Best Tips To Pass An Interview Easily...(r/AskReddit)

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what is your tip for interviews I always made it a point to ask about the environment have them explained the people and work ethic in the office in a sentence or two they'll probably [ __ ] you but you might hear something that either gets you excited or puts you off as the other comments said you're interviewing them as well to find out if you'll be a good fit or not make sure to take full advantage and learn as much as you can about them it'll help you and it'll show you care could you walk me through a typical day at work in this position it shows genuine interest in the position and gives you actual useful information about the role itself edit for those saying they consistently get vague answers if you get through the entire interview process and no one is willing to give you a breakdown of what your duties will be and what is expected of you that's a red flag and you should be hesitant to take that job to an extent emulate some of the interviewers behavior act somewhat casually if they seem casual be formal and professional if they are ATC treat the interviewer as an equal not your superior getting hired is not some kind of privilege they're generously bestowing on you you're making a deal your time for their money in a mutually beneficial relationship finally research the company and the position you'll want to know the salary you should be entitled to as well as be able to answer and ask questions about the company edit spelling because apparently it was really stressing some of you out for the love of God be nice to any admin or reception people you meet because hey you're hopefully not in a shirt B admin people can have a surprising amount of influence in hiring C you might actually be talking to someone much higher in the chain without realizing it on C I read a story on ask her manager about a guy that came in for an interview a woman came out to the reception desk to look for something and tried to make small talk that is hello how are you today the man looked at her and answered disdainfully that he had an interview with the big boys and was too important to even talk to a lowly receptionist as she found what she was looking for and went back into the office the guy then gets called into a conference room for his interview with an apartment manager division head and the female CFO who is the woman he just insulted he did not get the job if you keep the mentality that you're the one interviewing them you'll always win go in with a loose mindset just try to make it a normal conversation with the interviewer that really helps me when introducing yourself try to determine what color eyes the interviewer has basically a way of making sure you've got a contact when the interviewer asks if you have any questions for them the first thing you should ask is what their favorite part about the job is if they hesitate too much to answer the job isn't worth your time have a one two minute speech about yourself memorized include information about your education and other professional experiences directly relatable to the job you are interviewing for generally one of the first questions is tell me about yourself having something prepared gives a good impression and starts the interview off well for tech interviews my biggest advice is to go in with the mindset that people aren't testing you so much as sharing with you their favorite coding puzzles to try a candidate who has a relaxed attitude and seems like they're having fun taking on new challenges will get a lot more slack than somebody who is stress out they say 90% of it is body language I don't know if that's true but if you come in scared and ensure it's not going to help but take the time to relax and come in with a smile and if you can manage it look forward to the conversation you're about to have past that ask questions and learn about the project and people in place you'll be working at or learn that you don't want to work there that's a win to last if you don't know something that's okay don't lie or fake it just admit it and then say how you'd search for the answer or what you do when faced with something you don't know be it ask for support or Google or something you could try whatever especially in IT or any computer related field they're often more interested in someone who can figure out an answer than someone who acts like they have all the answers a good luck treat it like you on a date with someone and act interested in them be friendly and try to make small talk read about the company and use that information have a question about something specific and have an observation about something you liked maybe you liked their green energy initiative or you are wondering about one of their products it lets them brag about their business and shows you care about more than just a paycheck be nice to the receptionist I used to work as a receptionist and my boss would always talk to me about the candidates after interviews having a short confer with the receptionist can really help you get to call back it shows that you will work well with the team and have good people skills dress well you probably won't over dress for an interview as long as it isn't a tux you should be fine obviously aside from all of the helpful character tips people have given if you're applying to a company of almost any sort research their annual report almost all business post annual reports online and are very easy to find they give much better insights to a company's ethos success and future plans all of these are very useful to know and reciprocate in an interview when asked what you know about the company or why you want to work for them they will be impressed that you read it also make sure to ask them plenty of questions at the end Google some good ones this is very important TL DR research the company's annual report then you get the money then you get the women right before you go in tell yourself I'm a badass repeatedly a little extra confidence goes a long way go with the idea that you're there to make their money and not I hope I get this job so I can get paid when they ask you if you've got any questions for them pick something they mentioned early during the interview and ask them for further specifics on it it shows you listened and have or can properly fake genuine