sivan and as Pharaoh junior the sons of Israel looked and behold the Egyptians were marching after them and they became frightened and the sons of Israel cried out to the Lord now listen to what they said they said to Moses what is this is it is it because there were no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness is that what it is why have you dealt with us this way bringing us up out out of Egypt is this not the word that we said to you in Egypt we said leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians didn't we say that to you it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness that is an interesting way of thinking and we want to look at that and understand it because many people will find themselves stuck in the same way of thinking but gnosis said to the people do not fear stand by and watch I love this speech don't fear stand by and watch see the salvation of Jehovah which he will accomplish for you today for the Egyptians whom you have seen today you will never see them again forever the Lord will fight for you while you keep silent that's a great I'll tell you why that's a great word then the Lord said to Moses why are you crying out to me tell the sons of Israel to move move forward and as for you lift up your staff stretch out your hand over the sea and divided and the sons of Israel shall go out through the midst of the sea on dry land now as for me behold I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after them and I will be honored so Pharaoh and all his army through his chariots and his horsemen then the Egyptians will now I am the Lord Java when I am honored to Pharaoh through his chariots and through his horsemen and the angel of God who had been going before the camp of Israel in other words in the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night he moved and went behind them and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them so it came between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel and there was this cloud along with the darkness yet it gave light at night thus the one did not come near the other all night that Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the Lord swept the sea back by a strong wind all night and turned the sea into dry land so the waters were divided and the sons of Israel went through the midst of the sea on dry land and the waters were like a wall to them on their right and on their left that's the key right there then the Egyptians took up the pursuit and all the Pharaoh's horses his chariots and horsemen went in after them into the midst of the sea and they came about at the morning watch so this had been happening all night that at the morning Watts the Lord looked down in the army of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud and brought the army of the Egyptians into confusion because their chariot wheels to swerve and made them drive with difficulty so the Egyptians said let's flee from Israel for the Lord is fighting for them against the Egyptians then the Lord said to Moses now stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may come back over the Egyptians over their chariots and over their horsemen so Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the sea returned to its normal state at daybreak while the Egyptians were fleeing right into it then the Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea and the waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen even Pharaohs entire army that had gone into the sea after them not even one of them remained the sons of Israel walked on dry land to the midst of the sea and the waters were like a wall to them when they're right on their left thus the Lord saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore and when Israel saw the great power which the Lord had used against the Egyptians the people feared the Lord this is a key component to faith and they believed in Jehovah and his servant Moses by the way one of the reasons that people don't like the phrase read see is because to them it suggests that it's shallow and and and you know that's taking away from the miracle which reminds me of me of a cute little story little girl was trying to explain to her teacher you know about the miracle of God bringing the Israelites through the sea and the teacher responded well you know it was only a few inches deep and the little girl I love the little girl's response she says well that's a great miracle too that God could destroy the entire army of Egypt with just a few inches of water but it's interesting because doing good study and research on this many would surmise that at the point where they crossed it actually would be closer to 100 to 150 feet deep actually and I'll spoke as speak to that L'Amour on on Wednesday but this is a great story one of the greatest miracles in the history of Israel and there's so much for us to learn and to apply from it and key is verse 31 where it says when they saw the great power which the Lord had used they feared the Lord and they believed God is doing something to make his name great and to establish faith he's gonna change these people the way they think and in their hearts and so this is a great story and there's a lot of application for us starting with this point the for us let God lead the way one of the first things you see from the stories that God is leading them through the desert but to the Egyptians it appeared that they were wandering aimlessly but God knew what he was doing and this is important to recognize because because God wants to lead us this is a key component to our faith God wants to lead us and we got to see that he leads by day and by night God is going before them in the pillar of cloud by day pillar of fire by night and this is gonna continue for 40 years and so they get into the promised land the significance and the meaning of God leading by a cloud and by fire is so important and you can