Best Yard in Town! Spring Lawn Care | Dethatching, Aeration, Overseeding, Fertilizing
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Jason Explains Things
Views: 1,915,155
Rating: 4.8210087 out of 5
Keywords: jasonexplainsthings, jason explains things, how to, diy, do it yourself, jason cole, lawn care tips, spring lawn care, fertilizing lawn, lawn tips spring, aerating, mowing, aeration, spring fertilizing, yard, grass, prep yard for spring, lawn, lawncare, Mantis tiller, Honda Mower, dethatching, lawn thatch, de-thatching, dethatch, seeding, overseeding, grass seed, fertilizer, compost, overdressing lawn, Mantis Mini-Tiller
Id: tmTxc_HDaj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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