Better Agates than Lake Superior? Agate Hunting in the North of England

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hello so today we are in the beautiful Hills the Cheviot Hills of Northumberland and it's a beautiful beautiful day and we're going to find some treasure yeah we're gonna find some agates and some other pretty rocks hopefully and whatever else comes our way yeah who knows you never know so let's do it [Music] [Applause] okay so Alex is gone to do a recce up the mountain look where she is that is steep look you can hardly see her on the screen but she says there is actually raw agate up there so I am going to scramble up to see if I can see any as well so I've come up this far I think there's like if you can see it along here a really rough sort of sheep or goat track there's Alex up there it's the top of the hill way up there so yeah you don't want to fall over on this stuff because it's really sharp so let's keep going okay I've made it up to Alex and you can see the gravel's a lot finer up here so just a matter of having a look through it see if there's anything obvious at the moment but it is an amazing view just stunning and a beautiful day I think I found a bit of ordinance of some kind of bit of shrapnel and this area is used for by the military there's actually a sign down there see it on the other side of the burn and it's warning you that um there may be shooting here and not to touch anything because it might explode and kill you so um that's always good um but we are not looking for bombs today we're looking for agates um and I found some rare pink kind of like Trace fragments of Agate only little pieces of this beautiful rare pink agate oh that was banding yes look it's only a tiny little fragment but still we're at the source we've never actually come to find the source of the Agate before right here in the Hills so that's really cool wow look at this landscape mum finally made it up here mountain goat Style I don't know if you can even see just how steep this is it's difficult to see on the camera just how steep no it's not really showing up whoa see there is Agate here this is just like little tiny traces of it well probably not in the best spot here might have to go up further into the Hills but I think our plan today is going and looking down in the river because that's usually where we're most successful looking for agate but it's cool to be right here on the source right on the screws there's a tiny little bit I think yeah dainty right this is what Alex has found that green rock so far it's green water yeah there's just a little bit on there um but most of it looks got that little bit you're gonna have to get up really close to that to be able to see but I'll zoom in can you see the little bands on there yeah a tiny bit they're pink which is really cool isn't it yeah um and all of these have just got little tiny bits that's more pink look and it's a little sparkly I don't know if you can see it on the camera the digital cameras don't seem to show up Sparkles no so um this is also sparkly anyway um and then I found this which is loads that's quite a good bit yeah it has loads of it on yeah that's great I like that bit there's no huge bits that's the biggest bit I found most of them are just tiny little look you can see the bands on there can you see that one there yeah more pink which is really rare apparently so this is the place for pink agates mostly just like really thin bits like that yeah so well we'll have a bit more of a look and then we might head back down the valley look in this River on the gravel Banks yeah look in the river on the gravel Banks and here's part of the mountain goat or probably just a sheep bone like keep that actually it's a nice white bone be nice for doing some carving on Alex wants to go right to the top so um yeah it doesn't show how steep it is here but it's just about like a wall so I'll have to follow her I suppose Alexis Alex is struggling over there and I found this bit of pink here that's our car all the way down there it looks like one of those car adverts if it was speeding along the road all right I'm on my way back down now which is probably more difficult than coming up get an idea of how stupid it is here look that's more or less level there so I will turn the camera off and concentrate on getting down mum's on our way back down I think we're gonna go and search the river now I want to go to the top but plan is to go and look for Agate and there's not much here so yeah I think I'll have to head back down as well so Alex has got a novel way of coming down the mountain on her bottom sliding on the sharp rocks yeah I came down the Sheep tracks and she's almost here now I'm not even going to look at your backside it's probably probably quite bruised I don't mean your bareback side you mean your trousers they probably ripped to shreds yeah we won't go there yeah so talking about Ordnance I think we might have found something down here what's that it's of whatever it is it's obviously it says dead and grenade it's a hand grenade holy hand grenade oh wow well it's clearly um already been set off it's already dead what's it say there's a good date on it it says uh hand grenade smoke screening training oh oh it's a smoke grenade smoke screen smokes green grenade training yeah and it has a number how old do you think it is PWD 0705 383. I don't know [Music] it's really gone off yeah well I never thought we'd be finding a hand grenade well to be honest that sign over there does quite clearly say that you've got to pick things up don't pick things up let's go pick things up it's not a bomb it's not a bomb and it's clearly gone off yeah so oh we've never found a hand grenade before so uh there you go unexpected find of the day it seems It's lying in the middle of the road as well [Music] that's a bit squished yeah it's a bit squish right we're off back to the car that