Best Tips & Tricks for Your MacBook You Should Know!

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what's going on y'all tech me out here i recently upgraded to the new macbook pro in one 13 inch all right did i say that right the new m1 13 inch macbook pro i really debated for a while if i was going to move from my 16 inch to this let's just say i'm glad i did i wish i did it sooner actually it is so nice to have the power of this and the size of something that feels like my ipad but i'm not going to go down a rabbit hole right now of how i feel about you know the new m1 macbooks i'll save that for a later video y'all can definitely you know let me know if there's something you want to see down below in the comment section because for this video we're talking about tips and tricks for your mac and this is so this video especially is going to be good for those that are new to mac as well as those that might be a little bit more seasoned you might grab a little gem or two from this as well but um yeah let's get into it uh the first trick or tip rather that i have for you is keyboard shortcuts so this is something that i use a lot especially for things that i commonly type like my email address so i have it set so like if i type in something like partner e and i hit spacebar it'll auto-complete and put my email address i also have like my mailing address as a keyboard shortcut my tsa precheck number as a keyboard shortcut and even for certain words or nicknames that i use a lot there's a lot of different scenarios in which it can be useful for you but if you're interested in creating your own the way you go about doing so is go to your apple logo we're going to go down to system preferences and then we're going to move into the section that says keyboard i got to give me a minute there you go i can find it and once you're in here we're going to move over to text and then to create your own you're just going to hit the plus symbol in the bottom left and you can type in the abbreviation that you want to have and i'm going to have it so that anytime i write that it will replace with tech me out just uh hit return to save that and now when i jump back over here and i type in test and i hit my spacebar key it then changes to tech me out and the thing that i love about this is that it syncs across my apple devices so regardless of which one i'm on i have the same shortcuts on each of them now y'all the feature though that i think i use the absolute most is the shortcut key to search with spotlight and that's by pressing command and the spacebar key at the same time and it'll pull up spotlight and anything that you type in is then going to search the computer for it so this is how i generally will search for apps just about everything and the beautiful thing about it is that you can pull that up from anywhere this is something that i use a lot on my phone and i find myself using it just as much on my computer but before we move on to this next step i just want to say if you've been enjoying the video so far you can feel free to hit that like button down below if you feel inclined too now this next one has definitely spoiled me because it's a way to quickly clean up your desktop and it yeah i think it's pulled me to the point that i've actually forgotten what my desktop looks like without this feature enabled so the way that you can quickly clean up your desktop is to take two fingers on your trackpad click once and then select use stacks so i'ma deselect it so we can see what my desktop oh my god like just the absolute mess but to just quickly clean that up two finger click use stacks and i'm good to go and i say two finger click because that's how you basically right click or how you click to pull up your menu for something that you're selecting but when you pull up that menu you will also see that you can group your stacks in different ways so in my case i like to have mods grouped by the conda file that it is but you can change it up as needed for yourself now just a little bonus tip if i wanted to keep you know all these items visible on my desktop i could take two fingers click once and then select show view options and this is going to allow me to customize the way that the items look on my desktop so i can make the icons bigger i could change the spacing of the items there i could even change the text size and i could even change the position of the text to be to the right of the icon instead of below it and i can turn off the icon preview altogether and you can take two fingers and click and then say clean up by kind and now it's more of a list view of items up here now this next tip is actually a product and it's a product that i have back there that's a little bit hard to see right now but it's one that i recently got in-house has definitely impacted the way that i've been using my macbook and it comes from our sponsor for today's video of vanki they make great accessories but one in particular that i really like is their docking station and that's because when i'm home i like to dock my macbook and kind of convert it into a desktop setup and it's with the help of this docking station right here that helps that setup work that much better so big thank you to them for not only you know getting me set up with one of these but also supporting the channel and like i said earlier it's just basically a really great way to simplify your connections to your computer and it does that by letting you connect multiple peripherals to one device instead of a cluster of cables connected to your macbook this saves me time because then basically when i dock my macbook i just plug my macbook into this docking station and my monitoring everything else that is already set up on my desk is instantly connected to my macbook so i love the fact that i don't have to sit there and plug in each individual thing because i'm good to go as soon as i connect my macbook to this and the thing that i really love with something like this is not only am i able to connect to multiple devices but i'm also able to use this to power my macbook and for all my macbook pro owners out there that have a 16 inch macbook this even has enough power to charge that as it does offer up to 96 watts for laptop charging but in terms of your ports up here because this is vital you definitely want to make sure you got what you need here so basically what we have is one hdmi port one ethernet port two usb a ports on one side two usbc ports and then two more usb-a ports an sd card slot and a headphone jack and when it comes to connecting this to monitors it can support up to two 4k 60 hertz monitors so you can't have that dual display setup but if you have it in one macbook it will only support up to one external display but just overall a really nice clean docking station i think i'll probably end up migrating this to actually be mounted under my desk just a little food for thought for how you can set up yours now for this next one for the life of me i could not figure out how to make my battery percentage show when i switched over to the new m1 macbook i literally thought the option was gone but guess where it was the whole time [Music] under system preferences and dock and menu bar i know that's what i said that's what i said i'm i was just like okay normally i was able to come here click the battery symbol and then you know tell it to show the battery percentage now you have to go to another area within your system preferences to get there we're going to go to the apple logo system preferences and we're going to navigate to dock and menu bar but once you're in here