do a study through the Scriptures because you will see this in many different ways throughout the scriptures but the key to understand here is that he's leading them the question is whether they would follow with their heart that's became an issue this became in the issue for 40 years would they follow with their heart you see one of the greatest causes of difficulty in people's lives is that they only want God to lead them part of the time but God wants to direct our lives all of the time by day and by night in other words don't be a part time a follower God's wisdom is to be lived all the time by day and by night by by leading us he is strengthening us in helping us but don't be a part-time follower you know at some times you can see someone you know you look at them and they think you might think oh look at that they're doing well they're following after the Lord yeah that is until something happens you know some event happens or they do something like sports and all of a sudden they take all the principles of the Lord and throw them out the window you know I myself I'm not a competitive person I'm probably I am probably the most non competitive person man you know okay that's a joke okay so whenever we have like it we've done men's retreats or whatever you know and we're gonna get the men together and let's say we're gonna play a game of basketball or volleyball or something I like to I like to gather them in together and have a little speech we're gonna play basketball now together and let me remind us all that we are Christian men and that we should live by Christian principles in this game can I have a witness on this because what happens what happens is that you know you all of a sudden here's a nice guy by all appearances a wonderfully nice guy until we start playing basketball and then or baseball or volleyball or something what happened he turned into a monster or conflict arises in marriage and then what happens they take the principles of God and throw them out the window look what happened there God's wisdom is to be applied especially in times like that that's when we need the Lord don't be a part-time follower because God's gonna do something God's gonna use it if we just would follow and let God lead us even especially in times of that he'll do something proverbs 4:18 the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn that shines brighter and brighter until the full day or isaiah 58:8 your light will break out like the dawn and your recovery will speedily spring forth and your righteousness will go before you the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard you're doing something through it see God's leading is like a covering protection you will discover that your life will be greatly blessed when you follow all the time by day my night with all of your heart God's presence was seen in the cloud and in the fire and both were good and pleasant she's good and pleasant too how God's leading you the cloud would be a covering and protection for them from the desert he'd and the Sun and the fire at night would provide light and in heat it's good and how pleasant God's presence is seen in the cloud and fire throughout the scriptures from this point forward and that's important for us to recognize his leading in our lives because he leaves today by his Spirit and by his word the to the purpose of the cloud and the fire was too full the first was to leave them as God would direct the second is to give them covering protection over them it mentions this in Psalm 105 verse 39 he spread a cloud for a covering and a fire to Livan by night this was the point in the same way God's Word then is given both to lead our lives with God's wisdom and to protect us same twofold purpose to lead and to protect and bring a covering and to protect us from the destruction that comes from going our own way if we if we do not follow after God but follow our own it will surely lead us into the paths of destruction that God is trained to protect us from that he's like psalm 119 verse 105 your word is a lamp to my feet and it is a light to my path it shows the way in which to go and in the same way the Holy Spirit and it tells us that the Holy Spirit was with Israel in the desert Nehemiah 9:20 speaks about it it says you gave your good spirit to instruct them he's speaking to Israel in the desert and your gate and he does the same for us Jesus spoke of that he gives the Holy Spirit to instruct us he he did not withhold manna from feeding them in the same way he is the bread of life that strengthens and nourishes the soul it says you gave them water for their thirst Jesus is our living water satisfying the thirst of the soul and he gives the Holy Spirit I love that verse in Isaiah where it says you will hear a voice behind you this is the way walk in it that's the leading of the Holy Spirit and this is important to recognize the Holy Spirit would lead us and speak to us this is the way go this way this is the way this is the path of righteousness this is the path of blessing and that's the leading of the Lord now going back to the story in Exodus we've got to also recognize that there are no dead ends with God this this section is so important because of its relevance and application God is clearly leading them but it seemed at least to the Egyptians that he was leading him into a chop but he was not leading them into a trap he was leading their enemies into a trap but he was going to demonstrate his power and to strengthen their faith the Israelites were sure one of the greatest miracles in the history of Israel when he brought them through on dry land and destroyed the Egyptian army when they went into pursuit this was not a dead end this was God doing something to strengthen faith and to bring about a tremendous victory for the name of God but this we gotta recognize because I think many of us encounter troubles and dead ends in our lives we got to see this