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and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice prayer is a spiritual art that says a sweet-smelling aroma to God when he inhales the right scent he will exhale blessings and promise this morning we need to send up a prayer since that get that gets God's attention amen father we thank you Oh hallelujah thank you Lord hallelujah for watching over us through the night guy thank you for waking us up this morning God hallelujah with you on our minds God and I don't know about anyone in this room but I could not wait to get to the house of the Lord God Oh hallelujah because I understand when I come to the house of the Lord hallelujah there is a word that will transform my life God so I thank you Lord God I know that when I come to the house of the Lord I feel better God because you would have it's your praises of your people Lord hallelujah their blessings when the praises go up the blessings come down father hallelujah to your name God and father I thank you so much God for this opportunity Lord to tell you thank you one more time Oh hallelujah Oh hallelujah hallelujah God we want to maximize this moment Lord Oh hallelujah thank you but saving our families thank you Lord God thank you Lord God for healing our bodies Lord hallelujah thank you for your peace and your provision in your protection God Oh hallelujah thank you for your love today God Oh hallelujah your love is so amazing Lord hallelujah what does mean that you are mindful of us God we for sure it day after day God but your love is so consistent God is so tenacious God and I thank you thank you for your love today Oh God you said your love offers a multitude of sin God so thank you Lord for looking past on Fox in meeting our needs Oh God I thank you for being a loving Heavenly Father who is alive and well you are in control hallelujah you're so mighty and so able to do that which we committed unto you God every spoken request and even unanswered and unspoken requests father we thank you that you know all things that we stand in need of God even before we ask and we thank you that you're more than able to do it now bless this service God hallelujah have your way today God in the name of Jesus walk up and down the aisles and touch like never before bless Bishop God in the name of Jesus hallelujah touch him God give him what he stands in leader fo God hallelujah bless pastor Nick and his family God Father we thank you God for every worker every volunteer worker in the name of Jesus God hallelujah because we're all part of one body in you and we thank you God and we celebrate you O God hallelujah we celebrate you O God we lift you up and we tell you thank you we honor you and we praise you O God and Jesus name Amen amen and amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] no I can't with God I know I have strength I know I have purpose with God I know I have mercy booyah hallelujah glory to God oh not already standing if you would stand and join me in the book of Galatians chapter 6 and I will read into your hearing from verse 1 to 10 that's Galatians chapter 6 starting at verse 1 hallelujah my god with God I can do all things yes and God's Word reads as thus brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ for if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself but let every man prove his own work and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another for every man shall bear his own burden let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teaches in all the things be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting and let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not as we had therefore as we had therefore opportunity have opportunity let us do good unto all men especially unto them who are of the household of faith thus is the reading of God's wonderful Holy Word you may be seated february i'm moses green and you're watching the bethany news network as you can see we've done a bit of decorating over the past few weeks here at the network welcome to a brand new home for the beth a news network it looks great in here and check out this huge screen there's going to be a lot to see over the next few weeks in the new areas of this year's studio until then let's jump into this week's trending events happening around the plaza first up dream challenge everyone who has made a resolution to be fit in 2020 or are committed to change we have a series of sessions designed especially for you dream challenge is partnered with limitless work performance and it works to provide you with a fun and challenging workout while also learning the key nutritional elements necessary to be fit at any age every second Saturday of the month beginning promptly at 8 a.m. meters at 25:12 Egg Harbor Road unit D in Linda Walley Jersey this event is free and open to all sign up for our mailing list today by seeing a representative in harvest hall or emailing us at dream challenge one at on Sunday February 23rd at the 8 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. encounter worship service will be celebrating our annual go red day here at the please' the American Heart Association's signature women's initiative Go Red For Women is a comprehensive platform designed to increase women's health heart health awareness and serve as a catalyst for change to improve the lives of women globally for us at Bethany we include the men in our effort because we recognize that heart disease that not is not isolated to one gender all of us are potentially affected by this disease so this day is about everyone making making a commitment to stand together by wearing our red and taking charge of our own heart health as well as the health of those we can't bear to live without check out this video I go red because I will continue to live a full life thanks to women's heart research this is not something to be ashamed of and if it happens to you there's a growing support network of people here to help you through that journey I am where I am today because I did not give up and I stayed strong you can do it there's a will there's a way [Music] being a part of this has helped me to get through this kind of scary process and meet some amazing people and share my story and hopefully prevent this situation from happening to anybody else take action knowing something and doing something is completely different you have to put yourself on your priority list lest unite to prevent heart disease and stroke there will be heart health information available for all heart disease is a silent killer and we want to make sure that you are aware of signs and symptoms see you in your read on Sunday February 23rd Bethenny travels on the move and they have some exciting trips planned first up is an overnight trip to the newly open American dream mall April 17th through to 1820 2000 cated in East Rutherford New Jersey includes round-trip transportation hotel accommodations at the Hampton Inn deluxe breakfast breakfast buffet and Robert a 2ds all deposits are due now an ordinary life that was changed forever a story of Beauty bravery everyone has a story my ordinary life changed forever when I was taken through the palace doors of the great Persian Empire a secret in my could I sign the courage to risk it all and believe that I was made for such a time as this join the travel ministry on Saturday July 25th to see Queen Esther at sight and sound Theatre in Lancaster PA your packages include round-trip transportation show all-you-can-eat buffet at Shady maple beverages tax and all gratuities space is limited in all are welcome engage with the Bible and experience that history exhibits artifacts and impact with people of all ages with Saturday as they visit the state-of-the-art Bible Museum in Washington Washington DC this museum offers dining and six floors of different exhibits with