Best Way to Start a Drop Servicing Website for Beginners - Drop Servicing Full Tutorial (2021)

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hello beautiful people i hope you all feel amazing my name is jacine i've been in drop service in for nine months right now and i've been running a bunch of experiments so i'm here just to show you what works and i won't show you anything that doesn't work um so many would ask what drop servicing is it's not drop ship drop shipping but it's in some way they having a similar model um so what i love about job service is that first and foremost the margins are way higher and what it's about is basically service arbitrage what you do you sell a service you outsource it to someone else and you bank on a margin that's why i love job i mean job servicing has big margins compared to drop shipping so sometimes you might take many sales in drop shipping just to get just equal one sale or much one sale in job servicing the second benefit of it is that drop servicing you have internet service and you have a better or i'd say a higher control over quality because again you get to just to see the service before you deliver it to your client so let's say okay we're going to take an example we are selling video animation uh video animations okay the seller sends us we buy from the seller on a platform he sends us the delivery we get to control it then we send it to our client however in drop shipping generally i'm talking about people are buying for example from alibaba it goes straight away from alibaba to your client it means in other words you cannot or you don't get to check the quality of the product that's why you have so many stores who gets which gets shut down on uh on amazon or just normal normal stores because again they get many complaints from people as you know the i mean the product is not of that high quality or it's a defective product so now let's get into the real stuff what you would need to start job servicing you need two things to build the website first you need to buy a domain name you need a professional email and then you need cartridge what is cardrock cartridge is in my humble opinion the best job servicing software where you can build the website because it takes care of the payment the payment integration it takes care of getting you know a lead generation of um email uh email automata i mean yeah email automation uh they have the right templates for drop servicing so whenever i have someone who come up comes up to me and say okay i want to create the website on wordpress yeah definitely go for it however for me i love to pay when something makes life easier on me in wordpress you would have to get a bunch of abs from here and from there just to get to what kata would do right so now let's first and foremost what you need is a niche okay what a niche so what what service you will deliver i generally use two things i use google trends you can go google trends and see whether i generally don't like when a service is just going you know just going downward like when the graph is going downward it's either going upwards or it's a little bit stable you know even if it's going up and down but at least it's stable um the second thing you can go into google google ads and i mean yeah google google keywords and then you can see you can search keywords and try to find where there is a low competition up to medium competition okay but i prefer low competition um okay low competition but again the search the search shouldn't be like zero to ten it should be around like that like around thousands all right if it's 10 000 and low competition yeah awesome just go for it that's that's based on my uh own experience uh but again don't bother with google adwords or i mean google ads or facebook ads or pinterest those things don't work again if you want to waste money just do it if you don't just listen to me so what i want to say today is i want to make a disclaimer if you sign up to cartra through my link which is down below in the description i will make a commission and i would highly highly appreciate it if you could do that for me because that's what gives me energy and of course just try to cover my course and give you guys time to teach you uh how to build this kind of stuff for free okay all right so now you find the domain name uh first we find the niche as i told you if you want to have some ideas but you don't know what niche to choose you want to know um what needs to go for you are just you want to get some ideas i would highly recommend you that you get into okay it's here yeah awesome all right so fiverr then you can just there you go you can just hold put the mouse over the mouse over here then you have tons of niches right same thing here here same thing there you go there you go there you go okay now you got you got the points so you take each one of the niches that resonate with you and then you or where you have some kind of expertise then you uh just search them either on google trends or you use both and google ads uh google ads keyword uh research a tool and then you see uh what works for you okay so now i'm gonna go now after you define your niche you need the second thing you need to define what your domain name is going to be we're gonna go to again you can use whatever platform you want but i generally like to use godaddy so let's say i have um [Music] i have a name let's say we're gonna do video animations okay i'm gonna just put empire okay that's the name that comes up to my to me um empire yeah hopefully we get it's gonna be available again just try to make sure okay second somebody has it just guys again please just make sure hello okay just make sure your um your domain name is kind of reflective of the service you provide don't try to play it like a startup company that you know with a you know with a crazy name that doesn't make sense again uh that's i wouldn't suggest that so let's say we're gonna say um north star animations great let's see hopefully it's going to be available great so it's available it's basically almost yeah 12 bucks a month 12 bucks a year that's nothing but again i would highly recommend you that you get the professional email as well so generally you can go for support at um north for example in my example at northstar or contact at north north star so what you can do you can just add to cart okay that's my account then you get here there you go yeah there you go yeah let me let me do something first okay guys there you go when you select your the menu add it to the card then you scroll down and then don't forget to get this one don't get the essentials plan just get this starter plan because you want to be professional you want to be professional you don't want to show a domain i mean an email where it's uh you know at or at that sounds very unprofessional so you add it to the card as well okay then okay there you go uh starter plan is thirty dollars plus okay plus included okay continue to card so i'm just showing you i'm not going to buy the domain name but i just want to show you i'm trying to show you the exact step-by-step uh process just to to get it done all right there you go for domain privacy i wouldn't suggest that you go for full domain privacy and protection unless you know your company skills to like a million dollar company or when you get like a very known brand over time but now you know just go no thanks uh you take this off all right okay we go for this cool continue to card so here it does don't go for five years just leave it to one year and as i said don't add this full domain privacy and protection unless you want to but um i wouldn't advise it yeah then you go there you go then we have the email if you remember okay that's it that's it then we we go for the checkout that's it then of course you're gonna get the domain so once you get the domain now it's time to get to cartron and as i said i would highly highly appreciate guys if you could sign up through my link which is down below in the description all right now let's say you signed up everything is good then i want you to go to to cut yeah you go to custom all right let me see you can go to email notifications that's the very first thing that you want to do okay so guys you go here you click here on to your team okay this one this one then try to yeah just activate everything yeah just this one even if you don't we don't just activate everything just to make sure you're receiving all emails you know so for example yeah just just awesome just make sure you activate all of these uh notifications just to so that you don't miss any email whether it's uh whether it's a message from your client or whether it's uh it's a it's an order just activate all of them then we're gonna go to this place and we're gonna go to custom domains okay so let's say you purchased a domain name so i'm just gonna repeat the whole thing from scratch just to show you remove the main okay delete okay delete the domain so i'm just gonna take one of my domains and uh just show you how you can connect your domain that you just purchased on uh so you go here so i'm so let's say you purchase the domain then you get here then you put i'm sorry now get here and then you put my products okay then you choose one of your domains let's say i'm gonna put i'm just gonna choose this one just for example okay yeah um you know what let's let's just get this one not let's get the new york diet okay new york again it doesn't have anything to do with the website but it's just one of my domains i just have some of them because actually i just keep them and flip them as a hobby so you go here you click on these three dots in here and then you click on manage dns oh what is going on there's something not doing all right okay so you get here you click on these three dots and again we could manage dns hopefully it's going to work this time awesome i had just a kind of a connection problem all right beautiful beautiful so what you're gonna see generally what you get what you're gonna see is that you're gonna find first find the c name a c name record where it says type under it's a c name then the name should be www but the value is gonna be here it's gonna be at okay don is gonna here is gonna be at okay you know what let me let me do it with another domain name just so that i can show you exactly how it works i just don't want any one of you guys to get lost in this because that's um a very um critical step along the process so let's say i'm gonna be taking this one again guys it does it doesn't have anything to do with what the website is about uh we're gonna go to it to manage dns okay cool beautiful so you can see here we have a cname record with the www and then here it says at under value you say go here i'm gonna go to here now on kartra i'm gonna go again guys i clicked on this part and then went to custom domains and then i click on the main here this green button on the right side of the screen let's click on it boom you don't want to go first you want to go for the only domain domain then you get back to your domain manager scroll up just to make sure you don't make any mistake you copy this one come back then paste it there you go as far as the favicon is concerned that again some people would ask what a favicon is favicon is the thing that you get in here as you can see the things that i'm pointing out to here so whatever you can put if you have it good if you don't have it don't put anything next but i would highly recommend you guys that you make a favicon okay just just make it with you know you just can go on on canva and just get it for free so you don't need to uh you know you don't have to go and pay for it unless you don't wanna you know you don't have 30 minutes of your time or 10 minutes or whatever to get one done by yourself just go to fiverr and do it for five for 10 bucks okay next now great guys you can see we straight straight we don't need this one you go straight here to the second step you want to see this part that is um that is uh in bold and you just copy it click right click copy you go here as i told you the cname record with the host www which points to the a and then you paste this one that's exactly just guys again make sure that there is no space on the right on the far right and the far left okay great then click on save where is that oh okay beautiful so again that's the cname with the www under the name and the value is what we copied from here now we go to the third step you want to copy guys again no we don't want any any space copy this copy then you go you scroll down on go daddy you scroll down after we're done with the first the second step then you go here then you click on add then guys make sure it's an https because your website is gonna include a payment meaning people are gonna buy on your website and you you don't want to have a website without any security having an https is gonna you know is gonna um increase if you want confidence and just make feel like make people feel secure about the fact that they're going to be making a purchase on your drop servicing website okay click on https then here just paste exactly paste this cool okay there's no space and there's no space okay good good good good good just leave this this as is same things for settings don't touch don't test those and then click on save beautiful