not all dead ends are God's doing some people who I think read this story may wrongly conclude that if you end up in a dead end God led us into it that would be a false conclusion because there are many dead ends of our own making if you make foolish decisions if you go your own way do not follow the wisdom and principles of God you might find difficult circumstances and situations but it was the decision and decisions that led into that dead end or others around us may make wrongful hurtful decisions and lead us into difficult situations but that was not God's hand either this you can be searching God may not have led you into a dead end but he will most certainly lead you out of it I remember a number of years ago a fellow called this was the church was quite young and and he had looked his up in the phone book this was back in the days when phone books were a thing and he just opened up to churches and somehow our name just kind of jumped out at him so he called and asked is there anyone I can I can talk to I have I need to talk to a pastor so I said sure come so he comes and he's beginning to explain and all my heart started to bring for him because oh my goodness the story that he related the troubles that were surrounding him or I where were immense and of course he wants me to speak into it he wants me to say something and so after he finished telling me his story I said should I make an observation and he said well yes sure and I said it seems to me that what has happened is that you have been planting weeds in your life for many years and those weeds briars thorns and are now coming up and you are surrounded by all of these weeds but you've been planting these weeds for years I said do you see it yeah but what do I do I said well my my first suggestion is to stop planting weeds don't plant anymore and I said you know when I was a when I was a kid we used to sing a song in church and it went like this the Lord knows the way through the wilderness and all we have to do is follow I said the Lord knows the way out of this but you've got to change your direction you've been planting these seeds you've got to stop planting those seeds stop planting weeds start planting seeds of righteousness as you walk along the way follow after God step by step day by day planting right seeds and I tell you it will bear forth it will return to you it will bless your life but it starts with repentance you got to turn your life in a different direction I said would you let me pray for you he said sure I said actually I like you to pray can we get on her knees and he said okay so we get on her knees together I put one arm around his shoulder and I put one arm on the on the chair in front of us and he starts crying and tears start flowing down his face and I'm gonna tell you something so beautiful to me so here's my arm in front like this and he's crying and his tears are like wetting my arm had a long sleeve shirt on and it was just wetting my arm and I looked at that and there's something just hit my heart and I thought these are the most beautiful tears these are the tears of repentance it's beautiful you know that scripture it's in the Psalms that says he holds our tears in a bottle I love that song because they're really you know what it speaks about it says that's precious that's precious to God you know when someone comes to that point where their heart is turning and they've come to see it and now they're trusting God that's a beautiful point and I saw those the tears wetting my arm and at all it's beautiful this is an important story because a lot of people find themselves in dead ends and have been planting weeds for many years and I think the same word would apply stop planting weeds start following after God he knows the way to the wilderness all we have to do is follow but follow every day follow every step and turn see God will use the situation in your life both or his glory and to strengthen your character he'll strengthen your faith in other words God God wants you to learn to trust him in every difficult situation and that was strengthen your faith he wants you to learn to live by the truth and the wisdom and the principles of his word that was shrinking your character what do you do when you find yourself surrounded by weeds and troubles stop planting weeds start walking after God and planting seeds of righteousness he knows the way keep learning keep growing keep walking keep learning keep growing that's what God wants to do you know I'll love kids I love kids I think God has a heart after kids but here's the thing I don't want kids to stay kids all their lives I want them to grow up I think kids are beautiful kids are cute kids are wonderful but I don't want him to stay kids I want them to grow up and be successful in life be godly have a future have a hope have a foundation that's what I want the same is true for us God wants us to grow he wants us to keep growing establishing in our faith Hebrews 5:12 the writer admonishes them hey by this time you ought to be teachers but you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles literally the ABCs of the Oracles of God and you've come to need milk and not solid food so how do you respond see know how to respond to a dead end you can learn a lot both from what to do and what not to do when you see Hebrew the Hebrews reaction here Pharaoh decided the Israelites are wandering aimlessly so this is his opportunity he sees them moving into this valley that's by the sea hemmed in by the the mountains and the ocean so he chases after them with the horses and the chariots but when Israel saw the Egyptian army bearing down they became frightened and they cried out to Moses listen to what they said what is this is it oh is it because there were not enough graves in Egypt that you have taken us out here to die in the wilderness is that it why did you do this why didn't you leave us as slaves so that we could