Best Wesker Cutscenes | Resident Evil (series) - THE RISE AND FALL OF ALBERT WESKER

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huh [Music] [Music] oh time to die doctor i will take over your research this is delta teams is delta team we have gained control of the train over understood this does not make any sense how was the t virus leaked and why did it contaminate both the lab and the mansion as well as a train almost three miles away that's irrelevant we must make sure no knowledge of this gets out destroy the train completely how far away are you from the nearest branch line about 10 minutes what happened who on earth are those people she's just a rookie a member of stars hmm what about the mail i'm unfamiliar with attention this is dr marcus please be silent as we reflect upon our company model obedience breeds discipline discipline bridge unity unity breeds power power is life who are you it was i who scattered the t virus in the mansion needless to say i contaminated the train to what revenge on umbrella [Music] [Music] dr marcus [Music] [Laughter] ten years ago dr marcus was murdered by umbrella you helped them didn't you [Laughter] it just doesn't make sense do you honestly believe this to be the real identity of that crazy young man impossible but if somehow it is true then umbrella will be finished if the old conspiracy against dr marcus is revealed mr spencer's career will be over not to mention ours too so the time has come at last what are you going to do i will simply say goodbye to umbrella the biological weapon utilizing the t virus has almost been completed our only remaining task is to acquire combat data you can't be serious i refuse to abandon my work i have finished the research on the t-virus but i need a little more time to complete the more powerful g-virus do as you wish i will follow my initial plan and lure the stars members into the mansion their superior combat training should make them perfect test subjects fine in the meantime something must be done about that madman as i recall urc is equipped with a self-destruct device in the basement i'll find it set it off and annihilate the place to nothing more than a massive rubble we continued our search for the other members and it turned into a nightmare ah [Music] um [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on hey rack where the hell's he going chris this way [Music] is everyone all right barry where's barry he's no what was that i'll go and check it out all right jill and i will stay and secure this area chris take care yeah wesker chris you're alive my words exactly where's jill thought you were with her yeah i know we got separated i see anyway we better find a way out of here before we turn into zombie food got any suggestions wesker we should get a better grip on the situation there must be areas still to be explored in that other mansion chris i want you to check them out one more time i'll continue my investigation here sure thing you're a bit of a mess up chris take a piece of the action i'll investigate this area a little further wesker so you've come chris you make me proud but of course you are one of my men thanks since when wesker i'm afraid i don't know what you're talking about since when have they been slipping you a paycheck [Music] i think you're a bit confused i've always been with umbrella stars or umbrellas now rather my little piggies the tyrant virus leaked polluting this whole place and unfortunately i had to give up my lovely members of stars you killed them with your own dirty hands you son of a bitch no oh yes dear just like this [Music] don't move you i don't think you want to die just yet i have something that's of some interest to you [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] the ultimate life form tyrant [Laughter] wesker you've become senile chris you'll never understand it's magnificent i died once i will never forget the cold dark fingers of death reaching out for me however even that death was a necessary component of the big picture the virus that birken had created brought me back from the brink of annihilation when i awoke hatred became my master emergency i found the tyrant that killed me was dead and the facility was just moments away from self-destruction i did not have time to enjoy my newfound life i had something i needed to do time to grab the data and get out due to the emergency condition all data has been backed up to the um sergey was busy wesker albert i am afraid that as of 2400 hours i have taken it upon my authority to rebuke your access privileges to the mainframe system impossible who are you i am red queen my primary objective is the management and protection of umbrella assets my secondary mission objective you will regret this my lady i promise the end has come [Music] be a good girl and stay dead this time and so i was reborn like a phoenix emerging from the flame i no longer needed umbrella a new horizon stretched out before me i had risen beyond the human race and cheated death itself leaving nothing to oppose me greetings you must be the lovely claire redfield who are you let's just say that i'm a ghost coming back to haunt your dear brother wesker it seems there's not much explaining to do is there i was the one who attacked this island who'd have thought you'd be hanging about all the better for me now that the cat dragged in this nice surprise you're ever so caring brother definitely show up i must thank you for being such good bait i don't know what went on between you two but you have them all wrong my brother is not the kind of person you think he is [Music] i despise chris uh what