BEST way to catch pike (Dead bait)

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[Music] today I want to share with you the story of how a terrible fishing trip transformed into an amazing experience we are fishing for carp in December with cold temperatures the conditions for underwater filming were rough it was cold there wasn't much daylight and the carb showed no interest in De baate just when we almost had given up hope we repeatedly saw a large Pike Swimming by while studying the underwater content we even found a second Pike hiding in the [Music] branches perhaps this was the perfect moment to study the behavior of Pikes in Winter for this we used the head of a mackerel attached to a treble hook in combination with a fixed lead system after reviewing the footage it became immediately clear that this was a terribly poor technique the approach initially thought to be clever turned out to be ineffective there was no reaction from the pike but only some Pur came to take a look these curious fish showed some interest circling around the bait but didn't attempt to actually eat eat debate we decided to adapt this time we wanted to study how the pike would react if we offered a roach on the bottom and at the same time a floating macil it quickly became clear that these different methods of bait presentations made a tremendous difference whereas in the first test with a fish head no pike had appeared in front of the camera for several hours now just within minutes the first Pike showed interest in the bait this immediate response marked a stark contrast to our initial attempts the attention was immediately directed towards the floating bait and after a short observation the pike decided to take a bite without hesitation however the bait was immediately released the pike remained interested and began to observe the bait while it continued to circle around it the bait on the bottom seemed to go unnoticed after a few more passes the pike swam away but not much later a new Pike arrived initially I thought it was the same one but by looking closely to the skills it became clear that it was a different Pike after a brief observation and some blows at the bait the pike made contact for the first time it appears to be more about feeling and testing than actually wanting to consume the [Music] bait [Music] in the background the second Pike suddenly appears the pike showed the exact same reaction as the other Pike did a few moments before this intriguing Behavior prompted us to think in the next test we want to over floating bait again but in smaller Pieces perhaps this will enable the pike to take the bait into its mouth more quickly now both bikes start swimming circles around the bait [Music] again this Behavior indicates interest from both Predators their circling can be seen as cautious yet curious investigation they assess the situation and decide on the best course of action one of the pike resumes blowing against the bait engaging in a tactical assessment while the second one position itself above the first bike as they swim away you can clearly see the difference ins size after some intense staring the bigger Pike makes another attempt to grab the [Music] bait [Music] after a few attempts the pike manage for the first time to properly get the bait in its [Music] mouth however suddenly the bait is expelled likely the pike felt too much resistance from the Le and thus became distrustful of it unfortunately the hook didn't manage to secure itself in the mouth and so the pike was not hooked despite the setback the pike doesn't give up and begins a new attempt the persistent Behavior demonstrate the Pike's determination after another unsuccessful attempt they start to swim in circles again and the same behavior keeps repeating [Music] [Music] itself then something new happens suddenly Le a crayfish decides to join the party and this results in the first interest for the bottom [Music] bait after reviewing the footage it became clear that Contin with floating but smaller bait was necessary by adjusting the bait size the aim is to make it more manageable and tempting for the pike potentially increasing the success rate of captures again within minutes two Pike came to check out the new bait this led to a new intense staring battle between the Pikes and the bait it is noticeable that the Pikes are together again and making physical contact with each other I actually expected Pikes to lead a more solitary lives in [Music] Winter just like what we expected to happen it starts swimming with the bait and kept dragging the lead with him as we zoom in we see that the hook is still outside of the mouth unfortunately this didn't result in a hooked fish but we are getting closer because we have an hour of daylight left we're going to try it again with the same technique this time just one Pike but also within a few minutes [Music] the pike shows a lot of interest in the camera it even starts to blow against it this bike seemed to be more cautious mostly circling around the bait occasionally blowing or staring but unfortunately it's getting darker before anything significant happen on the final day we had one last chance for for Success before we had to leave hopefully we can wrap up this session with a success story we're using the same technique as yesterday and are pretty convinced in a good result the bait is presented for the camera ready for action then suddenly within a few minutes a pike approaches the bait without any hesitation a quick blow and then itcbs the bait and slides it deeper in its mouth while staying on the same spot when the bait is deep enough in its mouth it swims away and gets hooked all right so there we have it I am a carp angler but we like to fish on Predators as well and we CAU this beautiful Pike it is 83 cm and it was in front of the underwater camera the angle wasn't that great but still it was a really good take I have to go into the boat to grab it and actually it's the first time that we tried this technique we have fished quite a few times with de bait but they were only on the bottom but this time we placed something inside of the Dead bait and it was floating like a popup and it worked worked out pretty well to be honest it worked out pretty well doesn't want to go right he likes [Music] us new PB 26.2 kg hell [Music] yeah happy days I'm over the moon
Channel: Underfishing
Views: 63,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pike, crayfish, kreeft, snoek, spawning, pike spawning, karper, snorkelen, snorkling, underwatercamera, catfish, meerval, cat fish, big catfish, grote snoek, snoeken, karpers, paling, eel, perch, baars, stekelbaars, underwater, under water, in the water, carp, zander, big fish, big carp, big pike, big perch, big eel, carp underwater, pike underwater, underwater video, carp video, pike video, fresh water, feeding, feeding carp, eating, eating carp, carp eating, carp feeding
Id: 5H1fy1JefjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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