Bethel Gibson Road - Sunday Service - Sunday 22nd August 2021

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could help me sing this song please thanks thanks i give you thanks [Music] i am so blessed my soul is at rest oh lord [Music] i give you thanks [Music] [Music] i am so blessed my soul is [Applause] oh lord i give you five one more [Music] you time for all yours i am so blessed my soul is [Music] i give you thanks for all gone i am so blessed my soul is [Music] i am so blessed i am so blessed i am so blessed my soul is [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah how heavy father we thank you we thank you lord jesus and we lift you high we give you the honor and we give you the glory we praise your god because you alone is worthy to be praised you alone is worthy to be honored you alone is worthy to be glorified you alone is worthy to be lifted up oh god as we come before your presence in the name of jesus oh god that ruled the earth hallelujah stand high hallelujah above the heavens oh god that we come before you in worship oh god not being double minded my god but know that you alone is the true and living god so we are thanking your jesus we pray oh god for those o god hallelujah hallelujah that's going to minister unto you we pray my god for the singers lord hallelujah that day will give you the glory hallelujah do not stand before your presence of self but they know that they are worshipping you through their songs they know oh god that souls will be saved souls will be delivered oh god then we put our lord jesus the magicians before you oh god that are playing the instrument oh god that you will get the glory that you will get the honor that you will get the praise oh god hallelujah jesus you alone jesus is god hallelujah we pray for the very one that is gonna give the word hallelujah jesus and when they give the word hallelujah jesus christ only doing that it will be received hallelujah we do not come and say it is a good word and we forget the word that has been spoken about god hallelujah we're walking the word we are the walking word hallelujah we are the walking word and i pray lord jesus as we come before you today lord hallelujah we're coming worship hallelujah we honor you jesus a coshanda we do not come ourself hallelujah but we give you the honor a coshanda if you don't want to give him the hannah go home hey koshanda because he is god hallelujah and he rules the earth in jesus name praise the lord praise the lord amen oh give thanks unto the lord for he is good yes he is good o give thanks unto the lord for he is good yes he [Music] is good yes he is good [Music] unto the lord for he is good [Music] for he is good [Music] unto the lord for he is good yes he is [Music] for he is good yes he is good for he is good [Music] for he is good yes he is for he is [Music] for he is good worthy for he is good yes he is good yes he is [Music] good yes [Music] [Music] for he is good yes he is good for he is worthy for he is good yes give thanks unto the lord for he is good yes he [Music] for is is good yes he is good for he is worthy [Music] for he is good yes he is good for he is good yes he [Music] is he is good yes he is good o give thanks unto the lord for he is good yes he is good [Music] for he is good yes he is [Music] is [Music] [Music] for he is foreign [Music] for he is good and his mercy sent to us forever unto the lord [Music] [Applause] your kingdom shall not pass away [Music] and honor glory and power be unto the ancient of days from every nation all of creation bow before the ancient update every tongue in heaven and earth shall declare your glory every knee shall bow at your throne in worship you will be exalted on high and your kingdom shall not pass away always [Music] blessings and honor glory and power be on to the ancient top days [Music] shall declare your glory shall not pass away and your [Music] shall not pass away oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore him cries the lord oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we give you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we give you [Music] foreign this morning lift him up this afternoon lift him up this afternoon he deserves all the glory all the praise all the honor come on somebody praise him in the room fill the house with praise the bible says inhabit the praises of his people we will be continuing in worship reading from the 27th division of the psalm praise the name of the lord here begin at the reading of the world the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid when the wicked even my enemies and my force came upon me to eat up my flesh they stumbled and fell the one who should encamp against me my heart shall not fear though war should rise against me in this will i be confident one thing have i desired of the lord and that will i seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the lord and to inquire in his temple for in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me he shall set me up upon a rock and now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me therefore will i offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy i will sing yea i will sing praises unto the lord hear o lord when i cry with my voice have mercy also open me and answer me when those said i seek my face my heart unto thee thy face lord will i seek hide not thy face far from me put not thy servant away in anger thou has been my help leave me not neither forsake me o god of my salvation when my father and my mother forsake me then the lord will take me up teach me thy way o lord and lead me in a plain path because of mine enemies deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies for false weaknesses are risen up against me and such as breathe out cruelty i had fainted unless i had believed to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living