are you gonna do to him [Music] oh how your brother will weep to see you die [Music] what what is it stay there i'm coming [Music] it appears you may be of some further use to me i'm going to let you live a little longer [Music] [Music] who is that king was loved but the queen was feared to alexia no she's already fully awake [Music] oh little fishy come see my hook chris i'm sending some company to keep you entertained consider this a small welcoming gift from me enjoy [Music] long time no see chris wesker still alive what are you doing here i came for alexia who an organization hired me to capture her wait you attacked the island and my sister [Music] you have no idea how much i hate you you destroyed my plans so now i've sold my soul to a new organization now died [Music] here's a little secret chris i figured out that your sister is now in the antarctic with alexia it's too bad you won't be seeing her again [Music] [Laughter] [Music] alexia [Music] [Laughter] at last i found you alexia come with me you're responsible for the creation of the t veronica virus and now the only existing sample is in your body i want it now you want it you are not worthy of its power [Music] [Music] [Music] you're coming with me chris wesker [Music] chris since you're one of my best men i'll let you handle this chris move claire no [Music] [Music] chris well done chris it turns out that alexia's work wasn't much of anything so now the only thing left is revenge let her go wesker you don't want her [Music] fine claire [Music] today's a good day i came for alexia but killing you is even better sorry to disappoint you but alexia is gone that's no longer a concern to me i have steve to work with what steve in his body there's still a living t alexia virus steve should be a good specimen maybe he'll come back alive just as i did and be able to see your sister again you freak don't you touch him i'm sorry dear heart but my men have already taken you you get out of here but what about as a surviving member of stars remember your promise [Music] i'll end this once and for all say hello to my comrades killed i don't know where you get your confidence chris [Music] go [Music] [Music] sure i'm not human anymore but just look at the power i've gained [Music] magnificent don't you think [Music] huh [Music] nice try wesker today's your lucky day next time we meet don't count on another next until we meet again [Music] oh so i see you've managed to arrive at the village on time yes but nobody remembered to roll out my red carpet the villagers there are all being controlled they automatically attack any intruders ring the church bell that should quiet them down for a while sounds like they're good obedient boys and girls unfortunately time is not a luxury we have gather as much information as you can about the parasites and finish off this little tool luis has succeeded in recovering the sample he's waiting in the castle get in contact with him asap understood and that us government lap dog leon if you do happen to encounter him put him out of commission we can't let him interfere with our plans he has no idea what's going on he's nothing we need to worry about he's a survivor of raccoon city we can do without the extra distraction take him out leon i found louise unfortunately a bit too late did you retrieve the sample no sadler has it hmm there will be another time have you had a chance to eliminate leon not yet if that's the case then maybe we can capitalize on his little lucky streak take advantage of the distraction he is causing for sadler and his followers to retrieve the sample quite a jolly mess he's made that leon but all for the better sandra's people have fallen into a panic their destruction is only a matter of time now once he gets ashley back his job will be finished he'll no longer be a factor no i'm leaving leon to krauser hurry up and retrieve the sample maybe you forgot wesker i don't always play by your rules report time is almost up krause is dead really hmm leon doesn't die easily that's fine we can use him to clean up sadler for us we'll let them fight it out neither one of them will manage to come out unharmed easier said than done by the way it's your job to clean up what's left of them when the fight is over don't forget who is running the show whatever happens we can't let either of them live to see tomorrow our goal is to retrieve the sample take out anything that might interfere with our plans i expected more yes [Music] let's finish this the preparations are almost complete then we can leave good [Music] you know i was surprised las flagas was such a success when you first arrived i have my doubts and now roboros is complete your position at tri-cell is secured oh i have my eyes set on something much bigger you'll be needing a partner right someone suitable to join you in your new world i believe i've proven i'm worthy perhaps you have it appears your old friend chris redfield has come to pay your visit do i sense concern the plan is in its final stages i will not tolerate delays [Music] [Music] the blue superior breath creating i believe i should thank you spencer alec stop right there bravo damn it where's jill chill maybe i'll tell you maybe i won't stop playing around we want some answers you haven't changed wesker you are alive we last met at the spencer estate wasn't it where isn't this one big family reunion i would expect you to be happier to see us worse so slow to catch on [Music] jill jill it's me chris what are you sure that's her the one and only uh [Applause] now let's finish this once and for all i think the odds are fair two on two right here i expected