Best Weight Loss Plans Reviewed (2021) | Jason Fung

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hi welcome back i'm dr jason fung i'm going to review the top three most google diets of 2020 to see what we can learn from them and how this can help you lose weight i'm also going to tell you the story of dave who not only lost a lot of weight but reverses type 2 diabetes and which diet he used and what he did to combine some of these two strategies to help him gain success let's get right to it so the number three most google diet trend for this year was the paleo diet so what is the paleo diet well the paleo diet is sometimes called by some other names too it's also called the caveman diet or the stone age diet the original human diet the hunter-gatherer diet and what it means is that this is supposed to reflect a diet that we ate in the paleolithic times or prehistoric times that is when uh before modern agriculture that's the big dividing line so the idea is that we're hunter-gatherers we would hunt for you know meat we would gather vegetables but there's none of the agriculture like the grains the dairy that came around when people started settling down in civilizations and so on so that's the idea of the paleo diet so what would you eat in it well meat of course is going to be in there seafood vegetables roots for example like potatoes and so on so it's not strictly a low carbohydrate diet the idea behind this diet is that prehistoric men and women were much healthier before the advent of agriculture because that's the way we evolved it was because we started to settle down and we had large populations to feed that we had to change to these sort of monocultures of grain and so on to feed ourselves and that was the time that our health actually started to decline so this is the idea behind the paleo diet the sugar and the salt these are more modern additions to the diet and it's felt that they're not very healthy for you so the point is that it not necessarily low carbohydrate but because of the heavy emphasis on sort of natural foods it is going to be relatively low in carbohydrates compared to the modern diet that we follow today so my take on the paleo diet is that it's actually a pretty healthy diet and there are a number of scientific studies that actually back the fact that this can help you do a number of things but not only lose weight but get healthier so because the paleo diet has been popular for a number of years there's been a few studies that have been done you can look at this study for example which is fairly recent from 2019 and it's looked at a number of other studies on the paleo diet and sort of pooled the effects together and sure enough when you compare it to a sort of standard diet it can absolutely help you lose weight on average in this study people lost 3.7 pounds over the course of that diet which doesn't sound like a lot but in studies like this it's a pretty reasonable effect but it's actually more than that because they also looked at things such as blood triglycerides which is a type of fat in your blood and it was not only able to lower that but also able to lower your blood pressure as well so all in all the scientific evidence seems to suggest that following a paleo diet can help you do all those things that it says it does wait a second if this is so good a diet why is it only the number three diet of 2020 shouldn't it be number one well we can look on google trends and we can go back all the way to 2004 in google trends and what you can see is that it did become extremely popular and peaked in around 2013 2014 and has actually been in a steady decline since then but why so the paleo diet puts a heavy emphasis on natural foods as they might appear in nature however it's not so easy to monetize that trend so as this became the number one diet of 2013 2014 companies swooped in to try and make products to sell to this audience that was looking for the paleo diet so all of a sudden you started to see things like paleo cookies paleo crackers paleo bars paleo protein well clearly stone age people are not going around opening up a box of paleo bars and eating their paleo protein so the problem was that this diet became really over commercialized and it went against the very heart of what this diet even stood for but there's an even deeper problem that we have to look a little uh more into the paleo diet is not really historically accurate because the foods that we eat today are actually very very different from the foods that we ate in the stone age the paleolithic times for example all kinds of foods did not exist kale broccoli cauliflower so while these are all natural foods that are you know what you might find in your grocery store and fairly healthy for you they really didn't exist in paleolithic times even if they did exist in paleolithic times the actual foods look completely different for example here's a banana here's a watermelon here's an eggplant can you tell that this is a carrot and how about this corn they're completely different than the foods that we would eat as paleolithic era people so between the over commercialization as well as the restrictive nature that is you're restricting a lot of grains a lot of dairy it's not all so easy to follow you can see over the past four five six years it's been steadily dropping in popularity although it still remains a very good choice if you can follow it and still number three even in 2020 the number two most google diet trend for 2020 is intermittent fasting now i talk a lot about intermittent fasting and you can go to this playlist to look at all these different topics the basics of fasting i talk about the top benefits of fasting so i'm going to just go over this briefly but fasting is not actually a diet it's actually quite different because a diet actually gives you advice on the foods that you want to eat so it answers the question of what to eat fasting you don't eat anything at all so it works completely differently it works with any diet actually but it's an alternate strategy because you're simply setting aside a period of time where you're not eating so it works hand in hand with the diets and that's why you can combine with them the strategy instead of limiting the types of food that you're eating what you're doing is that you're limiting the periods of time that you're going to eat so the bottom line on intermittent fasting it definitely works if you don't eat you're going to lose weight and you're going to get healthier for a number of reasons so this is one of the reasons it's been increasing in popularity over the last few years so if we look over google trends over the past five years what you see is that the paleo diet has been slowly getting less popular and intermittent fasting has been getting more popular if we zoom out a little bit and look at google trends since 2004 you see something very interesting because from 2004 to 2016 in fact there is very little interest in fasting or intermittent fasting and in 2016 when i published my books the complete guide to fasting