emphasis on different aspects of the Bible's history the museum features both a performing arts and amphitheater for details on these trips and more please see a travel expert today in harvest hall so this song right here means a lot to me and I was traveling and God began to speak to me he said when you think about company they come over to your house at some point because their company they have to go he said but with me I want to be the person who can stay with you and for the rest of your life so my prayer was to God you are the company that never have to leave me so I need you to stay with me how can i how can i how can i without you Oh [Music] and in the mists I can't go without you you want a company that doesn't have to go so stay with me I'm walking before him please slowly call I need you I guarantee if I don't have you stay with me near my heart you my pain to me I can't imagine life without you stay away [Music] Oh [Music] doesn't have to go [Music] south [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] lift up your crotch ooh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] when we praise and worship the Lord it should touch something on the inside Laurie to God while the Jesus the seed of God's crucifixion process is our example of a seeds process the seed goes into the ground one way and comes back greater than it went in when he was buried he wasn't lost he was being transformed into the harvest that the soar intended to our family watching online you can participate in this part of the service by clicking on the icon and sowing your seed Bethany family so your seed [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the Lord everybody and welcome to our mid service training it is the first Sunday of the month the first Sunday some would remind you all first so that you don't forget [Music] thank you for joining answering in live all around the world thank you for continuing with us on Facebook I want you to be [Music] to rush up our personal believes in a very powerful [Music] - my services [Music] yeah make sure you make we have the corneas [Music] praise Lord I'm so glad they're taking the time to join us once again for the encounter worship experience we had been to the Church of in the Walter I'm Bishop David Evans and I'm so glad you've taken the time to join us once again as we are in an extended series for transforming last month and entitled identity we're delving into something that I believe will impact your life for the rest of your life we're talking about the difference between obligation and a relationship opportunity with the relationship of liberty or limitations it's a matter of you understanding the will of God for you knowing how to operate in God's purpose inside we're going to go a little deeper today as we delve into the mind of God concerning you after watch God revealed to you what he was thinking about when he greeted you that means the purpose of the assignment that God has created you not only to understand no but operated and fulfilled that your life gives him glory and anytime we give God glory we are living a fulfilled life we were created to give Him glory through your purpose and your assignment so it's not just what you say it's not just a declaration seeing the vision that God has for you having a great sanctified imagination to see yourself as God sees you and they begin to declare to yourself and to those around the purpose of assignment that God that's placed on your life I'm going to attempt to help you this morning with the assistance of God's Word and his spirit to lead you into a place of understanding illumination in your mind but you'll come to an understanding that you although you've fallen short before God stands ready to lift you up because the joy of the Lord is your strength his joy becomes your joy because his strength becomes your strength and suddenly when that understanding comes I'm gonna talk to you today about how you can know the Lord and every day lose a little bit of your joy I'm going to show you how to be restored the key word for understanding restoration is to reclaim God's not gonna give it back you've got to go and get your joy back my brother my sister I'm excited about what God is going to share with us I need you to help me go to the icon help us feed clothe and house people letting us fortune show God how much you love him by extending to reach up his hands and doing what he would do if he were here to do it by himself but now he's blessed us and you and I become the extensions of His grace his mercy and his peace go to the icon so that generous care help us reach those that cannot help themselves and watch God bless you now get ready once again for identity another chance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with us today suppose by the name of Sir Alec often when she is a worship leader from both Althea Pennsylvania she's she's right in our home she has led worship throughout the tri-state and surrounding areas and she has sung for a background artist for various artists so what are we gonna do Bethany family will show her a whole bunch of Bethany love make her feel welcome she's right in our backyard she's right from our home so we want to give her all the love and she comes with her right now praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody come on anybody glad to be in the house of the Lord this morning hallelujah I'm told that it's your international emphasis today so today we're gonna give God praise with a little I mean is that Alright so if you're gonna hide and freeze on you I want you to stand with us you're gonna sickness some witnesses says my god is good on anybody know that God is good has he been good to anybody in here come on has he shown you mercy after mercy after mercy after mercy yeah we know that the Super Bowl is laying at the Super Bowl [Music] hey my god my god [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my god is good [Music] I got a scooter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] let's lift our hands and say we honor you for being the most like I said [Music] this [Music] [Music] Oh boys [Music] [Music] wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Applause] [Music] being the Most High God Jehovah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] help me bless the Lord [Applause] come now help me bless the long [Music] [Applause] god is good I said god is good [Music] come on help me messing this [Music] what a mighty God we serve an amazing gun can I get you to join me at the altar this morning as we lend our faith to one another and as we share the love of God abroad each other's homes each other's lives as we touch and agree that God has still got it he is ready to be amazing in your life he is absolutely wonderful he's the counselor you've been looking for he's the father you've been seeking he's an Almighty God he has not lost power he's still gone [Music] speaking to the life of that person near you tell him he's still God Jehovah Jireh if you believe him you will see it one day our provider our protector he says only believe [Music] hallelujah [Music] he is the Most High God and he's worthy of every bit of praise we can give [Applause] there is no other like him there will never be another like here he is the Almighty God capable and willing able in loving grab somebody's hand if you will standing next to them you have not spoken open your mouth say bless the Lord he is the most high he is the most father I think not quite sure where to begin this more [Music] you loved us so much that you sent your son you wanted to live with us you sent us Jesus [Music] you wanted your purpose in our lives so you extended grace towards us you gave us your mercy I'm just beginning to understand the greatness of your grace was not only your grace that's saved but grace is keeping right now all week long grace was working