serve the Egyptians why didn't you we would have preferred to stayed slaves how do you change see here's the problem they have been so long in their oppression and in their slavery they couldn't break out of it their mind their heart how do you change how do you break out of it because so many people they lived so long in darkness or oppression or difficulty and they can't break free they're stuck and I can relate you many of you know my story I understand this growing up a father who is an alcoholic abusive yelling at that in the house all the time dysfunction chaos the entire growing up years until I moved out to go to college I tell you what that is not exactly a foundation for a successful life and many people many people who grow up in in situations like that you know what happens they repeat it they do it they do the same thing many people who grow up on that they become alcoholics themselves or they become abusers you know what is that old thing hurt people hurt people but I'll tell you what I respect my mother very much because she made sure that we got to church some way somehow she's gonna make sure we get to church so we can hear that preacher give the Word of God and something took hold something happened so that I didn't have to repeat what I had lived for 18 years God can break free God can break free do you believe this God can break free know how to respond how should you respond if you should find yourself at a dead end first of all keep your eyes on the Lord take your eyes of the situation and put them on the Lord that will strengthen faith right there if your focus is entire do entirely on the problem the problem is going to consume your mind in your heart Hebrews 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher or perfecter of our faith this is an important part of the story and then I should say don't look for someone to blame when Israel saw their predicament that they were in they turned to Moses and started blaming him we as we told you don't don't don't take us out of slavery this is your fault aren't you glad aren't you glad that God did not listen to them aren't you glad that God didn't say you know what you're a bunch of whiners you can just go back to Egypt since you want to do it so bad aren't you glad God didn't listen God's gonna see them don't look for someone to blame that doesn't help either and then verse 13 don't fear Moses responded to the people's crying out than blaming don't fear now that may be easier to say them to do but it's a constant admonition of the Lord you would be amazed how many times in the scripture that God says to the people don't fear do you know what more than 60 times he says this don't fear because this is a condition that we are born into don't fear fear is the opposite of faith there's no room for faith when your heart is filled with fear and next the point out of the scriptures is stand still in other words stop complaining stop whining stop panicking be still and know that I am God the scripture says now there's always gonna be someone in the crisis who panics and says we're all gonna die but know that God will fight for you it says when you keep silent God will fight for you take your stands what literally means and then lastly trust God and move forward see verse 15 the Lord said to Moses why are you crying out to me tell the sons of Israel to move forward there's the time to stand still there's the time to pray there's the time to call out to God and there's a time to move to do what God is asking you to do there's the time to take action by trusting God that God will work in your behalf no weapon formed against you will prosper it says in Isaiah 54 there's a time to move see when you're in a dead end and you need 10 miracles in a row keep moving and trust God at every turn one of the one of the greatest illustrations of that that came into my life I take I could write a book on how God has shown himself strong amazing provision and miracles of God and I want to I want to relate the story some of you heard it before but it's important because of how it applies to the story what had happened was I was asked to speak in another city I was going to speak to some stockholders a stockholders meeting in this company and the reason I was asked to speak is because this company had been financially strongly financially supporting our work in Russia and so I was supposed to go to the stockholders meeting give a report of how we had used their funds the last year and then they were going to vote to support us again the next year and they were very big contributors and I was friends with the executives and that's how that happened well what had happened was then my plane was scheduled to leave at like 7 or 6 or something and my wife woke me up at like 6:30 a.m. like hey aren't you supposed to be at the airport like right now what had happened was I set my alarm clock 4 p.m. rather than a.m. you know that sinking feeling by the way you only need to do that once in your life and you never do it twice and like I threw my clothes on a gun in the car and I got in the cell phone I called Alaska Airlines back in those days you can call legally from your phone and I'm calling Alaska is there another flight that can get me to that it wasn't far away is there another flight that would get me there no there's none I said would you mind looking at the other airlines okay well there's a flight on Southwest at 7:16 I said can I get that number so I called Southwest can I get a ticket on that flight not this not this late but there's a kiosk at the airport if you really want to I said thank you very much hung up the phone and then I start praying god I need 10 miracles and they need him in exactly the right order and I will go through Beaverton and I tell you I went straight through Beaverton and I never hit one red light right there's a miracle I get to the airport I parked I it's the wrong parking area but there