Best & Worst eyeshadow primer for oily lids Drugstore & High end - Review of 23 different primers

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it's so hot in here today but I can't open my window because my neighbor's children outside and playing and they are very loud so I had to close my window but I'm very hot and sweaty right now and my hair looks like a mess but hi guys I finally finished preparing for this video and for couple of months ago I bought bunch of eyeshadow primers to be specific specific 23 different eyeshadow primers that I've been trying out so much just to be able to give you my full thoughts what worked for me what didn't work for me and I was surprised and you will see that I have all of them here and I wrote down everything so I can tell you what I like and what I don't like and what works and what doesn't work on me now I have to say that I have a very old t-zone and dry patches around here so it's a combo but my eyelids are very very very oily very oily and even if I put some of the eyeshadows they are very dry and they look dry during the day my eyelids are going to sweat a lot so I'll be trying out these prime 23 different eye shadow primers for very long time and finally I'm done and I can review every every single one so if you want to see what works for me what didn't and what I shadow primers I'm talking about please keep on watching [Music] okay I did it this way I had ten different steps with the intent the last one is the worst primers that didn't work and number one the first one is the top primers that I love and going to use all the time and also I split them in how many in how many hours they really worked on my eyelid so I've been trying them out for weeks and weeks to really be sure if they work for those hours now I had to say when I started to try these shadow primers first I tried not to set them and with powder before I go in with my eye shadow sorry my voice is disappearing I have pain my throat today and I feel like I'm going to be sick fully not okay spuddy didn't work so I have to say every time I put one of these eyeshadow primers on I do set it with powder and usually I used this rimmel rimmel rimmel stay matte powder but to set these eyeshadow primers also I use different powders I use this air span I also used let me show you this revolution Pro I used many powders and doesn't matter they weren't the same for me so let's start the worst primers on 10th place the last place these primers work for me between two and four hours and there are three different eyeshadow primer eyes shadow primers the worst one that only worked around one and half hour is this only you eyes shadow primer and this one it's a nice applicator but this one I felt was very oily when I was applying it doesn't it has a little bit of the coverage but it just creasing a lot and I didn't like it didn't work for me then the second one is this this one is a lagar Pro primer high definition a shadow primer it's like a stay this is so bad it's thick and it feels thick it blends nice it covers a lot but I just didn't like it it's not creasing after 2 hours and it looked very messy I don't like it feels also oily doesn't dry down completely ok the third on the last place is this is this one absolutely New York I shadow primer I haven't seen anything else from this brand here in Sweden but this one has also a little bit coverage but this is even worse than than this one only you this is very very oily it stays only it creases a lot and it's so bad I don't like it at all don't recommend it on the 9th place its primers that work for me between 4 and 5 hours the one of those is this one this is pro base MUA and mua makeup academy pro base eyeshadow primer had this one is so weird the applicator is very small but this one did it feels oily did dry down it doesn't cover a lot but it's not creasing and I should have start started to fade a little bit after only 2 hours and of after 4 hours is start creasing a lot and it then went very fast creasing and removing all of my eye shadow also one that it's on the 9th place is technique eyes shadow primer it's this one this one also creased a lot it did cover a little bit not too much so doesn't have a lot of coverage but it was oily and of the 4 hours my eye shadow it didn't fade but it did start creasing a lot and it looked bad so no and the one that I absolutely didn't like is this pure I think also I did a dedicated video for this I can't really see what it the name of this one is I think it is I think stop creases poor put pure I don't know how to run out and pronounce this one oh my god this one look how it looks it it feels so thick on my eyelids it feels like it's it smells terrible but it feels like a moisturizer and it doesn't blend it because it doesn't blend even it pulls my shadow II my eyeshadow doesn't blend a lot it does keep my shadow on for four hours but it was very hard to blend I shadow over it and even if I set it with powders it didn't want to blend beautifully it doesn't have a lot of courage doesn't have like any coverage at all bad don't like it absolutely not going to use it feels too heavy now we go over to the primes that work for me between five and six hours there was two of those and I got surprised I really was and I want to say if any of these eyeshadow primers work beautifully on our eyelids that's amazing I'm not saying that these primers that I'm talking about are not going to work for anyone else it's definitely good to work for someone but for me for my very very oily eyelids they didn't work so if they work for you that's amazing