beautiful we have that awesome now you click here on yes then you click on next then here just click on external url for now just external url just put whatever boom boom boom boom whatever just that's whatever we're gonna come back to it later i just don't you know we need because again we need the homepage first to be built just to connect with our domain name next close great generally it's gonna be taking uh yeah for 15 minutes to propagate sometimes half an hour sometimes 10 minutes but it's very quick i love cartridge i cannot praise it enough and um so now we are done with the website if you did congratulations now we're gonna be moving to the next steps we need to connect our payment integration so guys i'm from morocco uh stripe is not supporting morocco it's supporting like probably uh 30 countries something like that so if you're from the us generally from singapore europe you know western europe generally and central europe you can have stripe i would highly advise you just to integrate it as well if you can if you can't you would just go with paypal guys you need a paypal business account if you don't have a paypal business account you will be able to perceive payments and connect your paypal account with your website so you wanna if you have if you don't have an account great you go straight and create your paypal business account if you don't have one i mean if you have one if you have a personal account just switch it to business if you have a business account just keep it and we'll and just connect it to cartridge so now i'm going to show you how you can do that you get into you go into my integrations here you can see left corner bottom left corner my integrations click on it beautiful you get to okay so guys i'm just okay i'm gonna i'm gonna connect one of my paypal accounts great i'm gonna i'm gonna show you how a paypal account works how we can connect it okay uh let me do this i'm gonna connect them to my paypal account okay no sorry yeah i did it wrong so guys just shut down this uh godaddy website you don't need it anymore it's all done great job guys uh so now we're gonna get into paypal and just we're gonna i'm just gonna again i have this uh already connected to it integrated so i'm just gonna delete it so that i can show you from scratch how you can um integrate your paypal account so let's scroll down again to cart to paypal new integration yeah new integration there you go then connect paypal login [Music] um let's um yeah let's please okay guys this is the base that you're gonna get then you create then you click on grant permission beautiful now he's gonna direct me to my paypal account again guys if he took you out of your paypal account don't stress just again log in again see your paypal account on um on another tab [Music] okay uh yes then here you go to this place where it says next to logout and settings then you click on account settings then you click on you go to to to the left um bottom left corner and then you click on website payments here next to my my image and then you click ok let me put it back then you click on website preferences once you go to website preferences guys you wanna okay let me just take this out guys please you're gonna see that it's an http just make sure it's an https and then you put your guys probably going to be on off so you just click on on and then here on the return url you make sure it's in https again and just put your website in my in my case it's making sure then slash i want you to add the slash and then thank you that's it then save it save it beautiful it's saved now it's saved it's awesome now we're gonna let me let me do something you know now we're gonna pick this identity token okay this one we copy it then guys if this is on off click it you know just uh turn on just click on on okay great great great great don't touch everything outside of outside of these two sections this one and that one don't touch anything and pick up this copy it and just go to kartra and that's when you're gonna put you're gonna paste your pdg token again just please make sure that there is no space on the edges just to make sure it integrates okay so the reason that it's not integrated it's because you okay how how how to say i i've already uh i've already integrated my paypal account before so it's already integrated so i cannot integrate it another time i just wanted just for um you know just to show you how it works i did the whole process but normally i can't do that okay so then you're gonna have as for you you're gonna have this in green then you're gonna click on create that's it just do the process that i showed you then click on create great now that this is done okay now i'm gonna show you how you can create um a page a page first yeah first we're gonna just create a main page i would you know let me let me let me do it like let me make it easy on you because again if i create a home page i have to go back and forth but let me do it let me make it easy on you uh okay let me see okay okay okay so first and foremost we okay let me let me just show you how the way it works um let me paint we're gonna go to page and i'm just gonna show you i'm not a good uh good uh good drawer but just gonna show you how normally it should be working okay so normally here here we're gonna have the landing page okay this is the landing page boom this is the landing or the home page let's put it the home page okay then we're gonna here have where people people can buy here on this page people can buy they're gonna have packages and they can buy once they buy they're gonna they're gonna go once they buy they're gonna be redirected automatically to a thank you page that's gonna ask them to fill out the requirements it's like a form just asking them to fill out some requirements that you would need to get started okay that you're gonna give to your supplier the person you're outsourcing to okay then now we have this page which is the thank you page this is the thank you page then once the person is just filling out all the requirements here it's gonna says it's gonna be saying submit okay submit let's say it's an s okay once your client fills out the requirements then clicks on submit they're gonna be led to that page which is the success page great congrats you're just gonna be saying congratulations space saying okay we got your order and thank you for ordering with us and we'll be in touch with you soon okay great so we're gonna start the way it works on cartridge you should if you don't if you don't want it we don't want it to be confusing we want to start from the upside down okay so we have to start from the success page so that's why i wanted just to to depict this image just to show you why i'm going to be starting uh yeah because again here normally if we start with this page i have to say that i'm connecting it with this page but if i don't have this one so i have to go and create this one and then create this one then come back to this one and just connect it and again it's gonna confuse a lot of you so i'd rather you know just do it the very easy way um okay so let me see okay now we need this page okay the success page awesome the success page we gonna just come let me do this uh okay we're gonna hear sorry okay i'm gonna hear okay guys you wanna go to my pages okay then you click on page then you click on thank you page boom boom boom i like which one that i like most [Music] i like this one i like this one guys guys by the way if you want to preview each and every single page you can just do like this and preview it if you like it great if you don't like it you just close it down and then again you can preview all these pages and then you pick the one that you like but just the one that i generally pick is this one so you can just go and select if you want to do like me just go and select it and then you scroll up then you click on launch builder okay when you click on launch builder you can call it that's i um one second just to see something i just want to see how the way i call it generally oh gosh okay okay so yeah i generally like yeah i call it thanks for filling out the form because again as i showed you before that's this page we're working now on this page boom this page right so here this is the last page of the process so that's the page that's going to come out once the person just orders the or once the person they they order then they fill out the requirements then we lead them to that page which says thank you for filling out the form okay great so we're going to select a category no category in particular then no site in particular then we click on create so so so here guys you can put your logo in here if you want you can edit sign you can click here on edit side you can click on an image edit there you go then you choose an image i'm just gonna pick whatever logo okay you know i'm gonna pick this logo again it's not a logo but i'm just gonna pick it up just for information purposes just to show you how to do it the logo is not it's not it's not my logo so i just had it it's an image okay so guys here you can click on confirm and then don't forget to click on apply there you go then now that you have this image it's taking a lot of space so what you do you just click on it then you resize it you click then you make it small but in my case i just showed you how to do it in my case i don't do that i just remove it all together just to give more space to that um that check mark because i yeah i don't need it right here i would put my um my logo in my home page but not here so i'm just showing you just in case some of you would like to implement it so the links awesome i'm just gonna be deleting guys if you want to delete this you cannot delete it otherwise you're gonna you're gonna still have that that big space in here that big gap in here right so what you wanna do here you can delete this because again that's an element that's a component but if you wanna delete a whole column you gotta click here and then you click here and then yep there you go guys you you remove it delete it there you go now we come back to component okay beautiful uh yeah there you go what we're gonna do we're gonna just remove this we don't need this boom uh we don't need this as well okay we don't need this we don't need okay guys if you want to put your social media in here you're welcome but i don't personally so i'm just showing you like um what you could do but again what i don't do as well um but i don't recommend so you delete this okay you don't no okay let's okay guys remember if you wanna delete this one you have to click on column delete awesome awesome okay here cartridge is apparently still outdated you still have 2017 you see guys here it doesn't give me the text i cannot change the text because it's a compo it's an it's a component and here i have it set on column so i have to click on component again and then click there you go you see t guys just change the text you have to click on t team beautiful what's going on oh my god yeah something sometimes ingestion gosh yeah so it's it's a bug on on cartridge side so okay guys uh i don't know what's going on with it it happens guys if it happens to you you can just shut down you know just get guys don't forget please click on save progress to not lose your data so let's click on it just to make sure nothing happens to us just in case you know we lose electricity or you know cultural lags or whatever circumstance happens just make sure you save your progress okay let's wait a little bit guys again i'm a little bit like i take time to explain because i want to make sure that each and every single one of you does grasp the material very good and can anyone can be able who watches this video can create a drop servicing website easily okay i hope you like it guys please don't forget like the video share it to the max and subscribe to my channel that gives me the pump that gives me more energy more motivation to keep on bringing you more content okay by the way that's my very first video i never done a video before so this is my very first video if you don't like it if you have any uh any remarks you know constructive ones they're very welcome all right i don't know there's a there's something going on with it so hmm don't like this anyway guys we're gonna we're gonna publish it we're gonna publish it just to make sure ah yeah it was quick but i don't know what's going on with the other side okay guys just okay we're gonna publish it so when we publish it that means that you can you can access it from here close so i'm just gonna redo cartridge from scratch again so i'm just gonna close it close it and then now i'm because again when you publish something even if you didn't save the progress you can uh it means that it got saved so here look i'm just gonna paste the link that i got that i copy and you can see it now it's live it's live guys right it's live but again here is live with your username with your just the username that you used in uh when when you signed up with the dot but we don't want this that's unprofessional guys so i'm just gonna show you uh how we're gonna connect the domain name at the end but not now so that it could look you know more original okay so let's login again [Music] thank you for your patience i could not control that don't know we have to change this okay [Music] boom okay great so here as i told you we're gonna come back again two pages because my my the page lagged i could not edit the text so that's why i just restarted cartra again so i'm gonna go to my pages and then i have the thank you page if you remember that's this last page the last page so i'm gonna go to here i'm gonna go here and then i'm gonna click on these three dots right that edits edits don't forget that yes yep we named it thanks for filling out the form that's the one that's gonna appear on in here instead of cartra for our page hopefully uh it's gonna work this time that that that happens times two times but not not often so okay let me shut down the paypal account beautiful so here guys you can see the thank you page right and then you have this okay let's try to change this let's click on t oh yes awesome awesome finally it works you see sometimes it happens so you just have to reboot cartridge and it's gonna work so guys put here 2020 and uh for those who are gonna be watching the video in the upcoming years and hopefully in 2021 so just put 2021 at the you know this notch what 2020. so there you go uh happy happy new year in advance by the way so here you put your company name okay uh whatever your company name is in my case it's gonna be brunell okay great cornell that's it then you put a dot and then all rights reserved that's it we have it it's beautiful uh no it's not a newsletter people so we're gonna change this you have successfully okay that's what i'm gonna do submitted submitted the requirements for to us um let's put it this way we'll oh gosh oh we'll be in touch with you very soon boom hey let's smile awesome there you go guys now we have our thank you page all set up now you click here you can put save progress but you know let's do it let's publish live directly okay publish life awesome guys if you if you've done that congratulations you have now your thank you page we are getting closer to our full job servicing website okay you don't need to get this just close it down just close it okay now we're gonna get to the other step which is the if you remember the um which is the the form filling out of the form right but to fill out this form we need another thing we need to know what requirements we will need from what what requirements we would need just to to to ask uh our clients and how we gonna get that we're gonna get it from our supplier so there is the very first option is you get into okay that's by the way guys i use fiverrs i'm just gonna use fiverr uh by default but you can use any platform whether it's upwork or any other platform five it's up to you i just like to use fiverr it's very very easy and i can find people who can do a great job at a very very good price which i can get a good margin on when starting my service okay you go here so let's say i'm just gonna get an example the way i um [Music] i select my sellers is this way let's say guys i'm gonna we're gonna do animation animation let's say it's video animation okay i'm just gonna get video animation then i'm gonna click on search my criteria to find to pick a seller is first they need to have a 5.0 review the five five star review they need to have at least depending depending on on the gig depending on on the service but generally for example let's say here let me see okay it's 1k 500 500 1k 1k 1 k1 2015. so yeah as you can see many people have over 500 so i would say oh guys i'd need between 700 and a thousand and they need to be top rated seller at least yeah uh and the price of course then i i play on the price so first let's say these guys five first choice that's great but again look this guy is 1k he's great five five star review but again he starts at 325 dollars this guy is almost 900 reviews he has five stars same thing he's a top rated seller but he starts at 65 of course how would go with this guy i would go with this guy so this one is 4.9 he doesn't he doesn't match the criteria uh so i'm gonna click on this you know even if i have let's say i i want to compare it with this guy for example okay he's 300 he miss our criteria i'm just gonna open the new tab here and just compare the prices just to see probably this guy starts at 65 just for one second video which is not interesting so let's say okay here it says he's gonna deliver in seven days this guy let me see how in how how long he's gonna change to deliver he's get he's gonna deliver okay in seven days as well that's great seven days delivery seven days delivery that's great okay okay this guy is offering a 30 seconds video with 75 words this guy is offering 100 words with uh how how long yeah 40 seconds guys um yeah it doesn't matter it doesn't matter i'm just yeah this guy okay he doesn't even offer script writing yeah voiceover boom storyboard yeah i would definitely go with this guy this guy's way better in my humble opinion so just go for him because again you know 250 bucks that's that that's good money that's good money you don't want to you don't want to pay you know that's that's something that's going to be taken out of your margin so you need it and this guy is 5.0 uh sorry view so you don't you don't have anything to fear uh okay we can close this guy so the very first option to pick up the requirements is to go and write see what he says okay let's see i'm just gonna move this let's see what it offers he's gonna write our script he's gonna do this [Music] okay okay so he doesn't say here what he needs to start the project so we're gonna see we're gonna scroll down okay great great how many revisions do you deliver do you provide videos okay guys he doesn't have any uh we don't have any clue about what he requires for us to start so what i'm gonna do he's not online if he's okay so no normally what i'm gonna do just normally what what you could do is just to go and order with him then you're gonna see the requirements that he needs from you to fill out to get started but again you don't need to spend your money and you don't want us just order to cancel the order because you're gonna be hurting the guy's gig and reputation your reputation so you just talk to him harris okay harris we're just gonna be talking to him hey how are you et cetera et cetera just please tell me what you need for you to get started he's gonna tell you what he needs and here we're just gonna suppose what he needs so the way you contact him you just scroll down and you click here and contact me boom okay let's let's talk to him let's talk to him hey i hope you feel amazing okay we you know what yeah hey i hope you feel amazing what do you need to get started thanks boom all right sent so we're gonna send this between i'm gonna we're gonna be waiting for his response now we're gonna go and create so here guys to to create this page the thank you page where that person is gonna be just um filling out the requirements or the form we're gonna need two things one we're gonna need the page page guys i'm sorry two we're gonna need a four four boom boom boom boom sorry guys um okay look how quick he was i you just saw me i just sent a message right now and now he's just answering me he's answering me let's see what he said did you see guys right there you go awesome look what he said he needs a script he said oh i need this oh that's it okay beautiful you default thank you that's it he needs a script he doesn't need anything from us so what we're gonna do it's easy we're gonna we publish this okay probably yeah probably again i'm gonna publish it again just to make sure he's nice he's smiling emitting good vibe i'm just gonna close this down now and again okay great now i'm going back to kartra i'm gonna click here card draw you remember what we need we need the four guys we need a four so we click on my forms all right then we click on form name on form you need you know animation videos you name it whatever you want again the client is not gonna see it so just yeah i can reform okay all right okay beautiful beautiful okay guys these ones you don't touch them please just keep them they're mandatory first name email address again that's good for you because you're gonna be building your email list which is a great great great asset so that whenever you have another service you can just send them an email probably they would be interested and they can buy from you in the future so you click on new field here right remember new field click on it my existing fields not you click on create a custom field okay here you name it you name it whatever you want this is just a field identifier for you it's not gonna be showing up to your client so you can name it again you can do you can't do a space in here you can't do a space so it's just a way for you to identify the field so here script we're just going to name it script okay script script okay it's going to be text area right because again the script could be two things the we need this text area because the script is gonna be longer than just one line right so we need to be having a text area but the second option is that your client could have a script inside of a like for example word word word document so cartridge doesn't allow people your clients to attach any document or image so what you should do you should be telling them to to send you the document via email if they don't send it via text so let's say here we're gonna put the text area please send us please send us your script if if it's contained within a word and not wordpress a word document mail it to us on i'm just going to say contact at remember our domain name is pronoun then it's mandatory guys it's mandatory boom it's mandatory people have to say that they sent it or they have to send the script in here in here okay guys beautiful because again guys when when when your order is gonna come you're gonna receive an email just notifying you that the order has been made so automatically you'll be waiting from your client to send you to send you uh the script otherwise you have to contact him and tell him that you didn't receive the script and that they need to do it too so for you to get started great save save boom it's gonna add on in here there you go you see now we're done we just need the script guys we're gonna save it beautiful save in next single opt-in leave it as is save single update you remember guys what i told you the reason that i built this one first is because i didn't want to create this one and just come back to this one and then come back again to tell you to to to the other page okay look now it's asking us about the success page so we're gonna just attach the cartridge page that we just created because again when the person is gonna get a click on submit on the requirements it's to lend them to our thank you page the success page right that's the success page awesome thank you remember guys that's the one thanks for filling out the four that's the last one save okay save and next we click on save and next save and next again you just you don't touch this as well okay save a next [Music] beautiful save form design you leave it save and next congrats guys if you've made the form now this form is going to be included inside the thank you page not the success page the thank you page so this form we just now we created this part guys we created this part this i'm sorry this part so now we're gonna include we have to create that page so that we can include that form inside it okay let's now go to my pages right boom page okay click again page beautiful so again guys you just click on the thank you page same thing i just go uh yeah let's go for this one let's go for this one select just select it you sell you select it then you click on launch builder okay one second okay okay great okay here we're gonna name it thanks for now here thanks for ordering or the rain with us right beautiful let's put it this way okay let's let's make it like this no category in particular because this space is the pace that's going to come out right after the base the your client places her or his order so they're gonna be led to that page you can create gonna wait a little bit just the time it loads up all right awesome here guys you can put your logo if you want to you do the exact same thing just like i showed you before on the thank you page if you want to but i won't go again uh i'm not going to do the exact same demonstration so just i just delete it that's my way of doing it i delete it okay guys remember that's not an element that's a that's that's a column so that's how you can just take it off just delete it beautiful now you can see thanks for ordering with us it's not a master class so guys you see here is income that's why i cannot just delete it i have to click on component because that's an element okay great okay i'm just click here on thank you okay i'm just thank you for ordering with us you can you can you can put the best the text a little bit smaller than that could be like two yeah looking great now okay so what i do i just delete everything in here boom okay i'm just gonna delete everything no no i cannot okay let's delete this then like that delete this okay okay i'm gonna delete this one as well so okay guys if you want to leave this you can leave it so now what i'm gonna do i have to add the form you remember right no okay let me let me undo this sorry guys i made a mistake so it did style link remember it's gonna