in our life I want to thank you for extending your love to us and I want to apologize because we've all fallen short of your glow thank you that you did not throw us away when we fail but you kept even though you were disappointed [Music] thank you that you didn't pull your love away but you continue to love us with an everlasting love [Music] thank you that you see us differently than we see ourselves when we're tired you see us as strong when we see ourselves as defeated you see us victorious when we can't see away you see us in the way of hope and peace I want to thank you for loving us with a perfect love apologize for falling short of your glory I apologize for disappointing you I thank you that when we failed you you never failed us we stand around your altar proof of your mercy thank you for forgiving us one more time thank you that confession triggers a brand-new start we give you praise for never giving up on us Lord if we're truthful we've given up on ourselves once or twice but you continue to hold us in your hands and I want to thank you for that I thank you that when we didn't want to stand up you stood us up and didn't want to get up you shook us one morning I give you a praise right now I thank you for seeing more in us than we see in ourselves I thank you while we're looking at yesterday you're looking at our tomorrows I give you I give you a praise honor and glory in this house this morning thank you lord [Music] helped us to walk in the power that you've given us to display the glory that you've already given to us thank you then in our weakest days you are in your strongest time [Music] and now Lord I pray for the hand I'm holding this small I pray for the life that I'm touching right now I pray for the destiny that I'm touching right now and pray for the assignment that they are right now I pray for your son and your daughter right now Satan I rebuke you in the name of Jesus I speak of blessings in his hands I press strength into these hands I press restoration into these hands if there's any disease I speak healing right now turn failure into success defeat into victory sickness into health in the name of Jesus [Music] spirit of the Living God fall freshly on your people send your fire this one assist us and are hearing and are seeing right now and I want to thank you in advance for the blessing that's being released right now I want to thank you in advance for the healing breakout in this room right now I want to thank you in advance for doors of opportunity opening right now in the name of Jesus I [Music] speak protection I speak blessing I speak breakthrough I speak strains I speak recovery in the name of Jesus [Music] save somebody this morning bring a backslider bad connect someone with your house in Jesus name in Jesus name bless two people as you leave this altar come out Leicester people as you leave this home [Music] come on let's put our hands together hallelujah [Music] hallelujah come on people of God bless the Lord like you know him [Music] oh no god dammit go right now [Music] [Music] thank you for loving us God thank you for saving us God thank you for keeping us God thank you for holding us God thank you for protecting us God thank you for all that you do hallelujah [Music] can I get you to come out of your comfort zone and give God an unusual praise [Applause] hallelujah can I get you to become a radical this morning in what you believe he's able to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Church say man take your seats if you kick [Applause] help me welcome my internet church family worldwide won't you thousands join us around the world today and during the week we bless God our internet pastor Jonathan Vaughters is in the chat room to greet you transforming lives months continues and blends right into our multicultural diversity month need you to invite some folk you can dress down all month long get them here and God will do the rest well they gonna play that game today amen communion begins at five instead of six today baptism has been rescheduled to next month we will have communion of course and then we're gonna have a tailgate party inside amen [Applause] fellowship food and fun adults only sixteen dollars eat till you go crazy children ten years and under only ten dollars could they go eat like adults praise the Lord the buffet will be open until the third quarter is over so come on out this afternoon after communion and party with us talk trash laugh at the commercials amen we want to remind you that you can pre-order our latest book elevate at the ministry table in the hallway there is a 25% discount I believe and when the book arrives you get a autograph personalized pre-order copy we're looking forward to your a response I want to thank those of you who contributed to my 68 birthday celebration it was just amazing thank you so much for the obvious show of your love and concern if you didn't get any cake it's cause you probably didn't come to Bible study amen next year make sure at least around that time you come we were get to inform you Kevin D Prescott son of sister Joan Prescott the brother of sisters Valerie Prescott and lawanda McKinney has passed away his service will be held here at the Plaza on Friday viewing will be at 9:00 services at 11:00 get sister Jones address and Viraj the house with some cards and as I always say put some Bologna on the bread so they'll feel a little less stress about these times I want to thank those of you too came to minister Kings homegoing yesterday in Philadelphia you made his family very very happy to see his first church family come out and support them in this tough time amen so just pray for Tammy and the children I am extraordinarily restrained today because I'm overwhelmingly excited about what I'm about to tell you II Men I'm I'm trying to be cool because I don't feel cool this one I believe God has something to say as we continue in this identity series thank God for all our guests today dancers and I and and our singers today amen I'm at a little of a disadvantage today because I'm in the habit of being extraordinarily structured in what God has commissioned me to do but today he has still been downloading information for you up until the time I walked into the sanctuary so it is going to be one of those y'all hold on better listen thing a man I may seem a little out of kilter at some juncture but you're going to just have to believe God that he's gonna bring it all to where it needs to be amen we're going to start where we've started before I want to go to Revelation chapter 1 and then we'll start our conversation there on our journey this morning in the Word of God Revelation chapter 1 verse four says John to the seven churches which are in Asia grace be unto you and peace from him which is and which was and which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before his throne and from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the Dead and the Prince or the leader of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood here it comes and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his father to him be glory and Dominion or authority for ever and ever and the Church said now just to add a little flavor to what we're going to start discussing go to Psalm 51 and then we'll begin this conversation some 51 and I want to lift just one verse I even i verse 12 says i even i am he that comforts you who are you I'm looking in the wrong book I'm sorry yep y'all need y'all need to see this dog look the Lord led me over here for a reason go to Isaiah 51 then we'll go to Psalm 50 I've not seen this before oh when this fits to that Thank You Holy Ghost Isaiah 51 started verse 11 I'm so far ahead of myself y'all hold on Isaiah 51 11 says therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return o man so that means my comeback has already started and people are