and the obesity code then people started to talk about it and the simple logic of intermittent fasting took hold and now people are getting interested in this new tool for weight loss so what's the number one google diet trend of 2020 the keto diet so you can see from this google trends over the past 12 months that the keto diet has actually been searched for far more than either of the paleo diet or intermittent fasting probably about three to four times as much so extremely popular diet and what is the keto diet well keto refers to ketones or ketosis and to understand what this is we have to go back to the way that our body uses energy so we use energy in two forms your body can either burn glucose which is a type of carbohydrate or it can burn fat for fuel so that means either the fat you take from your diet or body fat both forms of fat are metabolized in the same way so you either use glucose or you use fat when you use fat for fuel well that fat can't actually cross the blood-brain barrier to get into the brain so the brain doesn't have enough energy so what happens is that the liver takes the fat and produces ketone bodies which can now cross the blood-brain barrier and go into the brain and feed it so when you know when you have ketones in your blood and you can also measure them in a breath test or you can measure them in the urine then you know that your body is actually using fat for fuel as opposed to sugar so in order to get to a state of ketosis what you have to do is eat a very low carbohydrate diet so it means that you want to get under about 20 grams of carbohydrate per day of net carbohydrates which is your total carbohydrates minus the fiber which you don't absorb anyway a standard definition of a low carbohydrate diet for example would be less than 50 grams and a standard diet it was about 2 to three hundred grams of carbohydrate per day so you're eating about a tenth as much of the carbohydrates so what it looks like is that you're going to be eating very low levels of starches so things such as potatoes rice grains like things made out of flour for example but also fruit fruit is going to be high in carbohydrates so that's not allowed but on the other hand you can have meat you can have vegetables which are grown above ground not the starchy tubers but the vegetables eggs and fish and there's also an emphasis on eating real foods and eating only when you're hungry because you don't need to eat all the time if you're not hungry you don't eat and then your body is going to burn body fat which is going to keep you in that state of ketosis so very low in grains starches and sugars people think that the ketogenic diet is a relatively recent development but in fact there's actually documentation of people using the ketogenic diet all the way back to 500 bc and the reason they used it was in the treatment of seizures or epilepsy in the 1920s as they developed medications people moved over and started prescribing medications instead of diet for the treatment of seizures and it really fell down by the wayside however it was rediscovered in the mid-1990s by the charlie foundation where a son of a very prominent hollywood producer became sick with seizures and all the best medications and all the best doctors were not able to treat his seizures he found all these references to the ketogenic diet he started using it for his son and within a month his seizures disappeared in 1994 it was publicized on dateline and from there became a fairly standard treatment for epilepsy however it was not until a few years ago that people started using this as a weight loss method and one of the big differences between a ketogenic diet and the other low carbohydrate diets that have been around in the past is its enthusiastic use of dietary fat the ketogenic diet the main switch was still low carbohydrate sort of moderate protein but more dietary fat and this turned out to have this unexpected benefit of weight loss and as people started doing it they found more and more success so my view on the ketogenic diet is that it can absolutely work it seems to have been used for a long period of time you hear all kinds of people having success with these very low carbohydrate diets which are higher in fat so absolutely can work so what did dave use to lose all that weight and reverse his type 2 diabetes dave was only 35 years old when he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes he weighed 334 pounds and he knew he had to get his life in order otherwise he was going to face very serious health problems so what did he do he followed a very strict ketogenic diet and he was able to lose 25 pounds right off the bat he did very well in fact his sugars came right down and his hemoglobin a1c dropped to a level where he is considered non-diabetic but that's not the end of the story because as he started to reintroduce some of the carbohydrates not a lot but a little bit his sugar started to spike up again so what was he gonna do so his doctor put him on medication and no matter what he did his sugar started going up and up and his weight did so as he was looking on the internet he suddenly found intermittent fasting and as he learned more about it he thought wow this makes perfect sense so he threw himself into intermittent fasting along with the ketogenic diet he started out using 36 hour fast mixing in some 42-hour fast and even some longer 72-hour fast and that did the trick he started to lose weight again his sugars came down he got off his medication and now he feels healthier than he's ever been before he's off his medications he's reversed his type 2 diabetes so what's dave's top tip remember it's only hunger so what dave means by this is that you have to understand that when you're fasting you are going to get hungry so you have to prepare yourself for it but you have to understand too that the hunger is going to pass like a wave the hunger doesn't keep building and building and building what happens is that you get hungry you get hungry and then the wave passes and the hunger starts to subside and that happens as your body starts to use its own body fat that's exactly what you want to do so embrace that hunger know that it's coming know how to deal with it and then get over it well thanks so much i'll see you next week and remember to hit the button to subscribe like the video and ring the bell for notifications
Channel: Jason Fung
Views: 147,281
Rating: 4.9752355 out of 5
Keywords: best weight loss diets, best diets for weight loss, best diets to lose belly fat, best diets to lose weight quickly, best diets, top diets, weight loss, jason fung, dr jason fung, intermittent fasting, keto diet, paleo diet, how to lose weight, dr jason fung intermittent fasting, weight loss motivation, weight loss tips, ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting weight loss meal plan, dr fung keto diet, Weight loss meals, top diets to lose weight, keto diet explained
Id: tYejiLUF0G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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