before just a few minutes ago all the way up there and our car is this is that sign danger do not touch any military debris it may explode and kill you so that's good [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hello oh wow you're handsome look at that [Music] oh wow look at those horns oh I don't want to get caught on one of those Huns hello I haven't got any food I've just got waders in my bag there's no food you're very pretty though not much [Music] oh [Music] they're curious Okay so we've come down to the river now and I found my first bit of agate okay so can you see it down there hiding in the rocks it looks like it's got some bands to it as well actually it's really pretty oh yeah you can see it's kind of just like on the edge there you go see a bit better now it's got some beautiful bands and it's this gorgeous salmon pink color as well that's really nice it looks like it has like a bit quartz in the middle and then quarters are on the edge so down here I think I can see a little bit glowing in the evening Sun that's really pretty carnelian Carnelian agate beautiful like that that is gorgeous and this looks like a piece here is it banded I don't think it's banded but it's really pretty where's that sun beautiful carnelian [Music] actually just down here look that that thing there looks like a nodule oh I got nodule see there might be bands inside there you can kind of see it's kind of got this like coating on it it's like a waxy kind of coating that's kind of aggity I don't know how to describe it Alex has found a bit down here that looks potentially very juicy let's bring it up let's have a look at it oh it's quite big oh my goodness oh wow wow that's a nodule oh my goodness it's like half of a whole nodule that is that is a wonderful that is brilliant that's amazing oh wow look at that that's so cool it's got like a slight bit of red in there it's like quartz in the center I think wow that is like the biggest piece and we haven't been here five minutes fantastic beautiful find that yeah best find of the day so fast so far but it is getting late we've not got much time left let's go and it's a fox skull with its jaws and everything that's amazing oh he's missing his teeth hmm oh I'm gonna take him Alex is going to take it yeah so yeah we'll have to clean it up a bit yeah it's a shame to uh waste it though just um leave it here it's a lovely specimen of a fox skull with both its jaws and a bit of spine there just for a treat well I think we can get rid of that bit but yeah what's this poor creature sticking out of the sand it's a warthog a warthog oh no that's cute I'm keeping it it's got a bit cloudy now actually it's a shame um but I was walking along and I'd spot this bit down here unmistakably a lovely amazing piece of Agate and look it's pink oh wow look they're like oh really close together banding and it's pink and of course like I said like before the pink Agate is really quite rare that is beautiful look it's kind of like a chevron pattern as well wow oh I'm finding some great Agate already that's amazing that's a bit closer for you just before we go because look how close together the bands are can you see that look at the details wow so a bit down here and I just kind of prodded it I'm not sure whether it's Agate or not or maybe a bit of chalcedony we might have to put in the water to find out that a rock okay I'll go and dip it in the river oh that's weird it's really ghostly it's kind of like clear like how's anybody it's got something in the middle in there I don't know if you can see it very well you see the ghost or something in the middle I wonder what that would look like if you chopped it up cool definitely giving off [Music] foreign [Music] piece oh my goodness look at that oh wow it's beautiful pink it's got like quartz kind of like amethysty actually the middle and then pink Agate around the edge and white well that's funky I like that found the coolest Rock here I think it's like Jasper but it's black and red jasper how cool is that yeah look wow that would be incredible cut and polish into cabochon so I'm definitely keeping that as a gorgeous Rock anyway get distracted by the dress because I found a bit down here as well look you know if there's any bands on it I think it's mostly just quartz with a little bit of Agate around the edge still cool though but I'm Gonna Leave it behind very red orangey one here oh yeah look at that that's really interesting it's like quartz with a an orangey coating that's really interesting actually but I need to have a closer look I wonder if anyone can tell me what this green rock is because it's everywhere and look how green it is that is so like green and and I don't know what it is I don't know what's making it that color but I don't know if I can find another one like that but it's lots of kind of greeny rocks that's the greenest one so far yeah look there's one there so if you know what the green rocks are I'd love to know got a whole collection here of the smaller little agates and look there's another one of those green rocks that I'm Gonna Keep a hold of this little one actually until I find out what it is and there's another bit as well most of the pieces are sort of this sort of size actually they're just little but still very pretty I think I just found a bit of amethyst there look yes yes it's very light purple it's definitely amethyst oh that's cool oh my goodness what is this look how red that is oh wow look at bike riddle I think that's what you call it by Cradle by troidal oh no I had this problem last time but it's like bubbly Agate look at the color of it oh my goodness that is stunning wow can you see the patterns on there oh that's cool that is probably my most vibrant piece and look much better after it's been wet in the river as well there's also interesting bit yeah look at that quartz in the center found another awesome bit next to that bit it's