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oh my goodness Brandon why do I have three TVs in my living room again all set up what's going on qled versus OLED video we got a qled and OLED and then a really big qled here we're going to be showing the people why they would buy an OLED versus a qled so it's we've got a really nice one here just a nice OLED obviously here and then we have the 98 inch TCL here so all these TVs are relatively similar in price so why would you buy one of these we're going to get into that at the end but first we have to differentiate the TVs yeah so tell me I know we've talked about it before but what's the difference between a qled and OLED why do I care okay let's get into that first we have to Define what a qled and an OLED are I'm going to do this really quickly because I know it's a little technical but basically a qled or LED TV has light in the back that shines through all the time and then you're trying to stop some of that light with dimming zones and you're changing that light into colors with color filters that is the Q layer or the quantum layer and showing some of the tests at the end will help explain how that works a little bit better but let's talk about the OLED now OLED is organic light emitting diode and it's a newer technology for TVs in general and an OLED consists of millions of pixels that can all be lit up or changed to a certain color or be completely off allowing for it to have perfect contrast where you can have pixels that are on and off right next to each other creating perfect contrast now because the OLED has that pixel level control their panels are typically thinner at least at the top of the screens however they sort of have that lower back side area that sticks out a little bit and you know we can all have respect for that but if you're going to put one of these OLED TVs on the wall it's not just that that thin piece at the top is what you're going to see you will still see the entire thickness of the TV so it's kind of a trade-off it looks cool on a stand sometimes hanging it you kind of defeat the purpose of having that thin screen because it has that area and a couple of the newer OLED TVs like the LG G3 you know that looks really cool when it's on the wall because it is about three quarters of an inch thick so awesome looking TV on the other hand qled TVs are generally thicker overall because they have that backlight system that needs depth to shine through this screen many LED qleds are even thinner because they have smaller lights in the back but they still have that minimum three-quarter inch depth however the entire TV can be that depth now so if you look at one of these really nice qleds like the Samsung qn 95c here you could hang this on the wall and it's very flat actually flatter than most OLED TVs would look on the wall except for maybe that G3 I was talking about so besides how the panels are built these TVs also look a little differently because of where speaker placements are and HDMI ports are on the TVs themselves so talking about speakers qled TVs typically have speakers on the bottom and on the sides a little bit more depth allows you to have smaller speakers around the edges now OLED TVs sometimes also have speakers on the bottom They are thicker at the bottom as we talked about but a lot of the new OLED TVs also have speakers that vibrate the panel and come out from the screen which is a really cool option and I just don't think that's something you're going to be able to get on a qled type TV and then with regards to the connectivity I mean a qled or an OLED TV can have all kinds of great features they normally both have the e-arc port that you can send sound out to your sound bar depending on if you have a soundbar that's made by the same company as your TV they can work with the TV and give you operating system information on the screen and then gaming features also are something that both kinds of TVs have you can have 4K at 120 you can have 144hz panels you can have vrr and all the other things like the game bar and stuff so I don't think there's necessarily an advantage when it comes to connectivity for one kind of technology versus the other the same thing goes for operating systems too I mean Samsung has both oleds and qleds now so you get that tizen operating system the same on an OLED and a q-lit same thing for LG they sell LED type TVs and they sell oleds so that web OS is available on both and the same for Sony they have the Google operating system on both LED and their OLED lineup so now I want to get into a couple of things that differentiate these two TVs from the visual perspective and the first thing that you should notice is that typically qled TVs can get a lot brighter at least in full screen so you can see here when we're watching sports that if you're sitting in front of the smaller cue light on the left there it's far brighter than the OLED now that is about the brightest keyword we've ever seen the qn 95c from Samsung and this LG C3 on the right is not the brightest OLED ever and I'll get into that in a bit how the OLED TVs are getting even brighter but you can just see in a general matchup right here there will be a brightness advantage to having that qled TV however that doesn't mean that that brightness difference will always be there and when you're watching something that's similar brightness if you know it's not a full white screen then you'll notice that the OLED has much better contrast so you'll see perfect blacks and things will look not quite as black on a qled TV so anyone that sort of knows this will say that the OLED has the advantage with the black level and it's typically bright enough but a qled will be extremely bright and maybe suffers a little bit from having raised black levels or you'll just see some blooming which we'll talk about in a second and of course that's a really good culet as I talked about now to the right we have the 98 inch TCL that I have the r754 which I'm a big fan of and I'm going to talk in the buying advice about why I might think you'd get that but it does not have the same black levels of either of these TVs on the left and you can see off angle it's harder to see the colors in general same goes for that qn at 95c when you get in an angle typically the OLED TVs will look better and specifically the Cutie oleds look even better from an angle but this TCL is not the mini LED version they are coming out with that later on this year I'm very excited for that and I think at 100 inch with mini LED that could be a big seller because you know the corresponding OLED TV is 25 000 in that size so huge price difference again talk more about that in a second and when watching these kind of sports and news and cable stuff that's upscaled from whatever 1080 or 720 all the way up to 4K here I typically feel like OLED TVs are a little bit more crisp or