Betty White Is Extremely Entertaining on Johnny Carson October 7, 1987

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[Music] okay thank you doc here's a my next guest is a lady i'm very fond of as i'm sure most people are and she has a brand new book out called betty white person would you welcome now from golden girls miss betty white [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow say that tonight for the first time in many years tonight we don't have to do a tarzan sketch we don't usually when we do sketches we are undraped i can keep my clothes keep your clothes on tonight you come here as an author so this has to be most dignified a little dignified okay well i i don't blame you i think it's the only way well congratulations and happy anniversary and all that jazz that's very nice we're gonna hang her out for a while and i never saw a stand-up comedian sitting down that was wonderful i love that he's funnier like that okay now i kind of thumbed through this today i was looking and i've had shelly winters on the show and i was saying wow i wonder if betty white really now is going to let it all hang out i was looking for you know hollywood exposes and people you have known and had well no i didn't say that that's what you were looking for but i didn't find any of that in this book i'm sorry about that yeah there was a little about george burns but very little but i uh i just figured let's read between the lines and then you'll figure it out no it's not that kind of a book i know it it's just a silly little series of vignettes that keeps my skin clear and just up did you want to do this for a long time i know they came to me and they said but i had done a book you know about three years four years ago and they said would you like to do a book on a little your id your feelings on various subjects uh you know from your point of view or frame of reference i don't i guess that means if you're old you can you can say so i uh i said well sure that sounds simple enough but then you stare at the blank piece of paper and you know that it's got to get done and the deadline keeps doing this but you've been writing since you as i understand since you were 11. eight eight my first one was i was an oz freak and i wrote a screenplay called trouble in paradise it starred mae west who came across uh the deadly desert and uh this is for real when you were i did and it didn't have it wasn't real long uh screenplay but it the premise was she got into oz and caused all kinds of trouble i did bring in one in looking around i keep notes have kept notes forever i had yeah i ran across something that i got a bang out of i mean a kick out of um just reminiscing um this is whether a society or a cowgirl i had two such good titles i couldn't decide between them society or cowgirl or from debut to roundup it's by betty m white yes marion uh-hum with an o but it was one of those things that it it it has a lot of plot and i really got carried away and nobody ever said anything or asked anything they queried or they bought safe something or they assured or they but the one my dad always liked and i never knew why well yes he ejaculated and my dad got the biggest kick out of that i never knew why but it's all in long hands and i love it's her brother um was very ill her her dan and i loved the part where she said that uh that the doctor sue decided to face the doctors and find out the truth about jeff it seemed to her that he would have been well by this time had it been only a common sickness as the doctors had called it not saying what it was god knows what was the matter with jeff well jeff died and she went out west and somehow and somewhere along the line they had given her a great i mean her somebody had left her a big ranch so she went out there and we have a forest fire we have horse thieves we have a handsome cowboy we have a setter dog of course named rusty but i evidently ran into a little plot problem because i didn't know quite how to handle it so i had a wonderful idea she woke up it was all a dream jeff was well and do you know that they stole that idea [Music] [Applause] on dallas i think yes just killed him yeah but it's so that's the way you start and then you go from there and it's taken me that many years to really get around to writing another one of you yeah i've known you a number of years but i don't sure i really know you i mean sometimes you play this hi how are you you know and then underneath these little hadn't gotten in such a rush to get married we could have arranged something [Applause] you're you're somewhere between mother teresa and a call girl or something and i'm not quite sure where it is uh anyway uh about the book you talk about the fact that people watching the fact that people who are friends of yours now when you were a child you looked at now they're your friends well i guess celebrities you know and all of a sudden they're they're close friends the jimmy stewart you know gloria his wife and i serve on the board of the los angeles zoo and jimmy you'll come in well hello betty and andy and i can't even i'll never learn to take it for granted i even get shook when you say hello betty how are you in my bed no i do we grew up together kind of you you know out here early days of television in television together but i still get shook do you get a lot of static i mean do you ever have that feeling about anybody of course not now after umpteen years but i mean is there anybody who comes on that really throws you a little bit or that you strangely enough the one time i got bothered on this show was with the one night audrey hepburn was on and i don't know why i became absolutely you know she was very not not aloof proper maybe is the word and i just didn't know how to how to handle it oh isn't that and i don't know why but she just completely unnerved me and i was babbling like this you know that completely fell apart and once you start that once you realize you're doing it you can't turn it off and then you really make a horse's uh rosette out of yourself um do you find people think of you in a little you know the little television set when you can't hear and they talk right in front of you and oh she there she is oh it couldn't be yes it is that's that's her oh yeah she's not as fat as i thought she was yeah they're gonna put us and they're taught and you don't know where to look you know you you mentioned shows in the book i didn't even know you were even on blondie well that was radio i was radio yeah that was right i got that by accident um i had been doing you played blondie no no no no i've i've i've tried to i've played it and lost no i went i showed up one day with i would only do one-liners in radio you know good morning merry christmas those were the parts i played sometimes crowd noises um but then the um the fbi called and i came in to do a kind of a little speaking part well it turned out when i walked in they said but you're not blonde i hadn't been suddenly struck blonde at that point what is your natural color god knows and i'm not about to find out since you brought it up i thought it was mousy brown i don't know what's been going on under there but i'm not wanted to talk about it john um but this is nature at work i mean so is this yeah yes uh but you have more chemicals in there than lake erie what are you talking about let's get it out but anyway outside of that and it's called hairbrush anyway they were expecting this other actress and that but it was too late to recast so i i stole this other actress's part and i got a whole speaking part she was turned out to be betty white who uh was talent coordinator with jack bailey for so many years and to this day we still get our mail this way and no matter when she sends me the mail she said you owe me a party don't you forget it now do you go out on the book tour to promote the book well we're filming we do three weeks of golden girls and then a week off in three weeks i so i i on the last hiatus week i went to new york and they have a wonderful invention now called satellite stuff so you can do a hookup to all of the from so i am a hooker no you know i meant nothing i know you meant that um but from nine to one you do 22 cities just sitting there and that instead of running around all those cities it's wonderful i must say that the golden girls oh you certainly don't need the plug but that is one of the most creative funny shows on television i've ever seen it you don't need me to tell you so much fun to watch but the writers and the producers and the tender loving care they teach great stuff oh it's such we keep looking at each other each monday when we see the script looking at each other like this they've done it again don't say anything they've done it again that's a first-rate show we have to do this we'll do this we're coming back [Applause] [Music] all right we just have a minute or so so uh are you still going to be appearing in malls now or no the mall tour is over on to better things i suppose you'll be writing a book soon you never know anyway good luck good luck with your career nice to meet you uh betty uh this is the book called betty white in person thank you john up close and personal mother teresa and a call girl mother teresa i'm sorry about that i'll never hear the last of that and barry you are headed for vancouver vancouver and then i think i'll be in san francisco a couple weeks after that and then uh and then in the malls i'll be in the mall we're in the mall you know it's occurred to me where can i go the more she's she's broken it in she's warmed them up for you so they're hot they're hot tomorrow night we have uh john larquette from night court and a beautiful model pauline porzikova paulina and the music of kenny g [Applause] or maybe another show entirely tune in tomorrow and find out good night [Applause] [Music] you
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Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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