wait on the lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart wait i say on the lord verse 13 just grab a hold of my attention i had fainted unless i had believed to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living here in the reading of portion of the word we're going to be continuing singing number 95 from the pentecostal imnal i am determined to hold out to the end [Music] jesus [Music] made me happy [Music] jesus is foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] my lord i always [Music] jesus is with me [Music] i feel it in my soul i am determined to hold down [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] i will fly foreign is foreign oh is foreign foreign [Music] one more time i am [Music] foreign is [Music] if you're determined short praise eve the lord determining amid the challenges we are determined to hold out to the end we'll be having for scripture lesson this afternoon reading from the book of sin luke chapter number eight verses one through to 20 and we'll be reading with sister maxine murray in jesus name praise the name of the lord send luke chapter 8 verses 1 through verse 20. praise be to god hallelujah praise god praise god hallelujah praise the lord saints praise is taking form sent luke 8 and we'll read 1-20 in our usual man i'll start first and it came to pass afterward that he went throughout every city and village preaching and shooing showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of god and the twelve were with him certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities mary called magnolii out of whom when seven demons and jonah the wife of chazia herad steward and suzanna and many others which mis ministered unto him of their substance and when many people were gathered together and were come to him out of every city he spoke i parable a sower sorry a sower went out to show his seed and has he sowed some fear some fell by this wayside and it was trodden down and the files of the air devoured it and some fell upon a rock and as soon as it was sprung up it withered away because it lacked moisture and some fell among thorns and the thorns sprung up with it and choked it and his disciples asked him saying what might this parable be and he said unto you it's given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of god but to others in parables that seeing they might not see and hearing they might not understand now the parable is this the seed is the word of god those by the wayside are they that hear then commit the devil and take it away the word out of their hearts lest they should believe and be saved they on the rock are they which when they hear receive the word with joy and these have no root which for a while believe and in time of temptation fall away thorns heard it go forth and not choke with cares and the riches and pleasures of this life and bring no fruit to perfection but that's on the good ground are they which is an honest and good heart having heard the word keep it and bring forth fruit with patience no man when he have light can cover it with a vessel or put it under there but sorted they who enter may see the light for nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad take ye therefore how he here for whosoever hath to him that will be given and whosoever hath not from him shall be taken even that which seemeth to have then came to him his mother and his brethren and could not come at him for the press will be 20th together without discerning to see thee praise the lord where the lord has his riches greetings upon his holy words in jesus name praise you the lord thank you for the reading sister maxine praise god saints come on give the lord a praise somebody in the house praise god today is another day we are in this house and we have reached a very important point again where we use the privilege the access to pray for those who are on our prayer list um i was given a no to ask to pray for sister don johnson i believe her daughter is out of the hospital and is recuperating in a home so we're asked to continue to pray for her and the list as we know it um this week i've heard also the mother darkest is lost a relative in jamaica uh she's now bereaved so we're going to be praying for the the canvas family praise the name of the lord we continue to pray for those who are on the list those who have been suffering bereavement we continue to pray for them pray for bishop edmund and his family and the list that we know we are going to eliminate that list if we pray effectively if we pray continually then we have a god who can do the impossible come on summer do we have a weakness today hallelujah nothing can withstand the power of prayer amen if we continue to pray so let's bear those names that we have been praying for praying with and praying through today and we believe that god will hear us we're going to be inviting after the last verse of the song we're going to be inviting minister leslie seymour to be taking us to the throne of grace today praise god and anybody have a special need believe god that god is going to do it for you today come on there's just that time when your blessing your package will be delivered amen and god is here and he's a silent listener to every prayer come on do you know that there's power in prayer i i i remember the scripture in genesis after the flood the bible said men then men begin to call upon the name of the lord and if we call today there can be a change in our lives in the lives of others we're going to be singing number 203 as we have sung earlier i am determined if we are determined then it's a desire for us to be closer drawn to him draw me nearer the song of a prayer today in jesus name the last verse will stand and we invite minister seymour to pray the leading prayer of jesus [Music] oh [Music] be closer [Music] well [Applause] [Music] [Music] us bleeding inside [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] oh is [Applause] [Music] [Music] the blood hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you lord hallelujah almighty god hallelujah our everlasting father our principles we say hallowed be your holy name jesus we thank you this morning lord for your love we bless your name for your continued mercy yes lord dear lord we just want to give you praise as we gather together holy we cannot take this moment for granted as we do not know what tomorrow holds my god however we know who holds tomorrow yes lord now dear lord we cannot come before you as any big people we come as little children waiting for your love and for your mercies yes lord lord god the disciples once asked what to look forward to on the approaching of your coming and you responded by saying my god i thank you we shall hear wars and rumors of wars disease yes earthquake in diverse places my god my god and other activities today my god all these are all realities jesus we're aware of the fact that people become ill and die we also know that there are earthquake and others from time to time throughout human history but today is a difference we have never seen this in our lifetime oh my god so many bereavements jesus so many crying so many pains my god so many today yes jesus we say please jesus holy ghost we beg of you lord [Music] you are aware of the list of sick ones among us in the name of jesus you know them we thank you for the victory so far lord yes lord but there's still need among us my god my god even in this week we learn of bereaved and the people who are still struggling with illness my god in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we know where righteousness is us of filthy rags holy ghost and we cannot approach you in that way nevertheless jesus we come yes lord my god yes lord we beg of you please jesus holy god from messiah will you walk through jesus the rooms of these hospitals wars yes lord will you please jesus dispatch angels and touch the people my god whether they're safe or unsafe they are your people yes lord yes lord right here in this country in the islands of jamaica jesus the devastation in haiti my god my god god remember what is going on in afghanistan jesus jesus holy ghost jesus jesus jesus jesus perplexed touch your children [Music] the heart of men are failing with fear my god my god the finest minds of this life haven't a clue what to do jesus hallelujah holy ghost many of the finest universities does not have the answer my god my god but thank you jesus thank you jesus you save us in time yes lord hallelujah on your name yes lord in crisis and situations like these hallelujah you will not turn us aside you will not turn your back on us my god i thank you we thank you touch us today yes lord hallelujah thank you when you draw us to you yes lord for such a time as this the prior of the righteous available much and we rely on your word only by your spirit and by your word my god we can survive in this situation yes lord yes you says troublesome time will come my god but let not our hearts be troubled yes jesus we believe you today yes lord we believe we believe you now hallelujah we shall believe you tomorrow holy ghost and we rest ashore my god that you are in charge yes take us through now and grant us your victory remember that one who will be coming with the words today anoint god lord as we sit at your table to eat the bread of life yes lord break it and share it well in the name of jesus anoint our hears to hear yes lord touch our heart that we will digest yes lord and our spirituality so that we can regurgitate take her through now holy ghost we look to your only source and only help yes lord in jesus name amen praise the name of the lord come on give the lord a praise prayer of deliverance hallelujah come on clap your hand and praise him shout unto the lord hallelujah the bible said we should ask and it shall be given seek we certainly find knock and it shall be open praise the name of the lord you may be seated in the name of jesus we are just here to lift up jesus praise the name of the lord let me just use this opportunity to welcome everyone in this house today praise the name of the lord i want to take this opportunity to greet a bishop dexter edmund and to his wife and to the quorum of ministers and elders in the house praise god to bishop bailey and to the rest of elders worst praise and worship team to our musician and to just about everyone in this house god bless you today while we continue to lift up jesus it's another day alone in time another day that is alone in time god and blessed us with the privilege that we can come together to praise him come on somebody hallelujah you have been through a rough week those have been through challenges and trials come on we are here just to praise god for another week of victory i tell you i almost didn't make it to stand here i've been through a week of pain the worst pain you can ever think of hallelujah but i'm glad to be standing in victory today come on somebody hallelujah and i just want to sing this song before we move on oh praise god um in the name of the lord jesus hallelujah the song just went from my mind but it's coming back praise the name of the lord hallelujah come on clap your hand and praise him hallelujah lord hold on lord lord lord hallelujah lord i will i will is that that one what we sing this one i will follow thee on the mountain top across the [Music] oh somebody said lord i will i will i will follow [Music] oh [Music] my voice [Music] lord hold my hand that's the song while i run this race [Music] i oh lord [Music] i don't want to run this race guess what i tell you this much listen this there was a young lady out of jamaica who was doing a heat and somehow she was leading the