Best WooCommerce Filter Plugin? - Filter Everything FREE

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if there's one key feature missing from woocommerce is the ability to filter and sort your products in any meaningful fashion in today's video i'll give you a quick overview and a demo of the free filter everything plug-in and how you can quickly and easily add all manner of filters and sorting options to your woocommerce stores now while i concentrate on using woocommerce for this example you are not limited to only using that for your filters filter everything as its name would suggest allows you to filter pretty much anything inside a wordpress website so if you're using tools like advanced custom fields creating custom post types those kinds of things they're all filterable if you'd like a video on how to use this plugin with custom post types and custom metaphiles drop a comment below and if enough people are interested i'll create a video covering exactly that topic okay so let's kick things off by checking out the plugin we'll be using in today's video so first of all this is the filter everything plug-in we're going to be taking a look at this is the free version there is a pro version available and that's available over on code canyon for 40 for a single site license however today let's just stick with the free version so this gives us most of what we should need to do most things okay so plugin gives us the ability to filter and filter by lots of different things so we can use normal built-in woocommerce tools and options you know sizes and things like that but you can also use it with advanced custom fields and so on so really really useful if you want to have a lot of filtering options available and you have zero budget now at the time of recording this there's only currently about 400 plus active installs so you can take that for what it's worth i would recommend testing it out on a development site not on a live site just to make sure it does everything you want and does it the way that you want it to okay so that's what we're going to be taking a look at let's take a look at how we actually start using it now we've seen the plugin and that there's a premium version available let's move on to actually seeing how the plugin works and what options we have to configure and customize things so simply go over to the option to add a new filter search for filter everything and then go ahead download install and activate it once installed and activated you're going to have a new entry inside your dashboard for filters and inside there you've got three different sets of options let's quickly take a look at the settings to make sure everything is configured the way that we want it to and see kind of some of the things that are available to us inside here okay so we can go ahead and we can enable or disable ajax inside you so if you find that you are wanting to just problem solve there's any kind of issues then you can just leave ajax disabled and make sure your filters are working before you go ahead and set up the ajax option we'll come back to take a look at that in a little bit but inside here you can set up how things work on mobile devices you can set up your primary color to make sure it matches with your site design filter container those kinds of things so nothing too exciting inside you just kind of things that you'd want to set up to make sure it all configured correctly inside your url variable names this is where you can see a list of all the different url variables i'll come back to these variables in a moment once we start to set up our filters but basically all they are is what you include inside the url for a specific part of your filter so this c for example is working for categories so that's all it can really means experimental gives us some extra options inside you which are things that you might want to test out on a test site but not on a live site so again take these for what they are and try them if you want to we're going to leave those as they are and we're going to go over to the filter sets option and this is where you can create your grouped filters now you can see i've created one called wc filters for the woocommerce install that we're currently using i'll trash that for now and we'll start with a completely fresh one now these are just basically ways of grouping multiple filters together into one little grouping so you may be using different filter sets on different parts of your site and you can create those and group them together for ease of use so we can create a new filter set or we can just go ahead and click on add new both will do exactly the same thing so let's click on add filter set and now we're going to do is going to give this a name we're going to call this filters and underneath that we can go ahead now and we can set up the filter or filters that we want where we want them to apply to and then we can go through the different settings and so on you see some things inside you are restricted to the pro version but again for most use cases for most users you won't need to worry too much about that okay so the first thing we've got is the post type filter what is it going to apply to expand that out you can see we've got post page or product for this example we're going to choose product once we do that we can now go ahead and add a filter and then inside there we can now choose what type of filter this is and we can configure it to do what we want so the first thing we're going to do is give this a name so we're going to just call this categories filter by and this is where we can choose what we want the filter to apply to so again because we're working with products and product categories we're going to come down and choose that option from here but you can see there are lots of options including custom fields custom field numbers and if you want custom field exists so you want to check that for example then that's a pro only feature but we're going to choose product categories you can then see the var name for url or variable name for the url this is pre-filled out with the c in this example because i've already gone ahead and tested things out so now this has been associated with the categories we'll take a look at creating another different filter inside your which won't have the variable name associated with it just so you can see how that works next step you're going to see how do you want this actual widget to be displayed let's expand that and you can see we can choose between checkbox radio buttons and so on checkbox is perfectly fine for this because we may have lots of different categories but if you wanted to change that choose whatever you want now you can leave it there if you want to or you can click to expand the more options and this gives you as its name would suggest more options so now you can go ahead and choose the filter logic so you can set this to be and or so you may want to stack these in a different way you can also go ahead and set up the sort terms by so you can set this by ascending post count terms id so once there's lots of different orders inside their view all the options in there you can exclude terms if you want to so you can see we can just totally strip out any categories you may not want to actually include inside here and you've also got things like folding show selected show hierarchy and a tool tip so you can configure those as you want to in any way you're not sure you've got a little help symbol it'll tell you what this actually means okay so we'll just leave that as it is we'll choose the less options and we'll leave it to the default if we scroll down then you can see we have some options available to us as the settings that are not part of the pro so we can say hide empty terms and show count entirely up to you how you'd want to set those up i'll leave