be a form we're gonna replace that button with the form where is the form okay let me put this somewhere else oh gosh okay great okay sit like this okay we gonna look for the form um link to another cartridge page pop enough to inform there you go you can see it guys that's where it is no oh sorry no it's not here so yeah i'm pretty sure it's here um link to another cartridge page hmm okay i'm just i'm just trying to find sections yeah yeah there you go yeah there you go yeah i was wrong so it's gonna be optin forms yeah that's what i was looking for there you go where is it opponents i believe you should be here opting fields yeah yeah that's the one sorry yeah we're just gonna be taking this one right we're gonna be taking this one the small that's the one i like okay we're gonna take this off and then we're gonna remove this one yeah let me put this back just we're gonna remove this awesome guys if you wanna re leave this leave it if you don't don't i just i my way of doing is i just remove the whole thing i'm just gonna remove it for now that's it that's what i have now it's uh we're gonna click on edit edit okay yeah that's why i was just on con that's why i didn't want to select so i have to click on i had to click on components you click on edit sign there you go this one remember guys we just created the animated video form where we uh included the requirements that we would need our client to fill out so that we can send it to our supplier as well so there you go apply beautiful then you send we close this that's it that's it guys that's all we need that's all we need you can see again this this you know this name just sit up set up here automatically but your client is not gonna see it like that he's gonna see like name then the email address and then yeah then they're gonna see this and they're gonna have to fill it out once they click on submit that's gonna take them to our success page the last one beautiful so now we're gonna publish life we are done with this one awesome you close it that's it guys congratulations if you've made it so far that i hope i made it is on you guys us and uh i hope it's not it's not gonna be complicated for you just to create the website because i'm trying my best to be as much accurate and detailed as possible so that we don't miss anything out so now guys we're gonna come back to kartra i'm gonna come back to my beautiful drawing remember guys here we need the thank you page we done it this one is done this one is done you remember what we need we need now the home page we need the home page beautiful so now we're gonna come back to my pages my pages and we're gonna create the home page page there you go that green button over here and then we click on where is that okay we click on long cells pages right okay i'm just gonna go for one of the um one of the uh the templates that i like okay let's you know i'm just gonna pick one randomly let's let's let's pick this one let's pick this one it's not bad select okay boom launch builder there you go yeah okay so here we can say professional animation videos like this just giving you some example again i've been put too much thought into it so i'm just giving you uh just how it works very basically then you click on create okay again guys now we are working on this page right now here this one where are we going to have the prices or we're going to have what the company is about yeah that's where we're going to hype basically our our our company trying to sell our services great just waiting um will be a little bit patience yeah sometimes sometimes it could take some time you know just to uh to load but it's okay overall it's a very very easy uh job server i mean software to use so i can't complain right i mean compared to wordpress that's wordpress is a headache for me so that's why i don't like to use it but again for blogs i do use it but for a drop servicing website no hell no no um okay man just almost almost almost almost there you go okay okay there you go here you're just gonna put your title the title here uh guys again just waiting for this you can leave that or you can change them so i'm just gonna give you some i'm just gonna give you some some clues if you want to just change this yeah thanks for your patience guys i just takes time yeah probably my connection is slow as well so so i'm not gonna go through the text etc right so i'm just gonna show you how you can change the text how you can change the button uh text how you can change the color just give you you know the basics the basic elements that you need uh to get you equipped to move forward and to you know just do it your own way so here you can put the logo you remember guys i showed you how to put a logo so that's what you should be doing and then here you go if you want to change this text let's say do i do it i don't put home because home is gonna still take me to home to the exact same page which i found which i find a little bit of like it's nonsense so i'm just gonna click on edit style okay we go here as for the button you click on here text right and then you can click about it's gonna give you a clue you click on a bounce okay then you apply you can change the font here you can make it bold or regular in here apply by the way if you want to change the color you can go here you can change the color so that's the over color so meaning when you hover meaning when you put your mice in here your mouth yeah when you bite you put your mouse in here so that changes the color then it goes back to its original color however if you want to change the color permanently you just go here and then you change it okay of course try to change it in both so that you can have the exact same color okay guys uh icon no we don't need an icon if you want to put it just you can you're free you have some effects in here if you want to change the effects of the way this is just showing up you can you can just uh of course you can you can you can try it out that that's how you're gonna get exp that's how you're gonna get um expert on cartridge you need to experiment so i'm just giving you the basic elements again so i just leave it as such oh yeah so i then here get started so normally i just don't like to leave this i don't like uh why us i just leave it as well but this one i just changed it to about yeah about and then here i need testimonials if you want you can you know about testimonials like features yeah you can put features meaning you know like where you have three or two points where it says why you're different what you offer that makes you send out from the crowd you know you name it you it's up to you uh then yeah this one i can delete it then we have the pricing that's what i like here the pricing i like to put the pricing in here boom pricing or just prices or whatever you name it okay here you want to change the text that's how you change the text i'm just going to show you once you click here you click on t and then boom guys just for information if you take a text from let's say if you copy a text from another another website and you just paste it it's not going to give you the exact same font so make sure whenever you pick a text paste it here first and then look i'm gonna paste this one like let's let's see i'm just gonna paint this one in here look it's not the same not the same font right i'm just gonna delete it however if i take it from here and then put it here and then put it here no oh wait wait a minute it must work oh it doesn't work on the title so guys on the title you want to make sure you just write it you just write it by hand okay as far as this text it's okay you can just put it here you see it gives us the exact same font so then you can just remove this great okay i'm just gonna bring back the other phone so guys so here you put your text i don't personally like to keep this but you can keep it if you want to name it whatever you want then here you can okay let's say it's a video animation all right we're gonna name it we're gonna name it let's say i just like to keep it really really really short and basic get started apply close there you go you have it just guys please make sure that you save the progress because again in your sales page or i'd say in your home page if you lose it happened to me many times it's painful so just make sure you keep saving the progress each and every single time you change something because otherwise if you keep working working and working at certain points it lags or something happens you're gonna lose it all and you have to repeat everything from scratch which is gonna be really really really uh irritating so here guys you wanna put a video so if you want you can put a video so you can edit sign i'm just gonna show you real quick and the reason i chose this um [Music] template just because it has a video included so it doesn't mean that you cannot include the video you cannot add a video on another template just that here it's already pre-made like the design is made for it there's a space for it so guys you can select a video from youtube wistia vimeo whatever is good for you so i'm just going to show you real quick you know i just want to as i told you i just want to to give you as much information as possible guys you select the category category boom such videos manage you oh upload a new video yeah okay boom then you upload the file right and that's when you upload your video okay so that's it then you select it and you're done then when you select it just make sure you click on next and then you put your video okay so now if you want to change it to a picture you can just delete this one sorry i'm just going to show you different scenarios i just want to show you different scenarios guys so that you can become an expert on okay guys there you go now we want to suppress this one we're going to delete it remember look we can delete the whole thing from here but here what i'm going to do remember it's a component it's not a section so this is the whole section you can see that's section two right that's section one so those are sections this is a component drag and drop a component so that's why i clicked on components in here so let me real quick show you how it works so we can we need for example an image we're gonna take it here and we're gonna drag it in here boom when it's green you just leave it that's it then it's gonna come out yeah normally should work there you go now if you want to upload an image you just click here edit style okay i'm just gonna close this you click on edit style right oh guys components please edit style right okay you upload this image and i'm just going to put whatever you know i just uh you know let me let me guys don't please just don't forget there is a uh royalty free images included in cartridge so take advantage of it you have icons and your images so i'm just gonna take animation videos okay animation videos uh animation 2d oh yeah i'm just gonna put whatever pixel again guys you can you can search it and add i'm gonna take this one i like it the guy yeah he's funny yeah i'm gonna take this and confirm it apply guys don't forget please when you select the image apply right hmm it's a long image we don't need this so we can adjust take it up up yeah if you wanna if you wanna center it guys there you go i'm just giving you many scenarios so that you can be flexible you wanna you wanna okay i did style okay sign click on side okay even if i i won't put this image because again that that is not that's more that's uh that's not a horizontal uh image and it doesn't feel that much uh you know of that of that space over there so what you want to do you go to that place where it says oh no sorry sorry i'm sorry guys no just center that's it guys you see it's not centered yet you know what because i didn't click on apply so click on apply there you go great job guys great job um now you click here you can here put for example what makes you special what makes you special or here you can put the steps how it works for example you can put place your order place your order here and then put on the requirements and then receive your delivery and then of course you hear you're gonna put something put it otherwise you can delete the text and then here you can just delete it all together if you want uh yeah i don't yeah then this is you can you can just delete it as well it's up to you here you can say you know step by step or uh how it works you name it anyway guys here it's more of that about like what makes you stand out why what do you offer what makes you unique guys from from your competitors so you can change the image but still you can change it or you can delete it all together so my way of doing it you know i just delete so for example this as well you can you can put whatever you want in here i delete it so i'm just showing you the way delete it just column boom yeah delete this delete it boom delete this as well delete it delete it boom here you can select your portfolio right you can select your portfolio you can put whatever image that you want just if you want to change the images just make sure you create you click on components otherwise you cannot you see look if i click on components i cannot click on anything it doesn't give me that option so i have to click on component then to change the image okay images right and then you did the image