Best Tips for Finding Family in Passenger Lists - Ancestry

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[Music] good morning good morning hey if you have ever struggled with finding passenger lists um using them deciphering them figuring out what they tell you about your family history you're in the right place because that's what we're gonna do today and i'm really excited to um explore immigration passenger lists with you this is elevens is with lisa and i'm lisa louise cook and um we are going to really dig in today in fact i'm going to answer one of my premium members questions about passengerless i'm very fortunate this is a photograph that we have from the ship of my husband's great-grandfather harry cook there on the left and they've hand-written that the captain who was on the right actually passed away on the voyage in 1912. now the cooks harry and his son and wife they traveled first class that's not what happens on my side of the family we're in steerage but no matter where your ancestors spent their time on the ship all of them got recorded on a passenger list and that means there's information for us to find as family historians so um i am armed with my morning tea i don't know what time of day it is for you but um grab your teacup and let's head to um talking about passenger lists seeing what other people are dealing with in terms of their records and uh this was an email that i got from a premium member now at genealogy gems which is my website we have a yearly premium membership and i hear from lots of people get lots of emails and i love answering questions because i know that when you guys write me with your question chances are somebody else has similar questions and of course along the way we're all going to pick up a little something i certainly do every time i put one of these shows together so okay so deborah who huber oh i should have asked you deborah had exactly hoover to say your last name and i think she's in our live chat today as we um go through this she emailed me about her felberg family okay so she shared this wonderful photograph of them otto age 33 is her grandfather and he was born in 1894. marta or martha was age 23 and that's her grandmother born in 1904 and her mother ruth in this um well when she came to america was three she was born right around 1924. i don't have the exact birth dates but i gleaned this from the ages of when they made their voyage and deborah wrote and she says my mother was born in heinrich heinrichshof which is east prussia on stork day and now that's a day and i've heard of stork day even but i had to look it up again it's and she says it's a day celebrating the return of the storks in the spring and welcoming welcoming them to their nests on top of the chimneys how wonderful is that and how appropriate for the birth of a baby so the family in this photograph here in uh heinrich's hoff they sailed on march 25th 1927 from hamburg germany to new york but deborah had a couple of questions about this and um let me see here i need to get to the right i need to get to the right place lisa you need to get to the right place hello there's the photo i'm surprised bill didn't come running in here what are you doing they can't see what you're looking at okay so um anyway this is the wonderful photo of the family and um we are going to try to dig into their passenger list and in fact deborah did some of that and she ran into some questions along the way that i think we're going to be able to answer so there's two kinds of passenger lists to look for for a family like this um we have the passenger list in germany the one that was created in germany and then there's a new york passenger list as well and a lot of times when you first get started in your research you come across those new york passenger lists perhaps but don't realize there's another set over in germany so um the here's where you would go to look to find a passenger list at we go to search okay we're going to click immigration and travel and i'm going to type in his name here otto felberg okay and we could put an approximate here just in case there's multiple autos out there and click search okay we've got some results this is great so i see here hamburg passenger list 1850 to 1934 and 1927 is the departure so that looks like we're in the right place uh also once he got into america back in 1943 he made it crossing to canada but here's our new york passenger list okay so we've got hamburg and we've got new york for 1927 for auto let's go and check for martha okay now we need to change her birth year 1904 now martha has been active but do we have both i see our new york passenger list from 1927 when they first came she she makes a trip in 1850 1958 if this is the same martha um there's a north dakota naturalization record which i think is hard because i think they went to north dakota 56 57 okay so i'm not seeing a 1927 hamburg germany passenger list don't fret we're not going to give up yet because um we can we have other places to look so take a look here we can see on otto's record on the left he's got both and this is what we were looking at for martha just the one so no hamburg list okay well there's another way to look for passenger lists over at ancestry and that would be to dig into that card catalog and we've talked about the card catalog um on the show before because a lot of times there's collections you might not be aware of or they're not popping up in your search results so we're going to type in hamburg passenger in title here we go now interestingly something the card catalog tells you that again you might not realize in your people search is there's an index okay so there's a handwritten index there's the records themselves we're going to click the records themselves and let's do a search for martha felberg nothing there now don't give up okay we need to go back and edit our search let's just do felberg okay now several felbergs as we go down oh i know what i see here so it was marta okay so and i discovered this after uh deborah emailed me and said it was martha and she wasn't coming up