race but she failed to cross the finish line she stood shy of the finish line and because of that she could not progress to the final or semi-final i don't want to stand up for the finish line but i want to cross the finish line come on lord hold my hand is come on [Music] [Applause] come on praise the lord praise and praise him hallelujah i don't want to run cross the line hey hallelujah while we keep the worship going it's offering time in the house yes i don't want rock come on run some of those weights off [Music] father we thank you we adore you in this hour as we about lord to bless you with the giving of our tithe and offering breathe on it right now we pray bless it lord press down shake it together and running over hallelujah god bless you while we receive our morning afternoons rather ties and offerings to the praise and worship team [Music] [Music] i don't want to run this way oh [Music] oh i don't want to [Music] keep me true lord jesus keep me true keep me too lord jesus keep me [Music] i will give me power every hour hallelujah me yeah lord jesus lord jesus [Music] [Music] every give me give me power every hour every hour give me power give me power every hour give me power every hour [Music] wave your head and praise him hallelujah are you blessed do you feel blessed well the better part is yet to come it's my privilege brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen to invite to this podium to break the bread of life our brother and co-partner elder hubert henry and the holy ghost pray for him as he comes in jesus name thank you i have some good days [Music] i have some hills to climb [Music] i have some weary days [Music] some sleepless nights but when i look around [Music] and think things over [Music] all of my good days outweigh my bad day i won't complain [Music] sometimes the clouds ain't low i can hardly see [Music] the road [Music] i have some questions [Music] lord wise so much pain [Music] but he knows what best for me though my weary eyes they can see i just wanna say thank you lord [Music] i won't complain god has been good to me [Music] he's been so good to me more than this world could ever be it's been good to me he draw all my tears away [Music] turn by midnight in today [Applause] i just want to say thank you lord i won't complain i said sometimes sometimes the clouds and glow [Music] i can hardly see [Music] i had some questions [Music] lord why so much pain [Music] but he knows what's best for me oh my weary high they can see i just want to say thank you lord i won't complain [Applause] [Music] god god has been good to me [Music] he's been so good to me [Music] more than this world could ever be [Music] it's been good to me he tried all my fears away i just want to sing thank you lord i just want to say thank you lord i want to say thank you lord i just want to say thank you lord [Music] i just want to say thank you lord [Music] sister paulie come here this is the point i just want to say [Music] thank you lord [Music] i just want you to sing to say thank you lord thank you lord [Music] thank you lord when nothing [Music] thank you lord when i'm down [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord to all i want to say today thank you lord help me not to complain hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory hallelujah thank you lord i want to give honor praise to the almighty god who has favored us with his grace and his mercy it's because of his grace and his mercy while we survive to see this day and i'm thankful i'm grateful to god for his surviving spirit to president bishop bishop dexter hedman and his wife sister yolanda hedman bishop bailey to helen mclean elder jones illimori moderator minister spooner to my family to [Music] the musician to young people mothers and fathers brothers and sisters i thank god for you thank god that you're here in the presence of the lord today when i look and see what is taking place all over the world there is a shaking going on and there are so many things that are coming and they are coming towards the church but we serve a great big wonderful god the scripture text that was read today from the gospel according to luke and where i want to focus today on is about the sower the bible said a soul went out to sow his seed and notice he didn't say seeds but he said his seed and as he sold fell by the wayside and it was trodden down and the fowls of the here devoured it in other words while the sower sold the seed it was trot upon and then comes the fouls of the year the forward hit seed like that that has been sown don't have long to survive it's going to take good soil and patience [Music] when you sow seeds like that but in the day of jesus ministry in jerusalem and in judea and when he was going from city to city it wasn't like roads like we have today it was tracks and many people they walked by the wayside and whatever was in their path they would trot on it so while the sower was sowing the seed the bible said not all of them but some fell by the wayside my brethren there are times we feel like that in this world we are trodden upon we feel as though that the seed that has been planted in us has become a seed that has been devoured it seems as though the seed that was planted has been taken away why sometimes because of the tears of life that comes up against the believer but i want to let you know that the seed that has been sown it is a good seed praise the name of the lord and the seed that has been sown is not just sown on the wayside but it's sown in various soil there are four soils that the bible declares to us amen and the various soils amen they also it in other gospels the bible said that the seed is the word of god the time that we are living in and the time that we have left it is important for each of us to make sure that we don't stop sowing it doesn't matter what the