you added and then you select it then you apply you click on apply that's it so here you can click you can put whatever you want i won't dive into it here you can you know i'll just delete this frankly like people don't need that much information here you can talk about your history how the company got formed or whatever so just delete it you know there's too much information here you can put for example okay no we we have this so we have this you can put whatever text you want you can talk about your team you can leave this if you want you can remove it then here you can change the images as i told you guys you can still change the images or right you can change the images if you want to change it to somebody else okay you can either upload it from here from your laptop otherwise you can just say okay professional woman yes hopefully i'm sorry uh edit professional woman yup click on enter then there you go you have all this you have all this profile profile there you go yeah they're not that good not that professional yeah i can take this one you can so guys it's up to you you know what what's gonna work best for you you take this and then you can change the names if you want if you can and you can change the position of that person just by clicking on t and just put in your text here you can change the logos of the companies that you worked with because again that's going to create this is gonna create more trust visa v your client okay here you guys put the uh the testimonials testimonials you can put whatever you want in here you can put you can change the colors if you want to change the color as i showed you before you can clear you can just click here okay this is blue we can change it you can change it to whatever color there you go there you go that's the background color you can change it guys if you want to have any any any uh any code you just go to google and just type uh color code uh whatever color you want and then it's gonna give you the code and then you paste it here and that's it great so and then you click on apply don't don't forget you can change the images because again guys we don't want to fall into this trap they give you this image and this image by the way we have those images in here right those are the same people so we don't want that so you change the image to a client that you had before or to you know just a normal image that you find online which is copyright free so here you put what this person is about if you want to put it or you can remove it all together okay so today here you know you can you can leave it as is or you can simply change it to uh let's see one second you can see for example here we can just put our packages boom find yeah here you can leave it you can delete it or you can change it so here i said find what sorry yeah find what package fits your needs always please guys don't forget to save progress so now we're coming up to our pricing moment i personally what i recommend is to price it depends it depends on the pricing that you get so for example for our seller that we picked is harris waheed i'm just gonna click on him and uh let's see our prices he has a 65 bucks what we're gonna do we just gotta price it for yeah let's let's make it okay let's make it 200 okay just to start again we just want to test the water we just want to see whether how people respond to our pricing and we take it from there when it works we keep scaling the price up until the moment when it reaches like the pinnacle and then say okay that's it or we can add value more value and then increase the price alongside so but you you're gonna get it figured out figured out along the way just uh little by little okay you click here so i don't like you can you can keep it this way you can keep it i don't like to keep it this way so i just like to go here i just like to go here basic let's see what this guy do guys basic standard premium right he calls them silver gold diamond you can do that yeah i like it silver gold oh guys you see this is not the text so i need to click this is my mistake i need to click on this and the t called then diamonds it's popular you can leave this one or you can just remove it just leave it just leave it you know i just just leave it one-time payments you don't yeah just you don't need this we don't need this we don't need this again guys you see first let me let me do something so we're gonna price this one as we said to remember how you remember guys it was 1 200 the other one oh i price it to 200 okay great so this one is 95 let's make it 300 and by the way just i would i would i would advise you not to put like pricings which are uh such as don't put like for example 200 then 350 then 495 that doesn't look good just be consistent with your prices either 295 395 whatever 95 or it's zero zero at the end of all of them just to keep it consistent guys okay go to premium then it's 135 let's say you know it's just gonna put 400 okay this this 400 beautiful so now we are getting to this you see it says whiteboard video full hd voiceover background music so i'm just going to show you one example and please do the same for the other packages because again i just don't want to keep repeating the exact same process over and over again so for the basic package which is the silver one it tells us okay it's here it tells us first we don't want to start with this this is at the end we want to start with this so it says voice over recording right okay voice over i'm gonna take this voice over recording i made a mistake there you go then i'm gonna just pick this i can copy it i'm gonna copy it here and then i'm gonna paste it boom yeah then i'm gonna take background music as well boom okay awesome and we're gonna take whiteboard video we can add guys by the way you can add more so we're gonna clone this i forgot to put this one at the top so i'm just gonna put it at the top text yes here i'm gonna pick this as well copy right then we wanna clone this second one select and paste as well oh man okay okay okay i'm just gonna control v from my keyboard that's uh this is easier voice over it's already done background music is done now we're gonna add this oh guys by the way i forgot we're gonna add the number of words so the script needs to be 100 words okay then clone this the text 100 up up to 100 words because it could be less so we just want to 100 huh seven days delivery remember oh what i would suggest is when okay we need the delivery and we need the revisions remember guys we need here and this here so what i would advise you is okay yeah let's let's let's let's leave it as such then i'm gonna put unlimited revisions you see you see guys what when i just picked it i picked those uh those six as bold they were pasted as both so however if you do if i do it like this and then just copy it from here it's not going to be bold normally shouldn't be bold there you go right so but again i'm gonna i'm gonna pick it up from here to see and just i'm i'm gonna take it from here and just boom boom boom it's blog you see so just for information uh edit style okay yeah it's all good all good guys you can change the color if you want you can change the color of the text so by the way there you go you can change it here you can change the color to red whatever you want just for information so what you do you're gonna apply this to this and that package as well so i just don't wanna go too much into it uh here you can say bye now one second click and text i would say buy now or just select plan right select plan beautiful then i'm gonna close it that's it there you go if you want by the way if you think that the button is not that much attractive as far as the color is concerned yeah the color is not that vivid so you can go to here just can put whatever i like to go this way let's do it this way okay orange pop cycle code all right so cycle code there you go um where is it ah is the rgb yeah i think yeah we can get this one it must work as well so just don't forget and this one at the beginning hashtag with this that's it you got it and then it converts it straight away to rgb if you don't have the rgb you can still use the hex code okay then you click here then apply uh okay let's i forgot do you want to make you can play here with the buttons shapes uh if you want okay let me see something oh i thought that i could make the text bigger no it just counts okay no worries so yeah just oh button size there you go button size you can make it larger so it could be more visible with a more visible color and then click on apply right then you have it now then of course yeah this i forgot you can take the text and you can put it in white if you want it's up to you guys you have you have the basics now okay this i just generally don't use them you can use them if you want to otherwise i just tend to delete them money back guarantee if you want to have a money back guarantee policy you can do it i generally don't have that money back guarantee because again i have to pay my seller and if um i know what i'm offering i don't know i'm not screwing people up you know i i don't get any money back guarantees so so i just remove it otherwise you can guys you can put your signatures in here you can put your signature you see it no if you have an image with your signature you can put in here put your name put president you can put your company or ceo and your company then you can put a text or you can remove it just leave this as it is but i remove it i don't leave it here is the faq faq you can leave it so this is the effect you generally tend to remove this and this is the faq how are we gonna pick this faq good question you get here you get to the seller and then you go to this place you scroll down then you go to this place what you're gonna do you're gonna pick up i'm just gonna show you one example then you do the race on your own so you you copy right you're gonna copy this this is the title okay this is the text select all okay no no just put it next to it see it's not the same the same font so that's why i have to take it from here oh still it's all right it's all right i'm just gonna put the phone h that's it then yeah let's put black black lucky that's it then remove this then you you just click on that button and then you go here then you take his response again you try to read his response because again you don't wanna have his name involved so you wanna have your company involved we are also offering custom whiteboard animation it's all good it's all good i'm just going to change the text boom dot i'm going to select everything and then i'm going to put this like this yeah it looks good to me then repeat the exact same thing with the other requirements guys if you want to so for example here we have six requirements here we have i mean six questions one two three four six seven eight if you wanna eight eight what you're gonna do remember we need to clone this clone it clone and you need to clone this because again we have six over here you clone this one to make them even and then you change the title and then you click here and again you change this text as i showed you in the example okay great here you put in your logo and if you want and then remember guys please here put 2020. if you're in 2021 just put 2021 copyrights by you put the name of your company in our case is gonna be pernell doesn't mean a thing but it's just an example so don't do like me don't take a name that doesn't make sense reserved here they reserved and then here if you want to link your social media i'm gonna show you the way you do it the way you do it is you get in here then you click for example it's facebook you click here my gosh you click here edit style and then you go to link link to on to an external url right then you paste your uh facebook page link okay you paste it here and then if it's an https of course it's going to be an http it's going to turn it's going to switch automatically on here you don't need to touch anything but i would recommend you to to click on open in a new tab because you don't want to distract people out of you don't want to to take people out of your website because if you leave if you make people if you make that facebook page come out instead of in the same page they're gonna lose track of your website and probably not buy from you so just open it in another page so that your website stays intact okay now i'm not gonna do it but i just showed you how you can do it okay i'm just gonna i'm just gonna close this for now okay boom boom boom all good now we have the website now what we're gonna do testimonials remember when people click on testimonials we won't they will get dragged down to this place okay this this place okay what section is this one this is that's how you do it you just put your mouse in here you don't click on anything but you click on this one and then you see section eight there you go section h then you click on testimonials edit style guys sorry then we go to link scroll to a particular section in this page then you click on section then you click on section remember section 8 section 8 there you go apply click then you click on apply beautiful now you can do the exact same thing with features with pricing with contact with get started generally get started and pricing i put them on that pricing section so that pricing section is remember guys