Fall Lawn Care | Aeration, Overseed, Starter Fertilizer, Milorganite FUN!

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[Music] seeing you guys know about my no work policy that I don't do anywhere I show up someone else does the work that's how we do it that's how I roll [Music] actually let's go right here because that's the front of the house behind us okay there we go right all right what's up y'all I'm Alan Haines the lawn care nut thanks for coming back for yet another week and look who I got with me what's up Jake the lawn kid y'all know we have been talking about this I mean we've been primping this out for a couple weeks now yeah sure this is our couple months yeah this is our 2018 into 2019 project lon so one thing we are going to do is we're gonna make sure that we do traditional mechanical aeration over seed Milo starter fir and in the majority of the lawn here this what does that mosquito yeah and then in a couple other spots that Jake's picked out or at least one special spot we're actually going to use some next products we're going to do some next starter for some liquid stuff over there that's why you just want to work right yeah so Jake all right so I'll show you guys a property map and everything so you can see what we're doing and what the sizes are but there's some frequently asked questions I get right away and the first one always is this should I mow first and the answer is yes go ahead and mow ahead of time mo just one maybe two notches lower than you normally do the reason I need you to do that is because you're not really gonna be able to mow this for a good solid three weeks after we put the seat down on a perfect world you wouldn't mow for like six weeks but you can't do that you can't let this overgrown with all the nitrogen we're gonna put on it it's gonna grow like crazy the other thing is if we're really really honest right when I when I worked at TruGreen we did thousands and thousands and thousands of over seeds and those over seats got mowed like normal and they still proof so I'm talking a lot in case I wasn't clear there you're gonna mow before this and you're gonna go ahead and mow one to two notches lower than normal mulching is fine and then secondly you're not gonna moat anything for three weeks and when you do moe three weeks later make sure you Jack the tight way back up to the top and most gingerly easily get on get on now another thing people ask is do I need to kill the weeds first you're gonna see a lot of foxtail in here things like that and we're gonna be using some pre-emergence to stop the foxtail next year so you know while this is ugly I mean what this is this this house here was seated you can see the straw here it's new construction it was seeded in the spring you know I mean I think it came in pretty well in a good majority of the lawn but this section up here gets the most sunlight as well and it's just getting beat in with weeds but are we gonna kill these first the answer is no we're not gonna kill these weeds first I don't need to chemical right now I know in my book I talk a little bit about spot spraying and things like that but you know I just really want to work on the grass right now that's what I want to work on I don't need a lot of chemical here in fact I don't want any chemical I'm gonna aerate the crap out of it I'm gonna put down a lot of seed we're gonna put down a lot of fruit and we're gonna push this thing and we're gonna push the turf the turf that's here and the turf that we're putting into it that so we pulled it on choke right and then we got to make sure that the fuel is on and then [Music] [Music] [Music] you're not dropping [Music] [Music] okay seriously I'll check out these cords this is why we tell you one thing you should do the night before aerating and overseeding definitely make sure that you water because what this is going to allow is it's going to allow you to pull a deep core right I want you to think about it the wetter the ground is is deeper the core [Music] there we go all right well took me a couple packs is fighting it up like what the heck right all right and it's you I should have known that but that's okay that's that's why we are real here so I've used Claussen's before but the reason that the drop handle wasn't engaging for me I had to use my feet weird he said it's because these retainer rings we're up there which they should be for transport so you can roll the handle up right there's transport mode right so that's why that's like that well then what that does is when you go to do the drop handle it's just there's nothing holding this fulcrum together is that the right term so anyway you put that on [Music] [Music] see right here yeah I think you missed a spot me yeah you right down through there Jake what is this come on man attention to detail bruh meticulous City [Applause] all right so my mantra here is poke holes poke holes poked holes double triple quadruple pass if you think you've done enough passes do another one so you can see look at all of these cores in here this is a true double pass and you can see we poked a lot of holes friends at Jake hey Jake I interrupt you what's up I don't think we poked enough holes so I'm gonna poke a few more in the front here but you go ahead and do that well least you're gonna do that yeah I'm gonna do that yeah see more bro one over one more time now I feel better about it now let me show you that's what you want to see Korres everywhere this is a beautiful seed bed and that's why I love mechanical aeration Wow look at that one but anyway this is uh this is a really good seed bed and all of this is gonna kind of melt back in as we as it's watered and he mows and everything else so this is definitely ready for some seed alright Jake how'd you feel about that aeration is that fun yeah let's do the seed neck so I know you were you were doing some calyx let me do some calculus a seed is cheap throw her down we have it so far down let's hope for the best we have the beautiful Spiker spreader now Jake is gonna give you guys a full review on this later again Spiker I called them I said hey we have this project would you guys send us a spread or they sent us the pro model which is awesome I don't even know what to set it on that's why I'll test it with the grass seed where it doesn't matter so much so let's do it sowing in the seeds of [Music] there we go [Music] here you learn that from Pete yep nice bro I don't think he uses a corona tree saw to do it but that's all we got exactly go big or go home yeah that's the whole ethos of this project go big or go home nice I like your terminology ethos jeez man you got to keep up those school grades pretty good huh there's still more in there don't spill it on the driveway [Music] okay so this area here and the back has now been aerated and over seated seven pounds per thousand now the next thing we're gonna do then is the starter for we're gonna do the starter 4000 we have a triple ten so how much are we gonna get NPK Jake hungry on three pounds per thousand we got a ten ten ten so we're gonna get just about under a half pound yeah bike a point three yeah because 10% times three pounds is point three so it's like a third a third of a pound is 0.33 so that's what we're doing so we're getting a third in the third P and a third K from the starter fir and that's really all you want remember you don't want to exceed 1.5 pounds of nitrogen between the two apps between the Milo and the starter for your gonna do you don't want to exceed 1.5 pounds of just the end so if we're doing point three here I'm gonna do bag right on the pile which is 15 pounds times six [Music] at point eight plus point 3 is 1 point 1 so we're at 1 point 1 pounds of in through this application and that's perfect nice job max [Music]
Channel: The Lawn Care Nut
Views: 403,376
Rating: 4.7526975 out of 5
Keywords: lawn care, lawn care tips, allyn hane, the lawn care nut, lawn aerator, fall lawn renovation, fall lawn tips, overseeding lawn, lawn tips, fall lawn treatment, lawn overseeding, fall fertilizer, grass seed, fall lawn seeding, fall lawn fertilizer, lawn care advice, overseeding grass, lawn fertilizing, fall lawn overseeding, cool season lawns
Id: kPbYmgZ8vDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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