here we've got 1927 she's born in 1904 whoa do you ever run into records like that that are just like this big dark mess of writing and i don't know what's happening here in fact deborah said she had a really hard time figuring out what this thing says as i'm looking at the page okay so we're looking for felberg's i'm not seeing them hmm okay that doesn't mean that they're not there so we do know there is a record from marta fellberg in hamburg as well so we've got both sets for both people so pause there because we're going to come back to that that document in a moment deborah asked i know the ship was the albert ballen okay and that's true you can see that in the results here i always thought that they departed from bremen but it looks like they actually left from hamburg yep would you agree i would agree that's absolutely what the results say so um don't make assumptions right and and there's ways to verify this as well because we even then don't have to believe 100 that the result that's been transcribed here is accurate hey i had a twin if you were in a last in one of my previous shows you know the ancestry thinks i have a twin i don't so we know that there can be mistakes okay she also says it lists the arrival place as bologne southampton and new york i assume that they made stops in all three places in france and england and new york is that correct yes that's absolutely what i would uh take from that as well so it's very possible that the ship was making stops at different ports along the way picking up passengers um and then sometimes you'll see those routes oftentimes you won't see you'll just see the end arrival location so let's go find the ship we have i think it was the arthur ballen let's go to immigration and travel and we're going to go back and get martha's record because it's always interesting you know she pointed out that the ship's name and it's fun to see that you can see what these ships look like so if we go back to her new york passenger list record you can see they give you a little kind of uh image and there might be a link here search the ship database you can click that you can also click to view an image of the of the um ship we're going to click the link and here's the oh albert ballen okay so it will tell you what line it was working for and that kind of thing you can click and take a look at the picture which is kind of cool let's do that and we need to zoom out a little bit wow family history just got a little more personal we just got a little more sense of what they were looking at as they uh approached the ship and you can download this image so up in the right hand corner and i always download the records i find i don't just attach them i'm going to download this to my computer and save it and the reason for that is and i've written about this on my website there's if you let your uh subscription lapse and you've only been attaching records you're not necessarily going to have access to those after you decide to no longer pay for a subscription so i just i'm a control freak i want my own and look at this here's a link search for departure in hamburg passenger lists so had we gone to this result it says hey look you want to go look for that and i love that that ancestry is giving us a little a heads up there is another database that you probably should be looking at for martha because if she's on this ship she probably has a record in the hamburg passenger list and there she is as marta so again even though it came from a martha record it says there's another collection we still had to do a little creative digging to find the actual record wonderful so now you've you've already seen the ship you've got your copy of it and deborah had more questions so she says and look at this adorable picture of her mom oh she's so cute okay also my mother always said that they didn't go through ellis island but they did land in new york city i think castle gardens was already closed in 1927 so i'm trying to figure out where did they land okay now i love you deborah i love your mother but she was three okay so we don't know for sure if that's an accurate memory right um it is telling us that the port of arrival was new york and when you look just below her name at the top it says in new york arriving including castle garden and ellis island so they're really indicating this as well now my understanding of history is as well ellis island would have been the port but we have ways we can check okay we don't have to go just on memory it's wonderful to have the family stories oh my gosh how about a quick google so if we do a quick google we find that we do castle garden years of operation and it did close in 1890 okay we're looking for 1927. the place to go is the statue of liberty ellis island foundation website this may not be the first site you go to look for a passenger list but we're going to search for ruth feldberg because we want to know are the because they have the original records there and they've digitized them and there she is so it's important if you have any question did they come to ellis island go check it even if you found them at family search you found them at ancestry we see right here here is the record let's look up here i see an auto there's ruth okay so felberg there's the family there's ruth so by using another site with the same records we can do some verification and i kind of like how really crisp crystal clear these records are um they have a way that you can order um high resolution fancier copies of the records and they're indicating here there's multiple pages from this passenger list that's important to know in fact i got the sense in reading deborah's email there's a chance she hadn't seen page two so we're gonna get into that okay so we have verified that over at heritage dot statue of liberty dot org slash passenger i know all this is going to be in the show notes for you you're going to be able to search and verify if you see new york on a record at another website you can make sure that it actually came through ellis island so where else could you look well for passenger