them as they are for now okay so there's our first of our different filters now we can go ahead and add another one in so this time let's create a different kind of filter let's say we want to set this to be a price based filter so we'll just say price filter by now because we're dealing with woocommerce we're going to be using a custom field numeric so we'll choose that from the custom fields option and you see this now opens up the option for the meta key if we open this you can see all of the different meta keys that are available as part of the site based upon the theme any plugins you may have installed those kinds of things we're going to search for price and you can see this gives us a range of different types so we could do price include tax regular price sale price so on we can simply choose the option for price you can see the variable name for url so again we can put something inside here so you might want to just put a single letter price whatever you kind of want to put in for this example we'll just put in something like max underscore price and you can see it defaults to put in the range as an option as the only option available inside you because we are dealing with the price side of things so again you've got your more options if you want to open this up and configure anything slightly differently the number of steps this particular slide is going to go up and down so if you have larger values like properties for example you may want to win thousands or tens of thousands you can set that up inside you as well we'll go ahead and leave those as they are and we'll just go ahead and save our filter set so we'll click on publish provided everything is in place it will set things up for us okay so now we've created our first set of filters [Music] now the next step is to see how we can add these filters to our website in this example i'll be using elementor but you absolutely do not need to use it you can just as easily add the exact same filters into your website by using the sidebar function in your theme of choice and adding the relevant widgets directly inside there okay so let's just fire up elementor and see how we can start adding in our custom filters so for this part i've already gone ahead and created a product archive template inside elementor so let's go ahead and start adding in our filters now you don't need to use elementor you can just use ordinary gutenberg if you want to okay so this is the design we're currently working with i've disabled any kind of filtering any kind of sorting anything like that this is just literally showing the archive of products nothing more so let's simply come over to our widgets and we're going to search for filter everything and you can see inside there we've got three different widgets we can drop in and this is exactly the same if you use in the normal gutenberg editor and you're using it part of your theme with the widgets you'll have these same options inside there as well so we're going to do first of all is drop in the filters option so we're going to drag that into the left hand column and inside there you can see this now just pre-fills this up with some basic info we can put a title in if we want to so for example filters and we can also specify whether you want to show the little chips which is basically the reset and those kinds of things and we want to show to show the number of posts found for any particular given product section we'll disable both of those and we'll simply hit update and go and take a look at this on our site and here's our short page with our two filters in place you can see there's our category filter and also our price filter and you can see this is pre-filled out based upon the prices that are available as part of your woocommerce store automatically done for you now you only seen this edit filter set because i'm logged in as an administrator users won't see this so you can see we can easily just come in and adjust the pricing this will then update the filter and show us only the ones that fit into that pricing structure and if we want to we can say we only want a few plans inside that pricing structure and they stack on top of each other pretty cool as what you'd expect from a typical kind of filtering setup you'll also notice we get these little sort of sections at the top that allow us to see exactly what's going on and we can cancel any of these filters by simply clicking on the x to close that down and then it will retain the rest of the filter there for us all we need to go ahead and click on reset all to clear all those filters and give us everything back [Music] filtering is great but it'll also be useful to be able to add in our own custom sorting options can this plugin do it let's take a look let's go back and do a search inside here for filter everything again and this time we're going to grab the option for filter everything sorting we'll just pop that above our actual content and you see what this does now is this will load in a set of different predefined filters so default sort in alphabetical reversal first and so on and again you can give this a title if you want to but all of these are totally editable you can remove anything you don't want and add new things in and reorder if you want to so you may say you want your title alphabetical to be first simply drag that into position and that will update if we click to expand this out you can see we can adjust the title we can choose the order by and inside there there are lots of different options including things like meta keys meta key numeric product ratings those kinds of things so you should have most things that you need for most stores inside there and you can see we can also set them to be ascending or descending so lots of options and if you want to add more inside here you can simply click to add more give it a name follow all this information and just fill that out we'll delete that for now and we'll simply hit update on there and we'll pop back over to the front end of the site and take a look now with the filtering in place so let's refresh our page and there's our filter option you can see default sorting is the first option but if we click to expand that we can change this to by title by reverse order oldest first and so on so let's say alphabetical and you can see that now is in alphabetical order if we come back up and we say we want to set this to be something like the oldest first you can see the order now updates to show us the oldest added product and again you can still go ahead and you can stack these filters on top of the sorts as well so we can set this to be plants for example and now we're seeing the oldest first only looking at plants so at the moment there's these six products inside you so everything you'd kind of need to set up these filters to set these sorts and everything inside this plugin now if you'd like to see a more comprehensive tutorial on using filter everything let me know in the comment section below now if you've got value from this video please feel free to hit that thumbs up button as it really does help me out my name is paul c this is wp tuts and until next time take care
Channel: WPTuts
Views: 11,476
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Keywords: best woocommerce filter plugin, woocommerce filter plugin, best woocommerce filters, best woocommerce free plugins, best woocommerce plugins for wordpress 2021, woocommerce product filter plugin, filter everything — woocommerce product & wordpress filter, woocommerce ajax product filter, woocommerce product filter, woocommerce products filter, woocommerce tutorial, elementor product filter, elementor woocommerce product filter, product filter, products filter, wordpress site
Id: g1_qlJvNdsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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