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[Music] throughout my life the ten rings gave our family power if you wanted them to be yours one day you have to show me you are strong enough to carry them you are a product of all who came before you the legacy of your family you are your mother and whether you like it or not you are also your father i told my men they wouldn't be able to kill you if they tried glad i was right he's just a criminal who murders people be careful how you speak to me i thought i could change my name start a new life but i could never escape his shadow my son you can't run from your past [Applause] is this what you wanted you got this thank you yeah peace i love peace i'd be out of a job with peace do we know each other time [Music] reality reality it's changeable where you want to be that's the question didn't it every universe is different each one [Music] slow down a little bit there's a few people in the room that don't understand not me i i get it who are you the name's captain carter [Music] i am the watcher i observe all that transpires here but i do not cannot will not interfere i guess i have to freestyle then hey we have you out there a ravager never flies solo i said never flies solo is that some kind of catchphrase you had me worried for a second journey to face the unknown and ponder the question we have watched unguided we have helped them progress [Music] unseen them accomplish wonders throughout the years we have never interfered until now [Applause] [Music] thank you for this oh you're welcome so now that captain rogers and iron man are both gone who do you think's gonna lead the avengers i could lead them if there's an answer to your disease you'll find it i have a rare blood disease and i'm running out of time i want to see you get hurt more than you already have that's not exactly legal you're up to something what is it this would be a cure until the remedy is worse than the disease at what cost i'm feeling more alive than ever increased strength and speed the ability to use echolocation it's an overpowering urge to consume blood i got tired of doing the whole good guy thing man what's up doc mould use what's happening [Applause] why is it so dark probably would have been a good idea to have like one light [Music] [Music] don't get too excited miguel it's just a prototype not exciting but you could be the first person to make an autonomous multiverse jump or the last okay so we're just gonna roll the dice on this what do you say pal where do you want to go first let's start at the beginning one last time earth 67. [Music] all right let's do this one last time i love being with people it's the most incredible thing in the world what are you doing oh this is nice that world may change and evolve but the one thing that will never change we're all part of one big family that man next to you he's your brother that woman over there she's your sister hire further faster baby that's right [Music] we're all part of one universe [Music] that moves ever upward and onward to greater glory [Music] on your left [Applause] avengers a symbol [Music] i've lived a lot of lives [Music] we have unfinished business who's we [Applause] when you love something you fight for it [Music] we're the ones who change everything [Music] [Music] you don't know everything about me i've lived a lot of lives before i was an avenger before i got this family i made mistakes choosing between what the world wants you to be and who you are [Music] we have to go back to where it all started where did you think i was all this time [Music] we have unfinished business my girls are the toughest girls in the world [Music] i'm sorry we had our orders and we played our role it wasn't real it was real to me to me you were everything [Music] seatbelts oh she's such one thing's for sure i'm done running for my past [Music] you
Views: 1,068,618
Rating: 4.571135 out of 5
Keywords: movie, trailer, 2021, Official, movie trailers, new, superhero, superhero movies, superhero movies 2021, movie 2021, movies 2021, best, official, upcoming, upcoming movies, upcoming movies 2021, trailers 2021, movie trailer, Black Widow, Venom 2, Venom Let There Be Carnage, Batman, Loki, Eternals, The Suicide Squad 2, Morbius, The Suicide Squad, Shang Chi, Black Adam, trailer 2021, trailers, movies, iron man 4, shazam 2, snake eyes, avengers 5, new movie trailers 2021, Trailer (Movie)
Id: SbpiifNRZFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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