soil is keep on sowing we are living in a time where men hearts are failing them for fear and the things that you used to hold them together they are giving upon it but there are some people that are still remains that it doesn't matter what come up against them they are going to stand because the bible said having done all to stand we must stand praise the name of jesus the responsibility of the sower is to sow the seed in every soil praise the lord whether you want to hear it or not you got a soul because many of us was like that when we hear about jesus we go on the other side and if we see somebody that goes to church and they're coming amen we make sure we hide or we slip away because we know that they are going to invite us praise the lord but the evangelist or the missionary or the pastor did not stop sowing sometimes you'll be coming down the road so happy and you see a member from the church that you used to go to and as soon as you see them you become sad because you want to put them off because you don't want them to come to you and ask for you where are you but you've got to keep on sowing whether you're thrown are you happy whether you are sad or whether you are glad the word of god must be sown especially in these last days oh praise the name of jesus the soil has his role to play oh praise the lord the seed has got the potential in it and i know that there are some seeds if you're not careful you become scared of them because they don't look pleasant to the high on the outside remember the first time when i came to this country and somebody gave me a peach and i just took the peach and gave it one hard bite never had a peach before but i learned ella murray one big bite i gave that peach i thought yes i've got it but all of a sudden i was like it wasn't an apple because the pizza's got a seed in it that is hard and tough praise the lord i never buy the peach like that again sometimes the word comes to us and it sounds hard praise the lord it sounds like amen people are preaching at you our people are against you but the word of god is harder than a peach the seed when the word gets inside of you there is something inside that word that gets down into your heart that knows that it should not be there and root it out o praise the name of jesus that's why it beholds each and every one of us to sow good seed the seed that has potential in that seed you don't see the leaves on the outside of the seed but the leaves are wrapped up inside that seed but you have to sow it to see the benefits of what you sow the bible said while amen he sows the birds of the here comes and devour up that kind of seed why because amen it does not have strong roots where it is sown that earth is limited where it is sown it has no no depths but it still have the potential to grow praise the name of the lord but when the heat of the sun reaches that that seed the bible said it's right up who prays the name of the lord we don't want to be in the church and hearing so much words can become so dry we'll praise the name of the lord we want the word of god to get into our hearts and when the word get into our hearts it must make me better praise the name of jesus it is said that in the seed that there is nourishment and there is also amen a potential for it to develop but before it develops it has to be in the dark sometimes people think that darkness is always evil but the seed cannot grow unless it's gone into the dark and there is something about mother earth when the seed goes in there it has to cope with all different kind of climates but it will survive praise the name of jesus the seed has got to die to bring forth it has to go down before it comes up praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus i've been in the church for a little while and i tell you i see some people comes with great fire my god every sunday they come to the church they want to run the aisle but when the heat turns up you can't find them because they spring up with speed and go with speed they did not have time to grow to send their roots down so when trial and tribulation comes they will be able to stand oh praise the lord jesus in jamaica you have some coconut tree that tree doesn't look like it has good root on it but it it tells you when the storm blows in the test of the time when the hurricane comes that coconut tree would rock from left to right seems like it's going to touch the ground and it may bends and the leaves may bend at a particular angle but the roots hold the tree in the ground and when the storm is passed even though the tree is bent praise the name of the lord when the sun came up praise god the tree goes back into his rightful place oh praise the name of jesus when the world comes to us it might wreck us and hit us where it hurts or praise the name of jesus but if we want to be better we must listen the bible said he that have an ear to hear let him hear what the word of god is saying praised the name of jesus and the bible went on to say that there is another kind of seed that fell upon a rock you thought that seed would stand because it is standing it's planted on something that is firm but he said as soon as it sprang up it withered away because it lacks moisture have you ever have a house plant in your house and all of a sudden you see this plant growing so nice and all of a sudden it started to quail not dead it quailed up you wonder what's wrong with the plant but all of a sudden you just go there and put some water on it in a few hours from that the plant that was so quailed up praise the lord look like it has life again praise the name of jesus that's why beloved one we need each other we cannot survive by ourselves because some people will water your life and some people will make you dehydrated praise god praise god but i trust in god the seed that is sown upon the rock because it's