we put our miles in here then it's gonna get this out get this out click on it then it gets us it's section nine so you do this as well and you do it with get started remember okay let me show you again how we how it will do it here click here and it's style okay you click on link scroll to a particular section of in this page then you go to select section and then it's section nine if you remember guys okay section nine and then you click on apply and that's it the work is done i just don't wanna do it for every single one of those so i you got the point right now now what are we gonna do is as this page this page is not working i mean i already have to connect this one you need to connect your first your uh your integrations payment integrations so i'm just gonna go on another account of one of my clients just to show you how you can do it as well because yeah you know i said that for them the whole thing uh okay okay let me just pause it for a moment and then come back to you hey back guys so here i'm on one of my clients accounts so basically i couldn't i couldn't integrate my paypal account because i've already done it on my personal account so here you go to my integrations if you remember i showed you how to integrate your paypal account by the way uh and for those who didn't know that who don't know how to uh connect their strike to integrate their stripe account it's easy you just get or strike yeah you get here okay you click on the three dots and then you click here on technical documentation then it kind of gives you it's gonna give you the exact step-by-step uh documentation on how you can integrate uh your stripe account with your cartr then here you click on paypal you click on the three dots then as i showed you you create a new integration so when it's done you gotta make sure it says integration activated and then you have that green uh green check mark that's it meaning you're done then that when you have this that's when you get to my products okay here when you get to my products right okay i gotta show you i showed i don't know whether i showed you how it works but okay let me do another page from the get go just to show you how it works um edit oh i'm gonna do uh where is that yeah products guys you click on that green button where it says products in green then you click on it then you click on main product right our example is animation videos it's gonna go for it next so you see here it says animation videos right you put here you can put animation videos whatever you you know and then here we create we create high high quality animation videos at an affordable price anyway whatever hq powerful anyway guys generally the internet internal name should be matching the official name it's not mandatory but you know that's what i do generally uh no keep it private this one just keep it as is and then click on save click on save then here you want to make sure if you have your your credit card or you have your paypal if you integrated your paypal you just click here and then you click on let me show you then you click here then you click on steam okay you the the the account we integrated inside if you remember in my in my integrations the paypal account okay then you click on save then we can have that's even next click on it then you click here one time remember it's not a recurring uh payment that your client has uh has to do so just go on one time then remember our website was basic no it was silver yeah right it was silver yeah silver you don't have to put the exact same price this i mean the same title but just for uh you know just to to know where to you know just for um uh you know just to know what each package is about you know it's better just to have the exact same names just like the title inside your website just then you put the price remember the price was 200 and one time it was the gold by the price of 300 the ads one time then the price was 400 no here the price was 400 the price description it was a diamond if you good if you remember then you save it [Music] right the reason i'm on my clients account is just because i cannot just complete that whole product uh i cannot create like a full products unless i have to complete my payment gateway integration which i could not do on my demo account that i just showed you right now that i created that i just created for demonstration purposes so here i just put no refund that's how i i don't do it okay then you save it next here remember guys remember what i showed you before the external url this one should be pointing to your home page and this one should be pointing to your thank you page when i'm saying your thank you page it says this is the page your buyers will be redirected to upon completing their order so once they place the order you want to redirect your clients to that page where they want to fill in the requirements you remember this one it's that one this one and that's why i was going upside down i mean yeah going from the end towards the beginning because again i didn't want you to go and have a back and forth between pages that's going to confuse a lot of you because i went through this process before when i was learning drop service and how to create a website on castra i was lost so i had to figure it out myself and now i'm trying to give you like a better understanding over like how the whole thing works out so now you go to the thank you page carter pages if you remember carter pages car trap pages no sites in particular no site in particular because again we have three prices right that's why we have three in here then you go to the cartridge page you remember guys it's it's the thank you page is the thanks for ordering with us that's why i like to keep the names always the same because that makes me like i don't have to to think oh which one is the page that i need to connect which one which you know again that's gonna get you confused so just go with this one thanks for ordering with us thanks for ordering with us thanks for ordering with us and then you click on save and here let's say because the other page that i showed you before was created on on the other account so for demo purposes i'm just let's say it's this page is about this home page okay i'm gonna delete it so okay i'm just gonna put this and then i'm gonna put save is the main page remember animation videos okay save the next save and next remember guys you don't need here just code no access page save then here save and next save and next that's it congratulations guys if you made it through this step congratulations we're one inch about to get done okay beautiful so now that we have this i'm gonna show you so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna post the video for a bit hello back guys so here as i'm as i told you i'm on another guy's website so let's say we want to now we want to connect our prices the products that we built with our that button the packages right so we click here edit style remember let me put my this here okay guys you go to link right you click on pop a product checkout okay okay let's say it's none okay i'm just gonna give you one example and just let's suppose this one is the 300 the 200 one the bronze so now to connect it with the pricing because again if we don't do that even if you click on the website it's void even if you click on the button it won't give you anything this is just the front end now we're gonna connect it with that products that we just created right now the product pricing so you click on a pop a products checkout okay then you click here on animation videos right then let's say as i told you let's say 300 then you click on animation videos then we click on here and then remember it's which price is price point one that's the 300 that's the basic one that's what we call the silver package so you click on price point one and just it's up to you whether you want to put use the default checkout you can preview it but i would highly advise to go for an overlay pop-up checkout form you can review it that's like this one check it out hopefully it's gonna work yeah that's this one just like this okay did you see it there you go so what we're gonna do we're gonna use an overlay pop-up checkout form then a traditional checkout and then you apply you click on apply okay but i won't do it so because again that's my client website and yeah i just showed you now how you can connect your pricing so let me pause it and come back to you hello again guys so here i'm back to my account my demo account so i'm gonna show you uh how you can now connect your domain let's see we're done my pages we have to we have to publish our page okay no first and foremost i'm sorry we have to go to custom domains remember guys i told you that we're gonna go to custom domains and just uh connect our home page with our website so now i'm gonna just edit the domain which has already being connected okay now we go to carter pages no sites in particular then it gonna give us all of the pages that we created okay here is not showing us the the main page the home page because we didn't publish it so let's publish it first my pages we need to i'm gonna click on the three dots in here yeah then edit you have to go through the edit button and then get to the page before you can publish the page now it's basically loading the page builder for us uh which this it's taking a bit of time so thank you for your utmost patience get away okay guys i'll i'll get back to you once the page is uh opened guys so as promised uh here is the page finally opened up and now what we're gonna do basically we reviewed everything like you have everything needed to create a working job servicing website so here we click on these green button races actions but click on the arrow not actions arrow right and then we click on publish live we want to publish it live now let's say you put all your texts the reviews again guys by the way i didn't say it i forgot to mention it for the reviews you can simply go to your seller seller and just pick those right you can pick those uh those reviews in here those reviews in here and yeah and just put it over there they're just legit again you're not lying those reviews are from your seller uh yeah just copy paste them and of course just make sure you be smart about it don't just put seller is amazing to work with put your company instead of sellers so for example let's say we're talking about animations uh pronoun pronoun animation they say pronoun animations is amazing to work with uh and then or you can say um or for example here let's say okay uh one of the best so whenever they see seller you can replace it with the team or whenever you know just know how you need to read those reviews just to make sure you know they don't say something which doesn't relate to your business just make sure it's all about you because otherwise it's gonna sound unprofessional to put the reviews about somebody else's name while you are selling the services that's that that makes no sense okay this being said i'm moving here the publish page is done right we're gonna close it now we're gonna close it we're gonna go and we're gonna go in a new tab i'd prefer to do which in a new job here i'm gonna connect the domain name right i hope you guys enjoying it so we're almost done i promise you i know it's been long but trust me i don't want to be like 99 of those guys are just putting a tutorial half baked for you we have to figure out soften your own something that i did struggle with so i'm just giving it to you all on a silver platter you just have to apply of course i can't come up with the text for you or for or with or with the images you have to do it on your own you have to do a little bit of work on your own nothing comes easy but you don't have to go and search here and there i i promise you like this is the best i could give and by the way i'm the best seller on fiverr helping people with the drop service and businesses and i even have like recently a client reached reaching out to me i have a meeting with him tonight normally it's been 30 minutes that i'm late but no worries he's from california he's been successful with his very first job service in business and now he's just so determined that i love his energy and his detriment determination he want to leave his nine-to-five job now he's working 10 to 12 hours uh i believe many of you could relate i was like that as well a long time ago uh yeah now he's starting his second business because he's putting putting his seats but now he's being smart about it just with the new approach because he got a great experience he learned a lot along the way so that that makes me happy really just to see that i contribute to to changing some some lives of course of those people want to change their lives i cannot change anybody so i just kind of equip people if you want in some way with what i learned myself and then if if they're determined if they have the proper mindset then there's no doubt that they will make it some people they try it out this whole business thing this whole job servicing for one one week two weeks and they say it's not it's not working you know how do you want to succeed in anything if you if you think like this um okay coming back to what we were talking about okay you click here on custom domains i clicked here and then i go to custom domains