going to think you're crazy because you're going to come with singing and everlasting joy shall be upon your head oh yeah thank you Holy Ghost they shall obtain gladness and joy and sorrow and mourning shall flee away God says I even I am he that comforts you so who are you to be afraid of a man that shall die good God oh my who are you to be afraid of the Son of Man which shall be made as grass now go to Psalm 51 thank you lord my mind I'm have to preach that for y'all one day I'd showed it to me for a reason here it is so I'm 51 12 are you ready restore unto me the joy of that salvation I see it now Holy Ghost uphold me with thy free spirit touch your neighbor tell him I want my joy back take your seat when you try to think of your kingdom identity I want you to narrow it down to some basic concepts so it does not become this complicated thing that the body of Christ has created for itself people spend a lot of their save time trying to figure out what their purpose is because we primarily don't understand the mind of God when it comes to him creating us we realize that we learned recently that he has created us for his glory and at any time I live a life that gives God glory not just with my mouth but with my behavior with the way I conduct myself representing God that my life is a life that gives God glory so I can ask myself audit my behavior from moment to moment day to day ask myself a simple question is what I'm doing what I'm thinking right now how I'm behaving is what I'm doing giving God the glory he deserves when I come into this concept and understand that my behavior my actions my words my attitudes either give God glory meaning that I am rendering my opinion concerning God I'm displaying to people what I say I believe about God when I behave in a way that pleases God I'm giving God glory and I'm speaking to those that are watching me because the Bible says Jesus declares fully the same glory God gave him that he is already given to the people of God so my difficulty comes in in discovering purpose is that I must understand that purpose is connected to assignment that God does not give you a purpose without handing you an assignment but he also gives you ability to fulfill that assignment now the problem with ability is that we become involved in the process because sometimes I do not feel like obeying God all right there's only 15 real people in the building sometimes and don't you all that are my age get a little smug on this point because the older you get the easier it gets which means it hasn't always been easy and truth be told if you're not dead there are some days that it's still not easy to walk in the will of God is just too real for some real I can't talk to ultra sanctified folk this morning I can't talk to any deep people because most deep vocal liars I can't I can't talk I can't talk to y'all they got actin saved down I need to talk to you that have victories and defeats every day and you walk with God sometimes I'm good sometimes I'm not sometimes I win sometimes I lose some time I say the right thing and every now and then I say the wrong thing I'm so thankful God has not finished yet [Applause] I'm really grateful part of the problem with being consistent with God as the body of Christ has shifted purpose into obligation we have not looked at purpose as an opportunity to serve God as an opportunity to be fulfilled what we've done is everything God has given us to do somehow has shifted to the place of obligation now my personal problem is if I only feel obligated to you I wonder how real my love is for you and if I feel obligated over a series of years how can I love you when I feel like everything I do for you I have to do I don't know about you but I don't want anybody loving me because they have to I want you to love me because the relationship inspires you what's this to be intentional about what you do for me so we're not going to praise God because we have to we inspired by the relationship to give him glory then worship Him because we have to the relationship gives me an opportunity another chance to lift up his voice to give him glory I can't get through to you as long as you are in obligation it is impossible for you to have joy [Applause] so our dilemma is we turn just about everything that God commands us to do into some type of obligation which is depending on our ability to be consistent and not his strength in us if I feel obligated I'm telling you that there's something I'd rather be doing with my time than what I feel obligated to do if I say I have to go to church it means I'd rather be somewhere else so no wonder we can't get a prayer through because we haven't entered his gates with Thanksgiving we've come feeling like we have to when we should get out of the bed like we want to you're not hearing me today you know come go with me the text says I've made you kings and priests I've given you a purpose and an assignment and given you the authority and the power and the opportunity to be what I've created you to be he didn't create you to obligate you he created you to give you an opportunity created you to be intentional about him we learn this no need of you being jealous of another saint because you feel like God favors them more than he favors you I taught you something's gonna change your life the parent doesn't choose the favorite child the parent does not choose the favorite child the favorite child is the favorite child because the child has chosen the parents seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these shall be favored comes when I favor him [Music] touch your neighbor say don't be jealous show him you love him be intentional about it and you'll feel God become intentional about you obedience is an opportunity not an obligation so if I if he saved me Gary and I feel burdened by serving him then I can't possibly love him the way he wants to be loved so let's get into the mind of God with this whole thing so he says I've made you kings and priests I want to show you what God was thinking about when he did this go to Romans chapter 8 let me show you something go to Romans chapter 8 I want to show you this real quick and then I'll get to where I really want to take you this morning Romans chapter 8 alright you've seen it before where now we're in the mind of God you understand we're in the mind of God he says I've made you kings and priests so what is God's creating process what is God's creating process we want to understand when God is working what is he doing how is he thinking when he made you what was he thinking about when he made you what what what were his thought patterns when he made you that's some of you ought to be shouting right now because the first thing God never thinks crazy thoughts so if you've been labeled as crazy you're not behaving like he created you listen listen to me talk to you now good Romans chapter eight are you there are you seen it before now let's see what God says verse 27 and he that searched the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit because he makes intercession for the Saints what's this according to the will of God I taught you a few weeks ago that God has this book and he opens it and your whole life is in the book and the great thing about you once you're born again once he's once they read your story through your unsaved years through your wilderness years and get into the will of God years touch your neighbor say you win so so my issue is not it's not my life is not up to chance he's already written my story so when he tells me the steps of a good individual ordered by the Lord I need to get in the steps of my own story and start following my own destiny because destiny is decided outside of you it's decided before you were ever born what's this now and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called do you see it according to what whose purpose all right