locked moist and it's dried here's another seed the bible said some fell among tones hmm glory to god who want to sow seed among thorns a matter of fact when you're going to sow seed you got to prepare the ground you can't just go and throw your seed in grass the land have to be plowed it have to be harrowed you'd have to roll or praise the lord jesus because if you don't do that what you will do you will just waste in your seeds oh praise the lord but you have to prepare the ground prepare the land our heart must be prepared for the word of god or praise the name of jesus so the bible said amen it fell among thorns and the turns sprung up with it my god you sow good seed you sow seed and then when you go out into the field and you look you wonder where all these come from there was in the earth but because you disturbed the earth where there were they sprung up and what you sow amen day seems to grow faster than the seed that you are waiting for for all this praise the lord these kind i know there is a kind that the bible said has to grow to the day of harvest but some tones you have to go there and hatch the ground for you to get your crop and to get amen what you saw and get amen are in abundance if you don't what you find out that the torns come and choke your seed praise the name of the lord in these last days if you not be careful you don't even want to mention the name jesus why because the world is trying to choke jesus out of you because they don't want to hear that name but there are some people that will die no matter what the cost they're still going to call upon the name of jesus because it is jesus jesus jesus jesus all the way praise the name of the lord jesus was here before i got here my mother and my father speak about him the prophets talked about him and here we come believing in him who prays the name of the lord and i know he's coming back for the world praise the name of jesus beloved ones don't get too frightened when you see people sprung up too fast don't be get annoyed when some people even know what take you and surpassed you while they are traveling at the speed that they are traveling make sure you have some good roots [Music] they that are planted in the house of the lord oh praise the name of jesus praise the name of the lord shall be like mount zion and they shall not be moved or praise the lord jesus so whatever time you can sow so the sower did not sow just exclusively but he saw inclusively because he did not sow just by the way side undertones but he's so on good ground my god everybody would like to sow on good ground because it's going to bring forth 30 60 and 100. beloved to be honest with you if you are in the church and you are you sow your seed and you reap a harvest of a hundred my duty is to come and to encourage you to sow more so next year you might able to bring forward another hundred and double your portion why am i going to sit over here because i've got 30 and i throw away my my my 30 seeds my 30 floor anointing my my my fifth floor of anointing and sit down with my hands and my jaw and watch you flourishing in your hundred and do nothing with mine i must trade up on what i have and when i trade upon what i have god will see that i can take care of the 30 that he will multiply and increase oh praise the name of jesus do you know that we would have a lot more better people in the church if we would rejoice with those that can produce 30. we would have a better church if we will rejoice with those that can bring forth 50. and we will be better off even more celebrate when you can produce a hundred but these things are in us that's why we need the word of god to go into our hearts and plow it up and turn it over and bring forth fruits and that the fruits that is bring forth will remain praise the name of jesus living a life on the experiences of these seeds the road get rocky the road get rough the road get tough the hills are hard to climb but we have decided to make jesus our choice or praise the name of jesus sometimes it look like nothing is growing nothing is blossoming nothing is blooming no fruits on your trees but if you are patient enough to wait praise the name of the lord your fruits will come oh bless the name of jesus oh bless the name of jesus the bible says amen and others fell on good ground and it sprung up and bear fruit and hundredfold and when he had said these things he cried he that heart and here let him hear jesus speak this parable and he gave them the answer he looked at their temporal investments and gave them a spiritual understanding he said to them that the seed that is sown is the word of god i know many preachers my preaching says well you must sow but this particular specs he's not talking about money he was talking about the gospel i know i won't get no him in there this particular subject is talking about the gospel that you must sow the gospel into the world sow the gospel into the hearts of men when you sow the gospel in the hearts of men men will refuse to give because they are receiving an hundredfold o praise the name of jesus many people they preach and they teach on this particular scripture but one day when i listen and i listen and i listen i said well if i got some pumpkin seed i'll bring it to that man let him sow into the earth read some pumpkin or some corn or praise the lord because that was natural but the gospel of jesus christ the bible said must go throughout all the world before the end comes o praise the name of jesus and so god is using media and god is using technology and god is using information to get the world the world across the world to every nation before the end comes o praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus the bible says in the book of genesis genesis chapter number 26 and verse 12. he says isaac sowed in that land and received the same year 100 fold and