BETTER STORYTELLING With This Simple Editing Technique!

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why hello and welcome to the new office setup it's not totally done yet but you saw us hang this little guy kind of digging it here actually with the little plants and stuff we still have to like hang some and put some stuff over there and stuff over there but that's not what we're talking about today today we're talking about how to improve your storytelling flow using this trick my favorite Jay cuts and L cuts actually it's not really trick that's more of a technique call it a technique first before we get into it I severely need to caffeinate myself because it's 3:30 p.m. it's not 3:30 p.m. for you right now it's probably another time and I woke up a 10 amp and I'm dragging I am tired as [Music] they don't know how many coffee videos I can make I tell you one thing this gotta change looking forward they're working on this it might not be so obvious what I just did there but if you look closely I've used J and L cuts to kind of help along the story I really like I can't just have a sit here and not drink it yes oh my god I love iced lattes yeah so this trick is kind of helpful when you're trying to tell a story and you're going from one place to another but the stuff in between you don't really want to show and so that's when Alcott's and J cuts can kind of come in handy and speed up the Edit without it feeling awkward from jumping from one place to another I like back what the RJ and L cuts so basically what a J cut is its when you skirt the audio from the next scene before the b-roll from the preceding scene ends if you have a b-roll clip and then voice over portion of your next clip starts before you actually see that clip so I could be showing cocky b-roll and my next clip might be me sitting in this office talking but the talking starts before you actually see me in the office so that is a Jake I know an l-cut is kind of the opposite of that it's when the audio from the first clip continues over b-roll from the second clip so if I was talking about coffee and I was gonna say let's go make coffee and then put the b-roll of the coffee on top of the end portion of that voiceover then that would be in Al Qaeda you're probably noticed now when you watch other people's videos you're gonna pick up that they're using this technique okay so we're gonna use the helicopter trip as an example so in this particular clip we wanted to transition from being at the airport to being at the hotel room we didn't want to show driving to the hotel because we knew the video is already going to be long or trying to tell us the same story so we used AJ cut here to help the story along cut out a bunch of meat that didn't need to be there just kind of make the transition from the airport to the hotel more seamless and make sense dan over a productive day we recover 800 485 nautical miles so starting the audio from the next clip underneath the previous scene kind of helps the story along it makes a transition from one place to another a little bit less rough I keep talking with my hands like I'm cutting it like this is the cut tool and I'm giving this plant plant you're hitting I'm gonna just here's another example of using a J cut so basically we're showing b-roll of where we are and then we start the audio from the following scene during the b-roll segment but we're still in the same location all right so we are in Lonesome Pine Airport it's in wise Virginia we're talking about where we are and we're showing b-roll of where we are and then that kind of cuts into you Chris sitting down and talking about where we are think about using J and L cuts to help transition your clips from one scene to the next we're from one day to another day or from one storyline to another you can use it in a number of different ways so again an l-cut is when audio from a scene is playing under video clips from the following scene and the J cut is the opposite of that when you start hearing audio clips in the following scene underneath the preceding Clips so freakin confusing so hopefully seeing those examples kind of help using the L cut or the J can really helps the story along it could speed things up you want to get your story across and tell a really good one how many times can I tell but how many times can i say story like literally a hundred tell the story the best way possible but it's also timing and delivery you don't want to drag your story out with unnecessary clips just because you want to get the point across that we move from A to B so you can use J and all cuts to do that you can use time lapses to show time passing b-roll things like that but you don't have to show every single thing in a story there are easy ways to get your story across other than just showing you everything alright so hopefully that helps you with your storytelling with your editing just try it out use it let me know in the comments below what you guys think if you use this technique before if you've never heard of it before let me know yeah that's it I'm gonna finish off this latte good lord there is nothing like an iced latte on a hot day well yeah if you liked the video give it a thumbs up subscribe and hit the bell so you get notified we posted video so we will see you on the next one I got nothing to throw nothing to do here guys just gonna like stand up and just shuffle ah thought there was a bug honey I think it's just a hair jung-mi wealth god the internet is so slow oh okay function trick editing thing feature I don't know what it's called an editing technique editing technique the reason this editing technique
Channel: Becki and Chris
Views: 194,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: j cut and l cut, j cut premiere pro, j cut and l cut example, j cut and l cut in editing, premiere pro editing, editing techniques premiere pro, BETTER STORYTELLING With This Simple Technique!, tips and tricks, adobe premiere pro, video editing software, premiere pro, editing, storytelling in video editing, storytelling, how to edit videos, how to edit better videos, video editing techniques, video editing for beginners
Id: n1h6SB7kors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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