then we click on edit domain edit domain then here you click on cartra pages no site in particular and we're gonna connect it to our professional animation videos that's the title of our homepage so whenever people are gonna go to our website whatever your website is they're gonna land on you our homepage they don't we don't want them to let on to our thank you page or our you know just success base that makes no sense okay we don't even want them to know these pages up until they order with us okay great the error 404 error page as well oh gosh okay i'm gonna take this here okay we need the external the cartridge pages as well i've been talking for two over two hours so that's why my voice is doing like that as i told it's my very first youtube youtube video so i hope you're enjoying it and thank you for making uh making me you know just getting to get into that beautiful experience of sharing with you what i know okay uh then you do the exact same thing in here then next of course you can do the favicon guys and i would highly advise you to do it please do it next okay close now we're almost done so now we go back to my pages right okay edit edit i'm going to show you why i did this i came back to these pages now because i want to edit them at the end we want to edit the links we don't want them to say dot that's not clean that's not professional so we want it we want to name your pages with your domain name so that's the last step to creating your job servicing website uh oh i got it okay beautiful so guys we're here now we are on our page okay we're gonna click remember we won't change anything just we already did everything needed you know just to build that website now we're just gonna click again here and then we're going to publish live so that we can change the link towards more towards our domain name link so just wait one second you're going to see what i'm talking about beautiful so here we have the get the page link right click on it then when you come here you click on that pencil then you click on that arrow okay let me uh one second i just zoomed out just to show you okay when you click here you're gonna get this your website because we just finished connecting it just right now okay you click on and then here i would suggest that you do home or home page it's up to you or you can name it whatever you want it's up to you then you click here on save url click that's it it's done that's it it's done home page close now we're gonna close this we're gonna come back to we still need we have two pages left to edit my pages okay here you click on the three dots okay this is the thank you okay edit edit those are pages we already worked on before so don't worry about that thank you for your patience beautiful people thank you so much um you know i have no control over it again so here guys you want us this we publish live again again there's there's no issue with just republishing it again because we have to go through that step we have to click on publish page so that we can be able to change uh the link so again here what you do you remember guys we don't want to have these kind of links that makes no sense so we need to have our own website you click here edit url remember then you click on the arrow and then you click on your website whatever it is and then for example this is the thank you page that's how i i i always i always name it i name it thank you thank you okay and that's the one that you put on on paypal if you remember so close that's the that's the page where your client is being redirected to automatically right after she or he places the order remember guys huh awesome now it's published live car try again we go for the last one the last page remember which one this is this one the [Music] success page success page is the one that comes out right after that client uh fills out the form that you give them to fill out we go again to pages right you click on the three dots in here you click on edit by by repetition i uh i think that many of you guys would have just got the process now i've learned it by heart so that makes me happy now you can teach it as well and hopefully can teach it better than than i did edit um so awesome you see this is the thank you page if you remember then you click again here and publish live repetition repetition repetition now i believe you're set to go to build a drop service in websites then you click on get the page link and then you click here and then you click here boom pernell website and then this one i call it success and then you click on that green save url icon boom that's it close now close it kartra you have it all let me show you again you remember okay so now what look at this we have three pages you remember this one this is the home page that corresponds with this home page where we have the packages when people buy they get led to this page which is the thank you page that we created which includes that forum right here's the thank you page with which we included that form we created in here there you go just want that everything be very clear for you so here is the form that we included inside this is the this is the form that we we created before we create that thank you page because again we we had to include that form inside the thank you page so that's why the thank you base comes out right after the form is is created remember this one that corresponds with that one and then we have the success page which is the last page of the funnel where or the process where your client is being led to right after they send out their requirements that they fell down okay here that's this one great now i want to show you how it's going to work okay remember guys this is the website there you go you see this there's the title that we used remember this is the page let me oh 110 no 100 that's what we need got it guys you did this i didn't so yeah just takes time just six times don't worry about that just takes time okay that's it by the way i'm gonna show you something yeah real quick before we move on so here whenever i select the plan normally it will it will give me a a um you know way to pay but i didn't on this website because as i told you i didn't i didn't connect any paypal account it should be working so i'm gonna show you how it works normally okay let me boom so normally anyway i showed you how you can connect the select plan on my clients website i just don't want to show my clients website for privacy purposes uh so now right after you select that one it's gonna give you another it's gonna give you a pop-up in here saying the price which generally corresponds with that one that we created inside the products page and then you have to move on with paypal as long as we just connected integrated paypal however if you do stripe then people are gonna have to choose whether the credit card or paypal to pay via paper but pay via paypal doesn't mean that you cannot pay with your debit card you can it says that you do it via paypal okay awesome guys that's it you see look look at this remember when we click on this it has to scroll down to testimonials okay or let me see i'm gonna click on it you go straight away to testimonials that's it look at this get started no i didn't do it on this okay here remember i connected get started in here but you do it you do it with all of those you do it with the appropriate sections corresponding sections i would say it's better so get started should be taking me to the pricing uh section okay i'm gonna click look at this that's it no not my face okay the pricing okay beautiful then people can check the pricing okay if they want uh yeah that's it uh by the way i didn't i didn't notice that yeah if you can you can put if you want you can you can put your contacts information i'm gonna show you something real quick and i'm gonna show you how you can put your contact information just so that i don't miss i don't miss the the little details that are quite important you need an email address to put over there again a professional one just because you want people to contact you some people want wouldn't want you know just to go and proceed with in an order without having to talk to you they just need that little push you know that little nudge where someone where they can feel secure and safe about that person with whom they're gonna be dealing with okay um we're almost yeah we're going almost three hours guys thank you so much for bearing with me and for making that first experience of mine such a memorable one i mean i never thought that i would one day you know just put a video and just helping people out just showing them hopefully this video gets to be shared and contributes to teaching amount of people on how to get a job servicing website hopefully without having to get any course any single paid course you know just to get to learn this but please please please please guys i would highly appreciate your your support and just don't forget to like share and subscribe and activate that notification button so that you can receive a notification whenever any video is just out on youtube uh okay back to work now we're almost done that's it we're done so i'm just going to show you a little a little something here just move down to the bottom because again as i told you before you need to include your contact information in the text okay input email or contact us i'm sorry contact us on contacts at or deport at my example right here you put your domain name as i told you you got it from the from godaddy or from whatever platform you want if you get it from godaddy it's like 30 dollars i'm not affiliated with them in any way so just uh it's just my preferred way of going about it contact us on then you put your email you can put it in another color i showed you guys how to do it i showed you how to make it bold how to pick the color whatever you wanted this okay but it doesn't it doesn't look beautiful so i'm just i'm just showing you how to change the color i showed you how to link a page showed you how to put your image i showed you how to change from a video how to change the format to another uh what else okay so the last one being is this you see here it's a little bit there's not much much space so that doesn't look beautiful so what i'm gonna do check this out you don't wanna select okay you wanna select yeah you want to select this edit style edit sign don't click on the t edit style you click on this you see here you see here that says we're gonna play on the gap we're gonna play on a margin we're gonna here if we go right it means that we're gonna put a greater margin between this this text and that button bottom part of of this of you know that that that one look at this check this out okay let's put it let's put 35 you see look at this how it changes i'm gonna bring it back to zero back let's say we're gonna just do 25 okay how does that look better right that does look better same thing we can do it here just don't click here here is to change the text to change this but here is just to play on the spacing here i'm just okay you can do it with the upper part but here we just the upper part is looking good so we just gonna go to the lower part 25 just keep it consistent up nope 20. that's it so you do this with this as well i just don't want to go so that's all i wanted to show you and that's it don't forget save uh save progress and then publish live or just publish live directly i'm just gonna do publish live directly that's it okay let's see so okay guys again if i click here i'm gonna see my my link close but here if you can see if i go so i'm just gonna go here just to show you so normally when i'm going on the actual normal page when i'm gonna click here i'm gonna pay i'm gonna be redirected to this page if the payment is successful of course i'm gonna go into thank you page remember it that's that's something that we don't want our client to know until they place their order one they go once they pay they're gonna go to this page then here is automatic because i have my computer remembers my name they remember my email address that's why they do it automatically if they don't normally it's gonna be like first name and email so i have to type them out type them in yeah okay here you seen okay this this and you put whatever you want it's the script be either paste it roll or they just go to contact and they go to email and they just just send you the word document whatever where the script is okay then they're gonna submit okay i'm just gonna give you just uh let's test it's gonna be test okay test test okay guys submit i'm gonna submit it just like a client would do submit look what happens it's gonna change to success right that's what we did then it's gonna take us to this page when it take us to this page right when it takes us to this page then we can shut it down by the way when you do this you're going to get an email from cartridge they say saying a lead has filled out an opt-in form then what you do that's it you can see we have a clean uh a link it's not like the that doesn't sound professional so now we're gonna just close this guys if you made it so far congratulations really congratulations because again not everybody is gonna be able just to make it up to the end of the video so you're part of the 10 or the 5 i want to congratulate you great job now it's all about testing