so I've got to find his purpose for me before all things start working together all right God's not letting you down you may not be in purpose come on talk to me and I can't be in purpose unless I love him and are the call it means the folk that respond to his voice so if I'm unresponsive I'm telling God I don't love him am I making sense to y'all [Applause] what's this what's this now here comes here's God's creative process watch this now for whom he did for know all right knew you knew you ahead of time what watch his creative process now for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate not for a location because I can't be predestinated in his will unless I'm being shaped and conformed to reflect Jesus once I start looking like Jesus I started walking in the right steps just making sense so I can't have my purpose I've got to be in his purpose and to fit in his purpose I've got to begin conformed to the image of his son I've got to reflect him as I walk around in this world are you with me what's how this works conform to the image of our son Wes says that he might be the firstborn among many brethren that the Lord Jesus might be the first to be raised from the dead and live forever but he got up so the those of us that are attached to him will get up I told you all at the taters moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and who he called what's this because you can't go any kind of way he had to justify you and once he declared you righteous he also what shall I say to these things if God before you he's more than the entire world against you so in your life human odds don't matter in your life spiritual odds don't matter because he's greater than anything that would come to oppose you now why why you tell us this watch watch watch if I don't understand this truth my joy is seasonal it's not real joy unless there's joy in a negative situation some of us have what I call seasonal joy when everything's going good I got it but let some trouble break out at work I can't find my job what's this know what's good what's good now so so he says I knew you before time I watch what we go now go to Jeremiah chapter 1 let me show you something let me go to Jeremiah chapter 1 I want to show you something we're in the mind of God right now when he started thinking about creating you alright Jeremiah chapter 1 let me know when you get there now we in the mind of God when he came down to creating you we're in the mind of God this is what God he said first thing I for new you I predestinated you out I had a plan for you somebody say strategy I said God so God had this strategy for you and and he wrote it ahead of time before but how is he able to do this watch this now go Jeremiah chapter 1 are you there go down to verse 5 says before I formed you in the belly I do you so now Romans 8 makes sense because he couldn't for know who he didn't know he couldn't predestinate someone who did not exist already in him he's trying to tell you I had a relationship with your future before you ever came out of your mother's belly that I had already talked it over with myself concerning you I must not be doing this right now how people I'll teach to myself till you get it the Bible says I knew you before your mama knew you that you existed in me before you ever was seen on this earth and I had already fixed your destiny before you ever came out of your mother's womb before you were formed in your mother's womb for your mama and daddy got together before the poetic violence of copulation produced you [Applause] he said before all intact I knew they st. even a good part was it's not here before your phone I knew you he said not only he said before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you I separated you I made you special before you came out it I claimed you for myself I separated you for the plan from the plan that the devil thought he was gonna have you I separated you I snatched you out of what he had planned and had you ready for what I planned I sanctified you [Applause] Oh sanctify means to set you apart from something to something so Isis so we need to be praising God because they're your worst day does not negate God's grace because what could have attached itself to you never had a chance to because he had already separated you from the stuff that would defeat you and I know I'm telling the truth cuz you're sitting here this morning you may not have all of your mind but you got some of it like I do just survive some stuff [Music] I'm getting ahead of myself listen watch what happens when we find out that God has created us then we begin to understand why some of us have not yet discovered his purpose and without purpose I can't possibly have joy what what much how this works now all right so the Bible says look at Jeremiah's response our Lord God behold I cannot speak for I'm a child the dilemma that we have my brothers and my sisters about God's commandments concerning our destiny watch this Brown is this God's talking about what you will be and you respond with who you are right now God is having a future conversation and your present conversation is based upon your history but God is allowed to have this conversation because he already Ford knew you and he already predestinated you stay with me right through here but the Lord comes back and says the problem with with with your response is what you've been saying to yourself say not I am a child for you shall go to all that I shall save you and watch this you don't have to worry about how you speak just make sure you say what I tell you this what I command you to speak is what you want to say because when you say what I said it'll overcome who you think you are don't disqualify yourself God has made you a king and a priest and it's time to start sounding like who you've been created to be watch what we go let's make sense now alright so so so now look we are look where we are he says be not afraid of their faces don't be intimidated by people's expression I'm always amazed at the mixture of countenances in a congregation there are some people you know many people can't get a word because they've already decided to look like they're not receiving it your countenance reveals your issues like as a man I thought it was cool to sit in church like nothing was going on but my attitude was shielding me from receiving from the whole ego it just making sense so I had to be as receptive in church as I am at a football game watching every play analyze in the whole nine yard yeah I had to get in it watch how this works down so we so we've got this we've got this issue we've got this issue that we're getting ready to overcome go to Jeremiah 18 in the mind of God as it relates to him creating you and I Jeremiah 18 and then I'll get to some of what I was going to say all right Jamie 18 now listen listen this is we looked at how God sees you in the New Testament I for knew you i pre destinated you i preordained you I separated you I did all this stuff before you were born okay so because my creative process must be understood by my people now this is going to just going to be a revelation to us because what you have to understand the backdrop for all of this is that Jeremiah 18 is about a Potter making a vessel and God is the Potter and we are the vessel now overcomes my offense at being made of dirt because the chief thing about dirt is it receives was ever put into it and dirt is moldable so God is a great farmer that uses the agricultural illustration to show us how he works with us he uses material that will then allow itself to be shaped is this making sense to you so so you're not insulting me when you say when you say I you dirt to me thank you Jesus you're not saying a thing bad to me because God sees me as dirt he can shape that he can sow into that will produce fruit out of he's you got to know your Bible 18 the