I'm very glad that you find the primary that you like but if you couldn't find that I should come that you like and you do have similar problems like I have then maybe you should check this video and take some of my advices the next one that wrote for me between five is six hours it is 1 Too Faced shadow insurance insurance my god I first I like the coverage of it it has a little bit of it not too much but it's not bad but this one felt very heavy on my eyelids I don't know why I don't like the smell either but I I don't know it just felt early and it my eyeshadow did it was blend beautifully over it but even if I made it work after five hours it starts creasing after six hours it was the most of the eyeshadow was gone and the next eyeshadow it's one that many youtubers love many youtubers swear by many youtubers using them using it all the time but it didn't work for me at all five hours that's too low for me okay and I'm talking about please don't hate me I'm talking about Mac Paint Pot and I have in soft or she or cheek I think it's but I used a lot of it and I did use it a couple of years just to really to try it and I did use it over my other eyeshadow primers because I don't like do like the coverage or it it's heavy it does make my eyelid feel very dry so sometimes a dry eye shadow loot to dry over this primer I don't know if you if this makes any sense but this is dry it dries my eyelid that's not bad but even putting and very dry eye shadow over it it just looked weird and it did keep my eyeshadow on for four five six hours but after that it start cruising it did increase a lot or to bad but it did start gathering here deep in my crease and I didn't like it it didn't look good sometimes does it work a little bit over six hours but for the most times it just worked around five hours so it dries down fast so I do like that and it feels right now on my hand but for some reason it just didn't work on my eyelids sorry now we go over to the seventh place and these eyeshadow primers worked for me between six and seven hours so the first one hand this one was I was very surprised actually I thought that this one is going to be on number 10 the first one it wasn't it wasn't and it was one of the cheapest and I'm talking about double of seven I got the power all they were eyes shadow base was surprised to believe me hey the smell I'd say but who smells die shadow promise except either this one is very thick it's very thick but when you try to blend it in it feels oily but it dries down I like that and my eyeshadows went beautifully already no problems there after 6 hours start creasing after 7 hours my eyeshadow was almost gone in the crease and down some above the crease was left but the rest of it was gone so I didn't like this one it feels very silky it feels very nice it feels like it smooths everything I do like that but for me it just it just didn't just didn't deliver what I was expecting it oh no I didn't really expect a lot of it I have to be honest but I really want just didn't went all the way the next pro product in that same line is the newest one in my collection is this revolution Pro eye elements elements eyeshadow base this is core and this one also feels like Paint Pot thick covers a lot when you apply it it feels oily I love the coverage it love how it takes away everything and it blends nice and my eyeshadows went over it beautifully it blended beautifully it looked good but after 6 hours up to 7 hours it looked nice but then he started crying and it creased a lot here in the corners that was your buddy did crease a lot and I did try to apply it couple of times in my finger with the brush with different setting it with the father's not setting it I tried it a lot and it just didn't deliver the expectations but I love the coverage and it looks beautifully over other eyeshadow primers without any coverage I do use it still use it but I put it over another eyeshadow primer doesn't have a lot of coverage that I like and it looks nice so I do like it I realized that I didn't say it in the beginning but I should as should have said it that I expect my should have promised to work at least or but at least twelve hours because I am around people I work as a teacher - I work long hours I meet a lot of people and I do do you need my eyeshadow primer to keep my eyeshadows on in place for at least 12 hours and now we are at a sixth place and these primers are a little bit better so these primers I could see myself using that's good and reaching for a course but maybe not when I work okay so now on sixth place the one of the eyeshadows is this one this one this is la comme la base and I did a delicated video for this eyeshadow base if you want to see that please go over to my videos and search it over there this one I used a lot this one kept my eyeshadow on for seven to eight hours I don't like shade of it it's very pink but it covers a lot that's good and I did use a lot of it I'd use it over I shadow primers as the same way I use this one revolution Pro over other eyeshadow primers that does work better but don't have that courage that I want because I do have very visible veins and discoloration on my Ally's that I want to remove so I do use it continue using it over other but as a primer on its own it just didn't work followed all for me then over there we have Estee Lauder Double Wear stay in place I shadow base also I think I have a dedicated video I love the coverage of this and this one feels thick but oily thick but oily covers a lot also didn't keep my shadows on for a long time did make my shadow blends