was a bus it was empty the driver was there I just jumped on I said could you just take me okay so here we drive up I run up the stairs there's a kiosk right there I buy a ticket and I literally am sprinting wouldn't you know what my gate is at the very very last I know and I'm like I'm just reading with you know everything sweats coming down my face I run right past the gate think back in those days you had to get a boarding ticket at the gate you'd counter person I ran right didn't have a boarding pass I ran down the jetway and there I saw it big open space where my plane should have been and I looked and can see the tractor pushing it away and I said to the guy bring it back he said no I said you don't understand that is the only plane that I can be on that's gonna take me where I have to be I have to be on that plane and he said it's not coming back for anybody I said okay turn around and start walking back up the jet way and I said lord I did this this was me I don't blame you for anything you've been so good to me you have been amazing to me in my life I have nothing to say but thank you I did this this is me I did this and I walked up to the counter there and I did the gate and I said I need a refund and I could see my plane tractor I pushed it all the way out and turned it and oh Lord what do I say how am I gonna explain this and then I looking in the plane went this way and started coming this way and I can't look like this she saw I looked at my face so she turned and looked and she says what are they doing I said I have no idea but I need a boarding pass absolutely chip came back I'm not making any this up came back gave the guy my my boarding pass I they opened the door I got on they closed the door and they left and I'm standing now in front of the whole plane they started clapping so obviously somehow the fighter then it must have said something so then we get airborne but see I'm on the wrong plane that's gonna arrive late and they had sent they were gonna send somebody that didn't know my face they were just gonna hold up a card and I think I need some more miracles so we get airborne and I said the fights in it what time is this the plane land she says well excuse me but aren't you the one that minutes late okay that's true but I still got to get there so it ended up we had a tailwind so we ended up landing just a short time after the other one was supposed to land but before we landed I said to the flight attendant I said you think there's any way that I could get first off to which she said she said oh anything for you so she brought me up and I said like 1c or something you know as soon as they open the doors boom I was out there was a shuttle took me to the main terminal and I get I was the last on the shuttle the first one off biblical principle and I get inside and they're paging me when I get off the main journal they're already paging me faster reach Jones pick up the you know so I figured I'm here I'm here I'm here and the timing was so amazing that they drove me to the meeting I walked in the room I took off my coat and walked up to the podium and I had a story to tell but here's my point I didn't quit didn't quit keep moving we've got to believe that our God is able but too many people they quit they quit on God second Corinthians 16:9 the eyes of the Lord search to and fro throughout the whole earth in order to show himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are completely his how do you break through so many people have lived so long in in oppression or darkness and it's affected how they think it's affected their heart and they don't know how to trust we must believe this is what God is trying to show Israel you watch and you watch and you will see the deliverance of God and it says they believed now this is important because we must believe break through trust God keep moving don't quit don't quit and watch and see the salvation of our God let's pray father thank you so much your word is amazing because it strengthens our faith the very thing we need and I pray Lord for every person in this room this morning Church as we're before the Lord I don't know what kind of situation that you're in I don't know it what darkness you have been facing I don't know what heaviness is but on your life but I do know this God wants you to believe God wants you to believe keep your eyes fixed on him he's your hope he's your deliverer don't quit keep moving forward God wants us to believe God will set us free God will set you free breakthrough breakout how do you change the heart out he changed the mind God will show himself to you if you just watch if you just wait if you believe keep moving today Church would you say to the Lord I won't believe I will I will trust you God break through my heart show me your way I want to follow I will trust I want to break through this I want to break through this God I won't quit I won't quit I will break through I will trust you would you just raise your hand if God is speaking to you if that's a word that God let's say to you would you just lift your hand and receive that word and just believe that God is in fact able to do that which concerns us today God is able if we would just believe stand and watch father thank you for everyone who believes who trusts who looks to you you are amazing you are worthy of our praise we give you that this morning in Jesus name and everyone said amen can we give the Lord thanks and honor and glory this morning amen
Channel: Calvary Chapel Worship Center - Hillsboro, Oregon
Views: 598
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: The Bible, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy, Pastor Rich Jones, Pastor Matthew Dodd, Calvary Chapel, Faith, Grace, Revival, Truth, Prayer, Salvation, Calvary Chapel Hillsboro, Exodus, Matthew
Id: 22yKKpU9pN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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