the lord blessed him church let me say this to you some of us are looking for blessing at the wrong place and if we don't get it we get frustrated if we don't get it we leave the church if we don't get it amen we kill other people to get it but blessing don't come from the his or the west blessing comes from god and if god said you must sow in winter so because if you saw in winter and it's god tell you to sow you're going to receive the same hundredfold as the man who saw in summer praise the name of jesus isaac saw him it was famine in the land how can you sow in famine and receive an hundredfold because it is god who gave the increase bless the name of jesus one more scripture i'll show you then i'm closing praise the name of jesus the bible says in job chapter number job number 42. let's find it just in case somebody go and said bishop brother henry didn't preach the word praise the name of the lord job psalms let's find it praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord the bible says amen let's make sure i find the right one praise god yes job chapter 42 and verse number number 12 amen you find it job 42 amen and verse number 12. so the lord bless the latter end of more than is beginning for he had 14 000 sheeps and six thousand camels and a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand she houses beloved when you lose something for god god will increase your lust when you lose something for the work of god don't be surprised god will double what you lost praise the name of jesus many of us are in a situation right now many of us are fitted somewhere along the line with these four seeds but i come to encourage our hearts today that even though we might be going under the pressure don't break don't give up don't quit keep on keeping on because the lord himself will reward you or praise the name of jesus the lord himself will uphold you the lord himself will strengthen you the lord himself will encourage you or praise the name of jesus many of us today we are going through a lot of things death in families praise the lord families are going in hospital out of hospital physical problems backhand knee heck covet 19 praise the name of jesus job problems wife problems husband problems children problems or praise the name of the lord but let me encourage the church this morning it is not by might not by power but by the spirit of the lord or praise the name of jesus there are times when pain rocked your body and you can't seems to even pray but if you can say jesus he will bring you through or praise the name of the lord for though we go to the fire though we go through the water the lord is with you oh bless the name of jesus i want to tell you turn to stay with the lord stay with the lord when it get rough stay with him don't give up because this world has got nothing good to offer us but shame and disgrace but if we hold unto gods and change in hand he is able to deliver us and bring us through some through the water some through the fire some to great sorrow but all come through the blood it is a blood that gives me strength from day to day and it will never lose its power for it reaches to the highest mountain and it flows to the lowest valley it's the blood that give us strength from day to day stay with the lord it doesn't matter who want to leave stay with him or praise the name of the lord for though we walk to the valley of the shadow of death we shall fear no evil for god has not given us the spirit of fear but of love and have a sound mind god has given us confidence god has given us hope god has given us faith god has given us love god has given us compassion god has given us grace stand with the lord for by grace are we saved through faith and not of ourself what is the gift of god unto eternal life wanting before a close i want to let you know amen that come they meant some months ago amen praise the lord we could not have amen our mouth open because it was behind a mask nobody could hear us praising the lord nobody could hear us if we would ever say hallelujah our glory it was a inward shout but i want every soul in this house this morning to stand up on your feet and recognize the goodness of god and give god a shout in the house of god thank him we've got to know how to thank god when we get together we've got to know how to liftable employees and praise him we've got to know how to praise him through the situation it might not be easy but praise him anyhow i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth i will make a joyful noise unto the lord holy lands and serve the lord with gladness it is a shame it is a shame that some people can get into a stadium and person kicking a ball and when they kick a ball you hear a great rule and if that ball thought something sharp it defleted deflated and yet look what god has done for us god has taken us to a pandemic god has taken us through a terrible time oh praise the name of jesus god has taken us through when the government lord of mercy they tell you that at the end o'clock you must go outside and you must get something unclap for the nhs let me tell you something i'm clapping for jesus because without jesus there would be no nhs or praise the lord clap your hands holy people and shout out to god with the voice of triumph let god know that you are thankful and you are grateful for bringing you through do it all i have learned to trust in jesus do it all i have learned to depend upon his word i thank god for the mountains i thank god for the valley i thank god for the heels i thank god for the mountain more and all i thank him for his divine protection oh praise the name of the lord o praise the name of the lord or praise the name of the lord lift up your voice and give him thanks lift up your voice and praise the god who brought you through lift up your voice and say hallelujah lift up your voice