lists remember i mentioned family search now that's a free website and um they also have these passenger list collections they're not going to have all the same as ancestry or my heritage or anywhere or ellis island but they do have an awful lot here's a great sight if you get into trouble if you're just not finding somebody and you're convinced that they have a passenger list and you're just not finding them whether it's the spelling is different the town is different the age is way off there are so many factors that just kind of muddle it up steve morse does his one step website it's and you gotta love it because it is all about search it's and he's got lots of different links here i've just taken a quick screenshot you want to put this on your list because it's a wonderful way to have so much more flexibility on searching the ellis island records that we saw at the statue of liberty website their search engine isn't as good as steve's and i interviewed him many years ago in person you might have heard him on the genealogy gems podcast which i've been doing since 2007. uh gosh i want to say it was probably 2008 2009 that i i got together with steve uh stephen so um he's a real talented guy he he knows how to dig into these records and in fact ellis island learned a few things from him when it comes to search this is going to link you over give you the search fields that you need to be able to have you know like wild cards and things that are going to help you when the spelling's off and there's just you know some challenges facing you when it comes to the search so we've found little miss ruth i love it okay deborah also says on the screenshot from and i told you we'd get back to the hamburg um passenger list from the hamburg list it says the destination was green lake now when we say destination that's not where the ship's going to land it's it's where the passenger expects to end up that's where they're going that's their final destination and she asked is that a port all i could find on the internet about green lake is that it's a new york state park i have a deep suspicion that that that's not the one that otto is talking about um but we've got ways to find out because there's more we can do to dig into the records and you gotta go the original record so when she sent me the images i was seeing the results page so i'm not totally sure i didn't ask debra if she actually has an ancestry subscription i think she does because she mentioned that she had looked at the hamburg list the original documents that are digitized and she says i can't read the actual document which is the hamburg passenger list okay everybody look put put your double glasses on if you have to sometimes i have to layer two glasses and look that's a hot mess and it's in german so that's going to be kind of hard and in fact if you look really closely at this document i think what we're seeing is somebody got really happy with a black ink pen and they were filling this out and maybe they closed the book and then they reopened it because half this text is going to the right and half of it looks like it's written backwards and i think that's exactly what's happened which has really muddled it up no wonder debra couldn't read this thing but i've got some tricks for you i think we're going to be able to decipher it okay so let's go back to our original hamburg record on ancestry we're going to go to search right immigration and here's ruth okay so we have her she's h3 her destination is green lake can we find a notation about that can we even find the felberg family in this passenger list so here was that page this is the page that ancestry is taking you to and saying this is ruth's record it's not and it's really aggravating because you could spend hours doing this right and you just think well why would they link to it i don't know i think we're in the right place i think we're in the right collection but as you go down this list and i'm looking very careful you know what i'm doing the names are so impossible to read look at the age age three should stand out it looks like it might be even a little clearer to read so i don't see her on this page at all now if we click the film strip okay so we see well there's lots of records here but they're not in it oh they're in worse shape okay they're in worse shape so remember there was an index when we used the card catalog to do our search we were told that there's more than just records for passengers they've got indexes and that index could help us so we're going to come back to the card catalog and we're going to search for hamburg passenger okay so now we're going to click indexes and that's our first link up here this covers the same time frame it's not going to list her record as in searchable what you have to do is browse the collection so over here we're going to browse we're going to go to remember it's 1927. so 1925 to 1934 and that gives us a new option for the band the band is by year okay and we're going to come down in 1927 and fellberg of course has an f so we need the f through j for 1927 and then we're going to click the f's because they have written these names in and they're going to cross reference what exact page on the hamburg list will we find this person so this jumps us into the beginning of the f's we're gonna have to dig around a little bit so let's just jump ahead to page four uh we're still off f a so here's f e feds not quite we can use our arrow to the right there's more pages okay we're not going to give up the fei we're looking for felberg here's ten we're getting closer let's see felder okay i think we have to go back one let's go to nine and i think we're in the right spot so uh felberg okay let's zoom in so we see marta otto rudolph she didn't mention a rudolph and we've got ruth so this index says it's page 117 okay so this number is the page number and chances are it's handwritten on the document so now we need to go back to the uh records themselves and remember we can do this through the card catalog and i'm sometimes i open these in other tabs but i want you to get used to