more of a challenge after all this time chris how disappointing [Music] yes go western stop uh still come on it's me chris snap out of it nice move chris but now that your partner has arrived i'll leave you two to catch up get yourself together wake up still valentine remarkable still resisting at such an advanced stage get futile no more time for games chris i've got work to do have fun watching jill suffer wait what did you do to her [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's that on her chest we have to get it off here jill jill are you all right chris i'm so sorry [Music] it's okay you're shabba right yes i couldn't control my actions oh my god i was still aware oh forgive me [Music] it's all right thank you [Music] listen i'm gonna be all right you do need to stop him we can't just leave you here you have to this is your only chance if wesker succeeds uroboros will be spread across the globe millions will die oh yeah i'm all right you need to stop him [Music] chris you're the only one who can before it's too late don't you trust your [Music] partner right [Music] [Music] take care of them [Music] here i only hope to survive this so you've made it this far too bad you won't make it much further the new superior breed of humans given birth by the progenitor virus the wesker children were entrusted with endless potential of them only one survived you are you saying i was manufactured i was to become a god creating a new world with an advanced race of human beings however despite that setback your creation still holds great significance now my candle burns dimly ironic isn't it for one who has the right to be a god to face his own mortality the right to be a god that right is now mine the right to be a god you arrogant even until the end only one truly capable of being a god deserves that right the right with uroboros i have that right what the hell happened here [Music] what's going on why when i've done so much all for you chris how nice of you to join us wesker don't worry your mission is at its end uroboros is on the eve of its appearance six billion cries of agony will burn a new balance sorry wesker but not on my watch albert you said we changed his words together [Music] wesker doesn't give a damn about anybody but himself soon even you will understand chris one glimpse of my new world and it will all make perfect sense show yourself unfortunately it's too late for you you will not live to see the dawn sorry except but it appears has rejected you though you have been an excellent asset i have one last task for you farewell old friend there he is come on let's go jill are you all right i'm fine don't worry about me just listen carefully there's something i need to tell you questions it comes from a virus but the virus is unstable in order to maintain a balance he must inject himself regularly with a serum so if we cut the supply of serum he loses his strength affirmative but he just took a dose so it's going to be a while before he needs another one damn listen said that the amount is administered has to be precise so if he injects too much it should act like a poison i think she used the serum label pg-678w pg678w i'm gonna try to find a way to escape you need to find that serum accelera always kept it with her cave jill chris this is it [Music] let's give it a shot your plans are finished western there's no way out this time don't you two ever tire of failing in your mission you've really become quite an inconvenience for me oh [Music] [Music] why are you doing this what do you accomplish by unleashing your reboros every day humans come one step closer to self-destruction i'm not destroying the world i'm saving it [Music] this may be our only chance do it things are really getting interesting now hey chris do you actually think you can defeat me either way i'm not gonna stop until i'm dead well then i'll just have to kill you quickly did it work i think [Applause] this isn't over chris hurry hello [Music] come on it seems i may have underestimated you save it westgary there's no one left to help you now i don't need anyone else i have auroboros in less than five minutes we'll reach the optimal altitude for missile deployment [Music] will be released into the atmosphere ensuring complete global saturation [Music] your feeble attempts only delay the inevitable the entire world will be infected [Music] a new genesis is at hand and i will be the creator uh [Applause] i've had enough of your bullshit [Applause] you're just another one of umbrella's leftovers [Music] cover me [Music] you've paid for that hang on uh [Music] [Applause] now [Music] my [Music] [Music] i should have killed you years ago chris your mistake it's over wesker over i'm just getting started time to die chris [Music] [Applause] um grab on [Applause] ugh hang on [Music] the time's up you son of a bitch that was for our fallen brothers
Channel: Manowar Matt
Views: 411,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: albert wesker, albert, wesker, all wesker scenes, wesker cutscenes, the, rise, and, fall, of, richard waugh, dc douglas, peter jessop, awesome, cool, bad ass, bad ass wesker moments, albert weaker, albert whisker, weaker, whisker, resident evil, resident evil wesker, resident evil albert, resident evil 0, resident evil 1, resident evil 4, resident evil 5, resident evil umbrella chronicles, cutscenes, rip wesker, wesker returns, weskers betrayal, the fall of albert wesker
Id: myFZS-dpUx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 20sec (3260 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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