7 Things Every Well Pump Owner Should Know

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[Music] hey YouTube Chris with RC worst here welcome back to another great video today we're going to be talking to you about seven great tips for a residential well system owner so we just wanted to put these tips out there focusing on some less common tips that are gonna make life a whole lot easier along the process of ownership so let's get started alright so for tip number one you'll need your Sharpie this is an extremely important tip because it's going to save you a lot of headache as the years go by and the information fades from existence sign I know that when you have somebody come out and put this equipment in you're like oh yeah I'll remember where that's at I'll remember all this and you won't but most people will I don't anyway so the first tip is when it comes to your control box relating to your well pump system and I understand that not every well system has a control box but you'll have to make do with either your breaker panel or some other area that's near this type of equipment maybe your pressure tank would be a good place for this information anyways so the idea is with your control box take a sharpie and write your model number for your pump the the depth that your pump was set at the date of installation all of that relevant information because when it's down in the well it's not really easy to pull it out and look at it and it's really easy after 5-10 years go by or the house sells or you buy a new house and that information gets lost so put it on the control box and then the Installer knows where it's at you know where it's at so if you give us a call and we say well what model do you have or anything like that there's never a question it's super simple and easy tip to use tip 1 continued you got your amp meter we've got our handy dandy $18 amp meter that we featured in a number of troubleshooting videos just to show that things can be done with a cheap meter and this is a perfect example in addition to writing the model information put the amp information on here so what you would want to do in that instance is take an amp reading as the pump is filling the pressure tank so go open a valve or something somewhere when the pump kicks on go take an amp reading and document it that way it as the years go by you'll have that as a reference whether the amperage is increased decreased and that's gonna give you an idea if you've got a problem also if you don't know how to test amperage or you don't feel comfortable doing that again it is live electricity so be safe out there just ask your installer to go ahead and take those readings for you possibly show you how to do it and then you can put those on the box all right Peter kicked on but that isn't gonna stop me tip number two here we go so tip number two I've got my handy dandy owner's manual never want to lose that and what I recommend you do with all documentation relating to your pump motor control box receipts even basically everything and if you like to keep your receipts separate elsewhere make a copy and put it in here then you got it so you take all your information throw it in like a gallon ziplock bag sometimes bags are confusing and hard to use this is one of those times but anyways you take that ziplock bag and you mount it I don't have a lot of free wall space here but in your house you probably don't have all this junk so you mount it up to the wall somewhere you know screw a piece of tape whatever then all of your documentation literature everything is handy easily accessible by you and anyone that's servicing your system and anytime you can save time for the person servicing your system you're saving yourself money so on to tip number three here we are tip number three and I have here a pressure switch I'm sure you know what that is and if you don't you should anyways so we've got a pressure switch here and I've go I went ahead and wrote on it so I have written on this side forty sixty that is when the pump turns on and off good information no that way you can go check your pressure gauge or anything like that and know whether or not your pump system is operating normally obviously this number can change depending on your system so adjust accordingly I went ahead on the top of this and this is probably one of those arts and crafts situations that you can get creative on and do your own thing but this is an example so this is a pressure switch obviously there's four dots on top of here arrow arrow arrow arrow and that corresponds with what's inside the switch we have four terminals here I often get asked how do I wire a pressure switch in order to make sure that you put your wires back the way they were originally just to make life simple and easy these dots correspond with that so you may have your incoming power terminal and outgoing power terminals and just makes it nice and simple for you another thing you can do if you don't like the drawing or it's too confusing like I said get creative you could use some tape and tape each one of your wires put a number on it and then write your numbers on here or really there's a lot of different directions you can go but anyways on to tip number four all right here we are with tip number four we have our pressure tank yours might be bigger it might be smaller doesn't really matter it's not really the size in this situation it's how you use it so we have our pressure tank in our Schrader valve pressure checker thingy so I would recommend you check the pressure on this tank at least once a year if not more often but once years probably a good middle ground anyways you need to check that pressure tank now this one is about thirty-eight psi now rule of thumb of course is you want your pressure tank to be two to three psi below your cut in pressure well on our pressure switch we know it's 40 60 so I'm going to go ahead and use my sharpie because I'm marking things up today and I'm gonna write 40 60 on the tank just like I have here and then in addition to that so this is gonna be my pump setting or pressure switch setting however you want to word it so that you can remember and then what I'm also gonna do is set psi 38 so that reminds me five years from now when I'm old and forgetful that I need thirty-eight psi in the tank so just a nice tip keep that in mind check the pressure every now and again keep the pressure at the appropriate setting write it on there so you don't forget on the tip number five all right here we are with tip number five what we're actually talking about here is I'm not going to show you anything but it is more about general general knowledge so be proactive with the ownership of your system ask questions understand how it works try to learn about the individual components what they do and how they work because all of that stuff is going to help you to save money in the long run when you know what's going wrong in addition to that when you have installers or individuals come out that maybe you're not familiar with or are not as trustworthy you can kind of hold them accountable because you know what's going on of course it goes without mentioning that our see worst is always standing by to answer your calls and questions relating to any situation that you encounter that's questionable with your well so with that let's move on to tip number six tip number six know where your pump breakers that here pop breaker where are you oh here don't forget that all right so tip number seven know what's in your water you don't want to be drinking something that's going to kill you that's not cool also our see worst actually sells water test kits in case you don't want to pay for an expensive one this is a good buffer to give you an idea if you've got something to be concerned about I recommend testing your water at least once a year more if you've had potential contamination before in case you're wondering the water safe test kits test for bacteria pesticides nitrates lead iron nitrites hardness pH chlorine and copper so get one today alright guys so that's our video thanks for joining us don't forget to Like and subscribe for more great content from us here at RC worst as always our agents are standing by to take your call anytime you have any questions or concerns if you have any comments you know where to put those have a great day [Music]
Channel: R.C. Worst & Co., Inc.
Views: 418,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RC worst, rcworst, rcworst youtube, Water pumps equipment, water pumps, pump, pumps, 7 tips, Seven tips, what every pump, every pump owner, well owner, well pump owner, should know, well tips, well pump tips, tips, tricks, pump tips, pump tricks, well tricks
Id: 8tk_S4sqJH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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