being blend beautifully ever look fabulous during those seven hours but after seven hours it stopped racing here at the end and some of the eye shadow in the corner here start to fade a lot so I do use it as a base over other eyeshadow primers that don't have the coverage I want but only as I should have primer I don't like it okay okay we are now go over to the next box and we are in the middle of the stairs we climb to the fifth place and these are the promise that I'm using okay I'm using these a lot so on the fifth place I have one unsure primer and I was surprised but also I did expect it to work and these primers work for me between eight and nine hours and this is elf elf eyeshadow primer I had this for two or three years ago and I loved it and I like it now - it doesn't smell bad doesn't cover a lot but it has a decent coverage feels oily when you apply it but it dries fast it makes my eyeshadow looks beautiful they do start to fade after seven hours but they start to crease after eight hours so this one I do use when I don't work and I like it okay now we are at the fourth place and I do have two primers on that step and these primers worked for me before ten nine to ten hours the first one is this one this is Milani Milani eyeshadow primer this one I do like it makes my eyeshadow look nice it's one that I have on my eyelids today and it's a little bit thicker than the elf one does not have a lot of courage that's bad so I do use my other Lancome and my double where it's a lot of double weigh over it when I want more coverage but it dries down very fast it keeps my eyeshadow on implication I should on place it makes my eyeshadow look beautiful he doesn't make my shadow fade but it does creasing after nine hours that's a bad thing but it's not it's not bad I do recommend this one I like it and on that same place it's this one this is Knicks prove it waterproof eyeshadow primer and this one was strange it has direction how to apply it this one worked strange from here one day I applied it and it looked beautiful for a little bit over 10 hours there then the next day when I applied it it looked weird only after couple of hours and it doesn't have a coverage at all but it feels very oily but it dries down very fast and matte and feels very silky on the eyelid it doesn't feel heavy I like that I was afraid that it's not going to work because it feels oily it looks oily when I apply it but it feels sticky so when I went over with my with my powder it looked nice and then my eyeshadow blended beautifully over it so no no problems over day it feels a little bit tacky so I do like this primer I do reach for it I like it so I did use this one I tried a lot because I one day it worked the other day it didn't work but for the most it work for me between 9 and 10 hours I continued looking down on my paper what I wrote wrote it down about every eye shadow primer I'm looking at my notes now these primers that I'm going to talk about I do like the third second and the first place and they work nice um for me so these I do recommend on a third place all the primers that work for me for ten to eleven hours and one of those is this one Smashbox 24-hour photo finish shadow primer and they used a lot of it and I you know guys I'd use these so many times on my channel but I do use la base lacombe's la base and esta la the double in and Paint Pot over this one to cover my veins because this one doesn't have any coverage at all it's thick it's very thick blends beautifully works nice I was looking for another primer that will work a little bit longer than this one is from Greece only for ten to eleven hours for me and it's good those days when I don't work long hours and I don't have to pick up my children from school it feels tacky when it dries down but it dries down very fast the Paint Pot to do over this one looks so try so I am watching you that one I do I like to use la base or esta la the double red those are thick but not look don't look as trying as the pin put over this one on the second place oh I'm so excited I have one that blown my mind okay I have one primer there reach for day in a day out I reach for it all the time I really really like it and I know I was showing it on one of my in one of my videos I don't remember which one and I'm talking about wet and wild eyes shadow primer long-lasting this one I don't know they have another packaging I know when I talked about this one in one of my other videos someone comment down below that they didn't like the wet and while in the primer I know if it's the same the person wasn't really sure but I do like this eyeshadow primer this says boo boosts shadow color this perfect primer preps and brightens eyelids to lock down eyes shadow color it's smooth effortless application dries to clear finish and keeps eyeshadow in place this one does keep on shadow for 11 to 12 hours I love this one this only thing I don't like a bit about this one doesn't have coverage that I like it does it does feel very light feels like I don't have any eyeshadow primer on but it doesn't cover anything so I do need to use like a base orange and even if I don't use a base all right if I'm going to use darker colors so my veins don't show up a lot I use this one I love this one this one it feels a little bit tacky but not too tacky I love this one this is cruelty free I love this primer I recommend it one of my favorites and I was surprised I didn't thought that I would like this one guys you have to try it if you didn't I love this one the next primer on the second place is Elizabeth Arden advanced I fixed primer