Best Way To Use A Woodworking Router For Beginners!

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what's up everybody do you have a piece of trim you need to round over maybe you're making a custom window stool or sill and you need to put that nice little edge on the end of your piece of wood but you say to yourself man I've never used a router before it looks kind of scary well today we're gonna show you how simple it can be [Music] so you're going to the hardware store your big box racelle tools you might find yourself a couple different size routers some might be nice and small so I'm gonna be a little bit bigger you think of yourself in this cute little router this would be great fits in my palm and all a lot of times that router is made to do things like trim laminate not saying it can't put an edge on wood but you're gonna want something a little bit bigger something that's made for the job that you could get two hands on let me show you what I'm talking about putting edges on wood you know running different router bits you want to go with something like this Bosch router it's a full size router it has nice big handles go really get your hands on it and guide it along your piece of molding or trimmer would like I said something like this little palm router from Makita and this is a great router but for extended rounding purposes like putting an edge on the wood you're gonna want to be using the bigger brother here it's great router but it's not necessarily suited perfectly for what we want to do so I'll put that right back in the box will show you how easy it is okay let's just say you were hanging chair rail or make it a windowsill you would want to ease these edges you won't want this far edge god forbid a little kid might smack his head or her head into this edge could get cut so a lot of times will ease these edges especially what we're working at school and all you need to do that is a simple round over bed let me show you what that is the most important part and first step is to make sure that your router is unplugged to accomplish this grounding over at the edge or we're going to use today is this simple quarter inch roundover bit okay you're gonna get your router I'll turn it over you're gonna see that the router bit fits in here the collet okay it fits in here alright so what we're gonna do is we're gonna make sure that our collet is loose okay we're just gonna loosen up this this this bolt okay if it's if it's tight your router is probably been supplied with two wrenches so you would want to attach the first wrench to the shaft from the motor and then loosen the nut when you're calling now that your collet nut is loose we're gonna do you're gonna grab your router bit gonna insert it insert mine all the way almost all the way against that collet nut but not quite what we'll do is we'll start to tighten down that collet nut you'll grab your second wrench you'll have one on the shaft from your motor and then one on your collet nut and you're gonna you're gonna torque down on that collet nut so that your router bit won't move there's routers gonna be spinning extremely extremely fast okay so you want to make sure that your collet nut is really really snug and tight otherwise that bit can come loose now we want to adjust the depth of the router there's going to be your main depth adjustment that will allow you to move the router base up and down pretty easily once you're close to the depth that you want a lot of routers will include a fine depth very fine adjustment okay you can then make a more accurate adjustment okay if we're looking to just round that edge over you could kind of just take a look and see once you think you have what you need you lock down your adjustment but I feel that the way to get the most accurate idea of what your cuts gonna look like is to run the router over the wood in a small area and do a test run make your fine adjustments and then go about using the router to cut the edges on the bulk of the reward so just do a little test run it's like when you have to use a cleaner like a copper cleaner do it in an inconspicuous spot before spraying it all over that's what we're going to do we're going to do a small test run to see how our edge looks if we would like the way it looks well do the entire piece of wood if we don't like the way it looks we'll make some more fine adjustments okay until we get it right and then we'll go about our router ndu T's so at this point whatever you're gonna be rattling or putting an edge on you're gonna want to clamp it down and make sure it's pretty doggone secure also when you turn I want to warn everybody well this router spins so quickly I mean so fast when you turn this router on the motors gonna be spinning so fast it's gonna create a lot of force you're going to want to have both hands on the tool okay especially the first time you turn it on it'll probably shock you of how much force can be felt in this tool it could get away from you it could hurt you it could hurt somebody else so both hands on the wheels cause both hands on the wheels so at this point if you're ready to go you want to make sure that your tool is off okay put it in a safe position you're gonna plug your tool in make sure you have plenty of cord length you need enough cord length to move around your material okay I also because you're gonna be moving with the tool I'd like to kind of tie off my my cord because if you're trying to pull on the cord you don't want the connection to come loose through halfway through your duty the other thing that I like to do is when I'm actually going to be working with my router and moving along the wood I like to kind of wrap the cord over my shoulder this way it's carried along with my tool and I have plenty of slack to remove my arms and move around with the tool okay also when you're on your base here you'll notice there is an arrow when raterink because there is so much force you're going to want to make sure that you're cutting in the direction this arrow is telling you otherwise if you're moving against that arrow the wrong