word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying arise go down to the potter's house and there I will cause thee to hear my words then I went down to the potter's house behold watch this he the Potter wrought a work on the wheels and a vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the Potter so he made it again and on the vessel that seemed good to the Potter to make it high he goes hmm for whom he did foreknow he predestinated to be conformed to the image of his son so the potter leaves his house to get the clay to mold on the wheel but before the potter leaves the house he already has an image in his mind as to what the clay will become he operates with foreknowledge and it creates a destiny for the clay before it is completed so it's not an accident that the claiming that the clay becomes the vessel what's this with the purpose that the Potter saw in his spirit be off before he ever wikked to get the clay because it is not the clay that inspires the Potter the Potter is inspired by the vision it has for the clan so the Potter doesn't leave the house until he sees the clay created can I get you to help I'm not doing this right so he has to for now what he wants to create before he ever leaves the house to get the clay did you see that because there's an image in his mind to which he wants the form of the clay to conform to now what blows my mind is he makes the clay into a vessel with a specific purpose you would not go to the store buy crystal and then make a bucket out of it to mop the floor you would not be using it for what it was made for you can't let people make you a bucket when you've been made a vessel Ivana touch your neighbor telling you're better than that are y'all following me today so get this now so he foreknew you so he saw you in the forum that he wanted you to become long before you were formed in your mother's womb he set you apart for specific use which means he's given you specific capability because he does not give purpose without power so what happens is we start serving God he gives us a purpose gives us an assignment and somewhere along the way working for God I'm talking to real Christians I start serving him like it's a burden [Applause] come on let me talk t we wake up in the morning with more enthusiasm to go to work than we do to come to the house of God I need to be a little closer to y'all so y'all can say man I start feeling an obligation and I started making excuses not to serve god I'm gonna do me foursie's I'm in your head I know it I'm tired we become content to let others do the work of the ministry while we reap the benefits I'm all in your head I know it we got two services the day [Applause] let me try y'all cuz they're not talking to me let me how did we turn loving God into labor how did we how do we transform loving him into a burden how did I lose my joy when Nehemiah is clear the joy of the Lord is mine look who John tells me his joy is my joy that's why the joy of the Lord is my strength my problem with the joy is this we sing the world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away so since it can't be taken it has to be lost now our dilemma is we want God to give it back God didn't lose it he still has his [Applause] he still got his joy so how'd I lose a bishop oh I'm glad you asked me I'm so glad you asked what you asked me go to Luke Luke chapter 15 chapter 15 now watch this now okay help me spirit here the first thing I want to impress upon you in in in in in this part of our conversation is that we we don't know the value of our joy because we say the joy of the Lord is our strength but we don't understand the value of the joy and I realized that for my own life but it may not be true for you but I up until I got a little more mature in this thing I didn't do anything to protect my joy huh I think I didn't know how to shield my joy from things that would allow me to lose contact with it and I foolishly waited around for God to give me back something he didn't lose because when it says restore to me the joy of my salvation there were restore means to reclaim it so when I lose my joy I have to read Luke chapter 15 are you ready so I'm submitting to you what's this now looks at 15 verse 4 says what man of you having a hundred sheep if he lose one of them does not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness and go after that which is lost until he what first thing I want you to understand is you don't lose your joy all at once you don't lose it all at once you lose it one step at a time your joys you look up one day and your joy has wandered at all and one day you need it look for it and can't find it come on talk to me here you didn't lose it overnight the devil in coming and steal it you lost it day by day step by step can I talk to some real people [Music] because our joy is in our custody and like sheep get a wander off if you don't protect it from itself now this works now stay with me so I look up one day and I don't have the same gladness about God I'm serving him because I feel like I have to which means my love for him has changed I've become offended by him he told me some stuff and it didn't work out but I never say it was because I wasn't in his purpose I want him to do stuff that's not his will and I get mad at him because he won't my grandfather on my father's side asked me to go to the liquor store for him one day I'm saved by that time the head he caught me before I got saved I had gone to the liquor store and got his Seagram's gym but he caught me after I got saved and I said no cuz I loved God one I loved [Music] [Applause] anybody in your life that wants you to place them over God is a dangerous individual God says seek Him rats can I talk to you so I told him no I'm not going why not I got a testimony to protect and it's connected to how I feel about myself but really because I love God and he told me not to go and what kind of witness am i if I go get your stuff for you to stay in the state that you're in our relationship changed forever sometimes people who make you make a choice I can't talk to y'all so Wow how this works how this works out stay with me stay with me now stay with me I think I didn't got all the head of myself y'all pray for your pastor amen got on here I got I got yellow paper beer what y'all know I don't do lord have mercy so I look up one day and my joy is gone because III blame the devil when in actuality my joy has wandered off I've lost it step by step bit by bit like a sheep that has gone astray the next thing God showed me in the text was if I don't go get my joy it's not coming back on its own that I have to pursue it until I find it again is this making sister you that I got to go get it I've got to become intentional about getting the joy of the Lord back so that told me that I have to become intentional about how I care for the joy and make sure I don't let it wander off just make it sense yet I've got to feed my joy I've got to cultivate my joy I've got to protect my joy because the text reveals here it can be fair so there is hope that you can get your original joy back you know that just got saved God can do anything the Lord is my Savior that God will heal me right now I believe for the impossible that kind of joy is what I'm talking about [Applause] not this cynical bruised up it don't take all that some things God can't do it's too much we are so what the Lord is saying that I won't get that original joy back unless I pursue it I've got the search for it now my problem is I think a raise will give me my joy back I think a relationship will give me my joy back I think a new house some new clothes some fares some Louboutin [Applause] I can jest give me some red bottoms up [Applause] now we'll admit you will feel better but it will not give you joy amen praise the Lord Jimmy Choo would do the same thing for ladies amen raise you up praise the Lord but but