they upscale better whereas qled TV sometimes to me they look a little softer so if you're watching the lower bandwidth content I typically think that the oleds look better however the motion of the TVs is a little different just the way that qled TVs work they have a little natural motion interpolation where you just see things a little bit more smoothly where OLED that response rate on an OLED is so fast that sometimes shows or even movies have a little bit more of a herky-jerky feeling to them and sometimes I need to add a little bit of motion interpolation that's sort of something that you know every individual can look at for themselves and that can come into play when gaming because a lot of Gamers will like a very responsive TV so that you can move and whatever you're seeing in your game is exactly what you're seeing on screen and it's really tough for a qled to be as responsive as an OLED TV that has like an instant response rate now again both of them have the same refresh rate 4K at 120 and typically gaming looks awesome on both of them but a qled will have a little bit more ghosting normally but that's gaming most people that watch these TVs are probably watching news and sports and even if they're watching movies on these channels on Cable it's in SDR which doesn't have the most dynamic range to the color and brightness and all that but where these TVs really shine and you really can see some differences is with the HDR movies when you're watching them on DVD or if you're watching them off some of the streaming services that offer HDR so the main principles of the two TV so sort of remain when watching HDR movies you know the qled will be brighter full screen and it can get really bright whereas the OLED TV will have brighter highlights and you'll notice some spectacular highlights on the TV but that doesn't mean the qled doesn't have them as well it's just that it has all the light in the back and you're trying to stop some of that in order to make this look good and with brighter highlights and even darker areas on the screen because of that dynamic range it's just very challenging on a qled to compete with all the different things that HDR has to offer again this qn 95c from Samsung a mini LED probably one of the best I've ever seen is doing a great job at comparing to this OLED TV and again this isn't the brightest OLED TV that there is so if this was something like the LG G3 or one of the QD oleds like the even the one from Samsung the s95c you might even see a bigger difference in just how bright the highlights are on the OLED whereas the general picture can get brighter in a brighter scene on the qled TV so you may may be unsure which is better do you want that really bright cue lead maybe it doesn't have the perfect highlights or the perfect you know black levels or do you want a less bright OLED that still has spectacular highlights well that kind of comes down to what sort of room you're going to be in and if you're talking about rooms you're talking about what things you have in the rooms like what kind of ambient light is coming in so for example we have this light set up now that would kind of represent a large window that's directly onto your screen and obviously nobody really wants that or you could probably shut that light off with some curtains but if you have a situation like this or if your room's just bright in general you can see that the qled handles that reflectivity a little bit better both because of the anti-reflective coating on the screen but because it's also brighter full screen so if you're watching a lot of news or Sports things that are brighter typically then you'll benefit from having that qled but this OLED TV isn't terrible at handling the reflection it does knock it down quite well it's just that the TV isn't as bright full screen so then you also notice it a bit more if you're in a theater room then this problem really doesn't matter you know you aren't going to have lights that bother you so then the brightness level is also not that important because your eyes in a dark room will adjust to the OLED TV and then those highlights will look even more spectacular but then that brings me to the next test which is the ability to control the light because there's a huge difference from that perspective so this is a dimming test where you can see you know these white circles moving against a black background and you know that's going to look pretty much perfect on an OLED TV because every pixel is lit individually but that's not the case with these qled TVs you're going to have you know areas called dimming zones shutting down the light in some areas letting it through in the others and the quality of your qled TV or your LED TV is somewhat based on how well it performs in this test if you have a high-end Samsung or high-end Sony or even these other brands TCL and Hisense that are their top models those mini LED TVs do a pretty good job with that having a lot of dimming zones the less expensive LED TVs don't do as well in this test or or sometimes they don't even have the dimming zones so you'll just see more gray versus white instead of black versus white and off angle that blooming can get worse so if you're sitting in a wide viewing area you may notice it even more and that just goes for the general picture quality as well sometimes it can be harder to see qled TVs from an angle the picture falls off a little bit more and it doesn't do that quite as bad as an OLED TV so that's just another test to differentiate between these two types of Technology knowing that you're never going to have this sort of issue with an OLED TV and you're going to have infinite contrast and that is something the qled TVs or LED TVs are always trying to achieve but can't quite perfect and then last but not least we have this dirty screen effect test that shows us the screen uniformity which is something that varies from panel to panel but in general since I've been reviewing TVs I have noticed that led or qled TVs specifically the VA panels and ones that have the really good anti-reflective coating don't have the best screen uniformity so you'll notice little dark areas behind a hockey player and this kind of stuff shows up when you're watching bright Sports if you're watching you know hockey or soccer or if you're gaming you'll notice that cloudy area if your TV has it OLED TVs aren't always perfect but typically they're better and in this case you know you can tell that this LG C3 definitely looks better than the Samsung qn 95c and even the TCL TV we have to a degree so you know oh let's look a little better the QD oleds are probably what looked best with regards to this test and then you know the new IPS or ads panels that are on some of these mid-level LED TVs you know they do look a little bit better but you know they're sacrificing other features in the middle range of