ideas and getting clients so i'm going to show you a little bit of how we can get clients as well so but just bear with me it's going to be very quick that's not the subject of this video but bear with me 10 15 minutes max now we're done with the website so now once we get a an order so here i just simulated an order on purpose we go you're gonna go to kartra remember you're gonna go to kartra right i don't want to leave anything uh you know untouched so just want to show you every single part that you need to be aware of just to make a website you can even create now a job servicing website for someone you know and just get paid for it just by the way i'm the best seller on fiverr just don't forget it so if i'm giving you this i'm not giving it's not it's not from someone who just don't know what he's talking about i've been i've been experimenting again with my clients as well they've been helping me you know just to refine my techniques over time but again if you want if you want more information you can come to my fiverr account you're welcome uh it's just again my favorite accounts that's going to help you with the just refining your website better design etc etc but what i'm giving you here is just the basics that still works uh my so here you go to by the way where is it okay so yeah once you get an order once you get that email that a new lead has opted opted in what you do you go to my memberships okay no i'm sorry you go okay let me change you go to my communications my bad guys it's uh it's been almost three hours so i'm uh my brain is getting dried out so okay there you go you see you're gonna see the lead that you have you create on it that's that's a client you can you cre you you click on it now the reason you need to click on it because you need to pick up the requirements you need to pick what they filled in okay normally here you're gonna see the customer value how much they paid you and then you can see their username boom where they're from et cetera et cetera that's not our business but then here you can see the script that's the script that i typed in right remember that's the one that i typed in that's the only requirement besides the email address and the name the name and email address i have them over here first name email here is the custom fields that the test test says i just put whatever you know just just to to show that it's working then what you do you just copy this right you copy it you come back to our seller on fiverr you make the order you continue and then when you continue you're gonna get as well you're gonna get redirected to a thank you page just like with it and then you just paste what you copied here and that's it you just have now to wait seven days before the seller just sends you out the video and again you don't approve it that's my advice don't approve it right away just take it then send it so what you do you send it to your customer and when you send it to him if he likes it of course then you just close the order on your fiverr account otherwise if you ask for revisions if your client asks for your visions come back to your fiverr seller and ask for revisions as well again this guy is offering unlimited revisions and he's prone to response you could see you could see everything uh with your own eyes that's happening live guys uh and again i just forgot to mention a little thing if it says for example here seven days delivery i would rather just add one day or two of day safety days just in case he's sick you don't know what could happen but at least like one of two days of safety that's it that's all you need guys to make it happen now you have the website of course the website is not bring you money what's gonna bring you money is your ability to bring on people where are you gonna find leads how you're gonna contact them that's that's that's a different story so now you have the website now you can even make money creating websites by the way if when i visit my my uh my gig that's this one let me show you my gig if oh okay drop service let me show you that okay so you can see these guys they're five stars that 18 the three again they do it for that price i 50 you don't have i have 40 and 5 star review uh i remember i was the second guy on oliver fiverr to to make a drop servicing gig back in the time when very few people knew about it let's tell very few people know about it so i want to congratulate you for just being alert to the new trend and of course you get up you want to work get into it way before it gets crowded and just uh cement your brand okay look i'm just gonna click on it it's not 50 bucks as i told you it's not 50 bucks at all i don't do that 50 bucks doesn't mean that's my website the minimum i charge from i say 350 and the diamond package is 650 so this is without talking about my extras which cost way more than yeah way more than 1500 bucks as an extra on top of this 650 so i'm not here just telling you stuff that again out of the blue guys i'm just giving you stuff that really works and my clients they're having proofs so i'm here just to share what works and i want to spare you like your energy your time and your money so please do me a favor don't go for google ads don't go for pinterest don't go for all that stuff that doesn't work if you want to spend your money go please success and if that does work for you please come back to me and let me know however what i would tell you to do is just to pay attention to linkedin linkedin is where you have decision makers people who have money and still you can target well people who are decision makers and now that we talked about this when you receive your uh when you receive your uh your order as i told you you just send it to your emails email address that's the one we have in here last thing now that you have your website you have every single thing all set what you're gonna do i want you to click on the link below in my link just i'm gonna show you now how you can get clients okay bear with me one second hello guys i'm here again back so i'm gonna just show you real quick how you can get leads without having to go to spend your money on ads which are anyway not gonna bring you any return on revenue please just just pay your time and spare your money you need it so here you can get in here uh the software costs uh 47 a month and with the seven days trial you can just try it out if you like it keep it if you don't like it just cancel it you won't waste anything so just please make sure you sign up right down below on the description using my link using that software micromagic and uh yeah i would highly appreciate it guys many leads okay you're here you click on manually so i'm just gonna show you these software this platform has tons of things that you can do however i'm just gonna show you like how to get leads okay so let's say you know you know whatever industry needs video images you just focus on one industry i would highly advise first that you don't just keep jumping on from one industry to the other or from yeah just because again you want to have like one single email or message and just change the name just tweak the name and just keep it sending the same thing and of course you can test with two or three messages or emails but you don't want to go from one industry to the other otherwise you're just gonna get it's gonna get you confused ways to waste your time so yeah guys by the way you can let me show you let me show you one thing so there you go here we are on many leads you click here right that's how you get a prospect that's exactly the word you click on create a new your new campaign okay you create a campaign you call it whatever you need let's say uh we're looking for i'm just saying let's say you making in our case we're gonna make videos for really you know real estate companies real estate companies real estate promo video right so the keyword will be real right okay there you go we have suggestions now that's new they didn't have that right before just a week ago right agent investors okay let's say for real estate agent okay yeah let's do it then we go to location because again those real estate agents they want to sell for their clients homes so they need videos so if we could offer them a video that would that would make you know that would help them sell their homes in in in a short time then rather than them just going and just talking about it so the location you can pick on los angeles let's say okay los angeles is the example there's going to be los angeles okay so then you click on show leads oh did i do it loss there you go los angeles also los angeles you see that beautiful click on show leads there you go now look at this beauty look at this diamond look at this treasure in here this must be cherished i mean look that's gold that's truly gold man i mean look at this you have look you have how many i don't know how many pages we have in here we have 27 pages probably even more 27 multiplied by 100 it means we have 2700 leads just in los angeles just for one tiny industry among like not tiny but just one industry among hundreds so you have hundreds of millions of leads guys you just have to keep messaging them talking to them if you don't want to if you have a little bit of money just hire someone to email them to call them you do the work guys it's all on a silver platter for you just do the work please and trust me there is no way you won't make it period so if you want it so bad man back in the time people didn't have that they had to go and knock on doors now we have everything we need to make it so there is no excuse please just don't complain we're living in wow we're we're truly fortunate i'll keep it this way so guys so let's say you can contact them on their social media i'm just you can you have their email address you have their phone number you have their address them you have their twitter accounts you have the social media so basically what you can do over time it's not just about offering one service you can even scale their services so i'm just gonna give you one example you can even talk to these people and just do some social media management for them or manage their ads for them because again you have access to those and if they're not again if they're not accessible on the email you can follow up with the facebook you can go on their instagram as i told you just get their attention and it's impossible that you don't get clients working this way you can even then offer them the facebook pixel if you want there you go many people don't have a facebook pixel so they they can't uh retarget uh people who have already visited their website they have no idea about it so you come up with a solution for them and just help them out so guys there's a lot of things to do uh so basically this software is gold for 47 bucks and if you want to get more leads it's going to be like 97 or something like that but that's still nothing next to what you could bring you just one client can reimburse you know can cover the cost of this software point you know on average like four times or five times more yeah yeah there you go you have it once you have that that's it just please click on the link in uh right under in my description just to get signed up with this software that would highly uh mean a lot to me because again i'm gonna feed it with this software as well and again it's not just i'm an affiliate that's it it's not that i recommend it just because i recommend it guys where there is value there is value if not there is you know there is no way for me to say to tell you that i would just tell you just to go and spend your money on ads i don't want that for you i was i spent my money on ads i've seen i got courses who have told me to put you know to put my money on ads and i at that time i lost a lot because i trusted them but i'm telling it's not working i'm looking at you it's not working so please just go with the software stick to it and go organic about it once you make a little bit of money then hire people they can do the work for you that's when you're gonna scale to the next level now you get it all guys this is my very first video again i never thought once in my life that i would make such a long video like this hopefully i wish that many of you would find success from their job servicing website by offering their services i hope i could bring value to you guys and again please uh just get back to me in the comments tell me how it goes for you tell me what results did you have if you have any questions you're very welcome and please please please this is my first video i would love i mean if you could just like share and subscribe to my channel and then don't forget the notification button that bell over there where you can receive notifications on your account whenever i put on new content for you thank you so much guys and please don't forget to sign up using my links for cartra and for marketer magic guys thank you so much i highly uh appreciate you taking the time to watch my video and hopefully again it's going to make you more prosperous in the future have a wonderful day and see you very soon bye take care
Channel: Yassine Harouchi
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Id: q2jrSRL_w0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 42sec (11262 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.