direction your cuts aren't gonna be as clean you have the art piece of trim here it's clamped down to a 2x4 or a 2x3 and then our 2x3 and our piece of trim is clamped down to our sole horse so it should hold this steady for demonstration purposes and I said you're gonna want to have the cord wrapped over you and we're just going to do a little test section here to see about our our how our depth is set okay so you're going to place your router on your piece of work close to the edge where you need to be right then I like to turn my router on and then move in to move into my work gradually okay there's no smoke speed contest also I like to make sure my speed your router may have speed setting for general carting purposes sit it all the way up okay so we're gonna start our router we become very noisy primarily I hear me you're gonna want to definitely put on safety goggles and you might even consider putting some ear plugs or ear protection on so I gotta tell you that is pretty much perfect purposes there's no real sharp corner we took that we took that edge off but we'll make a fine adjustment anyway just so you can see the difference of with this round over bit can look like we raised it up a little bit the same thing will start away from the piece of molding and then we'll move into our work so as you can see we move the router blade up and it changed it changed the look of that round over okay the the edge here at the front is a little bit sharper in my opinion it's not rounded over as much the the edge is eased quite a bit less depending on the depth that you set the look from one router bit can change dramatically now you can see the big contrast it's much more rounded over here at the top okay and then you have your nice hard line here at the at the bottom at the face of the molding you know we would flip this up this would act as chair rail you know I gotta tell you I like this the best while we run this see how it looks we think [Music] [Music] now depending on what you're doing okay you you might want to round round over the end here or if you're doing this as chair rail you might want to just run off the edge and leave this part flat so we can meet its nest next piece of molding okay but if you are rounding over the side all you need to do is ride past and then you could come back in contact with this edge and then go back and forth to clean up your corner I could demonstrate that if you like what do you think yeah you know and what keeps everything on track simply put it's that ball bearing you see that the ball bearing here at the top of the bit that's what rides along the wood ok keeps everything uniform pretty cool so what we would do is we'll turn our router on we're gonna ride past we're gonna come around the corner the routers not going to leave the work it's not gonna leave the work or it's not gonna leave the piece of molding I'm gonna leave it on there but the router blade will come out of contact we'll come back in and then we'll be able to move back over okay let's take a look at how that kind of happens [Applause] [Applause] so as you can see we ran past the edge we then came back in contact with the router bit and then went back over the wood look how nice our finished corner is simple simple technique nice and slow okay we came we rounded over this corner boom did it again and we could finish this whole thing out no problem I wanted to say you want to go slow and evenly over the wood and you'll have a perfectly rounded edge in no time we flip this up looking here over I mean from basic one buy stock we're able to make a somewhat decorative and functional chair rail or if we were gonna split up two sections of wall so we could paint different colors instead of putting just plain old one by we now have a decorative molding you now have a somewhat decorative molding keep in mind there are tons and tons and tons of different router bits shapes sizes you can get as fancy as you as you like after you master the simple round over bit maybe moved in something a little bit more intricate like vog go check it out experiment have fun so I hope you like this introduction to video into how to safely and effectively use a router if you liked this video and it helped you to overcome the fear of using the pretty cool tool smash that like body if you like simple helps to videos you'll like our style and you like interacting and learning from the people on the other side of the camera get subscribed smash that dull notification crack it like the Liberty Bell you know we're we're from Philadelphia why do you want to crack that Bell notification because we're always going live we upload videos daily and we constantly do giveaways so you're gonna want to be notified when these activities happen from the very cool guys I hope this video helps some of you out there today if it did leave down the comments section below also if you have questions about routers the different size routers what else you could do with a router leave them down in the comments section below if it's a great comment or it's a great idea we might even make a video based on it with that thank you very much and have a great day everybody there's a lake that video wondering what to watch next well why don't you click over here and watch this video or click over here and watch this video if you really liked our content we hope you consider getting subscribed by clicking right here thanks a lot and have a great day guys
Channel: VCG Construction
Views: 797,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: using a router for beginners, how to use a woodworking router for beginners, woodworking router basics, how to use a router the best way, using a router basics, wood router, wood router basics, how to use a woodworking router, woodworking router tips and tricks, router basics, using a router to round edges, best way to use a wood router, best way to use a woodworking router, best way how to use a router, woodworking router
Id: WSpMLp84BbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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