LED TVs now there is one issue with OLED panels and that's like the elephant in the room which is burn-in will an OLED TV get burn in over time now my philosophy has always been I would rather take an awesome TV now that looks fantastic and if five or ten years down the road it had some burning that would be better for a five-year situation than buying a lesser TV now that I just don't like the look of because I think that one will be safe and I had a friend where we went to his house and he had what looked to be burn-in of A Sort over his LG C7 TV he had it over a fireplace but he never used the fireplace so we really don't know what that burden was specifically but I replaced it he was a little bit unhappy that in four or five years his TV had that issue but in general I'm not really concerned about burning on these TVs like I said I'd rather just have an awesome looking TV but it is something to think about and I know people will comment about this in the comments so now we get to the most important part which is buying advice what actual TV should you buy now a lot does depend on the size of your room the conditions as we talked about and if those conditions are that you have a really bright room then maybe a qled would just be better like we talked about earlier if the room is a dark room or if you have a home theater an OLED might be better in general because you don't have those lights to reflect and you know you want to get the super bright highlights that an OLED provide but if you ask me what I would buy typically it's an OLED TV One is because I review TV so the cost isn't as important if I'm reviewing them I get a little bit more benefit out of them but if I'm going to buy one TV it's probably going to be an OLED TV and I would just shut the curtains if it's too bright and I would probably pick one like the LG G3 that is extremely bright so bright that it can compete with some of these mini LED TVs on the highest end being over 1500 nits while at the same time being able to have spectacular highlights awesome movie TV awesome gaming TV looks really cool and clean on the wall and really there isn't much downside so that's like the best TV I can think of that I've reviewed to date I also think that the Sony a95l when it comes out will be another TV that I will really like however both of those TVs at their best are only 77 inches if you go up to 83 inch they don't have all of the same features aren't quite as bright and a lot of people ask me then when I get an 83 inch OLED versus possibly a qled that's 85 inches and then it comes down to the price because now you're talking about a TV of similar sizes but a lot of these OLED TVs are twice the cost of something like the Samsung qn 90b from last year that's only 22.99 at the time of recording this video whereas the LG C Series OLED that we have here is up over four or five thousand dollars depending on which model you get so I really like the C2 of last year because that TV is basically the same as a C3 while it's definitely less expensive but still not nearly as inexpensive as this qled the top qled in the Samsung qn 90b from last year I thought it was a great TV and for most people it's probably going to still be better than they ever expected and you know you'd have to start getting into the lower price LEDs in order to kind of buy something that's in a budget that you can afford because there's really no such thing as a cheap OLED they all kind of start at a certain price point and so a lot of people are just kind of priced out of it because they don't need all the features they're really not watching these really crisp HDR movies that make a difference so if you're just watching news and sports and all that I think a regular LED TV from a reputable brand that you're comfortable with with a lot of the features we talked about earlier like the local dimming gaming features the operating system that you're comfortable with or even if you have a third-party device maybe you don't even need to worry about that sort of thing so a lot of options down the list as you go down in price for qleds and LED TVs unfortunately oleds just kind of start at a certain price point and then they go up from there and then lastly we go to like the mega size TVs because a lot of people ask me should I get that giant TCL that you have or maybe even one of the ultra short throws where you can get even a bigger screen or just go with an 83 inch OLED and my take is that I really like this TCL r754 I think I'm gonna like the new qm 898 inch TV even better so if I had to pick a giant screen I might go with that qled TV because they don't have anything larger in the oleds unless you're talking about the LG G2 from last year and that's 25 000 so just completely out of budget for me whereas the TCL TVs this one right here is only five thousand dollars right now where a lot of these other ones started out that's how much the LG C3 in the middle costs somewhere in the fifty six hundred dollar range and if you go 85 inch on this Samsung on the left you're still talking about something around five thousand dollars so if you can get something that's minimally 15 inches bigger then I would definitely go with this TCL here great opportunity and if you're still waiting for the rest of the year here you do have one from Sony going to be the X 90l at 98 inch and tcl's qm8 at 98 inch as well so there's two you know somewhat affordable TVs they're like ten thousand dollars to start probably will go down in price a little bit but those could be great options or you're talking about an 85 inch qled which I think would be great for most rooms it's still huge most people don't need something that large 83 inch oleds and as you go down the price differences become a big factor but definitely think about all the other things that we talked about in this video including the testing and what kind of content and all that you watch and those are all the things you need to know about qleds versus oleds easy stuff right Jen oh right I wasn't paying attention but hopefully you were paying attention and if not or if you have any questions go ahead and comment below and let us know what your questions are but if you would like buying advice on which of these TVs is going to be best for you take our quiz the link is below at be the installer.com forward slash quiz you can select from the different content you might watch what room conditions you have size of TVs Brands all that check it out and if you want to see the unboxing of these two awesome TVs you can check out the videos right here and here see you in the next one bye
Channel: B The Installer
Views: 340,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: qled vs oled, oled tv, qled tv, Samsung qled, qn90c, qn95c
Id: EtyrO2MLQRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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