you're going to select show percentage and that way it'll show the battery percentage next to the battery icon in your menu bar now something that i found pretty cool is the fact that you can actually customize your folder icons and it's really simple to do so all you have to do is choose a folder that you want to customize and after you select it we're going to hit command i and then all you have to do is head over into safari and find a picture that you want to use and you can right click it and save it or you can just drag it on top of the little icon here for that folder and it instantly changes so now you can see that my amazon folder icon looks like that but if you want to take it back to the default folder icon all you have to do is hit command i and then click on the image that you customized and hit delete and then it's back to normal now for me when i first discovered this i did change like a lot of my folder icons but i ended up going back to the default icons i don't know for me i think i just discovered that unless it was the same size and look of the you know default folder but just a different color i would often times overlook the folder altogether now another thing that i noticed especially in moving over to big sur because yeah i was running catalina for quite some time up until now one thing i noticed is that i do get a lot of notifications so if you're the type that kind of wants to customize that and get rid of some of them you can do that by simply going to your apple logo system preferences and then navigating to notifications this is going to let you come in and customize how each app sends you a notification so for apps that you want to make sure that you get a notification for and acknowledge i would suggest using alerts because then the notification will not disappear until you hit the x in the corner of it but for other items i would suggest you know putting it on none or banners that way it comes and goes and you don't have to always acknowledge it and you can even disable the badge icon for certain ones if you want so that way when you look down here you won't see things like i do here on reminders that says three which i'm actually going to go ahead and change now because i don't ever want to see badges on reminders but if you happen to miss a notification you can still access it by accessing your widget and the way that you would get to that is to either click on the clock up here in the top right or you can take your fingers and slide in from the right and it'll pull it up that way as well but while we're in here though let's talk about this because just as you have widgets on your phone you have widgets now on your computer and i'm loving this cohesion between my apple devices but in looking here at the widget view you can come down to edit widgets and this is going to let you add widgets for the apps that you have installed on your computer you can come in here and choose which size you want and let's say for instance i want this clock widget and i want a medium one i can just literally drag and drop it where i want it to go rearrange them as i want i haven't played with widgets as much on my computer as i have on my phone but this is something that i do plan on getting more into now if you do want more widgets you can always go to the app store and then just search for widgets and it'll pull up apps that have widgets but i don't think there is currently a widgets category now while we're in the app store i do want to point out something which is another tip you can actually download iphone apps on your computer and by that i mean you know there's certain apps that are only available for your iphone or your ipad like lumafusion are something like in shots so right now i just searched for in shot it's not here under mac apps but if i select iphone and ipad apps i can then see that application press download and run it up here now this doesn't apply for every application that's available on your phone but not your mac so for example spotify it's not available in the mac store and is not available as an iphone and ipad app to download up here either this next tip is known as hot corners and the way this works is that it'll let you navigate to one of the four corners of your screen and perform a quick action so let me just show you actually because i think that'll be best here so if i jump into system preferences and i search for hot corners i have the option to you know go up to the top left and start my screen saver like that or i can go over to the top right corner and set it so that it pulls up launch which is all of my applications and that way as i'm you know working and things like that if i want to quickly get to either my screensaver on my launchpad i can do so by just dragging it up to one of those two corners but you do have some other options in here that you can choose from as well so yeah okay now the next thing you're definitely going to want to make sure that you know how to do is customize your dock so this is where you access your most commonly used applications and you can easily remove items from here by just simply you know long pressing on it and dragging it away or you can take two fingers and click on it hover over options and then choose remove from doc this is also where you would tell an item that isn't currently set to stay in your dock to stay in your dock you can also come over here to the divider and resize your dock and if you right click on it it pulls up your options to do things like turn your magnification on so that when you hover over certain applications they get larger you could also come in here to hide your dock so that way it only appears when you hover over it and i had it like that for a little while but i didn't like the little delay maybe i'll try it again i don't know the delay is only like a second that's just me being impatient this is also where you can come and adjust the position of the dock on screen another feature that i find really useful is the option to enable the path bar and the status bar in finder and that's handy especially as you're getting deeper into the subfolders whereas the status bar is nice to show you how many items you have selected and the amount of storage space that you have and for this last tip is the option to turn off document sharing in icloud and the reason i wanted to bring this up is because this is useful if you're low on storage space but at the same time it's not useful if you want to be able to access all of your files at all times without depending on wi-fi but in order to access this you have to go to your apple logo system preferences and we're going to click on apple id and once you're in here we're going to select options next to icloud drive and then you would just deselect desktop and document folders but i will say for me i like to keep this option selected because i enjoy being able to access my files across all of my devices and i have more scenarios where i need that than scenarios where i probably won't have a wi-fi connection and not be able to access something that might be in the cloud you get me hopefully but yeah that's going to do it for this one y'all i do hope you enjoyed it but if you're in the mood to binge some more content i'm going to throw some videos on screen right now that you can check out but until the next one as always thanks for taking the time out to let me check you out
Channel: TechMe0ut
Views: 101,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HPycrC3v0eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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