it's not joy now the problem is that when we watch this now watch how the text transitions went oh it's 10 o'clock y'all but all right [Applause] my problem is that it's natural for you and I to seek things outside of us when we are looking for our joy to come back but the search is never outside the search is always because we live from the inside let's watch how this works I keep staying the text what's this now let's keep reading he says and when he had found it verse five he lay it on his shoulders rejoicing watch this it appears as though the text is implying that joy does not return voluntarily that I have to seize it again I have to reclaim it in order to possess it again it tells me joy can be elusive because it's connected to my relationship with God if our relationship with God is seasonal then my joy will be seized him am I making sense to you I what's the word now what's the word look at this now he says and when he comes home he call it together his friends and neighbors saying unto them rejoice with me if I have found my sheep which was lost now why says your friends saw it but haven't said anything they saw the change in you couldn't quite put their finger on it they called it an attack of the devil but really what all it was was you lost your joy I say unto you that likewise joy shall be in heaven so I get my joy back and heaven rejoices because now I'm relationship with God has improved because now once again his strength is my strength which others work I got something to tell you I'm just out of time look at this now verse 8 I'm gonna stop on this one y'all stand up cuz I won't stop okay I can't trust y'all stand up it's myself okay look at verse eight we're gonna stop here now watch this now so first thing we see is joy one dissolve the second thing we see we're going to see is where joy has to be found alright so verse eight says either what woman having ten pieces of silver if she lose one piece does not light a candle and sweep the house and seek diligently till she were funny thing about joy I don't know the value of it until I've lost it I don't know it's missing until I can't find it I'll never find it unless I become intentional but my first instinct is not to look outside myself to find it as a matter of fact I'll ask God to give it back to me and I'll accuse the devil of stealing it when neither one is responsible because I lost it now here's my problem it's not outside it's in the house where's the house so I've got to search me to discover where my joy is I've got to turn the light of God's word on my life magnify his presence in me so I can find what's lost in here somewhere I have to become intentional I'm gonna seek it till I find it the Texas his sweets the whole house cuz the joy has no value to her as long as it's lost the coin doesn't know its own importance so your joy is not important to her you value your joy which is why you changed when you lost it don't your name tell him I want my joy back [Music] look at him again tell him why didn't you tell me I lost something you knew it was I didn't know it was your joy my brother my said I didn't know what it was but I knew something had changed it happened gradually over a period of time that joy wandered away but the Bible says restore the joy of my salvation Lord show me how to reclaim what I allowed to get away I don't want to be like the prodigal son in the next couple verses where I lose my joy because I become impatient with the father's process I expected you to bless me last year you still haven't released it losing my jaw and I wonder off because I don't understand my own value the change in my relationship comes with God day by day piece by piece moment by moment but even the son says you know what I've got to get up from here and go back to my father I need to get my jaw back I can't have his joy unless I'm in full relationship with him so many times our walk with God can become mismanage almost to where the child of God looks sad instead of joyous now some of that sadness is a product of nurturing in a church where you are taught by example that the most humble you look the most spiritual you are but how can I attract you to my father if I look unhappy being in relationship with you well Bishop you you don't know what what goes on in my life that's why joy is so needed joy is a gladness joy is not a denial of your reality but joy is as a barometer for you it it keeps your level in rocky situation I don't know about you but I've been through a period in my life where my joy started trying to break out of the enclosure and I looked up one day and it was headed down the road and I had to run and get it because it was trying to get away you know you're losing the joy when you're almost sad about being saved you know you're losing your joy when everything gives you a reason to step away from God and not get closer to him because his strength is our strength the joy of the Lord is mine the comfort that we have in knowing that despite the failures in life he still loves us despite our falling down he still cares for us despite the days we lose the fight he we wake up the next morning and he's encouraged because he understands the power of His grace you got to have the joy of the Lord it starts with a relationship with Jesus if you've never given your life to the Lord I'm so glad you're with us or watching us from whatever geographic location you're in I'm so honored that you all inconvenience yourself unburden yourself this morning and said I have an opportunity to go tell God thank you I have an opportunity to go praise Him with the Saints I've I've got an opportunity to go magnify the lord with I have an opportunity to show him my appreciation show him how thankful I am so him how grateful I am show him how appreciative I am of all that he does I woke up with another chance somebody ought to be thankful for another chance thankful for another opportunity thankful that you woke up this morning intending to do and you follow through perhaps there's someone here today that does not know the Lord for themselves and you've heard this message this morning they had this conversation and it's made perfect sense to you and you realize the Potter has a vision for your life ready has a purpose in his mind for you and even if you're not living that purpose right now the Bible indicates in Jeremiah 18 he does not throw the clay away he starts all over again you're here with us today watching us around the world and you've never ever given your life sincerely to the Lord you've not allowed your father the Potter to begin to work on your life another truth buried in the text that always blew my mind he picks the clay up and while he's working it a flaw revealed wow he's got his hand on a flaw comes out in the clay I used to wonder why didn't he just avoid the clay that he could see the flaw in Spirit Lord told me because he has the ability to work the floor out he'll keep working to what was a weakness becomes a strength today's the day you make a decision to give your life to God and allow him the opportunity to start working your life according to his will for whom he did foreknow he predestinated man woman boy girl it does not matter to God where you were last night where you were this morning what he's talking about is what's going to happen from this moment forward never given your life to the Lord I want to invite you to step into the nearest aisle come meet me right here take my hand allow us to pray for you have a brief conversation with you because conversations change season if that's you I want you to come [Applause] come on I know you're here I know you're here man woman boy girl you need to give your life to the Lord today and I say today because now is the time now is the time [Applause] well [Applause] and woman boy girl don't you think it's time to discover your destiny why God created you in the