seeing that card catalog is the important place to go let's click the actual list and you know we can jump to the general location we know because we can put ruth's name in so let's type in ruth felberg and click search and we know that when we click this link we're going to be kind of in the right spot but not really we're going to view the image okay now you got to zoom out and look in that upper right hand corner we could actually let's zoom in a little bit this one's hard to read okay that's the page she's supposed to be on where we don't see her let's go up to this one 111. we're off a little bit well ancestry's off a little bit so let's go back up here 113. okay remember our pro tip to go to the next page do n on your keyboard to go to the previous page do the p on your keyboard that was something we talked about in our previous elevens with lisa ah page one it left okay 117 they should be here right i know it's it's a hot mess of handwriting but we're gonna use my pro tip look for the age don't look for the name because we've literally got names with with handwriting smushed right on top of it check this out there's the three and it does say felberg now i looked through this first i just skimmed without looking at the number and i didn't see that phil brick that didn't look like filbert but look otto and you look carefully marta and ruth so they're there they're a couple pages down the road they got a little bit of smushy handwriting on top of them but they are there i love this okay and there is rudolph okay i did check back with debra and i asked is there a rudolph on the family and she said otto has a brother and i think they went to uh he like sponsored them and he lived in milwaukee and they ended up there well deborah rudolph's on the ship with them so he may have actually gone back to get them and come back and there were many people who did that kind of thing where they did sponsor and they literally made the trip so we have found them in hamburg i love this okay so it was doable it took a little more sleuthing um but remember we said on the screenshot from hamburg it said green lake but is that a port well does it say green like here they are on the page we've zoomed in and there it is i know it it's hard to read but once you know what you're looking for once your eyes have gotten used to the fact that there's the two-way handwriting happening here you can see it's handwritten green lake and of course this is where they're going to unfortunately we still don't know where that is but i'm really happy to see that they're acknowledging it and um if you want more of the ancestry pro tips i'm talking about here that was episode 17. go back and review that uh if you're a premium member there's a special little uh download with all these little hot key you know it's like a little hot key uh cheat sheet and um and then the complete show notes are there for everybody go check it out because it saves you a lot of time jumping back and forth you're not hunting and pecking for arrow keys on your keyboard okay so let's go back and review the original new york passenger list she says hamburg was green like is that a port okay well we found it on hamburg let's go to new york is green lake mentioned and it was interesting she did not mention to me that she had seen anything about that only that the green lake was on the results list and if you look at this page i don't see green lake for the phil bergs so here's otto martha and ruth lines two three and four ruth's even stamped is under 16. they were tracking that and we've got their ages he's a farmer he was a farmer okay and um whether or not they speak german or write german um what their language is okay and we're going to go over the the form a little more carefully because some of these things are kind of hard to read here's their town so ruth it looks to me as um deborah said was born and now they've got heinrich hoff and they've also got the villages for martha and otto your heart's just got to go pitter-patter when you see that because a lot of times that's hard to get but this is not the only page of this document always look for the second page on the passenger list go to page two depending on the year there may or may not be a page two but in this case there is and it's terribly exciting okay so line two that's auto right and look here so auto it lists his father let's let let's go take a closer look here okay so here they are this was page one green lake i love it okay so it says what's your final destination and it says well first and foremost um the the closest family member that they left behind was his father samuel foberg and he lived in trutino and that was otto's father okay where are they going they're going to green lake and look the state listed wisconsin and i'm sure for deborah this just puts off bells because rudolph is from milwaukee the brother and now we know that rudolph was actually on the ship which is really cool so check this out it says whether going to a relative or a friend and if uh and what's their name and address so br dot i dot l is brother-in-law so they're going to his brother-in-law andreas schultz now we have to she's got to do a little homework to figure this out but we might wonder i would wonder looking at this if martha's maiden name is schultz because if this is now remember this is listed on otto's line this would be otto's brother-in-law doesn't mean it could be his sister married somebody we know that but it's a little clue worth pursuing we definitely would want deborah to um track down andre as schultz he lives in green lake so rudolph may be sponsoring them he may be even making the trip with them which it looks like he is but they intend to go to he's got work it sounds like with andreas schultz in green lake wisconsin route 4. i don't know if you can plot that on a google earth map but um that's pretty cool so they're still now they're writing it as one word green lake so as i did a little bit of research did a quick google search it's green lake wisconsin and that's why i think when uh deborah you searched for green lake