got crazy bands in it they're all over the place it's really ragged looking orange and red cool I wet them look how amazing they are I don't know if you can even see the color of them that one especially bright red agate looking at me again this guy's getting more blue the clouds are clearing so hopefully this one's going to come out in a minute that is Carl certainly with quartz crystal on the top can you see that sparkling so that's quite interesting yeah I'm gonna keep that bit quite a big chunk here what's this hmm that might be quite interesting actually let's see some bands in there I'm going to take it over to the water oh what's this it's a bit of River Glass that's nice yeah that's quite interesting I like it nice and of course the glass it's a beautiful blue another piece of carnelian glowing in the Sun I just love it it's beautiful there's a tiny bit here zoom in that looks quite interesting but it's really small it's got a really pretty little piece down there look oh yes and it looks like it's got like tiny little quartz crystals in the center and beautiful bands I don't know if you can see the little crystals in the middle I've actually found a Teensy tiny little bit of Agate down here but I want to show you because how beautiful it is It's like got really beautiful contrasting bands in it and look at it when you hold up to the Sun as well look at it glowing on the edges so beautiful I love the bands and like the contrast between the red and the White that would make an amazing cabochon if it was polished up and then I found this one down here but I'm not sure if it's um actually a bit of Agate or whether it's just like a bit of jasp Agate or something it might have some bands in it it's bought a gorgeous piece of white down there look oh that is pretty look at the Bands that's a really nice piece I actually really like the white Agate as well what's this oh that's quite nice look at that okay so there's an interesting looking piece down here look at that it's sitting on top of a rock well it is all rock but the Agate is sitting on a piece of other Rock but I think that's gorgeous look at it in the sun oops okay I've just bought a bit of Agate down there can you see it oh wow I think that oh my goodness yes it's definitely a bit of Agate can you see the bands it's definitely got bands on it yeah look you see a little bit close there yeah look you can see a little bit of like orange on it there and on this side wow okay I'm gonna take that down to the river so mum's coming over to my side of the river because I'm finding all my best I get over here anyway I'm gonna wash this down the stream let's have a look oh my goodness look at that and on that side as well wow look at those bands on there that is a beautiful piece of agate and look it's got like a little like blush of orange on there beautiful and actually look it matches me imagine my coat it's a little bit of banding in there hmm that's quite interesting there's a bit it's a bit of a nodule look at that oh that's lovely look at it glowing that is beautiful chalcedony that's fantastic carnelian chalcedony so I think I found a really special bit down here can you see it look oh my goodness it looks oh my goodness look at those look at those bands oh wow that is so pretty that is I think one of my favorite bits today I'm going to take it down to the water give it a wash oh my goodness look at it in the sun as well you can get it when you wet it in the sun it just the colors absolutely pop I love how there's like this gray bit and then it's like a clear line and then orange at the top there and then the clear on the top again wow I think that's probably one of my prettiest bits of Agate today and this is quite interesting pink with the white bits in it what's this here oh my goodness look what I found that is amazing oh that's my goodness that is amazing that is gorgeous look at that a little wet it water it's over here wow look at that look that is incredible look at it through the camera no way look at in real life oh my goodness it's kind of like transparent and then look at that red it's got like lips it's got like it looks like I know that is incredible that is made the whole day worth it for me now just imagine that made into a cabochon and then sent to a next oh epic oh that is epic I am so happy I can't even tell you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] Hills in the county of Northumberland the kingdom of Northumberland yeah um actually it's our home county we were both born here so um yeah it's been the most amazing day by the river and not mud locking this time we've actually been Rock hounding yeah and we've been really successful as well we found some amazing rocks we have absolutely beautiful ones and we hope you've enjoyed coming with us yeah because we've had a fabulous time we have it it's just the most perfect day so all that's left to say now is a great big thank you to everyone so everyone thank you to everyone who has watched a video who has liked the video and left a comment down below and of course everyone who has subscribed to our Channel which is really important and it's free to subscribe and don't forget to hit the notification Bell don't forget to leave before you subscribe and it's free to subscribe and don't forget to hit the notification Bell it'll keep you informed of our latest video yeah so you'll get a notification on your phone or whatever to say that we've got a new video up and a great big thank you to our patrons on patreon who helped keep us going every month thank you so much and we'll see you again next week bye to forget to subscribe
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 35,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qOMMxEKughk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 15sec (2355 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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