first place he never gives you a purpose without giving you authority and ability God never asked you to be a thing he hasn't given you the authority and the ability to be I've made you kings and priests rulers and servants at the same time that's you you need to come to the Lord for the very first time I need you to step into the nearest aisle come meet me right here allow the Spirit of God to lead you into this brand-new relationship secondly but just as importantly you got saved at one time remarkably you're in church this morning but you haven't been in the right place with God the Fellowship has been broken your relationship with God is strained and you realize today I lost my joy a while back and I became vulnerable when I lost it I wasn't enthusiastic I lost my passion for the Lord I became vulnerable to the enemy's plans and his strategies and all of a sudden I looked up and I had walked away from my father in heaven and his house but God has been so merciful to you that you're here today he's kept you just for this moment the moment began this morning when you woke up you're in a god moment right now I feel the Spirit of the Lord leading you to come and reconnect your life with God and with his house if that's you I need you to step into the nearest aisle and come take my hand allow us to fix your fellowship strengthen your relationship through prayer teaching the Spirit of God if that's you I want you to come come right now God's arms are open wide don't look down at yourself guilt and shame don't come from God here she comes come on yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] man woman boy girl what you've done before this moment does not matter sin guilt and shame don't come from the Lord the relationship with God comes to lift you of that guilt remove that shame redirect your life you know you need to come back to the Lord I need to step into the are very quickly and come right now allow us to pray with you reconnect you get your fellowship fixed your relationship repaired Amen that's but not least you love the Lord you're saved you know you are but you've been searching for this atmosphere searching for this kind of teaching searching for a place where you can grow I need you to step into the nearest aisle and make your connection today become a partner become a friend become a part of what God is doing here that's you I want you to come well I'm not sure about y'all I'm a little confused it says Baptists on the thing but y'all don't act like Baptists cuz we ain't we're children of God a church is called Baptist amen we believe holiness is a lifestyle not a denomination we believe Pentecostal is a style of worship style a belief a formal belief in everything the Holy Ghost does and represents we just believe God if that's you I want you to come place where the gifts are in operation all of them place where miracles are normal and expected place where the first miracle salvation is what we expect to see every time we come together if you're looking for a place where leadership is strong where the people of God will love you we're on our way to a greater mission with God touching the community touching the region touching the nation touching the world we invite you to become a part of what God is doing here my friend Paul Morton said Lord whatever you're doing in this season don't do without me [Applause] if that's you come let's celebrate our new brother and sister take your seats for just a second praise the Lord did you all get that this morning touch your neighbor tell them I seen your joy coming back on your job in your house in your neighborhood I see your joy coming back don't forget tonight communion begins at five o'clock we will not have baptism this evening reschedule for next month our guest reception our new members reception we're scheduled for next month we begin promptly at 5:00 we will get out in plenty of time for your football fans amen but the best thing to do is just have service and go across the hallway and come to our Super Bowl party amen that's the best thing to do keep you out of trouble amen you won't be in the wing joint tempted to order some beers and stuff amen you here with God's people are we going to do is talk trash and eat laugh at them crazy commercial amen I hate it gonna kill mr. planner on this plant a peanut guy you gonna die cain't had nothing god gives us an opportunity every time we come together to share with him some of the things he shared with us I'm amazed at how easy he makes it he never asked you for a thing he hasn't given you first he has not asked you for a thing he hasn't possessed first he wants you to express joy because he gave it to us he wants us to praise Him because he gave us breath and ability wants us to give to him because he's giving it to us first he makes it so easy to obey Him what I want you to do right now is if you're ready to give I want you to stand on your feet I'm still amazed at how many people leave before they offer still amazed I bless God for you all that are here right now and I speak a specific blessing over your life in the apostolic authority on my life Lord please give them the desires of their hearts please cause these seeds called tines and offerings and sacrifices to be returned to them a thousand for the Lord bless you a thousand times over in the name of Jesus everybody that expects to receive it say Amen brown basket regular tithe and offering white basket sacrificial giving that's welcome the best executive pastor on the planet Nick Smith [Music] praise the Lord I'm so glad you took the time to join me today we are in an incredible series simply entitled identity the subtitle is second chance talking about identity and also today conversation or teaching around regaining your joy something that we lose little by little and then one day realize and maybe can't identify I can't articulate it but we know something has changed in our relationship with God and I submit to you joy anytime you feel burdened by your assignment with God anytime you feel and that's waking up understand that God creating you has given you an opportunity to express his will to reveal him on earth something has happened in a relationship something wrong with the love that we have the relationship has taken a hit but now we understand God does not give my joy back I must pursue it I must value it secret until I find it that I can't let the circumstances or I disagree with the way God does that caused me to lose track of my Joey I am so honored you took the time doing this I want you right now to join us in our giving this is a part of the worship God gives us the opportunity to do go to the icon release at sea call the tie than they offering release that sacrificial those of you blessed me on the birthday last week I thank God for you thank you so much I am amazed that I have reached 68 years old when I believe based on the life that I was living in my early 30s but I've given me a pretty much all visit to the graveyard but God is merciful free shipping and every day I appreciate him every single day of my life well we have another service to do I'll see you at 11 o'clock don't forget tonight our communion celebration starts at 5:00 great preacher coming tonight looking forward to hearing him and seeing him at five o'clock Donald Christmas will be with us you want to hear this great teacher of God's worth well stay strong stay say I'll see you in a very few minutes and remember faith acts like a thing is so even when it's not so that it might be so god bless you and I'll see you real soon [Music] you you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church
Views: 1,517
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: vg-nrGcQNMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 7sec (10567 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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