originally it came up with there's lots of green lakes all one word in different places but green lake wisconsin is where they're going to go and this is not too far from milwaukee as i understand it so google once again kind of helps bring some clarity to this i love clicking image search so if you click the image results um we see instant in fact when i first did it i got a whole bunch of you know pictures from their city website so i added the word history and um look we're already getting old maps photographs postcards now we're very quickly in just a few minutes time what are we 30 minutes into it we're already not only having seen the ship they were coming on but we're now looking at the location where they are headed to and i love that i just feel like imagery brings our family history to life it brings these documents that non-genealogists don't think are all that fascinating to life too and it helps everybody kind of really see the full story so you gotta love that do some more google searching because um you can find all kinds if you do that the green lake history for wisconsin oh gosh the wisconsin historical society has all kinds of goodies they have these maps they have postcards from 1910 lots of stuff so easy to find go to google and that's a great tip for anybody when you're looking for a location here in the u.s you know you're going to search for the historical society for the state maybe at the state level there might be one at the county level there might even be one for the town or the city so we've made a lot of progress so far but we've got more to do okay so we need to take a closer look at passenger list and again all passenger lists are different if you're looking back in you know 1830 i know you're kind of dabbing your eye because you don't get this much information like you do in 1927 which is in deborah's case but no matter what the year there's going to be a variation on the different questions being asked and the information being provided and all of it can provide little clues to help you dig into other places so deborah says she sent this photo too i love this photo my grandparents and my mother from their passports these are her passport photos my mother was four when they immigrated to the u.s and of course my first thought is if you know you it looks like she has an original passport maybe she just has the photographs you can go search on ancestry for passports as well you might find their passports so love it now we've got the family making their way over let's go back and look more closely at their passenger list so again on page one of the new york passenger list we have this heinrich hoff heinrich's hof which is where ruth was born and we have crew luca maybe and these are uh i think deborah mentioned in east prussia so if we take this i thought i just wanted to show you a sense of when you get a village like this uh if you're fortunate go do some searches so deborah told me in her email heinrichshof which was known as henry's estate was a landed estate i could never find it on any maps until i followed your information on how to use david rumsey historical maps and was over the moon when i finally found it and i love hearing that that's awesome so she's talking about and that is a free site where you can search for maps he's got over 150 000 digitized maps on his website and uh well i should say the whole collection is 150 000. i think he's probably around 115 000 are digitized and now what they're doing is they're working to actually try and geo-reference the old map with the new map and in my book the genealogist google toolbox i talk about david ramsey specifically which is what deborah was mentioning and how to geo-reference or overlay the maps themselves once you can download them from free for free from david rumsey i show you how to do it in google earth the beauty of that is that even if it's geo-referenced on david rumsey i think you'll find that google earth is easier to use has way more bells whistles and tools and if you're doing other types of work geographically speaking or telling the story or plotting out the path that they took on their immigration um having it all in one place is a really big bonus it's a lot easier than remembering that you have to go to this site and that side and this site because that's where all your stuff is all over the place so i think of google earth which is a free software program is just kind of my home base for anything that i'm trying to analyze or tell a story about in adria geographical setting and geographically i mean that's what genealogy is all about it's about where were they and when were they there right and those two pieces is what brings them together so she had mentioned that you see konigsberg over here in the far left and she said it's kind of south and then going east and here's linda now and then uh henry's estate was very close to theirs so and and this was just one of several i did a really quick search um and this was just one of several old maps they had over there that are free i would recommend when you download them to go for a high quality i found that right around 3000 pixels which is considered large and there's probably seven different size that they offer but i like the 3000 because i could really um zoom in and read all this little you know minutia that they've they've written they've hand written on these old old maps so love this page two this is where the heading gets kind of hard if you guys you find yourself doing this right for about an hour and even then it's kind of smudgy first let me just say that when you run into a record like this you're reading you maybe you can read clearly what it says for your ancestor but you're having a hard time with the form itself um just pulling this record up in different websites because we said family search has them and ancestry has them and um you know you can ellis island has them so they're all going to have potentially different digitized versions one might be clearer than the other so it never hurts to go and take a look at those so this first section says the