and make a joyful noise unto the lord and serve him with gladness oh praise the lord oh praise the lord oh praise the lord i was in my room and i was just looking through the window my god when am i gonna get back to church not that i could not praise god at home but when i come to the assembly with the saints of god and we come together you put your fire on my fire oh praise the name of jesus what a hallelujah time lift up your voice like a trumpet blow our praise in the house blew up when giving in the house blue i thank you jesus and the host [Music] god is good god is good god is good last time i was here i said god is good good god god god good good god god bless you today god bless you today when last week god so stiff when last have we gone so so past that we can't even move to praise god some people you don't enough that i ask them to excuse you you know you just have to pass them because if you ask them for excuse then look and say where you go but i know what god has done for me oh praise the lord i know what god has taken me through i know what god has bringing me through and i know that i've got the right to praise god oh praise a god i've got a praise i've got a praise i've got a praise and i got to let it out i'm not going home with it i'm not carrying it back home i'm letting it out [Music] praise him upon the trumps praise him upon a symbol praise him upon the dance praise him upon the high sounding symbol let everything never been not everything not everything the hot breath breath people praise god break people praise god if you're dead you can't praise him but i praise [Music] god bless you god bless you it is the joy of the lord i've got strength to praise him i've got bread to praise him last time i checked my lungs was doing right my heartbeat was good my feet can move my hands to move my head can move let everything my whole body can move i command my hands to praise the lord i command my feet to praise glory glory glory glory glory hallelujah hallelujah rejoice saints rejoice at the exceeded glass the joy of the lord is my strength oh god oh yeah god bless you lift him up in jesus name [Music] [Music] i will praise him i'll praise him i'll praise him for what he has done yes i praise him for what he has done oh i praise him for what he has done i will praise him so much [Music] oh [Music] foreign oh oh [Music] is [Music] is oh jesus is oh [Music] foreign me foreign [Music] [Music] put your hands together foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign put your hands together put them right there you know what god done for you i know what god's done oh [Music] how god bless you my brother god bless you there are some of us in here this that the doctor afternoon expect us to be around but god has done so much so when you see some of us lift our hands we know why we are lifting our hearts when we praise god we know what we are praising god for it could have been worse if it had not been for the grace of god we want to thank god for the leadership deceived the minister spooner also ella henry who has preached god's word to us praise the dear lord keep on sewing keep on sewing i don't know breakfast we're going to close but i said to the church this morning months ago everybody is under a [Music] and mouse could not even praise god and yet the mass has now been lifted and still there's a lot of people still wearing it silicon praise god but i will praise him come on now i will praise him for what he has done hallelujah is there a soul in here just before we close this service we want to give there's a soul in here tonight that needs christ this afternoon please come along and let us pray for you god richly bless you my brethren thanks for your attendance and look after yourself real good praise the lord i just want to praise this chorus just to give the chance to anybody who wants to come along amen for [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one yes time [Music] [Music] [Music] glory to god thank you jesus [Music] yes [Music] let's pray father god we thank you for your wonderful blessing towards us today [Music] thank you lord for the table that was prayed thank you for the words god almighty that were delivered unto us this afternoon lord i thank you for the word the seed oh god that has been planted deep down within our hearts god in heaven may you multiply it lord jesus that it will bring forth more i thank you for everyone that come to these doors oh god in heaven and now dear lord we are about to go we beseech you we play with you lord to go with each and every one of us protect us dear lord from accident our god protect us from danger from any arms that may be followers as your children let your grace and your mercy continue lord to be with each and every one if there is any sick among us lord o god i pray for your healing if there are any tonight o god that that it wants i pray you will provide for them whatever way god almighty takes that you will bless us we just pray that blessing right now keep our hearts keep our mind and our spirit lord stay than thee oh god remember each and every one our god almighty as we take our journey be with god's children everywhere i began ask it now in jesus name amen [Music] oh [Music] till they finish here glory glory [Music] sinners at lunch [Music] there is something going on in this house brethren there are people that plead with people to give their life to god just [Music] you hallelujah [Music] me amen [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] raise your hand with me and sing it raise your hands [Music] you
Channel: Bethel Gibson Road
Views: 1,547
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: aHwhMPVlYvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 30sec (8370 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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