Bette Davis talks about Gladys Cooper & Claude Raines

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Oh Jerry don't let's ask for the moon when we have the stars is that how the line went that I did it oh we have isn't it we have the Stars let's not ask for the moon I don't know exactly how it feels but it was a beautiful ending because of course the man in that was never going to be right for her he was too weak I always felt in Voyager then eventually she married dr. Jack with my gorgeous Claude Rains I always felt that after the movie was all over that she went and worked with him you know in his work and he said did you often think of the movies that way what happened beyond them because not often but that was to me a great great story and by the way speaking of that that gorgeous woman miss Cooper who played my mother died last night Gladys Cooper day oh I'm sorry and you know um without doubt the most beautiful person as well as actress and a professional with all her fame and theaters named after her in England and the great reigning beauty of England for a million years never was she late one minute never didn't she know every line you know we'd have been happy to have her if she worked half the day most beautiful I'm really sad and then you think as these people go these beautiful people though you know it's it's going to be a new world we're not gonna have those that that same kind of person anymore something to that I was thinking about it was broad range dive you did you couldn't bear it you can't find anybody that had there they're all individuals I'd Gladys Cooper on the show when I was in London with revenue lien there was a wonderful evening she just did show me afterwards that her beauty was how old was she she's 82 yeah and her beauty was really something he said that if hit her in her prime she changed an article of clothing or anything she wore she doesn't become the rage really the rage of London for men Matthias yes there's something about that that thing you were saying though but we're not gonna have certain kinds of people I don't know well I may be you know I'm not gonna sit around moan for the past because it's been you know it's past it's very past in my life too and you know it of course you also say who's going next you know this is a terrible thing that happens if you say maybe good side you know but it is for our profession it is to me so terribly depressing anyway when Walter Huston died you can't cast you can't get that kind of a man anywhere in the world today again there won't be anymore Walter Huston role well I'll tell you the English as they've always had the majority of great male actors always we've had more women they've had more beautiful male actors give any idea why I cannot understand it but it's always been true since way back to Ronald Colman Herbert Marshall see Aubree Smith Hollywood has always been really predominated in the star category by Englishman Leslie you know all these beautiful Englishmen barovik Marshall Bob Oh Bob Hope was born in England I think that's not well well it's it's not the same thing yeah we both noticed that as soon as I started you better fire up for instance Richard Harris I don't know who of you saw the snow boots the other night but oh boy oh boy because you see it in a way the Englishman uh more willing to play characters did you mean oh boy girl girl oh boy bad oh boy good uh-oh absolutely fantastic performance and he's going to come along to eventually be you know play older plus he can play them right now that there are several Englishmen dick Bogart here on the greatest actors I you know that I know there was something about there was something in badges I'm dying to make a movie here plays grandmotherís I'm a stick bug I kept my hair he's getting along in years it might be just his mother where there was something about you and Claude Rains together on the screen and again it was one of those things that it's silly to try to describe what it was and everybody the first time I played was it was in Carlotta and I had to make an entrance at the King of France domain for a rehearsal and he was playing the King of France in rehearsal because you know all of us other Arab people we don't just run through lines and then safe during the camera we rehearse before him very old-fashioned ridiculous do that just go in and do it you know but anyway clone and I couldn't so he was the King of France who loathed Carlotta and I was a kid and petrified mr. rains so I thought he hated me I didn't know he's playing the character I thought he thinks I just take what am I going to do and end up but eventually we worked together quite a lot eventually became really great friends it was really great friends was he a happy man I like to think so cuz he gave me so much pleasure well I think is happy is any I don't think as a group actors or what I'd call happy people I think we're very moody people like we have you know great ups and great downs if something goes well or something turns out badly you're depressed for days and I think we're terribly peculiar that way and rather lonely people actually so claw I could not say it was a happy person he was witty amusing and beautiful really beautiful authority enchanting to be with and brilliant his entrance in deception that we had such a feeling where he comes in and says a party indeed oh she's one of the best entrants the whole thing's the picture wasn't terribly good but he was so much and the restaurant scene where he's talking about all the food or not yeah yeah brilliant and he wasn't skipping 'tony was absolutely brilliant as the husband just brilliant there's that thing is has to cope you talking about about there are people you say of your era or some phrases like that you could see them in movie after movie that wasn't particularly great but you thought you I'd like to know that person or they're really a dynamite personality or they're really something now if you see a bad movie the actors are on the same level as the movie they don't seem to stand out in it you don't seem to say I hate to generalize like this but it's like you're more it's much less sort of effort put into it you you know I think acting should look as if we were working a little you're not get a little credit for your craft you know it's like the juggler who loses that twice and then he gets it you know finally yeah which goes which is a very old-fashioned theory today so we mustn't have any idea that anybody knows the cameras on them at all it's just life well we all have life there's 24 12 hours a day sometimes want forget life you know and I think it should be a little larger wouldn't be like a little bit theatrical yeah good thanks I'm gonna do this just life sighs now we will return after this message
Channel: cavettbiter
Views: 216,099
Rating: 4.9294119 out of 5
Keywords: bette, davis, dick, cavett
Id: 4wsgpF-InEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2008
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