name and complete address of the nearest living relative and of course we mentioned that that was samuel felberg otto's father so that's really awesome i looked up truth no and um that's in east prussia as well and let's move down here so we see that their final destination is green lake and there's a question here whether they have a ticket to their final destination and this might be do you already have a train ticket and chances are they may have been able to purchase that at the port in hamburg and it looks like most people on this page say yes auto certainly it says yes here so when you see all the the ditto marks of course you're gonna have to look up to the next guy until you see what the answer was and it's being pulled all the way down our next one okay by whom was passage paid now we think of uh the family store which may have been in deborah's family that rudolph was sponsoring them and he certainly is making the trip but um even if he is i bet you otto was coached to say i'm paying for it i've got the money i've got four hundred dollars yes they were absolutely coached to the right answers were to make sure that they made it through the inspection at ellis island and not everybody got it right but you know they they knew what to say so uh in in this case otto is saying he's got 400 and it's his own um and it says here whether you're in oh whether you're in possession of 50 or more and he says he's got 400 and then here have you ever been in the u.s before and most of these people of course are saying no now notice you don't see rudolph on this record he's actually in a different part of the new york passenger list so we saw him in hamburg he was just a couple lines ahead lots of different reasons why they may not be in line together and put on the passenger list in the same order so deborah's got a little to do item which is to go back and i did a quick look and i saw that rudolph does have a passenger list record in new york uh in the new york passenger list collection so go back and search for him and find what he says here as well my guess is he's going to say yeah i've been in the u.s before i came from there but um otto says no who are you joining whether you're joining a relative or a friend do you have an address for where you're going and he says yep the brother-in-law andreas schultz in greenlake wisconsin in route four we're gonna have to zoom in on this next section because it gets a little more challenging reading the columns the purpose in coming it's basically do you plan to stay and i think they want to hear that people plan to say they're not just kind of going back and forth but it may not matter he says i want to be permanent and everybody here is expecting to be permanent do you intend to become a citizen yes everybody's saying yes now this whole section here this is all about have you got into trouble is there any reason we might be concerned about you right have you ever been in prison an alms house an insane institution are you polygamist are you an anarchist do you believe in overthrowing the government or have you been previously deported these were important issues for immigration officers then and they asked and everybody here says no no i'm ready to go here in this section we're really getting kind of a little glimpse at the unique characteristics of the people themselves so everything from condition of health both their mental and physical uh health whether they're deformed crippled nature uh the length of time not assuming that every you know if somebody has a broken leg that it's always been broken um how tall are they okay so otto and martha both say they're five six and ruth is three complexion fair color of hair blonde they're all blondes and blue eyed and nobody's wearing glasses notice that the guy above otto does wear glasses and i noticed that everybody on this page uh who who wears glasses was uh mentioned and had little notations made about what the issue was with why they were wearing them and whether they were basically cleared to go forward so there you have it we've determined that indeed the whole family is in both sets of records and we can read the hamburg records it takes you know getting used to particularly when they make that little mess of of the ink but take your time being aware that the link that you're linking through to may not be taking you to the right spot so that's good to know and um we've verified that ruth yes came through ellis island with her family and deborah's got more to do she's got rudolph to go check out and get his new york passenger list learn more about that and and now we have a place where they went to straight off the ship uh for more resources and again i'll have everything for you guys in the show notes page which is i got a couple emails about this week so let me explain slash elevenses that will take you straight to the archive page where you get to click and pick which episode you want so you'll be looking for this shirt and episode 34 on the picture and you'll click that to go to the show notes page for this episode and for those of you watching live that'll be out in a couple of days and i always announce in the next newsletter and give you a link so you can click right over to it and i had a listener uh premium member email me and she said i'm not finding the show notes and i just finally bit the bullet and i've put elevenses in the main menu so it used to say video and of course it went to our youtube channel and everything we're not going to make you hunt pick for it so uh in at you'll see this blue color menu at the top and you're going to click right on elevenses and you'll see a link to 11s's videos and show notes i don't know why we were making you work so hard to get there so um okay resources passenger lists okay there's a finding aid over the national archives i'll have a link to that in the show notes uh family search wiki is a great resource particularly if uh you're looking for something other than germany or a whole different time frame go check out the family search wiki has a wiki and like a like an encyclopedia type