this one this is so expensive but they are on the same step for me number two second place both of them this one is expensive this one is not so I was surprised like I said this is advanced I fix primarily a bit again I was in a store and I asked the girl that worked all day if they have a primer that will work better for me than the Smashbox 24 hours and she recommended this one this one has a little bit of the coverage so I don't use anything over it this one feels a little bit old but it dries down very fast and it feels silky and smooth and my eyeshadows blend already beautifully it keeps away the oils to come through the primer so they don't destroy my eye makeup my eyeshadow looks beautiful after 11 hours they don't crease they look as it tends say they look before I do recommend it really do I recommend but this one is high in price so if you can't afford this one try this one they were is the same for me I just like I do prefer this one a little bit because it does have the coverage I like this one does not but I like this one and I'm using this more than this one it's weird and weird but that is what it is okay then we are now at this last step we are almost finished we are almost almost done okay guys I have five primers okay five primers there works always that are beautiful that keeps my eyeshadows on in place that makes my shadow blend beautifully some of them have more coverage than the others I'm sorry I for some of them have more courage and the others but they are good I like them they're good okay these I shall promise worked for me for 12 to 14 hours now I didn't try any eyeshadow primer over 14 hours and even if I had my eyeshadows on for over 14 hours I wasn't looking I wasn't taking time because 14 hours was my stop okay well I'm talking about lumen I have to know the cheek I shadow primer and I should have primer Beauty base I should probably I think these are almost the same thing this one is older version this is new version but it worked the same for me they work for over 12 to 14 hours they look smooth there has some coverage both of them so that's good but not too much so I do you like to use a base over it but they dry down very fast they keep my oils in place they make my eyeshadow look beautiful for over 12 hours I do recommend them and I had one of these in my last giveaway so I hope the person that won that tried it and liked this as much as I do so I do like a does doesn't matter if you have the old one or the new one they work beautifully the next one is Mac prep and prime 24 hour 24 hour extend I base this one is good and it works so nice I used a lot of it doesn't have coverage it feels thick it looked weird but it blends beautifully it drives down fast feels light on my eyelids and it makes my shadow blend beautifully stay on of all day don't crease and don't fade so I like this one a lot doesn't have coverage so that's one - but I love this primer and recommend it the last one is one that I used a lot on my channel why is this Urban Decay eyeshadow primer potion I like this primer but to teens to things I don't like I don't like the packaging it looks beautiful but it's messy and I do not like the packaging I don't like the applique allocator and the courage it's not the best maybe the others they have different primers maybe they work or look better but I could get my hands on this one this off is very light on eyelids it's very thin looks very only though but it blends beautifully it keeps my eyeshadows in place like this one if you have tried it tried it I like this one so guys I had to end this video because it's going to be too long so these are all 23 different eyeshadow primers that have tried for weeks and weeks and weeks with the different eyeshadow I shadows with different powders and finally I can be honest sit here and film this video for you guys I hope you learned a lot I hope you got some advices or some ideas what you can try if I should have promised that you have today that don't work for you now I know there are many other I should have promised out there many new I should have promised out there but I just I was thinking to get in more I should have primers to review but really I could make this video too long a caballo every I should have probably the kind that I can get my hands on and it would be too much so maybe in the future if you like this video please let me know down below and give a thumbs up maybe the few I will do this video again but with other eyeshadow primers if do you want to see me to review my all of my face primers because I have many face promised to thinking of doing that video so guys that was everything please subscribe to my channel if you already haven't done forget to hit that notification bell so you know every time I upload I upload three videos at week Monday Wednesday and Friday and don't forget to enter my giveaway I will put the link down below or the card at the end of this video thank you so much for watching don't forget to subscribe and see you in my next video bye
Channel: Diddi5
Views: 18,803
Rating: 4.8653464 out of 5
Keywords: eyeshadow primer, best eyeshadow primer, worst eyeshadow primer, the best primers, oily eyelids, primer for oily eyelids, best drugstore primer, best high end primer, eyeshadow primer review, drugstore eye primers, eye primer, best drugstore primers, long lasting makeup, best high end eyeshadow primer, eyeshadow primer for oily lids, oily eyelids primer, eyeshadow primer urban decay
Id: 9XgVTcpdr2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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