interest in the job practice practice practice look up tons of interview questions online and speak your answers aloud numerous times for each question make yourself uncomfortable enough but speak then naturally you'll end up with many common themes that you'll be able to draw on so even if the questions they ask can't exactly what you rehearsed you'll still have plenty of articulately crafted answers to draw from and you'll wow them good luck being at my job for 20 years interview was around lunch when the interviewer asked me if I had any questions I asked if he was hungry cue an hour of honest fun conversation over lunch I also ended the interview by saying that I had already took up enough of his time and had to get back to my girlfriend at the hotel lean back in your chair with your feet on the interviewers desk establishes dominance quickly pretend that you've known the interviewer for a while and that you both share a genuine interest in the job for behavioral questions I started using the star method and it's helped so much I just keep the were dock of different scenarios in my working life that I cam use as examples to answer almost any behavioral interview question while demonstrating that I actually implemented that behavior this is my biggest tip before you leave your previous job preferably periodically while you're working there write down in a notebook what you do in technical fields like mine I keep notes on all the different types of tools since I work worked on and software additions associated with them in that notebook I also keep a list of people I've worked with prior to the interview as in the lobby whatever I'll read through that notebook that way tools I haven't worked on in years are fresh in my mind and also names of people I've worked with it's nice when the interviewer says Bob Jones used to work in that fab in 2008 did you know him or what tool sets have you're worked with what was your issue with some obscure tool that's rarely used anymore you'll be amazed how easy it is to forget some things and a little refresher before the interview is nice I've even brought the notebook out during the interview and that really made the interview go well not sure how it worked with all job interviews there with technical ones note-taking is king never speak in generalities always what you did not what you would do if the question is give me an example of a time when you persuaded someone to buy our products don't say I would discover what they needed instead of give a specific example of when you discovered the needs of the customer and the outcome also don't come and hi when you get to the point where you ask questions ask why your position is available how they answer that question and what they aren't around with can sometimes tell quite a bit about the job the company and the people their research beforehand the qualities they are looking for then pretend you have them don't badmouth your current previous employer if asked what your biggest flaw is tell them you're too honest if they say that honesty isn't a floor tell them that you don't give a hell what they think I hire and fire for a small security company my standards maybe aren't as strict as yours that said please bring a paper copy of your resume with you I dislike printing them all out also please stop coming to job interviews in sandals or tank tops in the winter it's hard to give an interview while I'm sitting there be welded and wondering if I should ask why you've chosen to dress this way do yourself a favor and buy 60 seconds and you're hired by Robin Ryan seriously I have never not gotten the job since reading this book I have some family members who were corporate execs officers and they are the ones who told me about it for reference on its credibility also don't forget the basics and practice smile make eye contact dress professionally bring a copy of your resume CV references send the follow-up thank-you note and be authentic don't sell yourself short edit I'm not robbing run edit no but really don't be afraid to walk or storm out if things get ridiculous just because you are the one competing for a job does not give them license to be rude I've had interviewers brag about how hard they are to work with show off drunk tell bold-faced lies and even try to bait and switch the pay or job title do your research before going in look at what the company doesn't believes in if it's an academic position read some of the papers they've published it shows a serious interest in the position and a passion for the field fine to view them to be my boss first clutch question this seems like a great place to work what is one thing you would change if you were presidency er if you've really got sauce I like it seems like you are very understanding and supportive of your staff can you tell me about a time you realized one of your staff was right and how you reacted and never talked money if they try to pin you down say I am looking forward to receiving your best offer if they say they can't match your salary your response is I am willing to consider the entire compensation package dress for the job you want I cannot stress this enough I immediately dock points whenever someone comes in for an interview in casualwear our job posting clearly states the appropriate dress and there's no excuse for you to not also if a posting says no walkins or calls do not do either they say that for a reason read the SEC 10k filing it has all the CEOs top concerns talk about how you would address each one speak to subject matter experts beforehand don't say like too much it like amazes me how much people like say this so often for serious first two seconds can't get you the job but they can prevent you from doing so polish your shoes press your clothes new haircut etc goes a long way for fun pray they ask you about your weaknesses then pull out a business card with eye over-prepare on it have no only these two on deck [Music] you
Channel: AskSheep
Views: 7,196
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Keywords: reddit addiction, askreddit, reddit funny stories, reddit stories, reddit viral, top reddit posts, askreddit top posts, r/askreddit, reddit tips, reddit tips and tricks, reddit hacks, reddit life hacks, reddit tips to pass and interviews
Id: kp_M3Dy8jDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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