of website and there you can look up um immigration in this case we would do new york immigration and immigration uh coming and going uh leaving and coming and you can look it up for wherever they're coming from the ports there's lots and lots of links there that will get you straight to what you need to know and dream if you're a premium member and i hope you are because there's lots of goodies to being a premium member um at my website the premium podcast episode 153 that was a lot of fun okay just not too long ago a couple years ago two years ago i went to ellis island and met with jackie shock she's the director of the american family immigration history center and that's at the statue of liberty ellis island foundation and she gives a lot more clues on what to look for in passenger liz in fact we found my great-grandmother not once but twice in the same passenger list and there i am with jackie and in genealogy gems podcast episode 211 you get to hear my conversation with barry moreno and he is this one of the historians at ellis island and you know uh that was an interesting day talk about genealogical serendipity it almost saves your life that day we were doing a lot of filming my daughter hannah came with me and we were uh filming and interviewing all over ellis island and um we were gonna leave around three i think it was around three and then it was like you know we need to go film something else and we just both at the same moment said yeah let's go back there and get a little bit more footage and so we went back to film and we get back on the ferry to go back to new york at around i think it was four and we're halfway across the water and everybody's phone's going off and i'm looking across the bay and all you see is this descending of uh first responders ambulances and fire and police and everybody's asking on our phones are you okay are you okay and what had happened was there was a terrorist attack that day and that's when we were going to go down for a walk along the bike path and there was a terrorist attack where a man came and ran over i think seven people that day it was horrible and genealogy saved our lives literally so i remember that very very well along with these wonderful people that i got to meet with that day and i think you'll enjoy the conversations with them um let me go back here and see where i'm at um navigating is is the biggest challenge i'm not too good at navigating hey i'm back explain how to find the show notes on the website okay so again when you go to there'll be a blue menu and it doesn't in a little spot we used to say videos now it says elevenses click that it will take you to the page with all the elevenses episodes if you're a premium member you'll also find elevens is under premium videos all the ones that have been archived which i think was episodes one through ten so far have been archived and they're available exclusively with all the handouts and all that stuff under premium videos so um i want to share with you before we close up a little story from my own family and my family's immigration story um but first i put in the chat for the live show asking if you were interested in a thanksgiving day uh show and i know a lot of you were very worried about me that i wasn't going to be with my family i was opting not to be with my family in order to do it the truth is 2020 has taken a toll on our family and i know it's taken a toll on some others and it's not just covid it's actually politics and it creates strains uh not on our part on bill and and my part but there are strains within the family we have family in different locations who aren't able to be here and unfortunately others who are opting not to this year and i only share that with you one just because it's my real life and it's heartbreaking i still have a ton of faith and i pray every day it's going to be different but don't let politics covet the news big tech don't let anybody keep you from your family or or tell you something about your family you don't think uh that might not be quite right so that's all i'll say about it it's been hard um so bill and i are going to be by ourselves this thanksgiving and um i would love to be with you if you'd like to get together i have stuff it'll be kind of easy going low-key i don't know how organized i'll be but i'll take a look at chat and see how many of you we're going to be around because a lot of people also even if politics isn't sticking its dirty head in the middle of your family business um it might be a covet issue it might be there are many states and i've been speaking to some of the most locked down states and they are hugely discouraging thanksgiving gatherings which i think is a shame but i don't want to leave anybody alone so if you'd like to get together stay tuned to the newsletter i will announce if we're going to do a show and what time i think it's going to be about the same time okay um hey this too will pass i don't have any worries okay so i want to share with you this um story you know you know i love video and i love making videos and uh this is my sporoski great grandparents and their story of coming to america in 1910 i hope it inspires you to find your family's story [Music] i hope you enjoyed that you guys are gonna make me cry i love you guys in the chat you're wonderful um you know my great-grandparents were very very proud to be americans and they cherish their freedom i like to think they were pretty darn smart and brave i hope you're staying smart and brave too and um i want to thank you so much for watching my friend i'll talk to you soon [Music] you
Channel: Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems
Views: 2,810
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: lisa louise cooke, elevenses with Lisa, privacy, genealogy gems, passenger lists, immigration, emmigration, passenger lists at ancestry,, ancestry, ellis island, immigration and naturalization, immigration genealogy, stephen morse
Id: taDG7nTqzl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 18sec (3378 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.